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[Ehud Lavski & Yael Nathan] ELcomics

Posted:2019-05-20 14:37
File Size:239.9 MB
Length:102 pages
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Average: 4.44

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Posted on 20 May 2019, 14:37 UTC by:   ellano    PM
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Some of the amazing comics by Ehud Lavski, might do the rest when I'll have the time.

The originals (albeit in a lower quality) can be found on the original site : .

Stories :
The Nintendo
Cold Embrace
The Cave
The Secret Room
Midnight Radio
Posted on 25 April 2019, 04:35 UTC by:   H-Knight    PM
Score +26
1. Phew... For the first story (Test), I thought for sure (when first reading through) that the "Kill yourself and everyone else lives" test was a faux-test; that all the other corpses in the room with The Auditor were people who killed themselves trying to prove humankind was worth saving, and it was simply The Auditor's sick sense of murderous 'humor' in culling humankind one "suicide" at a time. :(

I definitely liked the "Glimmer of Hope" ending better. :)

2. In fact, I like all three stories' balanced storytelling natures. It balances well, between Dark set-ups & context(s), but comes through with a Light conclusion at the end of the storytelling tunnel, even if a bittersweet one (such as Ark's ending). And that is good storytelling method. :)

Thanks for uploading this, ellano. :)
Last edited on 25 April 2019, 05:57 UTC.
Posted on 25 April 2019, 05:24 UTC by:   DracosBlackwing    PM
Score +77
After he showed me the 'kill yourself' test was fake, I would still have asked to go with him and be an Auditor. Not to be a god, but to see the universe.
Posted on 25 April 2019, 05:30 UTC by:   XChornayman    PM
Score +29
Theres a real Love, Death & Robots feeling to these.
Posted on 25 April 2019, 05:51 UTC by:   roadkillfish    PM
Score +2
I can't describe with words how I felt about the comic Test, so much in it is true and I'm amazed that a comic could point it out so well. I really like the drawings and the story of it. Words can't describe how good it is.
Midnight radio, well It's okay, I like the concept.
Now Ark, this is something else. This one shows that one day, our time is up. We are all not bad, a few do try to save the planet.
Posted on 25 April 2019, 10:01 UTC by:   Unreliability    PM
Score +84
My biggest criticism of the Test is just how unrealistic the standards of morality the outworlder had. We look at insects and there are tons of behaviors among them that if found among humans we would be absolutely disgusted (e.g., cannibalism, eating mates). Yet even as humans we take a observer stance and approach it scientifically rather than spewing shit like "oh man look at these moraless creatures. They fail to live up to our standards and must be exterminated." Like what the fuck.

You would think a species technologically advance enough to travel to Earth before we can even observe them would have some obvious understanding of population sampling and culture divergence. The comic made it look like the Auditor was kicked a couple times as a homeless person in New York and viola, VERDICT FUCKING MADE. "Yea a couple goons in this city were dicks to me when I was dressed all filthy and shit, so that means times to end this race". LMAO.

The comic takes itself so seriously and try to make some epic moment of courage shit with the bland protagonist in his philosophically-pretentious conversation with an edgy-ass unrealistic 'villain'. For all the attempt in sending message about good vs evil, humanity, individual vs collective and self-sacrifice, the comic barely considered an ounce of actual philosophy when it comes to morals nor an ounce of realism when it comes to the alien visitor concept. Like I appreciate the concept and if you got something out of it more power to you, but the writing is actually just so bad.
Posted on 25 April 2019, 12:30 UTC by:   Quantumpower    PM
Score +18
Yeah, I never liked the Test. It feels very high school I guess. Am I really supposed to believe that every single cop in the precinct or whatever is corrupt? That none of them would be willing to kill themselves to save everyone, especially their families? Y'know, because protecting their families/communities is one of the big reasons people become cops in the first place?
Posted on 25 April 2019, 14:02 UTC by:   Shuriell    PM
Score +26
I think one of the most telling reasons for the auditor's seeming ease of judgement comes from the statement after the test.
There have been over 5000 species that were condemned.
Each was offered the test ... all failed.
To me this spells out that all of our philosophy may not be applicable to the greater universe.
He calls us the worst, but at the same time we are the first to pass the test.
This is so statistically unlikely that it almost certainly means that human society or just being human in general is different from being most other races.
It may be that, in general, most species don't have much of an internal deviation from some 'moral average', but humans do.
But at the same time, we can't even judge whether that is correct because all of our philosophy is, in its observable ideas, based on just us and maybe the beings that co-evolved with us.
Posted on 26 April 2019, 06:28 UTC by:   Monukuk    PM
Score +14
To me, the Test doesn't seem like a genuine "pass/fail existence" test as much as test of character and potential. Like Star Trek's Q with his "humanity on trial" wasn't about wiping out humanity if they fail to make their argument, but using that as a cover for the real test to see if they could make the leap that they need to be able to advence.
Whenever a magical space man comes down in a story about how some impending judgement rests on one small act of sacrifice, I remember another Sci Fi classic, "Rule #1: the Doctor lies."
Posted on 27 April 2019, 16:30 UTC by:   mllhild    PM
Score +30
Now my boner is gone. Came for fap session, am crying due to great short stories.

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