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[Amadose] Buns in the Oven/No Buns in the Oven (Zootopia)

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Posted on 02 March 2020, 19:17 UTC by:   moximoore    PM
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Added Author's Postscript for part 3

There's a synopsis and an after the comic bit for the whole story. Added by the artist on their original gallery post.


Nick and Judy knew they would have to make some adjustments if they were to give their relationship a real shot. One of the bigger ones would be kids. Adoption was always there as a great second choice, but they both wanted to try on their own, and for that to happen they'd need a Buck.

It took a while to find the right guy. Two beat-cop salaries don't get you far, so he'd need to be found outside of the agencies and the process would have to be done... the old fashioned way. They went on all the forums, went on a few interviews, and finally found their match: a tall and attractive, red and virile hare.

After The Comic: Part 1

The first time, Judy honestly forgot to stop taking her birth control. It was second nature to pop 'em in the mornings - she'd been taking them for years to balance her hormones - whoops!
The second and third times, well... the sex was so good, so she told herself it was just another little slip-up, a simple mistake, that she still hadn't stopped taking them. But really, a part of her was just having so much fun. It wouldn't hurt to let it last a bit longer.

He was aggressive and demanding. He'd get off on trying to impregnate her, marking her, making her his - she loved it. It didn't take long for him to really start owning her. The more and more Buck got, the less and less Nick did. But that was ok - exciting even - for the three of them. She'd be sore, exhausted and content. But she could still see the cum splatters on the bedroom door and the envious yet keen grins her caring husband would flash her.

She'd come clean eventually. There's only so long the hustle could last. But still, each time she felt herself dive deeper in. It wasn't an accident any more, Judy knew that, and she almost wanted him to catch her. She'd finally be able to confront him with it, tell him how things would be from then on. She could give them both what they'd grown to want.

Kids were no longer the agenda. Judy and Nick were dreaming of new things.

If you're looking for a timeline, I would think this was 1-2 years after Zootopia the movie, shortly after a wedding and maybe a year before my Cuck Me Up Buttercup WIP picture. As you can figure - in my version both Nick and Judy end up happily diving into the world of cuckolding.


Postcript for Second part

All-right! Here goes. I went and made a follow up to my last Judy and Nick NTR/cuck leaning comic. A lot of folks didn't seem to sit well with the idea that Judy might not be altogether honest in her relationship, that she might be a flawed character. So I decided to pad out my story a bit and show you'll how this plays out - naturally and without malice.

My aim here was to write out the conversation Nick and Judy might have when she eventually came clean, to give her room to explain how and why, and then to see them both be excited about the future. I sort of figured tie'ing them together would make for a fun place to have the convo.

I hope you all enjoy it! But if you don't that's ok too. I 100% get that this niche fetish isn't for everyone, and even replant for some. I also totally understand and see how this fan-comic might not be in line with your personal cannon. If that describes you, then I'd just encourage you to close the tab and walk away. Neither you or I will benefit from negative comments and I'll just delete them anyway. I also don't have time to explain this fetish or help you understand why I want to make these silly comics. Keep things positive, friendly and fun - the way furry community aught to be <3


Postscipt for Third Part

As you've probably guessed with my last few chapters, I love the idea of a Nick and Judy relationship that isn't pitch-perfect. I see room in these characters to have shades of grey and that their relationship is between two flawed but still awesome people. One, an upstart prey animal with ambition and strength but also vulnerability. The other, a smart and sharp predator with a history of being passed over and devalued, who has an itch to control/loose-control in his life.

This comic catches our pair somewhere down the road from the last comic. They’re past the unintentional lies that came with those early steps of their non-monogamy for the sake of getting pregnant, past the apologies and advancement of their newly formed interests and kinks, and into a more structured and stable exploration of a weird and wonderful fetish.

I wanted to do a comic that shows them together, playing in this space prior to any sex. I think they've had their conversations, spent lots of time mulling things over, playing with the ideas. Finally they found a bull (a fox maybe) who ticks the boxes and they've been exploring with him ever since. This moment is a loaded one with lots of hot buttons that's really fun to press (for folks who enjoy this sort of thing). I think a lot of cucking stories really focus on the action, but I think there's so much to be said for the moments surrounding that: the talking, teasing, play, and aftermath.

I didn't draw Jude’s bull, I kind of think it’s more fun for the reader to envision who that might look like for themselves. In my head it’s a fox much larger than Nick, someone a bit rough and gruff. Someone who, unlike Nick, wasn't made to feel ashamed of his species as a child, but was maybe brought up elsewhere where it was celebrated. A man who didn't need to fake confidence with sharpness and comedy, and maybe finds enjoyment from watching others squirm a bit. In my head he's happy to press Nick's buttons, while burying his bone in Zootopia's hottest bunny, but is also hella respectful of them both and their boundaries - he knows he has it lucky! I dunno, you can fill in the gaps as you like.


OP Thoughts: I feel like there's a lot of explaining and justification for every chapter. LOL
Posted on 23 July 2019, 07:02 UTC by:   DracosBlackwing    PM
Score +285
Oh... oh no. No please. Pass.
Posted on 23 July 2019, 07:34 UTC by:   DinoCock    PM
Score +267
Why does Zootopia seem to keep attracting this kind of...storytelling lol?
Posted on 23 July 2019, 07:46 UTC by:   Genoshia    PM
Score +296
Seriously? This franchise, with this fetish? The entire plot of the movie is based on them being super close. Judy is depicted as being as against tradition and practical a person as possible. If they wanted kids, there's no way in hell sly-tongued Nick couldn't talk her into going for quality over quantity and letting him knock up a vixen.

Honestly, if you Have to do cucking with Zootopia, can you at least show the slightest respect for the source material and make it believable? Besides, it's not like there's an abundance of porn about cuckqueans on here. People get off on getting eaten here; There's no way in hell I'm buying someone wouldn't get there jollies off on Judy being a cuckquean.
Posted on 23 July 2019, 08:44 UTC by:   SyriasX    PM
Score +101
@ freeicecream

look buddy everyone has heard the "its just for fun" thing before and lets be honest, your not wrong. but, not everyone is happy with unintelligible stories with common sense through line otherwise why isnt the artist just uploading a version of their work with no text. this site is literally filled with the most inane nonsense that entire genres have devolved into collections of tropes that make the most money/turn the most heads. its not that hard to believe that what the guy wants isnt for ALL stories to be accurate, grounded and possessing of a reasonable narrative through-line but rather for MORE to do so
Posted on 23 July 2019, 08:52 UTC by:   SyriasX    PM
Score +35
-side note-

it actually makes more sense for Nick to not be the one cheating because he has experience such hardship in his life and as a result he pushed aside his desire to be a help to society out of a beleif that people didnt want him. as such despite his outward snark he probably values peoples opinions a great deal so he isnt about to betray people he's opened up to but the fallout of betraying him should be significantly devistating. As for Judy, the simple fact that she presents herself as so morally upright and honest SHOULD cause this little rumpus to totally destroy her credibility, why? because she is the one who went to all the trouble to bring Nick into the light, to show everyone what a great guy Nick was so for her to randomly just drop him like this wont sit well with anyone. she is a well known and respected public figure and people will take not of how she handles her personal life especially if it directly involves the other half of the heroic duo.

@ freeicecream

to my knowledge its not done so i doubt he'll come back but besides the point if someone sucks at writing what they need isnt for everyone who thinks their writing sucks to go away as thats ridiculous. the creator should be under no illusion that there work is 'the best thing since sliced bread'. the tags and title will turn away some but for those who bother to read their opinions do matter (despite whatever the internet would have you believe) just to varying degrees.

you are not entitled to a story without criticism especially when its not spam or a troll trying to start something. also, by your logic if you dont like what he has to say dont read it
Posted on 23 July 2019, 09:23 UTC by:   THEPROBIGDADDY    PM
Score +46
The story sucked and why would you make a cucking comic when you know even furries hate cuckolding then you know you fucked up
Posted on 23 July 2019, 12:41 UTC by:   SuperSniperEagleMan    PM
Score +59

You do realise the irony in this, right? Your complaining to him about his logic in not liking a comment so he shouldn’t read it, yet that means if your using his logic, YOU shouldn’t be reading and arguing about HIS comment.

Can we just all agree to keep this chain to a discussion about canons and fetish’s and NOT bring personal logic into it? Once that track starts it’ll just derail the original point.

As for the discussion, while I can understand @Genoshia’s frustration, @freeicecream is right about it just being porn. While many comics (and of course stories) try to write erotica while keeping the characters real, can we honestly say they succeed? Once the original age appeal of the source material has been twisted, all you have then is the suspension of disbelief. And if even that doesn’t convince you, then you either shouldn’t take it seriously, or just find something else.

I WILL respect the decision about @Genoshia pointing out what’s wrong with the comic, because I’m sure he’s brought up fair points, but asking the internet to respect source material is like asking the movie industry to not make a sequel to something popular. It’s too big to listen, so just let it be. I’m sure the person who made it just did it for fun anyway.
Posted on 23 July 2019, 13:21 UTC by:   TheGreyPanther    PM
Score +68
Posted on 23 July 2019, 14:46 UTC by:   SyriasX    PM
Score +7
@ SuperSniperEagleMan

you in your attempt to critic me fail to realize that i never said he SHOULDN"T do anything. i merely presented his argument in a manner that show how him complaining makes his argument stupid. also i said that everyone has a right to their opinion and that some people want different things from what they consume, YES IT IS PORN but so is all other porn so sometimes we want MORE from porn and this just happened to be the one for some people (idunno people really like Zootopia). i understand were you are coming from pointing out what you thought was a contradiction but its simply a fault of my sentence structuring and the fact we aren't talking in person because if it was the point would have gotten across better.... but hey that's the internet
Posted on 23 July 2019, 15:44 UTC by:   yoyoyo30    PM
Score +25
blacklist the netorare tag if you're just going to bitch about it.

Every single time.
Posted on 23 July 2019, 16:02 UTC by:   KitsuneOtaku    PM
Score -39
Welcome the to the Cucktopia universe :P
Posted on 24 July 2019, 00:57 UTC by:   Genoshia    PM
Score +25
Whoa, this blew up quick. Whelp, I kinda started it, so might as well.


Just because it's free, doesn't mean it's immune to criticism. Me complaining about the representation of the characters as compared to their canon counterparts is as valid a critique as someone calling the actual art bad. Just because I didn't pay money for it doesn't mean I'm not allowed to form an opinion. Likewise, just because other people get off on it, doesn't mean I can't criticize it.
The inverse is, of course, also true. If you don't agree with my critique, then fine. You are as entitled to your opinion as I am. That said, my opinion was presented with a reasoned argument for the criticism, and a suggestion for how the artist might improve. Your response was to give him a free pass on never improving, because you think his art is good. Now, which of those two things do you think will lead to higher-quality results in the future?


Dude, seriously, chill. I'm a big boy, I don't need someone championing my cause. I appreciate the attempt, but you'd have been better off saying 'He's allowed to have an opinion' and leaving it at that.
As for your argument about the characters' portrayal; Nick's problems were never with society as a whole, just the racism shown towards predators. It made him cynical and encouraged a life of leaning into the hand the world dealt him-being a sly fox who lies and cheats to get by. My point wasn't that he would be less likely to 'cheat,' though, because that's not what is happening here. He knows it's happening, and is letting it occur. My argument was that, if they wanted to have kids through a surrogate parent, Nick would be much more likely to suggest having fox children. Fox kits are much less numerous, and it would mean Judy wouldn't have to risk any of the issues associated with pregnancy. It's the more practical solution, and Nick is nothing if not practical.


The entire point of this comment section is to make our opinions heard. If you do not like mine, you are free to say as much.
That said: As far as I am concerned, the characters depicted here are not Nick and Judy. The title and dialogue implies that's who they are supposed to be, but the artist may as well have drawn an elephant watching two lions fuck. That's roughly the relationship the personality of the characters shown have in common with the source material. Is it important at all that I have that opinion? No. However, if by some chance the author does come by and sees my comment, I'd prefer he see criticism and advice for improvement as opposed to empty support. No artist can grow in skill if they do not recognize their faults.


I don't mind netorare. I mind poor interpretations of it. I also mind the almost total lack of the gendered inverse. So, I'll continue my bitching until I see fit, thank you much.
Posted on 24 July 2019, 01:06 UTC by:   blackheart327    PM
Score +30
well, great art crap story. almost feels like something dreamcatsx would have written
Posted on 24 July 2019, 02:02 UTC by:   JAYCZero    PM
Score +23
I think it's time that this Fucking site starts to including "cuck" as another tag
Posted on 24 July 2019, 02:19 UTC by:   Gentleman Mage    PM
Score +81
What the fuck, I might as well comment something, as this is already a mess of a comment section.

From the radical difference in their sizes, I would have to presume that the big Bun is a Hare to Judy's Rabbit. These two animals, while almost identical in appearance, are entirely different species and as such are entirely incapable of interbreeding.

So if this was based off of having a kid, it's already an impossibility, just as Nick getting Judy knocked up would be.

But while I'm at it, I'm baffled at the Bull/Cuck scenario here because 1) Nick is ALREADY the same size as the 'Bull' in this situation, AND an aggressive predator by nature, so he doesn't fit the submissive 'Cuck' role by size or personality and 2) BECAUSE of the character dynamics and the size differences it would make infinitely more sense for Nick to be Judy's secret owner while she pretends to have a normal relationship with a normal rabbit.
Posted on 24 July 2019, 03:39 UTC by:   hatepie    PM
Score +80
Lol why does Zootopia attract good art with terrible stories?
Posted on 24 July 2019, 03:41 UTC by:   revenent666    PM
Score +18
This is some borba tier shit, Do the world a favor and hang yourself cuckscum.
Posted on 24 July 2019, 04:31 UTC by:   mercurial008    PM
Score +41
I came here mostly to see how many people would bitch about the plot of a 6 panel comic. I was not disappointed.
Posted on 24 July 2019, 04:51 UTC by:   Pertater    PM
Score +69
This piece of shit reminds me of that one comic where Judy ends up ditching Nick for a lesbian fox.
Posted on 24 July 2019, 05:29 UTC by:   majinora    PM
Score +5
Judy conning Nick this effectively? Ok, then.
Posted on 24 July 2019, 06:00 UTC by:   thundernote    PM
Score -40
Is this seriously getting shit because of shippers hurt feelings?

No disrespect intended just curious.
Posted on 24 July 2019, 08:30 UTC by:   Gentleman Mage    PM
Score -3
@sacheu Oh golly gee, sunshine, I didn't know you were so emotionally fragile that people openly disagreeing with your opinion on a porn comic on the internet would make you so visibly upset. Really, someone should do something to protect your frail sensibilities.

Honestly, why is it that every yahoo here thinks that critique has to come from some place of deep, butthurt emotionalism? Have you just NEVER heard of snark? It's honestly more than a bit pathetic.
Posted on 24 July 2019, 12:18 UTC by:   SuperSniperEagleMan    PM
Score +19

I’ll definitely agree with you on that. Since this is delayed text on the internet and not a physical conversation with texture understanding and emotional hints, things can get confusing.


I never said your opinion was BAD. Like I said, I’m sure you brought up fair points. If you want better source material comics, that’s fine. If you feel like you need to explain to the artist why their comic didn’t respect the source material, go ahead. However, let me say my point THIS way. Next time you tell someone the source material isn’t being respected, please do your best to NOT make it sound like this person or ANY person is ruining something by portraying it wrong. It just sounds harsh and makes you sound mean.
Posted on 24 July 2019, 16:14 UTC by:   Kooskia    PM
Score +12
The only thing i feels it's somewhat sad it's Nick and Judy giving up on the pregnancy as priority. It could be fun insterting it, maybe even with a fun theme, like ... in the end they were not expecting it anymore but well, rabbits so she indeed get pregnant xD
Posted on 24 July 2019, 18:30 UTC by:   BloodyRoses    PM
Score +20
Don't know why people are getting triggered, tbh.

Not a really good one, but I've seen waaay worse. Art's real nice, too. Good work!
Posted on 24 July 2019, 20:10 UTC by:   sacheu    PM
Score -28
@ Gentleman Mage I don't remember being butthurt, but it does make my blood boil when I see people claiming to be victims once their opinions were proven to be shit. UPVOTED STRANGERINO, HERE'S YOUR GOLD.
Posted on 26 July 2019, 19:44 UTC by:   bunsInthaOVEN    PM
Score +47
1. What the HELL

2. First I See weird Comic I will Survive and Now this What the Hell

3. What is With people Cucking nick In these Comics people Already know They are In a Relationship and Fuck on Many different Occasions and People have To do This to Him goddamn His childhood Was tragic Enough we Don't have To fuck Up this Mans Relationship too
Posted on 19 September 2019, 05:27 UTC by:   Mechicandogtaquero    PM
Score +21
first time Nick isn't a dick, but just a cuck
Posted on 19 September 2019, 07:56 UTC by:   bunsInthaOVEN    PM
Score -32
@Genoshia calm Down and take A chill Pill it's Not that SERIOUS

@Syriasx This Person has A point His opinion Is completely Valid

@SuperSnipleEagleMan i Dont know What to Say about You

In my Own personal Opinion the Whole judy Getting cuck Has began To grow On me Like come On Ive Read a Fanfiction where Nick and Judy had Relationship with Both male & Female gender They swing Both WAYS And even though Nick or Judy was Banging someone Else they would Always be Thinking about each Other heck I'd Go as Far to Say They would Like to Watch as The one Person they Are with Get boned At one Point of The fanfic Both nick And judy Talk about Orgy fact Of the Matter is Everyone is Titled for Their own Thoughts or Their opinion About the Comic but Make no mistake These people Are still The same Animals we Know and Love if You dont Like this Kind of Stuff DON'T READ IT plan & Simple dont Bring logic To porn It just Makes things Complicated
Posted on 19 September 2019, 09:52 UTC by:   qoppaphi    PM
Score +11
First of all: holy fucking shit, this comment section!

Secondly, I really like the second part, where Nick and Judy talk this out. In a lot of cuck stuff, the "victim" is either emotionally destroyed by it or they just don't know about it. It's quite a nice change of pace to see Nick actively getting into this. ESPECIALLY because he says it hurts, but it turns him on too. It's like the difference between nonconsensually hitting a normal person and consensually hitting a masochist.
Posted on 19 September 2019, 09:58 UTC by:   SSSdriver    PM
Score -48
JFC you all sound like whiny manchildren... It's furry porn, stop taking it so seriously.
Posted on 20 September 2019, 22:02 UTC by:   Shades of Blue    PM
Score -20
Love how NTR galleries just bring out the best in people. And by best I mean the best entertainment.

Keep it coming, your tears are delicious.
Posted on 21 September 2019, 16:04 UTC by:   shadow flux1    PM
Score +25
it's furry porn, why can't we just get some mutant halfbreed babies and call it a day?
Posted on 23 September 2019, 07:42 UTC by:   FurryRyuho    PM
Score -7
Honestly I wouldn't mind a cucking comic but this is just cheating comic for the first part and it just kind of feels out of character to me for both characters to be in this kind of situation. Especially Nick as after the little time skip his partner is pretty much telling him she betrayed his trust in her which doesn't seem like something he'd be ok with. It's to be expected sometimes but can create a bit of a dissonance if you know the characters already
Im fine with netorare, cheating, cuckolding, even crap like rape but if a comic comes out saying it's cucking while actually just showing cheating I think it deserves some criticism for misrepresenting itself, regardless of it being porn.
Honestly though if the cuck ends up emotionally destroyed or not knowing about the sex going on then it's likely not a cucking story but cheating or netorare, which while in some ways similar are different things. Cheating, netorare, and cucking while all featuring someone having sex with someone who is not their partner are not the same thing. Cheating generally revolving the gratification of the person doing it, netorare will tend to focus on the person being "stolen away" and will generally have a focus on how that hurts their original partner, and cucking is focused on both generally equally(cucking as a fetish is for both partner's pleasure afterall which is why it tends to have safe words and the like) with the buck as a secondary focus(most cucking couples are likely going to want to get to know the buck a bit before going into things since it doesn't work if one or more of the people doing it aren't into it).

The way the comic is headed shows signs of a cucking relationship starting but what had been shown so far was cheating because it focused on Judy lying to the "buck" and Nick about things so she could continue for her own gratification. Nothing here shows things as netorare tmk as Judy hasn't been stolen from Nick and the dialogue suggests they are going to do it for both their pleasure(not sure why this was tagged as netorare honestly unless cheating isn't a tag). Could end up going into a nice cucking comic honestly if it continues.
Posted on 30 September 2019, 21:07 UTC by:   tadpolegaming    PM
Score +16
kill all cucks
Posted on 02 October 2019, 20:29 UTC by:   n3koboyy    PM
Score +30
Everyone arguing about the theme and I'm just here rolling my eyes at how many times the characters say "ticks all my boxes".
Posted on 02 March 2020, 03:21 UTC by:   Muffdiver884    PM
Score +39
NICK SHUT UP AND GET THE FUCK OUT, I'M GOING TO FUCK JUDY NOW. #memesgalore #imthinkingarbys
Posted on 03 March 2020, 00:51 UTC by:   hatepie    PM
Score +12
>"maybe finds enjoyment from watching others squirm a bit. In my head he's happy to press Nick's buttons, while burying his bone in Zootopia's hottest bunny, but is also hella respectful of them both and their boundaries - he knows he has it lucky! "

I genuinely think the author is a mentally ill cuck himself.

This sort of relationship is the antithesis of "respect".
Posted on 06 March 2020, 00:30 UTC by:   mercurial008    PM
Score +1
Do the people that despise cuckolding stuff realize how much they're saying about themselves with their bizarrely vehement reactions to it? I'm not sure they do.
Posted on 08 April 2020, 08:55 UTC by:   kIsho Acrerion Orion    PM
Score -1
@ Pertater: gonna need source for that. Is it non-h? There are over 700 of them.

To quote : moximoore from other gallery
"Guys, it's okay to have opinions about a story. That's what the comment section is for. Instead of asking "Why does this offend you?" and saying "Don't take this seriously.", why don't you talk about why you liked it instead? That's how conversations get going and people come to an understanding."

@ Genoshia
"Just because it's free, doesn't mean it's immune to criticism. Just because I didn't pay money for it doesn't mean I'm not allowed to form an opinion"
You are allowed to, just don't deserve to. Just like eating in a place that provide free food and claim you deserve it just because you paid for your gas.
Last edited on 08 April 2020, 11:09 UTC.

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