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Inter schminter (Zootopia) [in progress]

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Inter schminter (Zootopia) [in progress], added 2017-07-23 23:39

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Posted on 04 March 2017, 13:20 UTC by:   joabes    PM
Uploader Comment
Posted on 27 June 2016, 02:21 UTC by:   foxfire99    PM
Score +98
This is very emotional and touching.
Posted on 27 June 2016, 17:33 UTC by:   Med1um    PM
Score +42
ForeverDigimon, ofcourse 33 years old. Do you remember in movie when Judy count his tax debt? She clearly stated that it was "two decades", and Nick said "since he was twelve", so 12+20=32 years old.
Posted on 27 June 2016, 19:27 UTC by:   NinoM4ster    PM
Score +39
GOD PLEASE tell me this will get continuation!!
Posted on 28 June 2016, 10:35 UTC by:   Kibanekowolfboy    PM
Score +33
Let me make this clear with people my grandparents and my parents were 10 - 12 years apart. So it shouldn't be judge if judy went with nick at all it her choice as well nick. I'm sick of this stupid kinda debate. Judy and Nick are old enough to make there own decision.
Posted on 06 July 2016, 12:55 UTC by:   mobius_flame    PM
Score +23
This is a great story and can't wait for it to continue
Posted on 06 July 2016, 13:24 UTC by:   shadow1real    PM
Score +21
This is an amazing story cant wait for more
Posted on 06 July 2016, 14:40 UTC by:   sirleirbag    PM
Score +9
page 17 wow muscles...
page 19 wait for it... wait for it... dary!
Posted on 06 July 2016, 16:06 UTC by:   raven186    PM
Score +32
Posted on 07 July 2016, 22:30 UTC by:   heliantis    PM
Score +9
That absolutly wonderful. please continue. Every face that you draw make me cry. *_*
Posted on 08 July 2016, 05:13 UTC by:   Mr.Hype    PM
Score +33
Not everyday you find a Zootopia comic as special as this. If there's no continuation, the world (and I!) will not know true happiness. ._.
Posted on 08 July 2016, 13:13 UTC by:   kckitsune    PM
Score +26
I am truly appreciating the art in this comic. It is VERY well drawn. Quality like this comes around very rarely.

To the artist: Bravo good sir/ma'am! Bravo!
Posted on 14 July 2016, 23:58 UTC by:   onio123    PM
Score +19
Extremely well done, it's not often that you find the story of this caliber on a site like this.
Posted on 15 July 2016, 13:31 UTC by:   Godzuky    PM
Score +27
I love this story. But why!? Why the hell do you have to end it on a cliff hanger!? Is it to torture us? Did we do something wrong? Plz finish! Need a not cliff hanger ending. *dies of emotional overload*
Posted on 20 July 2016, 12:21 UTC by:   moonflow    PM
Score +60
I thought that rabbit boy is going to be a problem like being her ex and still caring for her. The story moved fast beyond him. I wonder which kind of proposal Nick is going to made.

Good quality so far. *fingers crossed*
Posted on 21 July 2016, 06:08 UTC by:   rebelnightmare    PM
Score +20
@Saladburger Just the way I like it.
Posted on 21 July 2016, 16:46 UTC by:   Xunkun    PM
Score +27
pg 43: Meanwhile, inside Judy:

Pg 44:
Posted on 21 July 2016, 23:09 UTC by:   Wildjack    PM
Score +13
Am I the only one who had too look up what "bill and coo" meant? I mean I had an idea given the context but that was a new one by me.
Posted on 22 July 2016, 07:36 UTC by:   sirleirbag    PM
Score +22
Page 43: Prepare the shotgun!!
Page 44: *Extreme facepalm* (That really hurts my face)
Posted on 22 July 2016, 16:52 UTC by:   sonicblade13    PM
Score +25
page 46 am i the only one thinking wow that is the improvised dress? wow the previous one must have been stunning!
Posted on 23 July 2016, 02:32 UTC by:   alfaloero    PM
Score +25
It's getting better and better. Hehehe
Posted on 24 July 2016, 18:05 UTC by:   raven186    PM
Score +31
Max Midnight: ...inter schminter

Posted on 24 July 2016, 18:32 UTC by:   steadtler    PM
Score +17
This is sooo good!!!
Posted on 24 July 2016, 19:03 UTC by:   Xunkun    PM
Score +19
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas, yay Nick!
Posted on 24 July 2016, 23:10 UTC by:   The Chronicler    PM
Score +16
Reminds me of this little town I know of. It feels.... Familiar. I'm not usually one for Nick x Judy and you all know that, but I'll let this one slide.
Posted on 25 July 2016, 01:50 UTC by:   shamful7    PM
Score +39
wow! came for some furry porn fun but stayed for the amazing story. This one is absolutely fantastic, easily top 2 of all the zootopia work out their.
Posted on 25 July 2016, 15:59 UTC by:   Spaxton    PM
Score +41
Long and a great series! I can't wait for more >,,,<'' ! This might even top my long time favs from bernielover
Posted on 30 July 2016, 14:20 UTC by:   spartanboy2    PM
Score +19
Oh shit Erma found Zootopia!
Posted on 01 August 2016, 19:11 UTC by:   AnubisOsiris    PM
Score +19
I think they were just trying to rough her up a bit to send a message, maybe leave a few scrapes and bruises, but didn't realize she was a cop. Plus, the attacker recoiled quickly when he drew blood, even making his partner wince, then they booked it knowing how bad it'd look if they got caught.

Once Nick finds out, he's going to be livid, but I get the feeling that Jill is going to use this attack against him to drive the point home that their relationship is a mistake, which is going to hurt him a lot.
Posted on 01 August 2016, 19:34 UTC by:   raven186    PM
Score +20
Wait?! a fiction were Judy doesn´t suck balls at close combat?

Posted on 02 August 2016, 02:29 UTC by:   Drago6696    PM
Score +12
Posted on 04 August 2016, 03:25 UTC by:   shamful7    PM
Score +22
I always wonder if the creator of this series realizes just how amazing it really is.
Posted on 04 August 2016, 06:11 UTC by:   Darlumina    PM
Score +26
Y'all just know though Nick saved her life he is gonna be blamed for her injuries.
Posted on 06 August 2016, 08:38 UTC by:   Spyderslicer    PM
Score +8
I have a feeling that Max is going to get dragged into this. At first I was thinking Max's injuries were caused by the woman he was seeing. But this attack might imply that this same thing happened to him. Probably by the same or a similar group of foxes who viewed him as being scum going outside the 'natural order'. So he might be somebody they can lean on to say 'hey this shit has happened to me too, being attacked for dating a fox' or at least brought in as he might have an idea who was behind it. Could be way off base, but I think it makes sense.
Posted on 11 August 2016, 15:37 UTC by:   dpar    PM
Score +11
So why did Judy attack the fox?
Posted on 13 August 2016, 03:27 UTC by:   shamful7    PM
Score +8
I showed this comic to my sis through the other site and she told me theyou draw nick to be overly sexy. I guess furry love runs in the family.
Posted on 20 August 2016, 05:05 UTC by:   shamful7    PM
Score +8
God damn this series is like a drug, a few days with no updates and I get withdrawals.
Posted on 20 August 2016, 06:07 UTC by:   Kulkum    PM
Score +19
For anyone who missed it, Spintherella has made it known the in the hospital scene, Jill is wearing Max's jacket. The implication (we believe) being that she spent the night with him and mended some fences.

Figure that one out. ;)
Posted on 20 August 2016, 06:44 UTC by:   n0sfreak    PM
Score +19
Jill, you bitch. You fucking bitch!
I eagerly await your comeuppance you conniving, bigoted, floppy eared cunt!
Posted on 21 August 2016, 02:18 UTC by:   Lolzu    PM
Score +42
You know, after seeing Jill reveal her true colors, this a perfect moment to say this.

"I can see you hate the way they intermingle, but I think you're just mad cause you're single."
Posted on 21 August 2016, 18:18 UTC by:   rebelnightmare    PM
Score +13
@Lolzu I can't tell if she's angry because she's single, or single because she's angry!
Posted on 28 August 2016, 13:38 UTC by:   rebelnightmare    PM
Score +50
My stomach churns whenever I see this comic got updated. I'm afraid of the emotions it forces me to feel.
Posted on 07 November 2016, 18:52 UTC by:   shamful7    PM
Score +15
I don't get the recent chap, did max sleep with the hyena or somethinh.
Posted on 27 December 2016, 20:09 UTC by:   Pyr00tje    PM
Score +14
I'm going to have to be honest here. I'm totally in love with this comic. It's cute, deep and intriguing. It makes me want to know and read more. However... I prefer Max's old design over the new one. For some reason that chin looks... wrong.
Posted on 05 January 2017, 23:37 UTC by:   moximoore    PM
Score +45
Max looks way too fucking weird now. He used to look like a bunny mixed with something, now he looks like a human bunny hybrid. O_o
Posted on 20 January 2017, 10:29 UTC by:   M1jama    PM
Score +21
The art is fantastic on the characters (design, expressions, body language, etc.) but I wish they'd draw backgrounds more. The characters look like they're standing in the middle of nowhere half the time.
Posted on 24 February 2017, 03:25 UTC by:   moximoore    PM
Score +55
Maybe it's me, but it seems like the story is slowly becoming more Max focused and less Nick and Judy.
Posted on 04 March 2017, 17:13 UTC by:   Kyago    PM
Score +4
I know if i sounded that i'm siding up for Max but at page. 174 doing all those bad thing to him is unreasonable and way too cross the line for just being broken hearted and left by. Damn woman!!!
Posted on 12 March 2017, 19:03 UTC by:   daniel beltrán    PM
Score +6
me resigne a ver este comic en español, y por eso estoy aquí viéndola completamente en ingles :,v
Posted on 24 July 2017, 13:22 UTC by:   l4chuga    PM
Score +6
INB4 The pitchforks and torches for stopping at the good part.
Posted on 24 July 2017, 17:39 UTC by:   Godzuky    PM
Score +6
When I saw this in my update line I screamed... I was outside... my neighbors think I'm crazy now
Posted on 25 July 2017, 12:50 UTC by:   private_wolfbane    PM
Score +8
Page.170 She shows up the literal next day after falsely accusing him of assault and being involved in her sisters attack with his jacket, acting like nothing happened then tries to play the victim right before confessing her love to him I would have been too angry to say anything. I would have shut the door and punched a wall until either it broke or my hand. Its like she wants him to flip out on her.

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