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Samus XXX Tekuho

Posted:2015-06-29 05:14
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Average: 4.72

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Posted on 29 June 2015, 05:14 UTC by:   NanashiRed    PM
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Tekuho's sweet Samus comic
Posted on 29 June 2015, 06:19 UTC by:   kenabrxg    PM
Score +79
haha that last page that's why you wrap it up man also by she just knew it was him seems to translate to: you were the richest guy to fuck me last night so i'm sticking with you
Last edited on 29 June 2015, 07:49 UTC.
Posted on 29 June 2015, 06:19 UTC by:   lctr10    PM
Score +59
OMG, amazing work, 5/5 stars.
Posted on 29 June 2015, 06:20 UTC by:   yejz    PM
Score +386
Wait wait, she was gangbanged by tons of other dudes, filled to the brim with cum, how does she truly know? Damn gold digging whore, don't trust that bitch fam
Posted on 29 June 2015, 06:24 UTC by:   Axl666    PM
Score +129
Nice Metroid Prime: Federation Force comic
Posted on 29 June 2015, 06:28 UTC by:   Jack Woods    PM
Score +26
@yejz don't forget the chozo sterilised her with that DNA infusion.
Posted on 29 June 2015, 06:35 UTC by:   yejz    PM
Score +90
Hold on, I also forgot the most important part. You can't get pregnant from anal!!! Godamn lying dirty whore!
Posted on 29 June 2015, 06:50 UTC by:   knucklesluigi    PM
Score +31
Chapter 2 The Maury show.
Posted on 29 June 2015, 07:07 UTC by:   NanashiRed    PM
Score +23
@ yejz
You forget she's a bounty hunter, she's probably said these exact words to 50 other guys at this point just to collect her "bounty"
Posted on 29 June 2015, 08:35 UTC by:   emome    PM
Score +26
wait, isn't Samus like 6'3" ? that guy is pretty huge if she only reaches his shoulders in height.
Posted on 29 June 2015, 08:52 UTC by:   Malkovik    PM
Score +66
Why the hell did we need a gangbang? It totally killed the mood...
Posted on 29 June 2015, 10:28 UTC by:   Jarvis_42    PM
Score +5
I'd say its a baby metroid, but that size its gotta be a chozo egg.
Posted on 29 June 2015, 11:12 UTC by:   Ruichi    PM
Score +10
@emome He plays center for the Galactic Federation Booty Smashers basketball team.
Posted on 29 June 2015, 12:11 UTC by:   Seishiro Haga    PM
Score +25
One of the best Samus' western comic.
Posted on 29 June 2015, 15:48 UTC by:   Kazuma963    PM
Score +12
Wow thanks a lot do you have more of his recent stuff ? Like those Korra pics and hentaitrap ?
Posted on 29 June 2015, 21:41 UTC by:   condoman    PM
Score +7
@emome She's 5'1" when not cybernetically enhanced with the power suit.
Posted on 30 June 2015, 05:48 UTC by:   ShadowMKII    PM
Score +47
"Hey princess, what brings you here?"
*Grabs penis*

Well, that's one way to start a story.
Posted on 30 June 2015, 10:19 UTC by:   Mr_Wesker    PM
Score +19
10 out of 10 oh God 10 of 10))
Posted on 30 June 2015, 10:35 UTC by:   Anthony883    PM
Score +11
Of course he would say "fuck" instead of "congratulations".
Posted on 30 June 2015, 14:39 UTC by:   brotherpanda    PM
Score +37
I think from Zero Mission and on, they made her 5' something out of the suit, so she seems more like a "normal" woman, and not a Amazon/space Valkyrie like in the 80's and 90's.

"What about the Chozo DNA splicing she got?"
Posted on 01 July 2015, 04:21 UTC by:   SparktehFox    PM
Score +12
I don't quite think Anthony and Samus would be that slutty.
Posted on 01 July 2015, 13:30 UTC by:   PregnantWhoreFucker    PM
Score +13
And that's why the Galactic Federation health plan no longer covers abortion.
Posted on 01 July 2015, 15:14 UTC by:   wintermute    PM
Score +31
This is like shitty American porn in comic book form.
Posted on 01 July 2015, 16:47 UTC by:   asterix666    PM
Score +15
Next Chapter Jeremy kyle with a Lie detector test
Posted on 03 July 2015, 17:58 UTC by:   CobraKilla    PM
Score +10
Remember me?
Posted on 10 July 2015, 05:06 UTC by:   chonwaen    PM
Score +13
Fun gangbang fantasy story, well drawn overall with a few issues with characterization.
I think that Samus' expressions should've been more aggressive and less sweet.
More of a "Give it to me now, I want your cocks and I don't give a damn if you come or not!"
The ending sting was funny, even if the premise has a gaping anus sized plot hole you can drive a truck through (Created by Anthony).
Overall I still give it a 7/10 for humor and good body art.
Posted on 13 July 2015, 02:57 UTC by:   gono    PM
Score -12
Right, cuz thats how you'd look first day pregnant.
Posted on 24 July 2015, 19:36 UTC by:   glain64    PM
Score +55
Raising a child with Samus actually doesn't seem too bad.
Posted on 19 November 2015, 22:55 UTC by:   One Eyed Mercenary    PM
Score +1
Haha that ending.
Posted on 26 March 2017, 22:12 UTC by:   tonyxxx    PM
Score +7
I always knew Samus was a cock-hungry slut.
Posted on 03 November 2017, 04:40 UTC by:   Guilt16    PM
Score +4
What if the baby comes out reaaally white? lol
Posted on 19 January 2019, 22:38 UTC by:   redbleda    PM
Score -28
White boys are cucks, they really like it when niggers knock up their women lmao, pathetic race of people....
Posted on 11 February 2019, 13:57 UTC by:   velikynovgorod    PM
Score +14
it was especially pathetic and weak of the white people when they conquered all of africa
Posted on 14 January 2020, 04:24 UTC by:   byran47    PM
Score +6
Smells like a troll to me

@ velikynovgorod
"“f you define yourself by the power to take life, the desire to dominate, to possess…then you have nothing.”-Obi wan

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