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[Cultured Swyne] Rare Encounters - Chapter 1 (ongoing)

Posted:2019-02-08 03:53
File Size:2.91 MB
Length:4 pages
Favorited:47 times
Average: 3.03

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Posted on 08 February 2019, 03:53 UTC by:   Cultured Swyne    PM
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A wordless comic about an adventurer wandering the setting of Corruption of Champions, encountering new and rare things along the way. To get higher resolution images faster, get different character art, or to have a hand in the story yourself, consider contributing at:
Posted on 08 February 2019, 05:23 UTC by:   kappitoo    PM
Score -21
Or, you know, we could just do our own stories in "Corruption of Champions". Sorry, I'm not trying to be a jerk here, but this is a site filled with tons of doujinshi. I highly doubt most of them got permission from the original creators. Btw, you're pretty good at drawing.
Posted on 08 February 2019, 08:26 UTC by:   obviousagent    PM
Score +4
well I for one am looking forward to seeing how this goes.
Would be nice to see a new Goblin girl.
Posted on 08 February 2019, 09:59 UTC by:   Cultured Swyne    PM
Score +8
What a tough crowd, but I do concede that it was stupid of me to post a porn comic on a porn website before it got to the porn part. I'll continue to chip away at it on patreon but fear not; I'm not going to spam content here before it's relevant.
@kappitoo - It's a valid concern and I just hope, when there's more content, that I can prove that this comic has things unique from a typical play-through of CoC. I called it "Rare Encounters" because they are original encounters, monsters, items, and quests that aren't in the game.
@obviousagent - Goblin Girls for Life! (or at least this chapter)
Posted on 09 February 2019, 03:28 UTC by:   Axillia    PM
Score +6
Excuse me, but if this is to focus on monsters, items and quests that are not to be found in CoC, why set it in that universe other than for fear that the story you want to tell can't stand on its own merits without highjacking a known property for the built in fanbase?

It's like Star Trek Discovery that has neither structurally, visually nor lore wise a firm connection to its supposed setting.

I personally don't mind postings of ongoing comics way before there is any sex in them, as believe it or not, i come here for transformation and corruption, i don't even care for sex if it's not furthering either of the other two.

That being said, i too am not to wild on patreon support for things that are promised for the future. I support creators as a thank you for services rendered, kind of like with street performers.

While Art Style and Quality are quite good, i havn't seen any transformation yet, so i can't tell if i'm liking in what direction the MCs Body and Mind are going in.
Posted on 09 February 2019, 18:31 UTC by:   z4cko    PM
Score +8
@Axillia For me, I would do that if I'm a fan of the property I'm using, and want to tell stories based on that property, just like how it is for most fanfic authors. They aren't all in it just to capitalize on the size of the fanbase.

As for not using elements of the setting, there's no hard rule for how much of the universe you need to use to be eligible to be part of it. The heavy transformation focus is there. Familiar characters are there next to the upcoming original ones. And I reckon certain rules of the universe will still apply here too, like how consumables will mostly carry a risk of transformations, and how certain cities, factions and characters will operate based on an established set of parameters. These are enough for me for this to be taking place in the CoC universe, and I very much look forward to the original ideas that this author has planned.

That said, I agree, I won't want to support a Patreon for something that doesn't have what I want yet. So I won't support it for now. Simple as that. He's not demanding you support him, so lets not act like he is. I still appreciate that he's putting out free content for us non-paying folks, and will be waiting to see if the story and art gets to a point where I enjoy it enough to want to put down money to help get more of this made.

I like that this is wordless, that's an interesting spin. Art is pretty good too, looking forward to seeing how you handle the narrative :)
Posted on 23 March 2019, 03:52 UTC by:   Axillia    PM
Score +6
According to the Artists Patreon, this is up to Page 7 (posted March 11, 12 days ago) now, but they still have 0 Patrons on their Patreon.

As i've stated before, i support Patreons as a thank you for services rendered for things i liked, not on the vague promise that things i might or might not like may or may not come in the future.

The 4 Page sample here has both 0 Transformation content or otherwise things the setting is known for, and i honestly don't see anyone supporting this any time soon if there is no way to judge the content without paying first.

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