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Tales of the Old Mansion - The Night Before Halloween

Posted:2015-01-31 07:54
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Posted on 31 January 2015, 07:54 UTC by:   ProfWilliam    PM
Uploader Comment
Hello Everyone! I'm back and there is a time for an another intersting manga!

Here the second part of the Tales of the Old Mansion series!

Several years after the events of the Courage Trial a group of girs come to the abandoned house to celebrate a Halloween party. But in this time their party become scarier then they thought...

Unlike the previous manga this is a pure bloody-slasher manga with imaginative and bloody death scenes, just like in the Friday 13th. or other slasher series.
Posted on 05 March 2014, 16:47 UTC by:   Krugger    PM
Score +35
HUZZAH hope you brings some necro
Posted on 06 March 2014, 03:31 UTC by:   moleculeman    PM
Score +88
How about making the killer a female? Now thats some real yuri there!
Posted on 07 March 2014, 02:20 UTC by:   Chipukke    PM
Score +4
I love your Comics dude, keep on and fuck those who doesn't like this, they can watch other stuff.
Posted on 25 July 2014, 10:53 UTC by:   Chaos Sepher    PM
Score -6
Still not a fan of the bloody gory aspect to these things (prefer keeping it bloodless asphyxia and even a bit of necro) but still a neat and creepily sexy comic series.

Though I do hope next one ya do is mainly asphyxia again.
Last edited on 03 January 2015, 21:49 UTC.
Posted on 08 March 2014, 02:34 UTC by:   rockstardo    PM
Score +7
This is the same thing that he did in the last one.
Posted on 26 July 2014, 04:36 UTC by:   Shindow    PM
Score -32
Man this is really great. I love your work. Keep it up please.
Posted on 29 September 2014, 08:31 UTC by:   Ilyia    PM
Score +33
Wow this one is awful. First he starts killing the interesting looking girls first, saving the lackluster ones for last (wtf?) then he kills the suspense by not having the girls fight back at all or avoid anything... and finally he inserts silly crap like breasts exploding and eyeballs popping out of the head simply because somebody got electrocuted.
Posted on 29 September 2014, 11:36 UTC by:   Lord Dashwood    PM
Score +77
When I read stories like this, my mind wanders to other things. For example, how fast is the killer supposed to be? There can't be more than about three minutes between Mia's death and the last girl finding him, but somehow he manages to produce shackles from his ass, attach them to a rafter, and suspend Mia's corpse from them.

Or: where's all the urine and feces? As much as I want to skin David Cheung with a rusty paring knife, his guro at least remembers that the bladder releases at the moment of death. That place should look like the set of Salo.

Or: who pays the utility bills for that place? Does the killer have a day job? For that matter, how does he eat? Even if he's a cannibal, the first comment states that this is several years after the first story. He only killed three girls as I recall. That could last him a long time if he has a freezer, but not several years.

Before you say "suspension of disbelief", that isn't a magic fuck-logic card.
Posted on 29 September 2014, 17:33 UTC by:   Tyflosion18    PM
Score -13
Man what a waste, shouldn't have killed them but kept em alive.usually avoid guro but the artwork for this kept me around. Hope the author decides to do another story but with out guro.
Posted on 06 October 2014, 07:43 UTC by:   omg a furry    PM
Score +50
"You really love my boobs, aren't you?"

I couldn't care less about the gore, that fucking grammar is what's really horrifying.
Posted on 06 October 2014, 11:02 UTC by:   the14th    PM
Score +15
All I took from this is the author is a sicko who hates lesbians.
Posted on 06 October 2014, 15:01 UTC by:   Chompey    PM
Score -32
How some people enjoy snuff like this is beyond my imagination. It's one thing to like NTR stuff, some people like to have dominance. This is just straight up murder and shouldn't even be classified as hentai.
Posted on 07 October 2014, 04:07 UTC by:   someguy3000    PM
Score +1
Well, this certainly made me laugh. ''Roasted pork'' had me rolling on the floor. I'm not exactly into guro but these babes are hot and that's all that matters to me. I'm a simple pervert.
Posted on 13 October 2014, 08:14 UTC by:   StormofGreed    PM
Score -13
page 18 (insert knife joke)
Posted on 01 November 2014, 21:14 UTC by:   Haborym    PM
Score -34
Hm, I don't really mind guro, used to be a big fan of Waita Uziga back in the day even, but this feels a bit juvenile in comparison.
Posted on 22 December 2014, 08:12 UTC by:   Mikester100    PM
Score +0
Read it just to see the fucked up shit described in these comments.
Yall are kind of exaggerating the gruesomeness, but yeah, this? This is some fucked up shit.
Posted on 22 December 2014, 13:49 UTC by:   dizidizi    PM
Score -27
dawww, this is a really angry tween we have here. It's kinda cute in a sad and pathetic kinda way
Posted on 04 January 2015, 01:41 UTC by:   tcs0    PM
Score +37
I wanna see this fag killed in a later comic by one of the girls. That would be awesome.
Posted on 11 January 2015, 08:17 UTC by:   Swagalicious    PM
Score +11
The previous courage trials story was much more enjoyable for me because of the plentiful strangling and necro sex, but this is still a fun read for the ridiculous violence and dialogue.
Posted on 18 January 2015, 05:24 UTC by:   argentlupus    PM
Score -11
I do not normally post to comics like this, I just have to ask, it has been WELL over the time it needs to finish a Halloween Guro Hentai, does it honestly need to continue? I mean the artwork is pretty good, the lines are funny at times. But I think it is time to let this one go.
Posted on 21 January 2015, 20:32 UTC by:   amistade    PM
Score -4
Posted on 24 January 2015, 17:07 UTC by:   Urbanus    PM
Score +12
It should ends with Jack o Lantern things. Happy Halloween.
Posted on 29 May 2015, 01:36 UTC by:   amistade    PM
Score -7
alguien sabe donde lo puedo encontrar en spanish
Posted on 22 August 2015, 06:44 UTC by:   d2ksos    PM
Score +7
they deserve to die they should get to somebody house to fuck
Posted on 28 July 2018, 23:38 UTC by:   Rin99710    PM
Score +4
Think it missed a page

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