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Gigatopia (Zootopia)

Posted:2016-05-08 03:56
File Size:5.60 MB
Length:4 pages
Favorited:24 times
Average: 0.70

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Posted on 08 May 2016, 03:56 UTC by:   joabes    PM
Uploader Comment
Posted on 12 April 2016, 07:38 UTC by:   Not-Phen0xyethanol    PM
Score +88
What the fuck is going on
Posted on 12 April 2016, 08:00 UTC by:   gwild    PM
Score +92
I feel like I'm missing some kind of backstory here. Feel free to not bother filling me in.
Posted on 12 April 2016, 11:10 UTC by:   Djukor    PM
Score +114
People who actually get of to idea of preforming mass genocide by steeping on people probably have some serious issues.
Posted on 12 April 2016, 18:42 UTC by:   blackheart327    PM
Score +30
What is it about zootopia that drawing all the two page nothing galleries.
Posted on 13 April 2016, 02:21 UTC by:   Lucario1    PM
Score -1
and now i have shivers almost a billion people killed in 1 second
Posted on 24 April 2016, 19:34 UTC by:   Gentleman Mage    PM
Score +36
You know what bugs me? The off-color armpit and pubic hair. I know, maybe it's petty, but on humans those are some of the last remnants of body fur, so why would creatures who HAVE fur have special different colored and LONGER hair there? Especially as that doesn't even remotely match the animals they came from?
Posted on 24 April 2016, 20:14 UTC by:   negavamas    PM
Score +2
I will never understand gigantism, nor I want to understand it.
Posted on 24 April 2016, 22:00 UTC by:   Hexxuus    PM
Score +15
The furries have armpit hair?...
Posted on 24 April 2016, 22:01 UTC by:   IgotSWEG    PM
Score +24
I wanna fuck that rabbit
Posted on 25 April 2016, 06:28 UTC by:   JackMoe    PM
Score +18
Although this being real weird is an important concern, I have another. The Earth has about 6 billion humans. You telling me they killed 1/6th of the planet in one stomp?
Posted on 25 April 2016, 06:32 UTC by:   Villhadig    PM
Score +2
Do furries masturbate to the holocaust as well or something? The fuck is with them and mass-genocide?

I mean I shouldn't be too unfair, this shit is seen with "normal" people as well but I feel the ratio is kinda skewed once it involves furries.
Posted on 26 April 2016, 11:06 UTC by:   TOAA    PM
Score -10
Obscure and wierd, furry giants? I don't know...
Posted on 27 April 2016, 00:04 UTC by:   fabriciodel96    PM
Score +13
this site shouldn't allow comments, i hate seeing people criticizing other people's fetishes all the time
even more when the front image clearly shows that this gallery will be about giant furries, why would you still enter? just to bitch about it? fuck you
Posted on 01 May 2016, 08:41 UTC by:   Villhadig    PM
Score -1

When someone's fetish involves other people's death, you bet I have some fucking comments and questions to ask because one of the few people openly known in the history of mankind to have taken pleasure in that, and I fucking hate to invoke Godwin's rule, was a fucking 20 year old SS guard of a concentration camp:

So yeah, if people start acting like her, I have some fucking problems.
Posted on 08 May 2016, 05:10 UTC by:   brazucatb    PM
Score +19
Bitch please, I too find this strange as fuck, but to say the next SS is coming from here, calm your tits pal; they might actually like being the people being crushed, who knows
Posted on 08 May 2016, 12:49 UTC by:   Gentleman Mage    PM
Score +11
As for the whole 'Giant' thing, it's honestly less of a furry thing and more of a 'furries accepted a lot of groups back in the day, so now they're linked to furries'. Muscle Growth fetishists? They're in there. Guro people? They're in there. Adult Babies? God in heaven I wish they would go away but no, they're in among the Furries, doing their freaky things.

So yeah, giagantism and macro/micro shit is tame really. And this is less a deathtoll than a squish fetish, we haven't seen ANY people other than these furries even with the 'squish' perspective always tending to be from first person ground level. So again, my major complaint is the off-color body hair which is probably just some wackadoo's hair fetish. Hella weird to me.

And as one last note? You actually want to see where the sicko stuff that might lead to serial killers is? Go look at all those canibal/snuff/gore things. That's for the really creepy fuckers. And no, I won't take that back. If you get off to the idea of people being killed and eaten there IS something wrong with you.
Posted on 08 May 2016, 16:01 UTC by:   DracosBlackwing    PM
Score +7
This is the type of thing that makes me, as a furry myself, hate fuckin furries, and all their weird, twisted fetishes.

Ok, macros are weird, but meh. ...But why is Judy Hopps, a definite female character, being drawn as a giant hairy shemale with gross tufts of hair sprouting from her armpits and a dickso big it stands out in the image more than she does... and looks horrendous? Some people really need to learn how to draw before trying to make comics...
Posted on 08 May 2016, 16:25 UTC by:   JJ_Zalem    PM
Score +22
Giants and furry. My two favourite cancers in one place.
Posted on 09 May 2016, 00:01 UTC by:   Gentleman Mage    PM
Score -2
Giants, Furry and foot fetish. God what is with all the foot fetish stuff? Starting to remind me of the one guy who commissioned a shitton of microdick humiliation stuff.
Posted on 09 May 2016, 02:44 UTC by:   away1213    PM
Score +33
Its a well known fact of life that extreme disposable income comes with obscure fetishes. If you wanna be successful in life, get a weird fetish and commission the heck out of it.
Posted on 28 May 2016, 15:29 UTC by:   glowingdemon    PM
Score -28
well my dick died because of this,it just putrifed, shriveled, and fell off. I knew the dark side of this would be coming but damn I wasn't expecting this.
let me never meet someone who get soff on this crap.

well my dick died because of this,it just putrifed, shriveled, and fell off. I knew the dark side of this would be coming but damn I wasn't expecting this.
let me never meet someone who gets off on this crap.
Posted on 03 July 2016, 01:04 UTC by:   Jamessmileyface    PM
Score +4
Maybe I'm out of touch with starfox hentai, but this lacks slippy
Posted on 11 November 2017, 17:26 UTC by:   LemonJaw    PM
Score +4
How tf would you kill 862 million within 4 cities, the entire population of the UK is 60 million and that's a small island. Not hot because not accurate.

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