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[Maxman] Phantom Lady Down and Dirty (Angel Blade)

Posted:2013-06-24 03:46
File Size:7.28 MB
Length:18 pages
Favorited:130 times
Average: 1.54

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Posted on 24 June 2013, 04:17 UTC by:   nico29899    PM
Score +9
Wh-wha.. oh scerw it I still fapped...
Posted on 24 June 2013, 04:20 UTC by:   Jycool    PM
Score +93
I guess you could say *puts on sunglasses*, somebody took out the trash.
Posted on 24 June 2013, 04:23 UTC by:   bahki    PM
Score +16
:l....yeah this is just gross...
Posted on 24 June 2013, 04:27 UTC by:   Dropbear667    PM
Score +56
This is definitely one of the weirdest ones I've seen yet.
Posted on 24 June 2013, 04:31 UTC by:   YouLostMe    PM
Score +144
My mind if full of wat.
The Phantom Lady of the Angel Blade series turns a group of wasteful neighbors into anthromorphic garbage bags (full bags, naturally), eats the garbage they have put out (even kirby style), grows a dick (something entirely expected, given both the nature of the character and the "wtf" level of this comic), fucks said now-anthromorphic garbage bags, eats them one by one and forces one to eat the other (then devouring her/it).
I've seen stranger stories but they are not many.
Posted on 24 June 2013, 04:34 UTC by:   Spring Heeled    PM
Score +78
I've seen this before and I believe it's one guy commissioning these comics.
Posted on 24 June 2013, 04:54 UTC by:   Silenteye    PM
Score +12
THey have been eaten like sandvich! Surprise big not...
Posted on 24 June 2013, 08:42 UTC by:   EbolaOnion    PM
Score +331
Hmm, these voluptuous ladies aren't nearly sexy enough. You know what would make them so much more sexy? Turning them into trash bags! I mean, who doesn't think trash bags are fuckable? All of you, tell me, right now, that you've never once seen a defenseless garbage bag and thought, mmm, I could sooooo bone that thing. And then eat it. Yeah, I didn't think so.
Posted on 24 June 2013, 09:33 UTC by:   Astravager    PM
Score +28
just...simply... dafaq?!
Posted on 24 June 2013, 11:58 UTC by:   bobloves69    PM
Score +29
I feel more confused than aroused right now
Posted on 24 June 2013, 12:37 UTC by:   Kenyenzie    PM
Score +27
@Spring Heeled: Who is the guy commissioning them?

Also...what happened to all the voluptuous ladies being screwed mindless. I miss those times.
Posted on 24 June 2013, 20:20 UTC by:   DER DOHR    PM
Score -1
If this seems so familiar to you, it might be because you've already seen
and of course
Posted on 24 June 2013, 22:38 UTC by:   Nicklaus_Vlad    PM
Score +28
Maxman, I love ya, but PLEASE don't get on the vore wagon.
Posted on 26 June 2013, 00:15 UTC by:   Megameh    PM
Score +38
@Kenyenzie: It's a guy on Eka's Portal called Brainstorm. He occasionally commissions comics and animations that are actually good, but he has a thing for trash eating... and turning people into food. It's strange, even for vore.
Posted on 26 June 2013, 02:39 UTC by:   SuperHuy    PM
Score -1
this is some next level shit
Posted on 27 June 2013, 01:08 UTC by:   dlvja6490    PM
Score +5
after that I'll never see Angel Blade again.
Posted on 27 June 2013, 01:21 UTC by:   Nuji    PM
Score +5
when i wanted angel blade to get a new series i didn't have this in mind. strange hentai
Posted on 17 July 2013, 16:57 UTC by:   eatlyh    PM
Score +2
Dear lord.
I admit im into some weird sh*t...
But this is wat beyond what i can handle...
Posted on 21 July 2013, 08:29 UTC by:   BackwardsHazard    PM
Score +3
What the fuck an I reading?
Posted on 25 April 2014, 06:25 UTC by:   harem_coven_ledr312    PM
Score +8
Memo to Maxman:If you're going to do an Angel Blade fancomic with this kind of a story, next time use the villains from Angel Blade Punish! They're more of a laughing stock than Phantom Lady.

Then again, this could be a troll comic...
Posted on 03 May 2014, 05:26 UTC by:   Retado    PM
Score +10
Wait, you mean there's actually a real demand for this kind of garbage? (pun intentional)
Posted on 28 December 2014, 08:57 UTC by:   gigadyne    PM
Score +9
Everytime you see garbage eating, it's always the same rich welfare guy paying for it, "Brainstorm" on eka's portal.

Dude's insane.
Posted on 31 January 2015, 14:29 UTC by:   Markus2    PM
Score +10
This just proves there is a fetish for everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. I have never heard of having a trashbag fetish before this.
Posted on 08 November 2015, 12:09 UTC by:   xCeleknightx    PM
Score -4
Everyone gets off to their own thing, and even if I utterly do not understand something and just shake my head with an D=| face the entire time, sometimes whilist being scarred, I still don't hate on it. I DO NOT hate on this by any means but, this is definitely one of the strangest things I've ever seen. To vocally say what happened in this comic is the only thing that would surpass what it is in... weirdness o.o But again, no hate, tons of fetishes if not all are weird xD
Posted on 06 June 2016, 04:11 UTC by:   junipher    PM
Score +7
what the fuck
Posted on 08 August 2017, 02:34 UTC by:   Turbotowns    PM
Score +6
Many of her faces were quite freakish, though it WAS rather hot when she shoved one trash girl into another.
Posted on 28 February 2019, 14:17 UTC by:   Dyuoron    PM
Score +7
this is horrible, my dick feels sad about this
Posted on 09 September 2019, 17:08 UTC by:   nuggistrike    PM
Score +4
so ?++ the rent just went up X5 times ??? yep no way she can pay for that ! and have fun explain there parens ! that you ordret there death !

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