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[iGinger] Going Through Changes [Ongoing] (English)

Posted:2024-10-02 17:05
File Size:618.4 MiB
Length:307 pages
Favorited:5881 times
Average: 4.45

Showing 81 - 120 of 307 images

Posted on 02 October 2024, 17:05 by:   COMAN    PM
Uploader Comment
Ongoing comics, drawn by iginger
You can support the author on the patreon, in the same place you can find the latest updates.
If you find any mistakes in text, you can help artist to fix em using this form -
Posted on 09 November 2017, 11:17 by:   DarkShadow6    PM
Score +362
>transformation tag
this shit's gonna get weird innit
Posted on 09 November 2017, 20:27 by:   spywall03    PM
Score +155
Can't wait for the next part. This is going to be good.
Posted on 25 November 2017, 12:35 by:   CollarThisKitten    PM
Score +145
I need this in my life....
Posted on 13 December 2017, 14:53 by:   icemourne    PM
Score +86
God yes a cute MC with a chastity device and feminization!? This is my fetish for sure, can't wait for more.
Posted on 17 January 2018, 15:15 by:   COMAN    PM
Score +74
Dude, there is definitely some alien technology involved.
Posted on 03 March 2018, 07:47 by:   orezz    PM
Score +254
God, I wish transition was this easy in real life...
Posted on 25 March 2018, 15:38 by:   TricksyOne    PM
Score +77
Kinda wish the story had started off differently instead of the cover and first two pages. Just feels like it gives away the ending so we know how they will both end up. Still enjoying the story, but I like it more when we are seeing the changes over time and are wondering how far they will go.
Posted on 15 April 2018, 21:41 by:   COMAN    PM
Score +83
According to the cover page, his lil penis won't change into a pussy at all

19th and 20th pages added
Last edited on 08 May 2018, 21:45.
Posted on 27 May 2018, 16:57 by:   FieryBox    PM
Score +54
Really good but the progress is slooooooooooooooooooooow.
Posted on 29 June 2018, 10:57 by:   COMAN    PM
Score +103
Actually you can help artist to improve his eNgRiSh. He even asked about this. Here is the feedback form of some sort - https://goo. gl/hV3x0m

Page 25 added
Last edited on 24 July 2018, 17:10.
Posted on 12 May 2019, 23:21 by:   ponkyboy    PM
Score +222
ok so this went from "i made you into the perfect bottom that will love being fucked" to "i made you a mindless fertile bitch slave that will obey all my orders"

it went from fun happy sexual science to evil mad abusive science.
Posted on 05 November 2019, 15:46 by:   art_17    PM
Score +49
She fucked him so hard that he became the Sage of the Six Paths...
Posted on 28 April 2020, 18:03 by:   ponkyboy    PM
Score +156
ok so, this comic went from "let me show you pleasure" to "time to get raped by science" to "you are my slave and always will be my bitch slave and i will do whatever i want with you like drugging you whenever you arent with me so you know your place"

hot, but it went really dark.
Posted on 29 May 2020, 01:33 by:   Aokodoku    PM
Score +248
>I won't force you kid
>Proceeds to brainwash him into being a slut so he has nothing else but to come back to her
Checks out.
Posted on 29 May 2020, 16:36 by:   ponkyboy    PM
Score +135
yeah, that's the one thing about this comic that i don't really like. it starts off innocent enough; sexy science time mixed with some body changes to make sex way better for him. then it went all power mad with the "i control you, you belong to me, you are mine, i will destroy your body and mind in any way i please" shit. it went all abusive and rapey really fast.
Posted on 03 September 2020, 21:20 by:   gauron    PM
Score +197
You have the freedom of choice to leave anytime you want!

Said the girl to the boy who is drugged, hypnotized, manipulated and implanted with remote control devices.
Posted on 27 November 2020, 06:00 by:   Enbu    PM
Score +163
So it shifts even further now into magic from science (or at least a broken perception by the main character), and we're going full meat slave at this point since it's been focused on a 40 page gangbang now? I don't know if I'm losing the plot or the author is at this point tbh.
Posted on 29 January 2021, 17:06 by:   kxmp    PM
Score +80
Oh no!!! He become a buggy win10 boy!!!!
His future is doomed!
The bug will devour him.
Posted on 29 January 2021, 17:11 by:   notknow    PM
Score +164
Dont you hate when you are turning into a cum dump and sudenly you see a BSOD? Sucks eh...
Posted on 29 January 2021, 18:11 by:   Mattman64    PM
Score +234
Fucking Windows 10...
Posted on 23 February 2021, 19:48 by:   Xion Rabbit    PM
Score +55
This would actually have an interesting ending if he escaped.
Posted on 23 February 2021, 22:52 by:   SSSdriver    PM
Score +87
Dude wtf has this comic become lmao.
Posted on 06 March 2021, 01:22 by:   Enbu    PM
Score +94
Making up a stuff on the fly does not a story make.
Posted on 16 March 2021, 22:56 by:   Enbu    PM
Score +79
Yeah, definitely going to knock down my initial rating again given the direction this is going; I don't like the changed premises like four times, that the two cover characters haven't interacted OR fucked for at least 50 pages, and the desperate attempts to both try and elevate this beyond just being porn mixed with the desperate hope that no one notices that the plot is being done on the fly and the ending will almost certainly suck shit.

If it was just one or two of these things, it'd have stayed at the 4/5 I initially gave it, but this latest twist is knocking it down below 3/5.
Posted on 23 April 2021, 12:35 by:   notknow    PM
Score +146
*tinfoil hat
*family bolt cutter
WTF are you doing COMAN hahaha?
Posted on 24 April 2021, 04:36 by:   claralover    PM
Score +125
"family bolt cutter"
holy shit, I thought this was hentai, not a fucking comedy
Posted on 14 June 2021, 10:44 by:   Kalastron    PM
Score +63
Is this going anywhere? 147 pages of the same thing.
Posted on 02 November 2021, 20:02 by:   SSSdriver    PM
Score +108
So basically the entire "I have finally escaped!" bit was completely pointless...
Posted on 13 January 2022, 23:38 by:   JackBurn    PM
Score +174
Not usually one to comment, especially if I don't have something nice to say, but to be honest This comic kinda made me feel like I had to.
I will say, it's not all bad, manages to hit a lot of my favorite fetishes (the tags are what made me check it out, after all). Even though they're few and far between, the couple moments resembling aftercare *are* sweet, and a few times it seems like they might have a decent relationship in there somewhere.
Sadly, that's where the positives end for me. The constant flip-flopping of Alice being the problem causing "Kid" (the fact they never get a fuckin' name is it's own issue) and supposedly caring for them, before going back to what is ultimately, extremely abusive and rapey. Constant lack of aftercare, piss-poor communication, and dear god I've seen otakus with a better grasp on consent. So few scenes actually humanize Alice, and while it seems we're supposed to like her the few good scenes don't make up for, just, everything else. And the science; I'll be real, it's porn, I'm not looking for a scientific dissertation or anything, but it'd be laughable if it wasn't so sad. As someone who has experience both with feminizing hormonal treatments and hypnotherapy, it starts out relatively tame but quickly ramps up to batshit might-as-well-be-magic. Hypno has to be some MK Ultra-level intentionally intense shit to have this much of an effect, much less a real permanent one (and if it is that level, that ain't the kinda shit you just leave on loop while you go piss about for a few hours). You acutely notice your dick getting smaller when you're wearing a chastity cage because if it shrinks too much, the damn thing falls off. And if they're on as high and as weird of a dose as they seem to be on, it's just not physically possible for their tits to still be below an A-cup. And I realize that I've spent too long bitching about the science that could be seen as nitpicks versus the abuse stuff, but it really do just be so poorly justified.

Ultimately I know most of this all doesn't matter, it's porn, it shouldn't bother me so much. But it started out with a lotta promise in my opinion, and it turned into bargain-bin trash that's just too hard to read for so many reasons. And it only seems to get worse the longer this behemoth goes on (despite seeming to run around in the same circles to try and get the sex part to happen).It's just a shame, really.
Posted on 03 March 2022, 08:25 by:   MrNoobomnenie    PM
Score +63
This comic actually makes me worried about the author, and no, not in a "What a disgusting pervert!" sense. Bottom-focused Hypnosis and Mind Break kinks are common among people with depression, anxiety and low self-worth, as an escapist coping mechanism. The fact, that this fantasy becomes progressively more and more fucked up and detached from reality, may indicate the presence of growing suicidal thoughts.
Posted on 28 April 2022, 19:25 by:   puaru11    PM
Score +55
The last time we saw the cover characters fuck was page 70. We are now on page 189. And she doesn't have the six pack abs yet so I assume we have to set that up for like 10 pages. This project has been spinning it's wheels for over a year.
Posted on 24 June 2022, 21:56 by:   *Blackshard*    PM
Score +175
I went through and translated all the weird writing (for those who aren't codebreakers, it helps that there's a mostly-complete rosetta stone in the comments for page 127 on the author's FurAffinity).

This was a pretty dark story as-is; if anything, the extra context only makes things darker. At every turn, Alice is using stuff plastered with warning labels advertising permanent irreversible changes, and is deliberately mashing the "destroy all the backups and any chance of recovery then inflict even more permanent changes" button. In this light, all the sympathetic behaviour she demonstrates is revealed as hollow manipulation; she knows exactly what she's doing, and was planning it all along, from the beginning.
Posted on 02 August 2022, 03:25 by:   puaru11    PM
Score +57
It's strangr that this was started as a "normal" story about a mad scientist futa fucking a male fox, and then takes this really weird left turn that ironically contains no sex.
Last edited on 04 August 2022, 01:51.
Posted on 27 August 2022, 04:08 by:   puaru11    PM
Score +204
I need to learn to draw because this grift is insane. Page 204, a drawing of two characters in profile, an x-ray section of a dudes urethra, and a progress bar. $989 dollars on patreon. Is the fetish supposed to be "Futa on Male" or "Set money on fire"?
Posted on 23 October 2022, 08:59 by:   COMAN    PM
Score +64
Blue dick is finally back in business
Posted on 23 October 2022, 18:06 by:   LunaCat    PM
Score +436
I completed an entire university education in the time it took this cat to be able to touch blue dick again
Posted on 26 July 2023, 04:12 by:   SSSdriver    PM
Score +53
Seems like the comic went into Homestuck territory where the artist doesn't know what they want so they just shit out random occurrences into one big clusterfuck of a "story". Could've been a great one if they just kept building the whole "you're my bitch now and I have a cock" bit where they just kept fucking and got other people joining them or something. Now it's just one giant "wtf is going on this time??"...
Posted on 28 August 2023, 03:42 by:   Paradoxicalthird    PM
Score +89
I guarantee you there is not one human being alive that wanted Alice finally fucking him again to be interrupted by whatever the hell is happening right now. Is his brain connected to an Old One or something? This is so bad
Posted on 28 September 2023, 17:19 by:   Rikaririri    PM
Score +78
this comic has overstayed its welcome but now I'm curious how bad the plot can get.
Posted on 29 September 2023, 06:35 by:   CG2324    PM
Score +82
Personally, I've just been waiting for the MC to actually grow tits.
It's been several years of me checking up on this every now and again, and still the artist is dancing around it like they're holding it in their back pocket for when people finally start to lose patience with it.
Posted on 26 November 2023, 11:11 by:   Torcoolguy    PM
Score +148
I really am hoping for a futa penis size increase instead of just endless insubstantial sub-nonsense from the MC.
I get it, he's being feminized. But the psychological aspects of the story, despite being focused on so heavily, are handled terribly. He goes wildly back and forth in terms of his submission, and the influence of the chemicals and hypnosis fade in and out constantly. There's no concrete progress.

Just give at least SOME more physical progress and the issue is solved. Have the trap's pp shrinking or the futa's cock growing and I'll be happy, this regardless of the whims of the MC becoming consistent.

Any more slimy anus fingering followed by pink wavy thoughts is a big pointless waste. I don't care.
Posted on 03 December 2023, 15:15 by:   LunaCat    PM
Score +146
The first 2 pages of this comic seem extremely quaint now. Like no at this point im not wondering how you ended up enjoying sucking dick, im wondering at which point you actually end up in the same room as the blue girl for more than 5 seconds without going on an acid trip.
Posted on 27 January 2024, 05:44 by:   Reize1    PM
Score +139
This is my favorite comment section on the entire site, for that alone the author has my appreciation. I have no idea what is going on with his story though.
Posted on 27 February 2024, 16:01 by:   energyy    PM
Score +152
This went from hot to weird to fucked up and now it's just kind of sad and funny at the same time. Alice turned some random bottom into a chemical weapon of mass seduction.
Posted on 27 April 2024, 04:34 by:   Rikaririri    PM
Score +49
I enjoy coming back every month or so just to see if this is still going, and I keep getting surprised that it is.
Posted on 07 May 2024, 04:34 by:   Gbananaya    PM
Score +70
This is like the Simpsons series of futanari comics, it will still be ongoing for the decades to come.
Posted on 26 July 2024, 23:30 by:   hohhoi    PM
Score +63
I don't know why we're at this airport, I don't know how we got here, all I know is that fuck the TSA.
Posted on 27 July 2024, 07:09 by:   MagicalJuko    PM
Score +27
arnold schwarzenegger: Please, don't disturb my friend. He's fucking tired.
Posted on 02 September 2024, 15:39 by:   puaru11    PM
Score +38
Now I know what it's like to be a GRRM book fan. "Winds of Winter is coming out this year, surely it won't stretch into next year." "Main character 1 is going to have sex with Main character 2 this year, surely it won't stretch into next year."
Posted on 04 September 2024, 12:21 by:   Rikaririri    PM
Score +24
5 months later, lets goooooo. What a sitcom of a comic.

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