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Posted:2020-12-31 03:00
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Length:145 pages
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Showing 121 - 145 of 145 images

Posted on 31 December 2020, 08:46 by:   Guojie0412    PM
Score +141
Posted on 31 December 2020, 08:46 by:   lanxian    PM
Score +972
Posted on 31 December 2020, 08:51 by:   mysteryroy    PM
Score +270
Posted on 31 December 2020, 08:52 by:   lanxian    PM
Score +166
Last edited on 31 December 2020, 09:57.
Posted on 31 December 2020, 08:56 by:   chriseras    PM
Score +381
Fuck the CCP.
Posted on 31 December 2020, 09:01 by:   lanxian    PM
Score +318
Posted on 31 December 2020, 09:28 by:   Centifolia    PM
Score +74
JM got arrested? For what?
Posted on 31 December 2020, 09:38 by:   Blood Requiem    PM
Score +295
Arrested for production and distribution of obscene and offensive material. He sold too many real copies instead of just going digital and he got caught. People make such a big deal about it being in China but you'd get arrested for doing the exact same thing in Australia for example.

He was dumb about it and got fucked and that's it. Now somebody upload his patreon stuff.
Posted on 31 December 2020, 09:55 by:   lanxian    PM
Score +237
Posted on 31 December 2020, 10:07 by:   e-diver    PM
Score +177
his art is amazing.
Posted on 31 December 2020, 10:10 by:   yhhg    PM
Score +66
Posted on 31 December 2020, 10:11 by:   valdroe    PM
Score +85
The world lost another great talent. Fuck China.
Posted on 31 December 2020, 11:09 by:   rionsoroa    PM
Score +160
@KBrO3 盈利怎么了?有什么要洗的?凭自己手艺赚钱碍着你了?你被整天被国内的歪理文宣洗脑洗成傻逼了吧

@qiaoqiao289 你先擦干净自己屌上撸出来的东西,然后打包袱滚出E绅士吧,装什么大尾巴狼,还TM正道,屌上一抖一抖的喷着白色粘液然后嘴巴高喊着正道,你不膈应吗?还有在国外赚不到钱,你现在撸管看的本子是哪里来的?睁着狗眼说瞎话
Posted on 31 December 2020, 11:23 by:   ShiwasuNoYuki    PM
Score +117
Posted on 31 December 2020, 11:55 by:   little squirrel    PM
Score +167
唉 真是悲剧 好好的画家因为政治正确被抓了 没杀人放火强奸骗钱的 缺因为这点事进去了 还是重罪 作为中国人我真没脸说了

要是说罚款拘留没收非法所得可以理解 但是这点事判重罪是真的离谱

头几年不让放爆竹 说是环保 今年连煤都不让烧了 还老是派人来查 搞得庄里家家户户都关门 跟tm日本鬼子来了似的 说让烧气不论贵贱最起码先把管道修了吧 真整一出是一出 人民基本需求不关心净整这没用的事
Posted on 31 December 2020, 12:08 by:   naturehantai    PM
Score +111
Posted on 31 December 2020, 13:06 by:   weroar    PM
Score +57
I need moree JM sensei
Posted on 31 December 2020, 13:32 by:   lightingdark1    PM
Score +119
Posted on 31 December 2020, 13:46 by:   hhydra    PM
Score +393



Posted on 31 December 2020, 14:01 by:   meteor1735    PM
Score +270
Posted on 31 December 2020, 16:25 by:   多多良早苗酱    PM
Score +98
Posted on 31 December 2020, 17:31 by:   pokemario    PM
Score +244
可算找到根骨头了,为个画师fuck ccp,真当r18g是个能见光的玩意了?
我,一普通的猎奇爱好者,喜欢看女孩子光鲜亮丽的躯壳下具有生命力的内脏,这性癖不是什么能掏出来给别人展示的东西,我作为猎奇爱好者对此有充分的自觉。不过好像有些人不在乎这些,他们只是想找个fuck ccp的理由罢了。
Posted on 31 December 2020, 17:47 by:   道法自然    PM
Score +58
because some shitly false feminists

Posted on 31 December 2020, 18:24 by:   節操君の消散    PM
Score +66
Posted on 31 December 2020, 18:46 by:   baijuyi    PM
Score +111
R18G本身就是灰色地带中的灰色地带 被爆出来后被抓无可厚非 但真正应该被骂的不应该是把这玩意炸出圈的内鬼吗
Posted on 31 December 2020, 20:11 by:   bzwswy    PM
Score +45
Posted on 01 January 2021, 01:10 by:   chriseras    PM
Score +121
> 来来来,楼上的傻逼,“美国从来没有人因为创作二次元色情坐牢的事,建议你去查查再造谣”。你放屁之前能不能先动动你那个比lan子大不了多少的脑子去搜索一下啊?

At least read the article and the one where they got the original story from and look at the cartoons he draws (bad newspaper style political ones). It seems to implicate that the guy had actual CP and not of the drawn sort. Him being a cartoonist was an easy mark for you to use to muddy the waters when the stuff he draws isn't related. For a supposed "what about" jab, it's a terrible one.
Posted on 01 January 2021, 01:15 by:   phantom116    PM
Score +87
Fuck the CCP, damned those communists.
We have lost some of the most talented and unique artists ever know in modern times. Hope he can get out of prison.
Posted on 01 January 2021, 09:11 by:   GODICKER    PM
Score +62
确实 都来这儿了 还指责JM 属实低能儿
Posted on 01 January 2021, 09:19 by:   little squirrel    PM
Score +52
呵呵 中国人 不在乎活人过得好坏 给纸片人要人权来了 真是傻B
Posted on 01 January 2021, 09:51 by:   chriseras    PM
Score +44
> "@chriseras,you are a fucking bitch"

Is that supposed to offend me or something? Or is that you're just lashing out like a kid after someone dismantled whatever false narrative your friend necrosoft tried to spin like a true wumao?
Posted on 01 January 2021, 19:10 by:   zxc1901909    PM
Score +53
Posted on 02 January 2021, 09:08 by:   chriseras    PM
Score +195
Posted on 02 January 2021, 15:04 by:   88cmflak    PM
Score +106
When you arrest someone for distributing porn and drawing violence stuff, but you forgot your national hero who killed millions of your own people and cause starvation got praised. Fuck the chinese government.
Posted on 02 January 2021, 17:07 by:   Mildew444    PM
Score +153
The most thing that we need are those SJW madman , if we dont find any ways to defend those people who cant distinguish real life and virtual creations only more and more artist will get cyber ​​bullying by SJW ,just like the game author that suicided

I dont like CCP too but if we keep let SJW doing those shit ,I think this is not surprising become the reason of WW3 cause they will have extreme rights which is same as those Communist country...

這次事情最主要的原因不就是被SJW抓到弱點 這群瘋子也不是第一天搞這種事了 國外新聞查下就知道以前還甚至把人搞到自殺 主謀還利用媒體賺一筆錢然後就消失了 想想就噁心

我們這些不管是看還是創作這黃圖的再不想想保護自己的辦法 只會有更多的畫師被那群女性極權瘋子搞到消失 等到那群瘋子的到他們想要的也就是權力的時候 就知道什麼叫人類社會的退步了
Posted on 02 January 2021, 17:54 by:   veinidici    PM
Score +246





想拿炼铜来说事,那这里有一个一切问题的前提,什么是“儿童色情内容(kiddie porn)”?



Last edited on 03 January 2021, 05:01.
Posted on 02 January 2021, 23:05 by:   Heatmine    PM
Score +83
The Communist Party is trying to kill all the good Chinese. It's not the Communist Party of China, it's the Communist Party of Hell.

Posted on 03 January 2021, 08:21 by:   pervM    PM
Score +89
@venidici This chink is right. Porn is illegal in China so its always a tremendous risk there. I assumed JM lived in Taiwan or in Japan or something, which is why he was not afraid to ship even physical posters of his drawings. Apparently not, he exists at the mercy of the tyranny of chinese government. And sadly he had to face the reality of his motherland the hard way. China is NOT a free country and those chinese thinking that their government is their friend should stop fooling themselves. CCP is a greedy, selfish abusive parent of the chinese people, it is the only thing preventing China from truly becoming a developed world.

As for (judging from Google Translate), you said you didnt know which western countries JMs porn would be legal? The answer is some US states, most of Europe (except Germany and some south-eastern european countries). So in the future if JM gets away with light sentence, he should move into nordic countries like Denmark, Finland or Norway if he wishes to continue drawing porn. Sweden is one country where theres even more angry feminists and they would inevitably raise a huge stink about his art again, but it would still not be illegal in Sweden.
Last edited on 03 January 2021, 08:39.
Posted on 03 January 2021, 14:17 by:   whyempire    PM
Score +90
Posted on 06 January 2021, 13:58 by:   greengo    PM
Score +46
First of all, last part of a gallery is not even JMs, idiot.
Secondly, we dont actually know, if he is arrested or not, under last pic on pixive he wrote that he got banned for not-censored pictures and didnt mention any other problems.
Thirdly, porn production is banned in a lot of so called "western democratic" countries, especially porn about children, even drawn one, being mutilated. So if he was from almost any other country, he would be arrested the same way you imply happend now.
Posted on 15 January 2021, 04:13 by:   chriseras    PM
Score +96
Lol. try harder wumao. It's always whataboutism with CCP shills to the point that they lash out like rabid dogs at any criticism.

Your example of Christopher John Czarnik is crap, but that's what wumao like to do, which is find examples in a place like the US, because of all the anti-US propaganda in Mainland China. It's why they only know about cases in the US while missing large blind spots like Sweden. But I'll humor you. In prisons, rules are more strict than the outside, especially for someone who was already in for an actual conviction by a trial by jury (as opposed to a CCP kangaroo court). Even if you smuggle mundane items, you'll get punished with extra time. Now, the punishment isn't for the items smuggled themselves, but rather the inability of the inmate to show correction. As for the supreme court, note that it is the Michigan supreme court. It is different than the US supreme court. Two different things. As pervM already stated, different states have different laws. Go to a different state like California and the laws there will also be different. However, the 2002 case was ruled at the national level, which means it is the law over any states. The Michigan decision holds until it's appealed to the 6th Circuit Court, where it is likely to be overturned due to the 2002 decision. Why it's not appealed, is because no one is taking the case out of financial reasons. Guy can't exactly pay for lawyers to fight the case while in prison.

In this case, it is Michigan that made the decision, so the blame lies with Michigan, rather than the US as a whole. In the JM case, that decision was made at the national level, so blame falls on the CCP for being hypocrites who love to do short stint moral campaigns for public show while going back to ignoring the issue after a couple months. Shows how little you know about other places outside of CCP propaganda. But please continue to bring up examples that superficially support your arguments but fall apart when a deeper look is taken.

It gives me great entertainment to watch you froth at the mouth at any comment, which this whole comment section shows. But in any case, your crap government still arrested him and sent him to jail, even though he didn't injure anyone, except the feelings of snowflakes.

Guess that makes you a snowflake. :D

P.S.: Your copypasta jab is poorly done, but I guess that's a prime example of Chinese counterfeiting.
Last edited on 15 January 2021, 06:38.
Posted on 17 January 2021, 01:10 by:   chriseras    PM
Score +128
Well, what xshxsh said was true, because he was already in jail to begin with. So I don't see what the problem was as those years were tacked onto the *original sentence*, with him drawing the stuff as a reason to do so. It wasn't done as a separate charge, which would be different. If it was, there would be a lot more attention as it would set precedent. It's also a misconception most wumao love to use in that "if event A happens in state it implies entire country B". Not so. What happened in Michigan is only limited to Michigan. It doesn't apply to any other states in the 6th Circuit, nor does it apply to other states in the Unites States on the national level. However, what China did was apply it on the national level.

But man, what a rage post.

But yeah, not really falling for your bait. I live in a place where drawn porn is completely legal and that's all you need to know. But hearing that you claim you're Chinese just makes all the more entertaining, because everyone now knows whose side you are with the type of content you're arguing with.

I mean sure, you can call me an "North American attack dog" raised by a "gangster regime". Don't know why, because I make fun of them too, but whatever. You're saying that I'm using Google Translate, but it sure looks like you're doing same thing? You seem to love talking about virtue when you have none at all.

I was just using the Wuhan flu as an example of the constant distraction wumao love to use. But if you want, we can start going into that topic. The Wuhan flu started in Wuhan as that was the place where large numbers of people started falling dead. If it started elsewhere, you'd see the same there instead, especially with a disease with a 2 week incubation period. If it started in the US, you'd see large numbers of people dropping dead there first. Didn't help that the CCP tried to cover it up initially, then fucked up the response like the Sichuan earthquake, and then tried to blame multiple countries for their failure to contain it. They've blamed the US military, then they tried to blame Italy, then the US as a whole instead, then Australia, and the latest was India? Kind of lost track. CCP isn't exactly trustworthy given their history of doing similar. And you want to know the kicker? It was foreign Chinese who got infected after the outbreak spread to those countries, who were returning back to China and then causing reinfections. With that reasoning, the CCP was using it to pin the *initial outbreak* on foreign countries.

Must be fun for you to try to portray me as being anti-Chinese just because you're writing Chinese isn't it? That's just a common tactic when someone talks shit about the CCP. They often try to muddy the waters so that any attack on CCP values is perceived as an attack on the Chinese. It's something that should be separated in that CCP does not imply Chinese just the same as Chinese does not imply CCP. So calling me an "North American attack dog" really just shows where you side with as that's the most common tactic wumao use, which is assuming anyone who uses English as an American.

Oh, don't worry about the comment interception. I'm doing just the same so everyone dropping by can see what you're doing.
Posted on 18 January 2021, 01:15 by:   chriseras    PM
Score +73
Oh come on and spare us your Zhao Lijian style wolf warrior nationalist bullcrap.

Just because something happened in country X does not mean it makes what happens in country Y any less significant, but it seems to be your entire goal. Does Australia banning hentai make what happens in China any less significant? Nope. Does the UK banning loli make JM's arrest insignificant? Nope. Criticism is universal and if it were limited to people who were without sin, then the CCP would be a lot more quiet on the national stage. The CCP loves the double standard of running its mouth while doing all the things it's talking against.

Since you keep bringing up the Czarnik case in the US, most people outside already know that one state in the US does not decide legal status for the entire country. Knowledge of American legal systems is common, even in my area. As far as drawing child porn, it's still legal per the 2002 ruling, so there's a conflict in the law there, but it doesn't seem to be something to be solved any time soon. But it's indeed something that will be overturned the moment that someone else gets docked for.

So your whole thing about Michigan belonging to the United States only tells one part of the story, with the other part being what you're trying to purposely avoid which is that it does not decide it for the entire country. That only happens in the Supreme Court. You say you have honesty, but you sure lack it. That's some pretty crazy form of projection.

Your stuff still seems like reversed Google translate mixed in what passes as internet speak.

The "sinophobia racist" part is amusing. "Oh no! They said WuHaN FlU!!! RACIST" Spare me the moral high horse American progressivist BS. Might as well call people racist for using the terms "Ebola", "West Nile Virus", "MERS, or "Yellow Fever". "Oh no, you said Ebola and West Nile Virus? You're racist against Africans!" "You said MERS? You're racist against Middle Easterners." "Yellow Fever? You're racist against yellow people!". It's highly correlated by science, hell, even logical thinking, that it started in Wuhan. Just because people are saying it to be the Wuhan Flu (even though it was later co-opted by American politicians), doesn't make it racist. Wuhan is a place, not a race. Want somethinng that's actually racist? The idiots calling it "Chinese virus" would be it.

It's rich that you're upholding the W.H.O. You're talking about the same guys that were accepting bribes from the CCP as well as parroting what the CCP said about the Wuhan Flu not being infectious when they knew full well it was, right?

I'm just speaking English because it's what most people understand as it's pretty much the lingua franca. And yes, I know that most people in China support the CCP, but do they really do so on their own or is it because of the constant propaganda and brainwashing? If the CCP weren't so scared about losing control, they wouldn't have the GFW as well as constant censorship and purges all the time. It's gotten ridiculous enough that they do media purges on the old stuff that the CCP themselves say, becaus eit puts the new lies they're spinning in a bad light. Just stop sucking Lei Feng's dick so hard, it's making you look bad.

To be honest, Pompeo only used what was being said for a while. Haven't heard of Epoch Times, but it also looks to be Chinese news. Just because it doesn't line up with CCP propaganda news doesn't make it any less true. But then again, the CCP seems to be going with the route of trying to control Chinese language news in multiple countries to make it seem like it's not Chinese propaganda. But when you follow the money, it's all CCP-controlled because they only parrot the same propaganda.

> PRC make sure human could survive so ppl could move on for more human rights.
> While ur shitty govts doing only shit job , so you ppl howling for human rights eventually have no human left alive.

What. A. Gem. It's like a piece of turd trying to claim it's actually soft gold. It's like that dumb phrase that I heard all the time while in China that goes "Without the CCP, there is no country." Pretty sure that without the people supporting them, there would be no CCP. The CCP always claims one thing but does the other, just like human rights. They sure are making sure people could survive, especially with the retarded quarantine response that left thousands dead in Wuhan alone, with the real numbers still not being disclosed. Sure liked helping people survive in Uighyr and Inner Mongolia while forcibly sterilizing people in the former so their culture and people die in a generation while replacing all Mongolian teachers in the latter region so the culture goes away in the current generation. That's some pretty great human rights record, for a country that practices ethnic slavery and has rampant classism in the Tier 1 and 2 cities that makes Canada seem like a completely egalitarian country.

Also interesting how you're saying one thing in one language and another that's a bit different in another. As if you want to make it seem like you're a rightous person in one language and antagonistic in another.

"Oh no! The anti-China forces!" Again, you're confusing China, Chinese, and CCP. Anti-CCP is not anti-China. Nor is being anti-CCP being anti-Chinese. But you love making these logical fallacies don't you? It's definitely what's used for trying to force regular Chinese into supporting of of the most corrupt government on Earth, simply by blurring the distinctions.

Sure, keep calling me a "North American running dog" of the "American imperialists" if that makes you comfortable. But apparently, being anti-CCP makes you an shill of American imperialists! Who Knew!

It's pretty sad that you have to resort to stuff like, "The future is dead like you" while claiming to enjoy watching people make a fool of themselves when you're the one that's doing so as well as making Chinese look bad. That ego is almost as large as Trump's!
Last edited on 18 January 2021, 04:00.
Posted on 20 January 2021, 06:58 by:   pervM    PM
Score +79
Its pretty funny how these chinese government bootlickers come to sadpanda to defend their government banning porn, in a porn site which is undoubtedly banned in China. Chinese shills don't have a hint of irony to them.
Posted on 22 January 2021, 14:15 by:   Ricchi    PM
Score +114
This comment section is lit af
Posted on 02 October 2022, 00:23 by:   seedt    PM
Score +43
这评论蚌埠住了 给你爹招魂呢
Posted on 04 March 2024, 16:04 by:   amber LSP    PM
Score +5
Posted on 16 March 2024, 16:01 by:   Maximilian533    PM
Score -17

Posted on 23 April 2024, 16:23 by:   tianyinhuanpei    PM
Score +5
Posted on 09 May 2024, 03:17 by:   heatherily123    PM
Score +5
怎么看个黄还扯政治啊,我也是服了 ,撸的我没兴趣了
Posted on 31 May 2024, 05:33 by:   kakp    PM
Score +6
Posted on 01 July 2024, 07:00 by:   虎哥本人    PM
Score +7

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