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[InCase] Alfie - chapter 17 [English]

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[InCase] Alfie - chapter 17 [English][HIRES], added 2023-07-14 02:06

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Posted on 02 July 2023, 23:00 by:   kikimaru024    PM
Uploader Comment

Chapter 17 complete!
pg.01-76 in high-res

/g/1618573/27d1473287/ : ch1 (old) (Melly/Jean)
/g/2339715/9f071d6569/ : ch1 (revised) (Melly/Jean)
/g/2339717/a54b4af952/ : ch1.5 (Alfie's dream)
/g/2339777/8d5295894b/ : ch2 (Vera/Ailduin)
/g/2339779/642517d923/ : ch3 (Alfie/Marco)
/g/2339780/729d457a6a/ : ch3.5 (Melly/Jean anal)
/g/2339806/3aeaf8630c/ : ch4 (Vera/Ailduin)
/g/2339818/158cfd869b/ : ch5 (Alfie/Marco, Melly/Jean, Vera/Ailduin)
/g/2339830/6de0476d86/ : ch6 (Alfie/Melly)
/g/2339833/55c26f1531/ : ch7 (Vera/Ailduin/Eamas)
/g/2339933/1ad9d01f56/ : ch8 (Alfie/Marco)
/g/2339936/e07753c031/ : ch8.5 (Vera meets Cillian)
/g/2339940/665a3299f9/ : ch9 (Alfie/Lydia/Marco)
/g/2339944/fcb7487597/ : ch9.5 (Giants)
/g/2339945/31b8f3f400/ : ch10 (Lydia/Marco/Voch'khari orgy)
/g/2339949/f9d3c9e5ac/ : ch11 (Vera/Cillian)
/g/2339951/dcec808a26/ : ch12 (Alfie/Ozge)
/g/2339955/7c37f9c11e/ : ch12.5 (Vera/Cillian)
/g/2339956/e2467a4870/ : ch13 (Hana/Grasha)
/g/2339958/581dbd25d3/ : ch14 (Nadia/Cillian, Vera/Cillian, Lamias)
/g/2339960/de1fe7cd0a/ : ch15 (Alfie/Lydia, Lydia/Marco)
/g/2339961/9472211e27/ : ch15.5 (Vera/Cillian)
/g/2339962/fc39b75183/ : ch16 (goblins, Marco/Lydia/goblins, Lydia/Ailduin/Marco)
Posted on 02 October 2022, 12:14 by:   Shinryu-Rex    PM
Score +103
Ever since Alfie fucked around with Lydia not an hour from being rejected by Ozge, she went from flawed, but good, to just hopeless in my eyes. She gave up so easily on earning Ozge's forgiveness despite what she already went through to get it. And from then on she just keeps making things worse. If she gets forgiven by everyone, including Ozge, beyond this point, just so she can have a happy ending, I call bullshit. Vera x Cillian, and Marco x Lydia are the only ones that still have hope, and deserve, happy endings at this point. I have no idea how Incase plans to make Alfie earn everyone's forgiveness, but if he does, I can't conceive of a scenario anymore where it would be believable for everyone to forgive her. From the moment she fucked around with Lydia after Ozge rejecting her, watching Alfie torpedo every relationship she had beyond recovery, reading this has just been painful
Posted on 05 October 2022, 15:36 by:   Drunkered    PM
Score +90
so she's gonna fuck the goat
Posted on 19 October 2022, 18:46 by:   Juzubow    PM
Score +294
I wholeheartedly disagree about Alfie being the worst.
Ozge is the one who rejected Alfie, and as soon as that happened, she loses any right to be offended about who Alfie sleeps with.
At this point, even if they are not friends, she owes Alfie big time for arranging her a safe way to explore the world, but instead of being even a tiny bit grateful, Ozge has just met Alfie's mom and the first thing she does, is insult Alfie twice ("she makes it hard to be her friend" and "I've tried") and kinda admits that she is doing a REALLY bad job at her actual job of being a bodyguard.
Alfie lost her job within the caravan over being dumped, and tried to get a new one. She made series of mistakes, tried to fix them by lying, and everything backfired massively. She tried to fix things again by being honest, and it made her a social outcast. All the while she is being judged by her only friends. They happen to also be the people who forcibly exposed her for doing the same thing as them, except it conveniently doesn't make them social outcasts.

Tldr: Alfie makes mistakes. A lot. But I see where she is coming from. Her environment is constantly giving her mixed messages about how she should act, and she constantly gets into trouble for doing the same things others are doing as well, while her friends turn their backs on her.
Posted on 23 October 2022, 09:42 by:   Lelter_skelter    PM
Score +136
I wish this entire 1000+ page comic had been about these goblin chicks instead.
Posted on 26 October 2022, 19:34 by:   ssj782    PM
Score +169
Alfie looks surprisingly good with that blue added in.
Posted on 27 October 2022, 00:36 by:   Lelter_skelter    PM
Score +303
Fuck you, mom! It's not a phase! I'm a goblin now!
Posted on 27 October 2022, 00:47 by:   masonhales    PM
Score +135
what the fuck even is this series anymore
Posted on 27 October 2022, 20:14 by:   dprice22    PM
Score +111
Goblinisation progressing.

Downside: breakdown of relationship with mother, abandonment by former friends.

Upside: lifetime of chowing down on goblin pussy.
Posted on 28 October 2022, 13:50 by:   FarkyMac    PM
Score +201
"I've tried" and "she makes it hard to be her friend" are not insults. One of them isn't even about Alfie, and the other is flat-out true, and a criticism. Alfie IS awful, but you're right that it's not her fault; she just has absolutely no idea what the fuck she's doing.
Posted on 28 October 2022, 13:54 by:   progste    PM
Score +95
I wasn't expecting based goblin kids
Posted on 28 October 2022, 14:30 by:   LordGr4    PM
Score +238
So here's me theory:

The older goblins remember (or grew up on stories of) when they were seen as vermin & they're more warry of humans.

The current adult goblins have grown up during a period of peace & trade and are more hedonistic.

And the kids (result of all the crossbreeding) are a smarter & want to actually progress as a species/culture.
Posted on 28 October 2022, 16:31 by:   FloMagol    PM
Score +301
Posted on 29 October 2022, 18:43 by:   sixugliness    PM
Score +102
P.23 reminds me of a WH40k lore that young orks would adopt a more "organized" lifestyle as a type of juvenile rebellion against the chaotic ork culture.
Posted on 30 October 2022, 03:39 by:   Blue_Wizard    PM
Score +69
So nobody has noticed that the goblins look more like gremlins from the movie "Gremlins" and less like regular goblins?
-The fiery iris & black silica Gremlin eyes.
-Three claw-like fingers.
-Skin markings & stripes.
And I'm guessing that the big secret about why there's no males is because they breed asexually like Gremlins. Don't get these girls wet!
Posted on 03 November 2022, 16:01 by:   Drakhesh    PM
Score +294
I'm amazed how some people still insist that somehow Alfie is the bad party in all of this.
Because it's not that Lydia put her in a horrible position - you know, Lydia? The woman who has zero problem with dragging out in the open someone else's private life, but goes full panic mode at mere mention of revealing HER secrets? Yeah, that charming ol' hypocrite. She put her on the spot where there were no winning choices: either be ostracized as a slut (Which conveniently,neither Lydia nor Marco has to deal with that label despite sleeping around as much if not more than Alfie) or be ostracized as a bad friend - because apparently NOT wanting to discuss your sex life in a public forum is bad friendship. Somehow.
A beautiful "damn if you do, damn if you don't" situation. And Alfie would had been (and was) judged for either choice, even though the choice would never have to exist if so called 'friends' could be arsed to learn bare minimum of tact and you know, not put her in a spot she did not want to be in.
And then there's Ogze. Sweet, innocent Ogze, who "tried to be her friend" but "Alfie makes it hard". Except it's Ogze who is a bad friend that makes things difficult. Because Ogze is (admittedly interesting) take on the old trope of 'secluded character' who makes fantasies about "world out there". Ogze wanted away from Redwood, and wanting that, she fantasized - about people from far away, about other places - and about having her perfect girlfriend with whom she'd travel the world. and like most such fantasies, it turned out real was not so charming. Alfie made only one sin with her relationship with Ogze - she dared not to be her Princess Charming, she dared to have flaws and troubles, which were not in line with what Ogze fantasized, so she hit Alfie with "let's just be friends" while also saying it's her fault. Yup, really trying to be her friend right there.
And don't even get me started on everyone complaining how Alfie is a lying rat, but having ZERO issues benefiting from her lies and little plot.
It's amazing how people actually think Alfie screwed up in there in any way while her entire surrounding simply forces her which flavor of horrible she has to be.
Posted on 04 November 2022, 00:21 by:   OccasionalGoldfish    PM
Score +122
Having a problem with rebellious young gobbos? Simply yeet them away.
Posted on 18 November 2022, 15:50 by:   FarkyMac    PM
Score +96
@Juzubow Ozge rejected Alfie because Alfie was a lying, cheating, dishonest piece of shit who refused to be upfront about the fact that she prefers multiple partners. That's a healthy thing to reject.

And Ozge doesn't "owe" Alfie anything. Relationships are not transactions.

And she's right! Alfie DOES make it hard to be her friend. How? By being dishonest as her core personality trait. Fuck 'er.
Posted on 02 December 2022, 14:03 by:   lex15226    PM
Score +89
And here's Alfie doing what she does best other than sexual acts: Lie.
Posted on 19 December 2022, 04:11 by:   rockingoldensamurai    PM
Score +93
Posted on 25 December 2022, 20:12 by:   dprice22    PM
Score +98
Alfie is finally going to find the place where she belongs and it's face-first in goblin pussy.
Posted on 04 January 2023, 23:20 by:   dprice22    PM
Score +72
Uh-oh, she said the "love" word, Alfie's going to lose interest now.
Posted on 06 January 2023, 06:41 by:   Hecatom    PM
Score +81
I can see Alfie becoming the chief of the goblins.
Posted on 13 January 2023, 17:17 by:   ssj782    PM
Score +82
I'm beginning to think goblins may have been created to be perfect sex dolls. They always want it. They're all female. And they are built to stretch to seemingly obscene levels.
Sounds like a homunculus designed for sex, to me.
Posted on 30 January 2023, 17:54 by:   Crow_PD    PM
Score +188
I love the idea of people writing "Oh, the comic's going nowhere" while there is a furious discussion over the arcs and relationships of several characters. On two different platforms no less
Posted on 08 February 2023, 16:35 by:   heeb    PM
Score +171
Weirdly enough I kinda just wanna move past the sex scenes, and get back into the plot.
Posted on 10 February 2023, 04:43 by:   Escafreya    PM
Score +86
I was thinking back when they said "they will kill us" that the goblins were hiding something regarding their reproduction. Seeing as they all appear to be female, I'm guessing they are like the Asari in Mass Effect and can reproduce with any species. That's also why they have multiplied so much in that village.
Posted on 15 February 2023, 12:07 by:   Neeckin    PM
Score +69
Oh, so it was all to get knocked up. I think they may not like that she can't get pregnant.

At the same time god damn would I love a non cannon pic years down the line of mlf alfi with a belly amongst the other goblins.
Posted on 16 February 2023, 02:45 by:   iamhere23    PM
Score +78
They are like Goblins in most continuities except all females and less murder and rape.
Posted on 17 February 2023, 19:41 by:   omen666    PM
Score +95
oh god, the angst is coming
Posted on 01 March 2023, 19:03 by:   Imagine_Breaker    PM
Score +104
Incog has me conditioned for the worst lol. I'm just waiting for the moment everything blows up in her face or this manic happy mask she's currently wearing shatters and she breaks down.
Posted on 20 March 2023, 12:00 by:   Sastra    PM
Score +94
Oh, go fuck yourself, Lydia. You don’t get to treat Alfie the way you’ve done AND badmouth her to her mother and then decide to be a gatekeeper of who’s good for her to have contact with. Deal with your own shit for once instead of using everyone else’s as a cover from facing up to your problems.
Posted on 20 March 2023, 23:34 by:   BlackInker    PM
Score +140
'Stupid eyebrows.' InCase comic. 'Do You Have the Slightest Idea How Little That Narrows It Down?'
Posted on 23 March 2023, 11:48 by:   Deity Link    PM
Score +92
Can you hear the avalanche rumbling as it comes closer and closer? I can't wait to find out how their reunion goes.
Posted on 30 March 2023, 03:24 by:   redragon1990    PM
Score +140
in the words of the God-Emperor of mankind upon his golden throne with his tts device on why Alfie never told Lydia about her Life.

"because you never fucking asked."
Posted on 24 April 2023, 02:00 by:   ttd0000    PM
Score +173
Was not prepared for the commie Skaven.
Posted on 28 April 2023, 18:58 by:   pyromonkey1818    PM
Score +158
"I should be paid for being me" tracks as a very cat thing to say.
Posted on 27 May 2023, 09:56 by:   qwerty457    PM
Score +76
Hopeful prediction: big dragon/lizard lady hides/covers for her somehow and then they have sexy time.
Posted on 03 June 2023, 08:54 by:   progste    PM
Score +85
you guys are missing that also her ears are painted to look like a goblin and it's inside a dim tent.
Posted on 07 June 2023, 13:45 by:   Imagine_Breaker    PM
Score +74
Alfie having those Vietnam flashbacks of when Vera caught her with Melly. Hopefully being on the road away from her hateful little village with a companion that actually cares for her has broadened Vera's horizons to the point we don't get a repeat of that disgusted look.
Last edited on 07 June 2023, 22:47.
Posted on 07 June 2023, 16:36 by:   OccasionalGoldfish    PM
Score +217
Brave Ser Alfie ran away! Bravely ran away!
When Vera reared her ugly head,
She bravely turned her tail and fled!
Posted on 09 June 2023, 23:01 by:   whichdude    PM
Score +128
More excited by the drama of Alfie and Vera finally meeting again then any pron in this. Legit constantly checking in just to see plot developments
Posted on 10 June 2023, 08:36 by:   Deity Link    PM
Score +116
I mean, Alfie, to be fair, you put on a great deal of make-up
Posted on 10 June 2023, 08:50 by:   eatgreencrayons    PM
Score +108
dragon so hot
Posted on 15 June 2023, 01:59 by:   redragon1990    PM
Score +142
cant believe were getting alfies villain arc
Posted on 23 June 2023, 23:18 by:   Sephyr79    PM
Score +200
Here's hoping Alfie seeing that her mother has changed steers her away from being a jerk!
Posted on 29 June 2023, 01:40 by:   FloMagol    PM
Score +145
Alfie you fucking goblin what are you doing
Posted on 01 July 2023, 03:14 by:   Lelter_skelter    PM
Score +85
Flashpoint reached.
Detonation imminent.
Posted on 13 August 2023, 15:05 by:   Deity Link    PM
Score +22
I'm happy we'll get some closure.
Posted on 30 August 2023, 19:38 by:   Carbonflight    PM
Score -7
After InCase ends this I wonder what he'll do. It's sad to THE quintessential western porn comic ending. It feels like the end of an era, the end of something great. I want it to have a happy-ish ending but I doubt it will...
Posted on 07 September 2023, 08:47 by:   Lucifuge    PM
Score +17
That's the problem with trying to turn a porn comic serious, you lose the point. Incase has drawn incestual futa spitroasting or whatever before, but now suddenly Alfie has become this very serious comic about healing her relationship with her mom - despite it starting off with artwork of her getting double teamed by orcs. Everyone wants to see oyakodon but at this point yeah it would be really jarring with the current tone of the comic.

I just hope after Incase wraps this up he goes back to drawing his old style goblins getting knocked up.
Posted on 08 September 2023, 16:47 by:   bahbahsheep    PM
Score -60
If you think this writing is good, you're dumb as shit
Posted on 07 May 2024, 14:09 by:   HotIceHilda    PM
Score +12
Personally Alfie , Lydia and Marco are just so annoying. The mom is making progress as a person where the other half of this story is shit. This shit sucks
Posted on 27 July 2024, 14:07 by:   monkeyjack    PM
Score +7
So I'm reading this backwards starting from Chapter 18, I wanted to see how Alfie came to be as thoroughly messed up as she is after leaving the series for years. I'm getting a little bit more there but I'll have to read more to understand how she can justify turning the goblins loose on the caravan. I'm wondering if she had followed Vera for longer and listened to her talking about why she's acting the way she is she would've not reacted in the worst possible way in Ch. 18. I'll be interested to see if her kind of redemption arc is earned.

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