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[TS Revolver] Yandere Aneki ga Ore o Onna ni Shita! | My Yandere older sister M-to-F'ed me! [English] [DarkSpooky]

[TSリボルバー] ヤンデレ姉貴が俺を女にした! [英訳]

Artist CG
Posted:2015-08-11 12:50
Language:English  TR
File Size:20.53 MB
Length:40 pages
Favorited:332 times
Average: 3.98

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Posted on 11 August 2015, 12:50 UTC by:   DarkSpooky    PM
Uploader Comment
The other novel that was close to completetion, now done :) . Special thanks to Dammon for helping me with the last piece of the puzzle :)

Now, a few points before you read:
- I know that the synopsis of this in the raw gallery has the main character's name being Hasu, but the kanji for the name can, if it's a name, be either Hasu or Ren. And I went with Ren - way before I saw the english synopsis - because of the older sister's nickname for him; makes more sense that way. And whoever wrote that synopsis (wiich was copied directly from the english DLsite, I think?) probably didn't consider such subtleties anyway...
- Unlike Chijoku An, TS Revolver doesn't bother with having a cast of character list or specifically name each chapter, so that's that.
- The older sister's name is not mentioned anywhere in the story, so that's that too...
- another minor point/interesting fact is that this story is shorter than TS Revolver's stories usually are. One might wonder why; did he/she lose interest halfway through it perhaps...?

That's it then. It'll be a while until I finish the translation of another novel, but I'll get there eventually :) . In the meanwhile, you'll see other stuff from me though :)

Now for the usual, boring stuff... *goes down on the ground dogeza-style*. I'm not a native english speaker, nor an all that good translator and despite my best efforts, there may be spelling errors that has escaped my eyes - a disadvantage of working alone is that you have a harder time spotting your own errors/mistakes. Fact is, in an almost purely text-based work such as this one, my previously mentioned weaknesses become even more glaring obvious and harder for both critic and casual reader to overlook, I fear -_- . So my apologies in advance for any errors on my part you spot. Still... Enjoy! :)

Adrian_V: I'm not sure if I'd call this work by TS Revolver all that good - it's defintively not his/her best work IMO - but it does have gender bender and spanking, two fetishes I like seeing :) . As for questions regarding whatever is on my potential to-do list, please send a private message instead, as that has nothing to do with this gallery...

myoxy: I was orignally going for a font with both upper and lower case, but decided against it in the end since it didn't look that good to me, so I fell back on a font that felt safer and looked easier to read than that one, namely this one...

imercenary: Thanks :) . Haha, well, don't take it too seriously; it's just meant to convey just how quickly Haruka wanted to be gone from the place after all.

pizzapicante27: Thank you, but I do already have the novels from TS Revolver and others that I want to translate :) . If I need help obtaining others though, you'll be the first to know :) .

torsode: That one's currently not one of the TS Revolver-novels I aim to translate, but maybe after I'm done with a couple of'em, I'll consider it. No promises though, and even if I do start translating it eventually, it'll take a loooong time.

poep: Well, I did say that it kinda feels like the author got bored in the middle and thus finished it hastily. The story could still have been taken to more interesting places so to speak, but well, it does little good to brood on it; the story is what the author made it and that's that. Looking forward to your comments on the Chijoku An one! :)
Edit: Yeah, I see that now, though it's a small thing: just one extra small extra page, which doesn't affect things greatly overall since even with that, all the pages that are supposed to be here are anyway :)

Edit: *facepalms* Epic fail, I clicked this gallery by mistake as I was going to updating another one. My deepest apologies for the inconvenience...
Posted on 08 August 2015, 03:23 UTC by:   S.A.V.    PM
Score +68
Wow, so much text. Thanks for the translation ;P need alot of dedication :D

Hope to see more in the near future :D
Posted on 08 August 2015, 04:55 UTC by:   Adrian_V    PM
Score +17
I think this is the firts work from Ts revolver i am going to read, but seeing your apparent taste it must be good, also you mentioned that you at some point plan to translate a junkin work, plz tell me is one from fate/stay night (either the newer one or the secon part of this: /g/445037/99628d7b85/ )

PD: in your to do list is there one that involves corruption? i feel like there haven't been enough of those lately
Posted on 08 August 2015, 06:42 UTC by:   myoxy    PM
Score +24
I somehow missed the Chijoku An one you posted earlier. That and this... Holy crap, indeed. I remembered you were working on a novel, but I didn't realize they were two, of this scale.

As a native speaker, by the way, I felt your translation was quite understandable, only a little odd in one or two places. And a font with both upper and lower case could've potentially been easier to read.

Nice story, very true to the theme of yandere.
Last edited on 08 August 2015, 07:47 UTC.
Posted on 08 August 2015, 08:46 UTC by:   neregate555    PM
Score +8
Thank you, it must have taken a lot of work to do this.
Posted on 08 August 2015, 08:48 UTC by:   inugamikun    PM
Score +6
That really stretched all plausibility.
Posted on 08 August 2015, 10:21 UTC by:   dickliker420    PM
Score +12
You're doing amazing work, thank you so much.
Posted on 08 August 2015, 12:08 UTC by:   asdfghfd    PM
Score +48
That ending though, was pretty heavy.
Posted on 08 August 2015, 17:16 UTC by:   imercenary    PM
Score +20
The translation is fine for a free, fan work.

That said, the story itself was a pretty badly written:

Top of chapter 2: "Haruka sat bolt upright and fled from my room at the speed of a bullet"

Wtf? Its like the author took a quote from a cartoon/anime script.
Posted on 08 August 2015, 20:33 UTC by:   SilenceComes    PM
Score +12
Two words. "God Damn".

This was... interesting, to say the least. Thanks for your hard work in translating this.
Posted on 08 August 2015, 23:20 UTC by:   hvivi    PM
Score +6
can somebody upload a torrent with all the pages?
Posted on 09 August 2015, 03:51 UTC by:   pizzapicante27    PM
Score +6
hey //DarkSpooky from time to time I buy novels from dmm and dlsite, if youre interested in one (like the first one from TSRevolver that Ive never been able to properly machine-translate), give me a shout, maybe I have it or plan to buy it (like, you know the first one from TSRevolver).
Posted on 10 August 2015, 16:26 UTC by:   torsode    PM
Score -19
plz to translate /g/766431/2b0804804f/?p=1
Posted on 12 August 2015, 00:47 UTC by:   pilzi8    PM
Score +49
That ending made me sad.
Posted on 12 August 2015, 13:26 UTC by:   poep    PM
Score +13
Finally read this last night, thanks a ton for the TL.

I liked it but I feel like this had a lot of potential to get even more interesting if it went on longer. The ending kind of feels like the author was getting tired of the story and decided to just finish it. I would've liked to see the sister eventually inviting the (former) girlfriend down the basement to humiliate him for example.

Probably just me though and as I said I did like this as it is. Guess I'm just greedy for wanting more. Now it's time for the Chijoku An, even more excited to read that one.

Edit: Oh, btw, page 36 and 37 in the gallery are both number 35 (in your file count).
Last edited on 13 August 2015, 19:59 UTC.
Posted on 15 August 2015, 03:06 UTC by:   Biodeamon    PM
Score +20
Truly, it is a shame such a interesting concept is just a text dump instead of a full fledge doujiin. They should have a category for novels or text, cause 'misc' just wouldn't really cut it, now would it?
Posted on 08 March 2016, 21:45 UTC by:   Lilithium    PM
Score -3
I really wanted to see a chapter containing a flashback to the big sis killing their parents after reading how their family treated Onee-san. Such asshole parents deserve to be punished after making their daughter this twisted. I haven't finished reading it, so maybe we'll find out what she did to them. Seriously though, how could Ren not realize how fucked up his family was? Being oblivious doesn't cut it!
Posted on 15 March 2016, 15:30 UTC by:   tdncuseepjjmn    PM
Score +23
Nah. That's not what the author was going after.
Plus, it wouldn't make sense because Onee-sama is a fucked-in-the-head yandere. Yanderes don't share.

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