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[Teckworks] Sweet Candy (Pokemon) [In Progress]

Posted:2012-06-27 14:21
File Size:5.12 MB
Length:11 pages
Favorited:391 times
Average: 4.66

Showing 1 - 11 of 11 images

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40 rows
Posted on 11 July 2012, 03:51 UTC by:   POOT    PM
Score +72
*insert Rare candy cheat*

Posted on 23 March 2012, 01:16 UTC by:   nabusco    PM
Score +36
*eats a rare candy*

Dick has level up and learned harden
Posted on 23 March 2012, 02:18 UTC by:   Zeku    PM
Score +98
Posted on 23 March 2012, 03:51 UTC by:   ultimate anime otaku    PM
Score +151
Whoa that was awesome good upload i hope we get too see it full soon. And all this fan made Pokemon hentai is inspiring me to make one as well.
Posted on 23 March 2012, 15:57 UTC by:   elepants    PM
Score +36
Hope its finished soon this artist is great
Posted on 24 March 2012, 01:19 UTC by:   axman18    PM
Score +18
The art style is different from what I'm used to, but that just makes this even better.
Posted on 10 November 2012, 12:59 UTC by:   Kingkaor    PM
Score +31
Really want more!!

Edit: Well, I'm goin to Cinnabar...
Posted on 27 March 2012, 22:01 UTC by:   murderality    PM
Score +3
Nomoon04 you mad?
Posted on 02 April 2012, 20:00 UTC by:   Rafarofa    PM
Score -25
Gotta buy some Rare Candy
Posted on 07 April 2012, 09:32 UTC by:   Banatine    PM
Score +146
Why don't we take this comic... and get Zone to animate it?
Posted on 13 August 2012, 02:13 UTC by:   Ikonos    PM
Score -28
(0-0) i will ... i will never look at my weavile the same way ever again
Posted on 08 April 2012, 00:11 UTC by:   ungzor    PM
Score +31
simple and so good, keep it up!
Posted on 26 May 2012, 22:45 UTC by:   TILT335    PM
Score -10
Soo when is the rest coming :/ or is this it ?!
Posted on 27 June 2012, 16:23 UTC by:   pyrobomber593    PM
Score +7
I was using Rare Candies before it was cool.
Posted on 27 June 2012, 19:44 UTC by:   baphomael    PM
Score +49
I wonder what the Pokemon Center are gonna make of this...
Posted on 26 July 2012, 07:30 UTC by:   silon1    PM
Score +5
damnit this is too short but awesome i like her expression in the 1st its very..... seductive also dont send this to zone i dont have a fuckin account there also this needs to have more scenes

Edit: i wonder what would happen if weevile ate more candy? (Bigger Boobs? Puffier Pussy? Taller?) and also if like she killed her trainer then theres a whole story thats she's on the run and then she like uhhh i guess gets nailed by other pokemon or humans or whatever (-3-) hey its an idea, don't judge me..... judgers >¦{ [
Posted on 12 September 2012, 07:48 UTC by:   OnnoTheForgotten    PM
Score +1
It starts out humorously arousing, and then it's just like, FAPOVERDRIVE. Can't wait to see the rest.

Haha, kudos to the artist. I would pay my life's savings to see Zone animate this, btw. Knowing him, he's a little touchy on interspecies interactions. Save for a special Imp and a lucky Wolf-girl.
Posted on 24 October 2013, 16:36 UTC by:   Stre Led    PM
Score +10
Guys, don't expect an ending to that comic--->

23 hours ago

Bias said:
Odd that the "Finish the comic" part was left out. I swear, being a writer I can never understand why artist have trouble finishing what they start

Doesn't seem odd to me. I lost interest in it. I think that's a fair enough reason.
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To make it simple, techworks lost interesting in that comic.
Posted on 01 March 2016, 18:09 UTC by:   wolfy_boy    PM
Score +4
this has been "in progress" for over a YEAR without adding more after she cums. i don't think this is being worked on anymore.

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