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[Ebluberry] S.EXpedition [Ongoing]

Posted:2020-07-02 08:04
File Size:91.01 MB
Length:417 pages
Favorited:4918 times
Average: 4.73

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Posted on 02 July 2020, 08:04 UTC by:   saltcutlet    PM
Uploader Comment
Posted on 25 March 2019, 09:34 UTC by:   Penxiel    PM
Score +145
Bruh she was annoying cute at first, but then when shes up against the clock in that life or death and all she can do is just call out for help, scared, alone and not able to go peacefully.

Im hurt... Not enough to kill the session, but enough to make me think for a sec and appreciate who I still have wih me today. Well done Berry. Well done.
Posted on 01 April 2019, 17:47 UTC by:   Doppler12    PM
Score +9
You posted a duplicate gallery to include a lower quality duplicate of an image [19], and another duplicate page with one letter-off in the text [206]?
Last edited on 16 November 2019, 18:56 UTC.
Posted on 30 April 2019, 19:55 UTC by:   Imagine_Breaker    PM
Score +84
Alien highschool? Are you fucking serious?! Well at least it'll give the author a reason to introduce a bunch of new hot alien bitches for MC to bang. Story might be a dumpster fire but the art is gorgeous.
Posted on 04 May 2019, 10:19 UTC by:   LaPusca    PM
Score +37
Will we ever see Tia getting fucked? She has such a nice design and it's a shame that she doesn't had a sex scene yet.
Posted on 21 May 2019, 19:49 UTC by:   UnknownVariableA    PM
Score +6
How long before the artist can work in a "My Nykka!" joke/line?
Posted on 28 May 2019, 08:59 UTC by:   cnmlaidawoa    PM
Score +10
Posted on 01 June 2019, 11:29 UTC by:   gpabm    PM
Score +23
Entertaining comic but for some reason I kept expecting the art to get better when it became even simpler. The final art at the end at least did the characters some justice.
Posted on 01 June 2019, 12:01 UTC by:   i7-6950X    PM
Score +7
Posted on 02 June 2019, 18:11 UTC by:   anthrofan    PM
Score +43
Tia should join in on the fun her sister is having when having sex with Jack, plus Rea can teach Tia what to do while they double team Jack and finally see how much fun sex is with Jack for Rea, Then Tia can finally be a member of Jack's harem as she joins her sister in a threesome whenever Jack comes into their room and inside them ;)

page 340-341 oh come on Tia he loves all his girls equally and that would include you if you join them by letting go of your selfishness

it would be a sight that if the blanket somehow fell off or Jack took it off Tia and see along with Rea her sister positioned like she is in 348 and Tia accedently let out "please fuck my slutty wet virgin pussy zak" that would be so embarrassing but I think Rea would gladly help her sister get ready for her first time while Jack watches the lesbian show and once ready Tia would be begging to be a part of his harem of love ;)

Tia is finally going to get what she wants and Jack will finally get the full set of sisters in his harem, wonder if Rea wants to make it a threesome once she realizes that he meant to fuck her instead but doesn't want to stop Tia from enjoying the pleasure she gets all the time from Jack fucking her, so Rea might as well have some fun with Tia too ;)
Last edited on 01 September 2019, 03:43 UTC.
Posted on 08 June 2019, 16:22 UTC by:   spotmark8    PM
Score +41
Cant help but feel sorry for Tia ;-;
Posted on 22 June 2019, 23:13 UTC by:   Fenrir26    PM
Score +25
lol this comic is awesome jack has zero control on his sex drive haha literally imagine a dog on super viagra just having at it *snicker*. @anthrofan I agree with you tia should just cave and fall in with the harem plan. I mean for one thing her sister is 100% fine with it. as are the other girls sooo jack has it good cause theirs no In fighting. I know theirs the "morality" of it all, but that ship sailed a long time ago so FULL HAREM GO.
Posted on 26 August 2019, 03:35 UTC by:   Imagine_Breaker    PM
Score +125
Switching beds? You know what this means when Jack sneaks into their room later that night. We're finally getting some action with Tia. About damn time.
Posted on 01 September 2019, 04:30 UTC by:   ZSNR    PM
Score +6
dis shit fiya
Posted on 01 September 2019, 18:48 UTC by:   PandaLetMeIn    PM
Score +33
There's something about this that makes me keep coming (cumming?) back... I can't stop thinking about it! All of the character designs are just great, especially Eila in a weird way... even though she kinda freaks me out sometimes. The story is boring, the english is clearly coming from a native spanish speaker, the art falls off towards the end and can vary from page to page... yet something about it makes me not able to stop thinking about it!
Posted on 07 September 2019, 19:39 UTC by:   MR_Z13    PM
Score +13
UNIVERSE!!! prepare ur anus...
Posted on 12 September 2019, 05:42 UTC by:   tadpolegaming    PM
Score +118
yayyyy she's not a virgin anymore
Posted on 16 September 2019, 05:32 UTC by:   34se    PM
Score +21
Does the heart areola bug the shit out of anyone else?
Posted on 22 September 2019, 05:01 UTC by:   hjerry    PM
Score +43
Tia adorbs
Posted on 08 November 2019, 04:05 UTC by:   Doran Martell    PM
Score +33
You know, I've never posted a comment on a message board or... anywhere to the best of my knowledge. But I have been following this comic for forever and I was just casually glancing at the comments down here after, yes, Tia finally got in on it thank the gods. And considering some of the comments and criticism, the realization that I can actually post my appreciation of this comic suddenly struck me. As I said before, I'm almost 100% confident I've never bothered to post anything anywhere. So...
Guys, if you are looking for a deep emotional journey of the soul with amazing erotic art. You should be reading Alfie or something like that. That is not a criticism. The artwork there is also amazing, but the emphasis is more on the character's inner struggles and desires.
Ebluberry's art is awesome. It's erotic as hell and in terms of comics, S.Expedition is literally the best erotic comic I have ever seen exploring the subject and thereby artistic variety of alien women. The free hand this allows for gorgeous coloration and design of the female body is continually explored, so far generally within terms of bipedal humanoid sex as that is what the vast majority of people are here for, myself included. I prefer my aliens anthropomorphic versus heaving with larvae or egg sacs. At least when it comes to my erotica.
I've seen some critiques of Ebluberry's art in this comic because, as near as I can tell, some individuals are unhappy that the art of the story line is not at the same standard as the artwork Ebluberry draws for the sex of the story? That has never bothered me in the slightest and I'm certain it allows for faster production of this comic I've literally had my eye on for years. Moreover, the general style of the comic makes it seem very lighthearted and almost video game like in their acquisition of items and initiation of missions. As a result, the art change during sexual encounters sharply contrasts from the rest of the comic and makes those incidents feel even more sexually charged and erotic. A prime example of this is whenever Jack drops it on some random not in his harem (or briefly attached to the group) where the sex scene is generally much shorter and the artwork becomes more of a hybrid of the comic style while still drawing the female body with extra detail. These scenes generally serve some role in the area of plot movement, comic relief, or just reminding us that Jack is a dog - and they lack the sheer eroticism and detail of sexual encounters Jack has with Tia, Zzzekxsie, Rea, and Eila.

To briefly respond to some specific comments I saw;

I think Tia's nipples being heart shaped are hot as fuck. Not sure why personally but they for sure are not a turn off for me. I remember seeing the first glance we had at them way back and thought I must have missed Rea's all that time because of body coloration. Obviously Rea's are different so it's another thing that sets Tia apart from the others. In addition to being the sexiest thing ever drawn.

I've never had any sympathy for Yvenna and wanted her gone the moment she was introduced. I've never been so happy to actually see a character be fridged in what is otherwise a very light setting. Yvette is completely different and could totally go +1 on the harem in my opinion but it seems that ship has sailed. Hopefully we have not seen the last of Yvette's new (presumably, if she followed through on that marriage thing) daughter-in-law whose name was Lacie (mentioned in two panels, the girl with dark pink skin and the devil horns and tail)
Posted on 20 November 2019, 18:46 UTC by:   deathcards    PM
Score +26
This story is like a fever dream. There is no pacing what's so ever.
Posted on 20 November 2019, 20:45 UTC by:   UnknownVariableA    PM
Score +6
Page 242:

"Someones knocking on the door.....somebodys ringing the bell"
Posted on 07 December 2019, 15:04 UTC by:   kuriosos    PM
Score +9
So, anyone knows what happened with Yvenna on her sidestory?
Posted on 08 December 2019, 14:26 UTC by:   xiao_wu23    PM
Score +8
Posted on 05 January 2020, 05:15 UTC by:   Kokachin    PM
Score +6
"Alien highschool? Are you fucking serious?!"
It was definitely an outre concept. When Galaxy High premiered in 1986.
Posted on 05 January 2020, 13:48 UTC by:   Stitch7    PM
Score +18
What is getting updated? Which image is the newest?
Posted on 12 January 2020, 02:33 UTC by:   anthrofan    PM
Score +31
page 374: calm down he's probably making you breakfast as a way to say he had a great time with you last night ;) and to welcome you into his harem which you will enjoy being in along with your sister including the other girls too ;)

I hope Rea can convince Tia that sharing is caring ;)
Last edited on 09 February 2020, 13:25 UTC.
Posted on 13 January 2020, 10:35 UTC by:   Z-kalons    PM
Score +23
tia is cute more than rea :)
Posted on 09 February 2020, 10:08 UTC by:   Shinkuro    PM
Score +43
Tia just keeps getting cuter every time. Must... PROTECT!
Posted on 09 February 2020, 18:57 UTC by:   Targak    PM
Score +7
@Stitch7 look at the second-to-last page. Actual comic updates go there, so they are next to previous pages.
Posted on 09 February 2020, 20:53 UTC by:   2shiftee    PM
Score +25
Oh, well... I prefer Tia and Jack on way they met from the very beginning. At least there is a love connection between the two... Whatever, I really wanted to see these two together...
Posted on 27 February 2020, 09:32 UTC by:   swzilij    PM
Score +6
Posted on 27 February 2020, 17:07 UTC by:   dwharlow    PM
Score +41
Post wrong page ?? 377 and 378 duplicates.
Posted on 05 March 2020, 21:17 UTC by:   hjerry    PM
Score +26
They are so going to be late for class
Posted on 08 March 2020, 04:48 UTC by:   2shiftee    PM
Score +20
And now I lost so much interest in this story...

Now I want to see Tia and Jack together even more than I did before, but its never going to happen now. I just feel bad reading their love scene again , knowing this is it. The comic has peaked and its all down hill from here.

Jack will never let go of Tia and Tia will never Jack in again...

I don't care anymore...
Posted on 08 March 2020, 13:39 UTC by:   anthrofan    PM
Score +23
Tia should realize Rea wants her to put aside the unnecessary feeling of gult and join her just like other girls in the clear feeling of love and pleasure Jack gives them ;)

P.s. Tia should accept the offer Rea gave her and have the thought of agreeing to the offer like her wet pussy is when remembering how much love and good jack made her feel until she finally agrees with her pussy realizing she already has a boyfriend, Jack
Last edited on 08 March 2020, 13:54 UTC.
Posted on 08 March 2020, 14:39 UTC by:   2shiftee    PM
Score +6

Sadly, I don't think that's ever going to happen now. ;(

What a waste of everyone's time...
Posted on 25 March 2020, 05:24 UTC by:   srg09    PM
Score +24
@2shiftee where there is a Pervy mind, there a way... so let's no give in to the despair of never see the three of them in one bed having fun... lest the comic ended then we can hope for a Volume 2 :D
Posted on 25 March 2020, 08:17 UTC by:   游戏王子    PM
Score +11
Posted on 27 April 2020, 20:36 UTC by:   Doran Martell    PM
Score +14
Everyone loves Tia because she is resourceful, intelligent, crazy cute/adorable and the hands down sexiest character ever drawn in a comic with virtually no exceptions. So the way I see this comic playing out in the future given Tia's current attitudes regarding love, relationships, and monogamy as they relate to Jack and Rea are like so; because Tia is so popular and we all want to see her as much as possible, plus we want to eventually see either her and Jack or ideally her and Jack and Rea in a stable, working, and most importantly, frequently intimate relationship... I expect Tia's recent comments about finding her own boyfriend to be an indicator that she will likely seek and find someone as a sexual partner and I expect the partner (or partners) she has sex / becomes intimate with to all be either incapable of satisfying her sexually/emotionally or have some other severe personality flaws (uncaring, cruel, xenophobic) that will lead her back to the intimacy she craves with Jack (and Rea).
I hope this is the path Tia's story takes in some form or another. Most importantly for many readers, it will keep Tia, that glorious alien goddess, front and center in the action where we want her. And it will ultimately lead to a scene every bit as heavy with emotion as the one we just concluded wherein Jack and Tia had sex for the first time and then... everything else happened. Except this time, it would be another extended scene, this time with Jack, Tia, and Rea, after Tia realizes how much Jack and Rea love her and want her to be a part of their relationship and she compares that to the man/men/aliens she has been with and how they have treated her.
In the scene where Tia and Jack sleep together the first time, there is a melancholy undertone. A longing that has been there for so long because Tia has been restraining her feelings and the knowledge of what the future has in store. She wants Jack only for herself despite his involvement with her sister (as well as Eila who I have not mentioned at all) and she knows she has to confront her own feelings as will as him regarding this problem. When she awakes and believes he bailed on her after the life altering night she had, she naturally bursts into tears as all of the ramifications of her feelings slam into her at once. She realizes she really is in love with him. It was not just unbridled lust and passion. Furthermore, she knows her sister also loves Jack and she is not willing to step in and break that bond between them because she insists upon a monogamous relationship.
For a perspective on what I imagine the emotional aura to feel like if/when Tia, Jack, and Rea all become lovers: If you have ever been in a long distance relationship or been separated from someone you were in love with for several months by other circumstances (though they still remained in your close orbit so much that you spoke and interacted on a daily basis), try and remember (or imagine, if you have never been put through such a hell) the first weekend you were finally reunited, when, after everything was finally said and all the tears had been shed, the feel of the emotional burden that was lifted from your shoulders. How a few words from that person were like a heart surgeon fixing everything wrong with you. And importantly for a comic of this type, how you literally never left your bedroom the entire weekend except to use the bathroom, and occasionally fuck somewhere other than your bed. That should be the underlying tone for when Tia and Jack get together again. And I absolutely think Rea needs to be a part of their first time back together.

Lastly, while Eila can obviously be involved in the relationship, that scene does not work if it is more than just the two sisters. Also, Jack needs to keep his harem in check. It is awesome Yvenna died for a million reasons, one of which is to keep the number of sexy alien women down to a manageable amount. We want Tia (and we still love Rea and Eila). Jack can get his alien strange out on his missions, wham bam thank you 17th gendered noun of the amoeba race he just fucked.

For real though, if you want Tia front and center in this story like I do, post it! I think (?) Ebluberry reads comments. I seem to recall her responding to something in one of her galleries.
Posted on 28 April 2020, 18:36 UTC by:   2shiftee    PM
Score +32
@Doran Martell

I wish that was true, but I don't think it's going to happen... I kind of given up on the series because of the melancholic tone of that Tia/Jack sex scene. And now the story has moved on like nothing happened... It kind of messed me up emotionally...
Posted on 08 May 2020, 05:44 UTC by:   MrBoobie    PM
Score +12
I like how im a patreon but I still read the comic here.
Posted on 08 May 2020, 14:49 UTC by:   M0M0E    PM
Score +9
Torrent update plz
Posted on 16 May 2020, 01:00 UTC by:   2shiftee    PM
Score +31
Aaaaaaaand we've moved on from Tia to... whoever this slut is...

Whatever, hard pass.
Posted on 16 May 2020, 04:09 UTC by:   gvgv    PM
Score +7
there's a little of Japanese hentai here pg 392 she have pubic hair on her mouth
Posted on 03 June 2020, 23:19 UTC by:   Foxeye    PM
Score +6
I hope we get more of a picture of Pikonetta in the future so we can see what she fully looks like than such small illustrations of her in the corner of a page.
Posted on 19 June 2020, 03:54 UTC by:   AnthonyRD    PM
Score +0
De lo mejor que he leido y visto, es increible!
Posted on 02 July 2020, 14:19 UTC by:   vevans0009    PM
Score +6
Uhm....bullshit? He fucked a elf girl and yet he said he has a "couple partners" to deal with and can't shack up with Piko? Dude, you have SEVERAL babes on your ship that you banged constantly. Does the artist have no clue how to make a character he CREATED sexy? xI

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