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[Double Deck Seisakujo (Double Deck)] Ashita mo Osumou! [English] [Laruffii] [Digital]

[ダブルデック製作所 (だぶるでっく)] 明日もおすもうっ! [英訳] [DL版]

Posted:2017-04-05 20:49
Language:English  TR
File Size:29.06 MB
Length:15 pages
Favorited:458 times
Average: 2.56

Showing 1 - 15 of 15 images

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Posted on 05 April 2017, 20:49 UTC by:   Estaog    PM
Uploader Comment
What're you waiting for :D ? Grab it while it's hot. Don't Miss Our Update xD!!
Thank you for coming and rating this gallery :). This is a fan translation, We do not take real money by translating this. We only take credits and hath used by the bounty system as our commission.
Register at this site >> Play hentaiverse >> Read more about the bounty system >> Get Any Doujin You Want Translated

Sorry for the silence and lack of translations of I've been lacking motivation lately ): lucky though as were done sulking and reminded ourselfs why we do this... For the people.
Posted on 05 April 2017, 21:55 UTC by:   Number1TioFan    PM
Score +285
Yes! More work from the amazing Double Deck
>> Sees it's translated by Laruffi
And it gets turned from hot art into eye cancer... Laruffi, fuck off and drop dead. Stop filling e-hentai and E-Hentai with your horribly-translated shit! I know of 4th Grade Thailand kids that have a better grasp on English and how it works.

>> 'Grab it while it's hot'
Hot or cold, shit is still shit; I don't want it...

EDIT: Also note what this guy's name is: Estaog. Backwards? Goatse.
And, just like Goatse, nobody wants or likes what he has to offer.
Posted on 05 April 2017, 21:58 UTC by:   Neemo19    PM
Score +33
Quadrupaizuri should be done
Posted on 05 April 2017, 22:00 UTC by:   Luke78    PM
Score +366
Lacking in motivation? Good. We don't fucking want you here. We don't want your fucking shitlations that are literally the equivalent of stabbing rusty hooks into our eyes. As Number1TioFan said, fuck off and drop dead. Go away. And never come back. Every time you're gone for a period we let our hopes up that you've finally learned something. We hate you on every possible level and don't want you here. Yet every time, as if you're criminally retarded and can't grasp simple logic, you come back and peddle your shit as if we actually want it. Fuck off, and die retard.

Because this needs to be said right here and now. 125 favorites are all bots and until you have proof otherwise, I'm going to assume that everyone who favorites fuckstick's shit is just a bot network who mindlessly favorite his fresh steaming turd every time he uploads his shitlation to the site. You're one white knight trying to argue for us to accept and forgive the literal worst user this place has ever seen. A living cancer cell that is widely regarded with immense disgust and rage. You need to understand this, we don't want him here. We don't fucking care about your arguments because they're worthless shit anyway. As Vanilla Cream has widely told you to STFU I'm not going to bother with addressing your excusing of shitty work ethics, lack of argument beyond,"If you can't do better then don't complain" which he also refuted so kudos to him there, or the other bot who suspiciously seems to have come up with an argument any one could debunk on the basis of,"Translation is good." Fuck off you're both wrong and furthermore, your opinion is invalid.

This fucking living pile of feces is not worth the time or effort you in your unbridled yet amazing ignorance put in to white knight. Here's a hot protip, and take this with you before you get bitch smacked several more times by Vanilla Cream for being such a complete imbecile, don't white knight our equivalent of fucking Chris-chan. You waste your time and ours. And time is an increasingly short resource that we don't have.
Last edited on 08 April 2017, 00:21 UTC.
Posted on 05 April 2017, 22:04 UTC by:   kinoshita_tokichiro    PM
Score +64
Laruffii is back?

I know who he is.
Last edited on 06 April 2017, 03:48 UTC.
Posted on 05 April 2017, 22:25 UTC by:   IRmudkip    PM
Score +7
I hate you Laruffii. I hope you get aids. You've ruined so many great works with your shitty translations. You are a curse upon this site.

Now fuck off and never come back!
Posted on 05 April 2017, 22:40 UTC by:   MelancholyPrincess69    PM
Score +85
What the fuck is wrong with you, laruffii?
Posted on 05 April 2017, 23:56 UTC by:   Hectotane    PM
Score +26
@ kinoshita_tokichiro: More like "He's been here for years." Just ignore him.
Posted on 06 April 2017, 00:34 UTC by:   Bulopu    PM
Score +16
If it means we will have an accurate translation by someone who got pissed and wants to fix the Laruffi's shittrain, I am all for it. I should see if I can't commissioned some stuff on my own if it's cheaper... :3
Posted on 06 April 2017, 03:34 UTC by:   HKE    PM
Score +63
April fools ended 5 days ago, also fuck off mate, we dont want your eyecancer here
Posted on 06 April 2017, 04:30 UTC by:   Chen Nyan~    PM
Score +12

Posted on 06 April 2017, 04:36 UTC by:   Naruto0116    PM
Score +21
God damn the thickness!
Posted on 06 April 2017, 04:37 UTC by:   waltergeist    PM
Score +43
An ancient evil awakens.
Posted on 06 April 2017, 04:50 UTC by:   GuroLover12    PM
Score +43
We don't forgive you.
Posted on 06 April 2017, 06:13 UTC by:   (J)    PM
Score +20
Also, page 13 is not even translated.
Posted on 06 April 2017, 09:36 UTC by:   Vanilla Cream    PM
Score +180
Do yourselves a favor guys—bleach your eyes and read the raw instead of this mess.
RAW: /g/724875/d9ca3df969/

You and all other persons that support Laruffi need a reality check; seriously wake up and stop sucking Laruffi's schlong.
There's a reason why a majority of us here dislike Laruffi—and it's for a very simple and good reason: Laruffi absolutely sucks at translating.

First of all, the typesetting and grammar is atrocious. Laruffi hasn't improved at all in the years they started "translating".
Second, they're attitude about translating is that of a pissant—they ignore all criticisms and denounce those who offer criticism as "trolls".
They can't even help themselves by at least trying to listen to others criticisms. Instead, they ignore it and call people names, which doesn't help anyone in this situation.

Lastly, they put up this nonsense of doing it "for the people" (as if they care).
A majority of us don't want Laruffi here because of their piss-poor quality, so no one is really asking for them to translate, so "the people" actively reject them (look at this comment section).
And if they really cared about the people they would step up their game, and listen to other people because as far as I'm concerned even CGrascal trumps Laruffi in quality and consistency.

After all this, I don't even know how they have enough pride to call these "translations" or go on denouncing others who offered them help through criticism,
and how they garner white knights that are the likes of you.

And how dare you... How fucking dare you pull "the you can't do it so shut up" card! Honestly, the audacity!
Look I'll tell you why you're wrong here.

We might not be able to translate it but we can still tell it sucks with justifiable cause.
People will call it out on translators because just as you see Laruffi's "translation" as a service, people criticizing a work can also be seen as a service to the translator and the readers.
And using that context it's an even better service as it is beneficial to all.

Also, just because we can't translate does not mean we want a shit attempt at a translation, nor will we accept it even if it's free! (And it's not because they're asking for credits.)
This is because shit served on a platter—no matter how much you try to dress it up and mask it—is still, at the end of the day, shit! And no one wants it!

Look I've helped out a handful of people before by pointing out a whole list of mistakes,and let me tell you Laruffi's attempt of a translation is NOT worth salvaging (at least in my eyes).
It would be better to just re-do the whole thing because almost every panel with a text bubble has a mistake, and pointing out the mistakes would be too time consuming.
The very few who would undertake a project deserve the utmost respect, but there are few and far between who would see it done.
Therefore, it is not feasible as a task nor is it pragmatic/practical to expect others to fix it, and because of this it would be better to prevent such an event from happening.

Yes someone could have commissioned this (or any of Laruffi's work) for translation, but that doesn't matter because it's not a direct countermeasure to horrible translations.
That is a preventative and cautionary measure that we have no control over because we can't predict Laruffi's moves.
"If you want good if you want quality you have to pay for it or know friend who would be willing to do you a solid."
Look you can still get a good quality translation without paying or having connections. Just look at NecroManCr—the guy is a one man team that does this for free as far as I know of.

You really need to look up the definition of "complaining". I'm not complaining—what i'm doing is criticizing your comment and Laruffi's work by constructing an argument with reasons.
Said reasons are valid because this has happened multiple times before in Laruffi-related uploads.
Labeling this as "complaining" means you should re-read it to view it in a different perspective. And not once have I personally stated a grievance or actually "complained" about Laruffi.
I mean even if Laruffi screws up a translation, it does not affect me because they did not personally wrong me—so there is no reason to complain.

"You may not want a shit attempt at a translation but that is what you got."
I can accept this is what we got. It happened. It exists. No one's arguing this.
What I am arguing about is that people have a reason to be dissatisfied and/or call out Laruffi's crap.
You should at least try to understand where they're coming from before opening your mouth to criticize them.

On that note, I do know where you're coming from; I pulled a similar stunt to yours about a month back albeit the translator was relatively new and people bandwagon with hate on the guy.
Reflecting on such actions I do believe I had some solid points that echoes yours, but I also realized I was wrong in some aspects afterwards.
You, however, have the advantage of someone debating you and giving you reasons as to why you are wrong—something I did not receive.
So let me make this clear.

I can tell you have good intentions but they are misplaced on and wasted on Laruffi.
Laruffi has proved time and time again they're inept at translating, and to expect other people to cleanup—without compensation—after Laruffi's mess is a mistake.
The fault lies on Laruffi for making those mistakes, and they should be the one responsible for fixing it or preventing it from happening.
We hold no responsibility in fixing their mistakes, so expecting us to do so is illogical.
Now, stop mislabeling my post as a complaint and refute the points I made, if you want to prove me wrong.
Last edited on 07 April 2017, 08:01 UTC.
Posted on 06 April 2017, 11:12 UTC by:   wheeeeeha    PM
Score +13
Bad translation or not, this shit is so bizarre I ate popcorn while reading it.
Posted on 06 April 2017, 11:40 UTC by:   lurkm0ar    PM
Score +78
Translating something badly means that work is unlikely to be properly translated. I'm never going to forgive laruffii for ruining freehand tamashii's work and so many others.
Posted on 06 April 2017, 14:01 UTC by:   死ねsama    PM
Score +10
Posted on 06 April 2017, 15:08 UTC by:   instant_noodle    PM
Score +64
Laruffi - an April Fool joke went way too far for way too long already
Posted on 06 April 2017, 23:17 UTC by:   Sleepy_Y    PM
Score +40
The asshat responsible for defiling this work of art needs to get taken out and shot.
Posted on 07 April 2017, 05:12 UTC by:   NtWUser    PM
Score -38
Translation is good. It makes sense in colloquial (verbal) speak, but it just has grammar (written) errors. I'll walk you through to correct them if you want. Don't feel demotivated, you just need to work on grammar. "Your" and "you're" is different. "Your" is posessive, refers to what the person you're speaking to owns. Example: Your mom is cool!

You're means "You are". It's not possesive, but it refers to the condition that the person is in. Example: You are cool. You're cool.

Be sure to put your translations into an english spellchecker
Posted on 07 April 2017, 21:35 UTC by:   Darlumina    PM
Score -41

Finally someone else of the same opinion, though other than grammar and spelling there is the matter of typesetting too.

@Vanilla Cream

You know full well Laruffii won't fix their mistakes, which is why someone needs to have the balls to step up and say "hell I'll do it if no one else will". Yes you are not responsible but that doesn't mean you can not do it. What would you say if someone actually did fix the mistakes with this translation? Would you say they've wasted their time or commend them for their effort? Imagine the credit one could receive if they just went around fix laruffii galleries at their own leisure. I need not know every single thing that is wrong, what I want from you is to know what are the main problems that make this bad? I bet with someone were to edit this it would be improved, though laruffii's name currently is a stigma. Even with as bad as it is there are people who still like it and favorite it.
Last edited on 07 April 2017, 21:58 UTC.
Posted on 08 April 2017, 02:41 UTC by:   Vanilla Cream    PM
Score +26
You: "Yes you are not responsible but that doesn't mean you can not do it."
This is true, but you completely missed my point. We shouldn't have to do it in the first place because Laruffi should man-up and fix their own messes instead of relying on other people.
I or any other person shouldn't have to fix this because we have no real reason to do it. Just because you want other people to fix it doesn't mean they will; we are not obligated to do so.
And do realize the process of translating a dōjin has multiple steps and consumes a lot of time—something not all of us can afford.

You: "What would you say if someone actually did fix the mistakes with this translation? Would you say they've wasted their time or commend them for their effort?"
Look at my previous post: "The very few who would undertake a project deserve the utmost respect, but there are few and far between who would see it done."

You: "Imagine the credit one could receive if they just went around fix laruffii galleries at their own leisure."
"There are few and far between who would see it done" and the credit one receives is not well worth it because it consumes too much time that could be better spent improving their own well-being.
What they gain is respect and goodwill from others on the internet (on a pornographic site), but that does not always translate well into real life or pay off.

You: "I need not know every single thing that is wrong, what I want from you is to know what are the main problems that make this bad?"
Apparently i thought you at least understood why Laruffi is bad, but you have proven me wrong.
"First of all, the typesetting and grammar is atrocious. Laruffi hasn't improved at all in the years they started 'translating.'"
It's pretty self evident that the translation is overall bad: the typesetting is bad and off-centered, while the grammar mistakes are running rampant throughout the whole dōjin,
there are capitalization mistake littered here and there, and the punctuation is inconsistent.

The obvious difference lies in the standard we hold—I personally have a high standard for these things, but it seems even others don't take likely to Laruffi's subpar delivery.
So, the majority agrees there is something wrong here, you just happen to be one of the outliers who accept Laruffi's work.
You can either change your perspective on things, change the majority's perspective, or agree to disagree because this farce has gone on long enough—to the point I've written a whole essay.

I do agree that "Laruffii won't fix their mistakes" but this whole conversation has been going full circle because you keep stating "someone needs to fix it because Laruffi won't do it".
No! Stop Right there! No one has to step up to the plate! It's not like people need this dōjin to be fixed in order to live!
To assume such is illogical because they don't have any other reason then to gain your so called "credit" (which is not worth the effort) or to do it just because they want to do it.
If they wanted to do it, then they'll do it. No problem!
But the fact that they have to do it in the first place is unacceptable; we shouldn't have to accept the idea of having to clean-up another's mistakes.
You accepting this piss-poor attitude Laruffi has towards translating will not benefit us at all.
In fact you and others who accept Laruffi allow this cycle to keep on going where he screws up and someone "needs to" give up their precious time to step in to fix it.
Raise your standards for fucks sake man! Stop accepting that this is inevitable.

You know this wouldn't be a problem if he just posted his work on his own blog, but the fact is that he uploads it to a collection/database of various works and asked for credits all the meanwhile.
Eventually, this lead to the series of shitshows we now see.
Thanks for what you said on time and for pointing out that he's accepting shitty work ethics. They're crucial elements to understanding why people should not accept Laruffi.
You seemed aggressive when driving this point home, but thank you nonetheless.
Last edited on 08 April 2017, 06:53 UTC.
Posted on 08 April 2017, 06:03 UTC by:   mysterymeat3    PM
Score +101
The fact that Laruffi is still trolling people and knows it after all these years is pretty surprising, but what's really mind-blowing is that there are people out there that see Laruffi as a "translator" (or even as someone that's trying to be a translator, rather than a troll) and actively defend him.
Posted on 12 April 2017, 19:44 UTC by:   Maryu    PM
Score +23
Is Interesting the Style of this Artist my friends. Thanks.
Posted on 11 June 2017, 15:19 UTC by:   FireBallGT    PM
Score +7
LA-FUCKIN-RUFFI! kill yourself...
Posted on 29 June 2019, 19:51 UTC by:   Fls911    PM
Score +4
it's been 2 years since the last comment (not mine) and everything in this comments are only hate and toxic ones. man, these people is angry are angry as fuck. Is the translator finally died? did they kill him/her after they backlash the guy who translate this? Why some people wants to kill people that didnt kill themself? no lives matter i guess?

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