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[TheWriteFiction] Brotherly Love - Gohan X Bra (Dragon Ball Z)

Posted:2020-12-05 17:30
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Length:46 pages
Favorited:397 times
Average: 3.93
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There are newer versions of this gallery available:

[TheWriteFiction] Brotherly Love - Gohan X Bra (Dragon Ball Z), added 2021-01-17 19:37
[TheWriteFiction] Brotherly Love - Gohan X Bra (Dragon Ball Z), added 2021-01-20 20:29
[TheWriteFiction] Brotherly Love - Gohan X Bra (Dragon Ball Z), added 2021-04-23 12:37

Showing 41 - 46 of 46 images

Posted on 05 December 2020, 17:30 by:   sadikus    PM
Uploader Comment
Posted on 07 September 2020, 15:54 by:   Muffdiver884    PM
Score +18
May need to have an inseki tag added...eventually.
Posted on 08 September 2020, 08:56 by:   TheDocK    PM
Score +12
I love it, my only question is why either Fasha or Bulma is on the front cover. I would LOVE for it to be Fasha (since she doesn't get enough love), but why?
Posted on 08 September 2020, 16:09 by:   Muffdiver884    PM
Score +40

That's Videl and Bra.
Posted on 08 September 2020, 20:48 by:   xhs    PM
Score +7
I think it's actually one of the girls from the universe that use special armors (after all it's about dbz multiverse)
Posted on 09 September 2020, 13:18 by:   kol19    PM
Score +13
Page 6 tells me that the artist has played DMC 5. This brings me joy.
Posted on 15 September 2020, 20:23 by:   ssj782    PM
Score +24
You know? I keep forgetting that Gohan's power potential is actually higher than Goku and Vegeta's, and is only weaker because he doesn't train much. Though their battle sense is higher, I think.
Posted on 17 September 2020, 10:14 by:   unnoticed demon    PM
Score +53
@ssj782 - To be fair Akira Toriyama forgets that all the time as well. :‑D
Posted on 17 September 2020, 22:04 by:   Zeikfried    PM
Score +19
It is amusing to me that across all the dragon ball webcomics, they're pretty much all in the same arena fighting practically the same matches right now.
Posted on 30 September 2020, 16:23 by:   Renan Wilheart    PM
Score +12
Did he take points from Dragon Ball Super's Moro ? Because consuming worlds is literally what Super's current villain does.
Scorch's design reminds me more of "Doom" though.
Posted on 04 October 2020, 19:14 by:   pureyang    PM
Score +54
words words words words words
Posted on 05 October 2020, 17:43 by:   Renan Wilheart    PM
Score +24
Okay, plot wise... This just got worse !
Introducing all these enemies and allies... Seriously, why even bother ?
Posted on 05 October 2020, 23:30 by:   TheWriteFiction    PM
Score +28
@Renan Wilheart And what's the problem with a plot that differs from what you know from Dragonball Z?

The point of this Gohan and his story is showing the different story arcs he could've had, had the author written something a bit more original and creative, instead of relying on the same, tired, boring story beats. The threats he faces and the friends he makes allows Gohan to step out of the shadow of his father and become something else that is all his own, a hero of his own making. It also gives his character realistic struggles to overcome, while at the same time maintaining his power and the cool factor he had at the end of the Cell Games.

Let's summarize what we got after Cell in canon:
-In the last seven year time skip, all Gohan did was study and get weak, becoming a shell of his former self. He goes to high school, has one or two chapters with a laughable super hero alter ego, then gets black mailed to participate in ANOTHER Martial Arts Tournament we have seen three times already
-Gohan gets his energy drained in the dumbest way possible to have it given to some galaxy destroying monster, which is revealed to be a pink bubblegum alien that can transform people into candy (oooh... scary). He puts up a so-so fight against Dabura, gets his ass kicked by Fat Buu, comes back with a new power up, then gets his ass kicked again by Gotenks Buu, gets absorbed, then dies while unconscious on an exploding Earth because of baggage handling issues. (No wonder his popularity as a character plummeted in the polls. That's just pathetic).
-And over the course of the entire plot, we get multiple new power ups, fusions, people dying and coming back to life, and an underwhelming bad guy with an identity crisis, since he can't decide whether he wants to be goofy and childish, dark and serious, or tiny and crazy. The pacing and tone just jumps all over the place... AND WITH ONLY ONE BAD GUY. Yawn. (By the end of the arc I was so tired of hearing about Majin Buu I moved on to Naruto instead)

Now compare the abovementioned to what happens in Golden Age Gohan's recount from this comic:
-In his timeline, Gohan manages to kill Cell with his own power without any hindrance from Vegeta, does the same thing to Bojack during the Intergalactic Tournament, and rescues Zangya who was forced to be the warlord's servant, and she becomes a strong, active female ally with the Z-fighters (the first strong female ally that actually participates full time rather than part time like Eighteen among a plethora of male characters).
-Gohan goes with Future Trunks to his timeline, where he fights a Majin Buu that is resurrected there in the absence of the androids and the Z-fighters. We can assume that in that eighteen year time gap, Babidi found an alternate means of gaining power from the earthlings. I'm not going to fully erase a villain introduced to the series.
-A few months after Cell, the Z-fighters fight against an energy absorbing monster who can devour and consume all ki on contact, forcing them to rely on a seldon used element of Dragonball Z used by certain characters, while simultaneously showing that not all enemies can be defeated by simply powering up and changing hair styles
-Years later the Z-fighters are then hunted down by a human enemy that can render all transformations and power ups useless with martial arts, forcing the heroes to learn a new martial arts technique rather than another transformation in the lineup we've already seen. The villain's motivations are also not black and white, as this character later becomes the hero's rival and reluctant ally.
-When Gohan starts highschool, the world is then invaded by demons from another mythology that actually exist in our fiction. Again, their normal tactics are useless against these monsters, which means they have to learn a new style rather than a transformation, adding more depth and growth to the universe and the characters. The magical girl genre is also given a nod towards with action oriented magical girls making up another organization alongside the Z-fighters, making for more potential allies.

Is this plot worse? No. It's just different and something you've never seen before in DBZ. It gives a lot more nuance to a universe that is quickly getting bogged down by a vacuum of creativity.

Now, as much as I respect Akira's artistic integrity, he honestly doesn't know how to tell a compelling story. What they do with Dragonball Super is even worse, since they repeat the same boring stuff we've seen in Z countless times- more power ups, more transformations, more useless filler, more stronger villains that only Goku and Vegeta can beat, and forgetful side-characters that don't do anything other than introduce a gimmick that is later forgotten. I'm getting so sick and tired of seeing the same plot threads that I'm starting to think they have a statistics and ratings group creating Dragonball Z's stories over there in Japan, rather than an author with imagination.
Posted on 06 October 2020, 12:43 by:   Imsolo    PM
Score +14
Ok. I need to see him shamelessly bang that wolf witch into a pregnant mess.
Posted on 09 October 2020, 00:27 by:   nigger0    PM
Score +16
Lol, does Gohan have a straight up harem in this? He knocked up 4 wives?
Posted on 09 October 2020, 05:50 by:   Nintyfresh    PM
Score +28
Oh my God I'm so fucking bored.
Posted on 09 October 2020, 16:01 by:   DesperateBacker    PM
Score +12
TheWriteFiction you are very talented and despite what few others may say you are doing justice to Gohan because in Z he was cool well until he lost to buu and in super he was well.......yeah. But these are interesting Characters and opponents he has in this golden age. I mean I became a Patron to support this anyway. So don’t let a few naysayers who are bitching stop you.

Though I wonder if Reina ever becomes part of the harem or if she simply is off limits.
Posted on 10 October 2020, 14:45 by:   Echsandwhich    PM
Score +5
First off I love the technique > power angle you've been writing and bringing magic (which is an underrated ability in dragon ball) into it as well. Plus making Gohan way cooler than he is in the anime is awesome. Just one question, What happened to 18 X Gohan from Android 18's Life Debt? I was under the assumption that 18 was also apart of the harem. Unless that gohan is a different gohan from this gohan.
Posted on 12 October 2020, 08:28 by:   Snouder    PM
Score +6
I have no clue what inspires people to have such devotion towards Gohan. It feels like a Mexican Jim Jones cult sometimes.
Posted on 12 October 2020, 13:48 by:   TheWriteFiction    PM
Score +16
@Snouder Are you implying that just because there are a lot of Spanish comics featuring Gohan that I'm Mexican?

Okay, for starters, this comic is in English written by someone with a multi-cultural background.

Second, Gohan is a beloved fan character just like every other DBZ character with a big following. Hell, I often question why Goku and Vegeta are so popular. Maybe because their characters were written far better than Gohan's after the Cell Games. During the Cell Games and prior Gohan was always in the top five, and even beat Goku after his fight with Cell in that year's Daizenshu popularity poll.

And third, I'm bloody Australian, mate. There are fans of Gohan everywhere.
Posted on 12 October 2020, 23:46 by:   ssj782    PM
Score +13
Don't let a few of the vocal minority get you down. A lot of us enjoy alternate story types. I started to get into them when I accidentally stumbled upon "A Tale of Two Rulers" which is an incredibly interersting Legend of Zelda story.
Posted on 13 October 2020, 02:57 by:   nigger0    PM
Score +6
So this Gohan basically has ultra instinct.
Posted on 13 October 2020, 15:04 by:   Snouder    PM
Score +7

just joking dude, keep on keepin on

but i seriously don't understand why gohan is so beloved lmao
Posted on 13 October 2020, 21:38 by:   TheWriteFiction    PM
Score +16
@Snouder That's alright.

But to hopefully put your mind at ease as to why Gohan is so beloved, between the Japanese Superman copy from an extinct alien race with the mindset of an overly excited child that was dropped as a baby, the wife that likes to scream a lot and force her child to study needlessly when he can do math at a university level despite being four years old, the arrogant, formerly self-destructive, former planet conquering prince of the same race with an inferiority complex, the billionaire, genius science daughter with blue hair, the shorter than average, off-and-on bald monk, his blonde-haired, super hot wife worthy of being a runway model turned cyborg, the green loner that is the son of the demon that was the former half of a full person from another planet once upon a time, the scar-faced merc who used to be scared of girls but also has an amateur baseball career, the gruff, three-eyed bald man who is tall and is also a grandmaster at his school, his tiny, pale mime friend with a squeaky voice, the pink thing that eats candy all the time, and the plethora of other weird characters... Gohan is probably the most grounded, most developed, and most relatable character in the entire show.

I gravitate towards characters I relate to the most in shows and Gohan just about nails every category.

He is shy, a little bit spoiled, and scared when he was young, was forced to study every single day by one or two of his parents, but at the same time aspires to be like the one he views as his idol and hero (Goku & Piccolo), he develops confidence as he grows up but constantly met struggles and losses at every stage of his life, is socially awkward even when he went to school and made friends, won the heart of an awesome girl, and fights for justice and his belief of what's right rather than gratification... there's just so much to like about him.
Posted on 14 October 2020, 17:24 by:   Snouder    PM
Score +13

Good points, he probably is the most level headed of all the characters now that I think about it. Even more so than Krillin and Piccollo probably.
Posted on 16 October 2020, 22:52 by:   Renan Wilheart    PM
Score +6

Look, I apologize if I offended you in any way, it was not my intention.
What I really meant to say is that you were introducing so many allies and enemies way too quickly... It felt like Boom "lore", Boom "new lore" and Boom "more lore"...
=> Hey, slow down a minute will ya ? I was getting quite overwhelmed with all that.

Anyways, about Gohan, I have to agree that he was done dirty... Though I did like his new power up in the Buu saga, I believe he would've fared far better had he kept his training in check after defeating Cell ! He awoke to Super Saiyan 2 at the age of 9, I was expecting him to have reached new heights when he turned 16.
=> The fact that he didn't train in seven years was simply hard to swallow for me, that's just too freaking irresponsible ! (I did switch to other mangas just like you at the time but naruto wasn't all that good to me... It's ending was handled poorly and one of the FMC became really pathetic from what I heard)

In Super, He became irresponsible once again !
When Frieza showed up after his resurrection, he nearly killed Gohan after hitting him ONCE while in BASE FORM (yeah, no joke, he wasn't even using his true form yet) !
Like Oh My God ! I couldn't believe I was watching him turn into fodder ! Frieza got stronger at the time but Gohan wasn't even using his mystic form ! He just went Super Saiyan and he would've died had it not been for Piccolo !
=> With his kid being born, you'd think he would've had all the time to ponder about whether or not he was strong enough to repel alien invaders and protect what was important to him...

Gohan had a lot of friends by his side to help him train ! All he had to do was ask for help ! And if he really had more brains than Goku, maybe he should have invented a new kind of training ?
In my opinion, he should've just sucked it up and trained with Vegeta even if it meant turning himself into a punching bag.
Last edited on 11 May 2021, 22:44.
Posted on 17 October 2020, 13:34 by:   TheWriteFiction    PM
Score +15
@Renan Wilheart

It's okay. It was just the way the response was worded.

However, if you're wondering why so much lore was added in that sequence of pages, it's because most of the people on this site hasn't read any of my fanfictions related to this Gohan (and to be honest, most of these people won't, because they either can't be bothered, or they don't care and are here for either the sex or the action, which is a shame because there is a big story here to tell). So in order to cover all my bases in explaining why THIS Gohan is so good at fighting and why he is so different from the canon Gohan we know, the series of flashback pages was basically just a summary of all the events that take place in this Gohan's timeline. It wasn't meant to be fully fleshed out like in my fanfictions, otherwise I would be spending the next 1000 pages of this comic covering his entire past adventure from Cell onwards, which I'm not going to do.

The reason why the bombardment of lore seemed so quick is because it wasn't a fully in depth story, but a recap. I basically covered eight to nine arcs of my Golden Age fanfiction, which is an estimated equivalent of 54 chapters of writing and condensed it down to four pages- and that is me being generous.

However, if people are simply getting bored with only reading four pages of character backstory compared to Dragonball Multiverse's plethora of spin-off and gag comics comprising hundreds of pages, then I don't know what else to say.
Posted on 17 October 2020, 20:48 by:   zeone3000    PM
Score +61
Right, right... Almost forgot this is supposed to be for fapping purposes.
Posted on 21 October 2020, 01:15 by:   Gaiadrill    PM
Score +9
While I enjoy the more varied villains that your AU has, how many more lovers are you gonna give Gohan lol

I don't mind serious fanfic that tests the waters beyond the scope of the original or a casual harem hentai, but the two don't mix well.
Last edited on 21 October 2020, 04:20.
Posted on 21 October 2020, 11:24 by:   TheWriteFiction    PM
Score +16

It was more of a personal choice for me giving Gohan a harem. I couldn't decide which girl I liked best and thought, 'screw it, give him ALL of them'. Don't get me wrong, I've always been a diehard GohanXVidel fan since middle school. But other girls with different personalities and potential have grown on me since then, Erasa and Zangya for example.

Surprisingly having a serious story with a harem works well for this concept, particularly since Gohan is such a flexible character to work with. The different partners touches different aspects of his personality, which given his lineage and genes gels well with the lore. I mean, Boku Hero Academia teases the idea of Midoriya being able to rake in a quasi harem, but my story just does away with the subtleties and comes straight out with it.

Also, and this is @Steak Puncher, stop voting down my comments unless you have a legitimate reason to. At least have the guts to leave a comment as to why you disagree with my responses instead of trolling.
Posted on 22 October 2020, 00:35 by:   Luppol0l    PM
Score +18
I'm loving this, but please: LET THEM F*CK ALREADY!
Posted on 22 October 2020, 09:05 by:   valefor33    PM
Score +21
Someone actually using martial arts techniques in dragon ball? This earns high points from me.
Posted on 29 October 2020, 15:15 by:   ssj782    PM
Score +6
Hope it explains how he just punched her with the same arm that was just cut off.
Posted on 29 October 2020, 15:23 by:   xZabuzax    PM
Score +6
Pretty good so far, this should have been an actual story in Dragon Ball Multiverse.
Posted on 29 October 2020, 17:15 by:   ssj782    PM
Score +6
Ever wonder why no one in Dragonball ever wishes a Z fighter immortal?
Was thinking about how Gohan seems to have regenerated an arm super quickly, and thought maybe they made a wish (like any sane person with half a brain would do with their power).
Posted on 22 November 2020, 11:15 by:   Gamerman45    PM
Score +9
FUCKIN'! *collapses from laughter*
Posted on 24 November 2020, 21:50 by:   ssj782    PM
Score +6
So now this Gohan even has a sense of humor? Obviously he's an evil twin.
Posted on 26 November 2020, 01:56 by:   lw123789    PM
Score +16
Two questions :
- the heck is even going on right now ?
- do I still even really care ?

Also, learn to do shorter dialogues, you have speech bubbles filled with descriptions and narrations and that is way too much text ! You are writing a manga, not a novel !

It also feels more like a monologue interrupted sometimes by Bra instead of a real dialogue.
Posted on 26 November 2020, 17:03 by:   lw123789    PM
Score +10
Cool, but one last thing...

Don't you dare pull out a Gate of Babylon or Unlimited Blade Works
Posted on 26 November 2020, 22:35 by:   ssj782    PM
Score +13
Apparently this Gohan is also an otaku.
Posted on 27 November 2020, 13:07 by:   {G}Zulu    PM
Score +5's hilarious and all.

But where is the PLOT we came here for guys?
Posted on 01 December 2020, 04:55 by:   Echsandwhich    PM
Score +5 (reaction 1)

That's it? I mean the story was cool, the fight was great, the fanservice shots of bra stellar. But just a wrap up on 44 and no porn at the end of this epic. I am only commenting this b/c there's no "ongoing" next to the title anymore. Unless you had the porn part drawn first and then gave us all this plot. But no "plot" ....unless that's what's next. In which case (If I'm speaking to soon)
Posted on 01 December 2020, 05:32 by:   TheWriteFiction    PM
Score +33
I'm still writing the comic. Porn coming soon, I promise.

Gohan just needs to give Bra the usual 'you can be better' speech', force Zen Buu to spit up all the people he absorbed to show how powerful he actually is, then Bra goes to Gohan's room to rock the bed, so to speak.
Posted on 02 December 2020, 09:01 by:   Gamerman45    PM
Score +9
Awesome! Looking forward to more then!
Posted on 05 December 2020, 22:08 by:   gregwill    PM
Score +6
@Gamerman45 how dare you bring such filthy language into this wholesome website.
Posted on 20 January 2021, 23:47 by:   Muffdiver884    PM
Score +8
Page 46: Like I know all that is supposed to make Gohan better than Master Roshi, but he's still infringing on Bra's personal space and her consent. He's not any better than the old man. Not a complainer about the story, it is what it is, I'm ready for some technically-not-incest-but-kinda-is-incest, but Gohan's still a creep.
Posted on 21 January 2021, 02:41 by:   TheWriteFiction    PM
Score +11
@Muffdiver884 - To the normal person, yes, he is a creep, hence the explanation. But the point is, because he is so utterly steadfast in his beliefs to the point he knows in his heart and head that there is nothing wrong with his actions, HE doesn't know that what he does is considered creepy. In fact, he thinks it's perfectly normal. And when a person is practically brainwashed into thinking something is completely normal, even though other people may not think it's normal, then he believes he isn't guilty of anything. Hence 100% no shame and 100% pure of heart.

Of course, this goes beyond invading Bra's personal space and consent. If we want to analyze this from a more woke perspective, than everything about this Gohan is completely horrendous. However, if we analyze this from the point of view of wanting to just enjoy the hilarity, enjoy the story, enjoy the nonsense, and enjoy the narrative in general, then it's completely within reason.
Posted on 25 January 2021, 18:29 by:   Renan Wilheart    PM
Score +6
Did Gohan just use Ultra Instinct ?
=> Random info : According to the latest chapters, this ability is the angels' specialty, the gods of destruction use something else.
Last edited on 26 January 2021, 18:06.
Posted on 23 April 2021, 14:23 by:   greengrasstree    PM
Score +16
Gohan and U16 Bra are half-siblings because she's the daughter of Vegetto. Different universes, but they'd still be related by blood.
Posted on 23 April 2021, 23:12 by:   Malvuen    PM
Score +2
It is coming that Gohan is going to force Majin buu from universe 4 to free all the absorbed.
Posted on 02 May 2021, 08:44 by:   TheDocK    PM
Score +4
I just realized a good majority of my favorites on this site are all posted by sadikus. What an absolute chad.

God speed you magnificent bastard!
Posted on 09 May 2021, 14:49 by:   Malvuen    PM
Score +2
It will force Majin buu from universe 4 to free all the absorbed without being in combat, it is against the rules. Unless they are in fair combat. Gohan has broken the rules.

El manga esta muy bueno.
Last edited on 25 May 2021, 04:43.
Posted on 28 December 2022, 20:18 by:   bryan1999    PM
Score +5
Unless someone has constructive opinion don't Pau attention yo those dick suckers. Nice job! I bet they cannot even draw shit.

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