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[DarkFlame] The Light In The Dark - Episode 6: The Perfect Deal

Posted:2024-08-24 15:01
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[DarkFlame] The Light In The Dark - Episode 6: The Perfect Deal, added 2024-08-24 17:25

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Posted on 24 August 2024, 15:01 by:   Konata-chan    PM
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Wheeew, here we go people! The story that took me almost three weeks of full work nonstop, the newest chapter of The Light in the Dark, which is also the Season 1 finale! Why season 1 finale? Because a lot, and I mean A LOT of important stuff happens in it! New characters! Character Development! Secret Scenes never seen before! And most importantly, background lore!

A little recap of last time:
Light fought against Cybal, but lost! Cybal took this chance and abducted her to perform some experiments on her and brainwash her to be her most powerful sex drone! Leena hated that, so she had to seek her nemesis for help, that being Sol. She was the only one that could save Light!

This chapter shows the continuation of the previous chapter, I hope you like it! (I worked so hard for this chapter, I didn't even have the energy to make the new supporter Sex Drone or Latex Slave, sorry.)

If you want the story uncensored, you can support me in Fanbox and you will get a downlaod link for you to keep! (Includes all my previous work and stories!)
Fanbox Link:
Posted on 24 August 2024, 15:58 by:   pan785705614    PM
Score +49

Posted on 24 August 2024, 16:17 by:   gs666    PM
Score +26
Posted on 24 August 2024, 17:11 by:   JohnShepard45    PM
Score +79
Please however you end this, let us have a dark ending, even if it’s an alternate ending. Eclipse NEEDS to come back.
Posted on 24 August 2024, 18:21 by:   Xmvx6    PM
Score +2
Posted on 25 August 2024, 00:01 by:   Danmumu    PM
Score +6
Posted on 25 August 2024, 00:29 by:   Optitron    PM
Score -70
So I acknowledge that this is incredibly nitpicky, but as someone who has been reading comics for over 30 years, I can't stand seeing something that styles itself after a comic book refer to itself as a "season 1 finale". Comic books do not have seasons. They have storylines, arcs, sagas, mini-series, maxi-series, and probably many other terms I'm forgetting at the moment, but not seasons. The only time it is appropriate to refer to a comic with the word 'season' is when the comic serves as a continuation of a TV show that is being kept alive through printed media, typically because it is no longer popular enough to command a TV series budget. Its not just that its a word that shouldn't be used in referring to comics though. 'Season' is a term used primarily for TV shows and sports, i.e. things that run for a period of time during a year before taking a break, usually until the same period of time the following year. Since this is meant to be an ongoing series that comes out consistently every three months, its an incorrect term to use.

Sorry, but this is a pet peeve of mine, and it actually kinda ruined my experience reading the story before I even got going with it, especially since this series has frustrated me since its inception for styling itself after a comic book when really the only connection it has to comics is that it is a story about superheroes and villains. In my opinion, if you want to advertise your story as a comic, then at a bare minimum you should structure your pages by giving them panels with multiple actions occurring on each page with the exception of occasional splash pages. As is, the series feels more like being shown the stills from a superhero movie franchise, and I feel the more appropriate style for the covers would be to make them look like the box art from early 2000s DVDs, though that's just my personal opinion.
Last edited on 25 August 2024, 03:56.
Posted on 25 August 2024, 00:51 by:   banshee001    PM
Score +4
Posted on 25 August 2024, 02:23 by:   Konata-chan    PM
Score +36

I feel like judjing a whole series just because of the cover image being comic styled and the story is not comic-structured a bit harsh, if not, overly exagerated.
Posted on 25 August 2024, 03:41 by:   Optitron    PM
Score -15

My intention with my earlier comment was not to objectively criticize this series based on its stylistic choices. I was merely expressing my personal frustrations with certain choices that have been made about how the series is presented. They are my opinions and I do not want or expect them to be shared by anyone else. I just felt a need to put them out there in the moment and chose to do so. As I said before, it just happens to be something I see from time to time that rubs me the wrong way whenever I encounter it.

To be perfectly frank, I debated whether or not to make my first post at all since I've more or less lost interest in this series as a whole. To me, it doesn't seem to provide anything that I haven't previously encountered in a number of corruption hentai available on this site, and while the series seems to have fun mocking some classic comic tropes, it also dives straight into other ones with reckless abandon. I think the epitome of this for me was when Eclipse pulls off Neo Light's mask and SUDDENLY she recognizes her as Kate. To me, this highly dramatic moment was shattered as I began to laugh at the absurdity of the revelation. The idea that she couldn't identify Light as her girlfriend as long as the mask was in place, but now, after her body has been mechanized and her eye color and hairstyle have been altered, the fact that the instant the mask came off, Chris was immediately able to see who she was felt hilarious to me, and from that point on my immersion was completely ruined, just like it is any other time a comic creator thinks a domino mask and a bright, flashy costume would trick anyone closely related to a character into thinking they were someone else. Its an idea that works... okay when heroes are dealing with average people that have no reason to recognize them (though with advances in A.I. tech I doubt that idea is going to fly for much longer either), but is never convincing when they are inevitably forced to save people close to them.

So yeah, that's an example of why I'd say I do, in fact, judge this series a bit harshly, while the comment I made earlier was just meant to bring up something I found personally frustrating.
Last edited on 25 August 2024, 04:00.
Posted on 25 August 2024, 05:49 by:   jihang    PM
Score +6
Posted on 25 August 2024, 14:15 by:   Danmumu    PM
Score +6
sooooooooo good!!!
Posted on 25 August 2024, 15:07 by:   Q44JJ7    PM
Score +6
Posted on 26 August 2024, 13:39 by:   m98o0a    PM
Score +6
Posted on 28 August 2024, 04:00 by:   appelman357    PM
Score +13
Well, now I starting to feel all the tropes, just watch a moment and know that now would be UNEXPECTED turn, but that just me, don't take my grunting too close to your heart :⁠-⁠D

Episode turned out cool, I liked reference to Thanos, that made me laugh, nice one. Oh and Eclipse super sexy, I mean, man, she is SMOKING HOT, that would be a waste to not see her with light/kate pet by her side ;⁠)
Posted on 11 September 2024, 11:48 by:   beTSy_cucu    PM
Score +2
Thousands and THOUSANDS of pages generated, and the author improved literally nothing. How is this even possible?
Posted on 15 September 2024, 13:59 by:   toff48    PM
Score +6
best story ever drag it out forever

any of new monthly cass new job
Last edited on 18 September 2024, 23:33.

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