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[Rocket Monkey] Honto no Aitsu Kouhen (Hatsukoi Delusion) [English] [TripleSevenScans]

[ロケットモンキー] ホントのアイツ 後編 (初恋デリュージョン) [英訳]

Posted:2016-11-06 19:35
Language:English  TR
File Size:18.36 MB
Length:27 pages
Favorited:1156 times
Average: 4.63

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Posted on 06 November 2016, 19:35 UTC by:   CEDR777    PM
Uploader Comment
Commissioned by: Anonymous

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Posted on 06 November 2016, 20:49 UTC by:   nowittycomment    PM
Score +118
...To each his own.


Wouldn't let that shit happen to me, though.
Posted on 06 November 2016, 21:10 UTC by:   Darktaka    PM
Score +150
All of Rocket Monkey guys are cucks.
Posted on 06 November 2016, 21:10 UTC by:   MightyHonks    PM
Score +164
What a pathetic little shit.
Posted on 06 November 2016, 22:13 UTC by:   Hakrei    PM
Score +129
Guy must be really desperate to accept her back like that...
Well whatever works for them...
Posted on 06 November 2016, 23:10 UTC by:   kishidakyoudan    PM
Score +174
god, it's 2016 and there are still people complaining about how can guys be such pussies in NTR, it's like they've never seen sth like this before, or maybe they haven't, well artstyl is great and story is hot
Posted on 06 November 2016, 23:59 UTC by:   hujkl    PM
Score +346
Chronology of this series based on the tank itself (/g/634019/ece9632701/):

Honto no Aitsu Prologue (Eng translation: /g/987058/0b56c07470/) -------------> Ch.0
Honto no Aitsu Zenpen (Part 1; Eng translation: /g/596260/49ed51eb05/) -----> Ch.1
Honto no Aitsu Kouhen (Part 2; you're here: /g/987059/45025aa5bc/) ----------> Ch.2

"Chapter 3" is misleading despite this being the third chapter (chronologically) of this series. Also "Kouhen" pretty much means "concluding part" so don't expect more anytime soon (or ever).

Also, vanillafags on suicide watch.
Posted on 07 November 2016, 00:14 UTC by:   elneno    PM
Score +188
ntr man its a beast
Posted on 07 November 2016, 03:25 UTC by:   vjbeal96    PM
Score +81
Am i the only one who sees this as the equivalent to finding out and then marrying your girlfriend if she was a pornstar? She still likes him as the pages show through small glimpses but, maybeThat is just how i see it.
Posted on 07 November 2016, 03:53 UTC by:   mendickantBias    PM
Score -5
What a cuck. heh.
Posted on 07 November 2016, 04:03 UTC by:   samus7    PM
Score +203
Glorious Rocket Monkey never fails to deliver. Thanks for the translation!
Posted on 07 November 2016, 04:51 UTC by:   moximoore    PM
Score +71
Okay, seriously guys. The whole point of NTR is to produce these feelings your seeing in the comments. Someone commenting how stupid or upset they are by the behaviors of certain characters in said story are having the desired effect.

It's actually odd to chastise these individuals for their feelings. They're angry because the story is SUPPOSE to make them angry, at least that's what the description of what NTR is suppose to do says.

Like for example; Early in the story, Dai-san tells MC if he wants to know why MH did what she did, to put these handcuffs on his hands and feet......And he does it....

Holy Shit...What?

Anything could have happened right there. They could have slowly poured sulfuric acid all over his dick or something. That's not even in the realm of hentai logic, who would do that?!
Posted on 07 November 2016, 09:22 UTC by:   PAMRZ    PM
Score +345
It still amuses me that NTR galleries never fail to draw out the most retarded of commenters, people that have to clarify to everyone around apparently that would they find themselves in that situation they wouldn't let that happen to them or whatever. No, no, no sir. They have to inform people that they are better than... that fictional one dimensional character that was created to appeal to some fetish...

And that fucking comment is nearly at +100. Well, congratulations my insecure teenagers! We won't mistake you for the character in this story anymore. Hope that helps your non-existent self-confidence.
Posted on 07 November 2016, 12:21 UTC by:   blowlita2    PM
Score +121
well Rocket Monkey is just like Shakespeare to me . .

Posted on 07 November 2016, 14:09 UTC by:   loomery    PM
Score +148
Thanks again for translating, 777Scans, and the anon commissioner for funding it.

Is this an upscale of the raw? Pretty good regardless.
Posted on 07 November 2016, 14:44 UTC by:   roxas31    PM
Score +86
wow. girl got everything she wanted in the end so it's a happy ending i guess. i thought she used reverse psychology on MC when MC was very very confused and angry and all kinds of shit. she told him to give up on her when MC was confused about the situation, and of course, not wanting to lose her MC decided to take her back. Girl is smarter than she looks.
Posted on 07 November 2016, 17:32 UTC by:   wtfidonteven    PM
Score +56
So, is this supposed to be a happy ending? Cause....I have questions, but the answers just lead to more questions.
Posted on 08 November 2016, 04:07 UTC by:   beyblader    PM
Score +53
It's just like Woolie says, losing is winning!
Posted on 08 November 2016, 11:16 UTC by:   rudnick    PM
Score +93
Rocket Monkey is love, Rocket Monkey is life.
Posted on 26 November 2016, 07:52 UTC by:   Snouder    PM
Score +17
The brother reminds me of the dude from Yu Yu Hakusho, the one who wore pink/purple with the power to soul-steal people who say banned words. Same eyes.
Posted on 03 December 2016, 17:06 UTC by:   RussianSpy    PM
Score +10
Finally something resembling a happy cuckold scenario! Complain all you want, this is the type of story I love and if there anything I'm not happy about here is how rare such stories are. As Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said, love is the opposite of sense of possession. "She is my property" is the opposite of love. Love is "I want her to be happy". And I don't care how much the scenario in this manga is applicable or not to real life. It's hentai, it doesn't have to. It shows the emotion of true love and this is all I need to enjoy it.
Posted on 08 January 2017, 00:29 UTC by:   pieman11    PM
Score +12
Woo, this was finally translated! And the prologue was translated as well; I had no idea that story was even part of this.

On a side note, if those are real handcuffs then the MC is ludicrously strong. For a handcuff to meet modern standards in the U.S., (I'd imagine other countries use similar handcuffs) it must be able to withstand 495 Lbs of force over a period of 30 seconds. Some handcuffs are far stronger than that. Not only that, he broke them when he was cuffed with his hands behind his back. This guy could probably smash a wall just by stumbling into it.
Posted on 04 October 2017, 09:41 UTC by:   Forgunia    PM
Score +8
Aside from him getting cucked, you have to wonder what he did to his brother for the latter to spite him in such a manner, because it looked like straight up bullying to me.
Posted on 16 October 2017, 04:45 UTC by:   Loki The Flameshield    PM
Score +21
It is important to understand and accept your lover's faults...but there is a limit...
Posted on 19 May 2018, 03:27 UTC by:   SirNeedy    PM
Score +8
Hold up, did the cuck just get romantically cucked? He's still banging her at the end, but he was ultimately disappointed.

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