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[bootUP!] Amaie

[bootUP!] あまいえ

Game CG
Posted:2017-09-30 22:09
File Size:1.17 GB
Length:1779 pages
Favorited:544 times
Average: 4.39

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Posted on 30 September 2017, 22:09 UTC by:   xlimelight    PM
Uploader Comment

2 torrents:
one is compress jpg
one is bmp, also include background, faces, character set
Posted on 30 September 2017, 23:27 UTC by:   Quaxelbaby    PM
Score +286
Cripes, those faceless CGs are genuinely scarier than most horror games and movies.
Posted on 30 September 2017, 23:51 UTC by:   MSimm1    PM
Score +88
Erogamescape -



Toranoana -

Game OHP -

Artist - Shinonome Kazuhiko (東雲 一彦)
Posted on 01 October 2017, 06:20 UTC by:   Goukenimaru    PM
Score +221

Another boot UP! game I was eagerly waiting for, and once again they left me speechless, and not exactly in a good manner.

First I will give a rundown on the game so I can get my meaning across. Basically the protagonist Masaki is back to his hometown after 10 years, he left when he was 15 years old with mother and father, finished high school in Tokyo and became a businessman there, now he is back due his Urban Management Engineering company relocated him to his home town coincidentally enough, as a 25 years old man Masaki is back home.

Masaki is greeted on the bus terminal by his aunt Kyouko, she is his mother’s younger sister, Kyouko is happy to see her nephew again, and more he is going to live with her family for a while till he finds a place of his own; from there we get the usual comfy boot UP writing about how everything is nice and how the protagonist is a good person, Masaki is later reintroduced to his cousins Mizuho the elder sister and Kotomi the younger one, they are Kyouko’s daughters.

After some cozy time with Kyouko, Mizuho and Kotomi we get to see their home isn’t as it seems to be, Masaki notices Kyouko’s husband is absent, he hasn’t dropped by for almost two days and still hasn’t seen Shouji, Masaki has good memories of his uncle, he remembers him clearly as a very caring person, so it’s strange he hasn’t seen him yet, then when day 2 happens we finally see Jouji, Masaki sees him getting ready to leave home in the morning to go to work, the scene is very unsual for Masaki, Shouji looks like the same good uncle but he bears such a tired expression, Jouji is trying to leave without eating breakfast and Masaki is trying to make him eat something, but Jouji politely refuses and hurries to work, that’s when the main plot point is revealed.

Masaki could’ve looked for another place to live back in his home town but Masaki’s mother called him when he was about to relocate, his mom was worried about her young sister Kyouko so she articulated to have her son live with Kyouko and her family to see what was going on, Masaki’s mother could feel from just hearing Kyouko’s voice from the phone that there must something going wrong with her life right now, she had a hunch it could be something related to Kyouko’s marital life, so it’s up to Masaki to see for himself what’s really happening.

That ends the Prologue, the game really starts from there on, you can choose 4 heroines: Kyouko, Mizuho, Kotomi and Chris, the latter doesn’t get much story in the prologue, she is basically is Masaki’s superior at his new office, she is an American that lived about half her life in Japan and the US, so she considers herself a woman of two nations; what I want to focus here is Kyouko’s route because that was what deserved explanation in my opinion.

Basically Kyouko’s route is about Masaki being a great family man trying to find what is wrong with Kyouko and Jouji’s married life, the route is full of comfy moments boot UP is known for, meanwhile Masaki looks for answers, from little by little gets Mizuho, Kotomi and Kyouko to open up with him, if they can tell him what is wrong with uncle Jouji, he seems like the same caring person he knew 10 years ago but now he leaves home early to go work and only comes back late at night, Jouji has pretty much become an absentee father/husband while still living under the same roof with his family.

After confirming with all three girls that none of them really know what is going on, with all of them saying uncle Jouji excuses himself by saying he has to work, and work a lot to provide for them, Masaki can’t accept is just this, he is a businessman himself now, he knows what being busy is but what Jouji is doing is something beyond; meanwhile after Kyouko opened up so much to her nephew she finds some strength to face Jouji and ask him what is going on, why work has taken so much priority in his life to the point his family is now an afterthought; Jouji keeps his cool as always, he raises his voice a bit but politely says his same old story he has to work hard to provide for the family, Kyouko isn’t taking it this time, he raises her voice more and keeps prying for an answer, from his room Masaki is hearing all and decides it’s time to intervene, Masaki gets down and gets in the middle of Jouji and Kyouko, telling them to stop arguing, they should think of Mizuko and Kotomi as they can definitely hear them by now, with both calm Masaki tries to ask Jouji this time, why his work life is taking place above his family? Jouji keeps calm and asks Masaki instead if he know how busy an office worker can be, Masaki says he knows of course but the workload Jouji is having is seemly ridiculous, Jouji doesn’t get Masaki’s meaning and excuses himself by saying his work must be very different then, Jouji leaves the room and Masaki and Kyouko are left once again without answers.

The event where Kyouko finally confronted Jouji about is happening with his life and Masaki intervened was the turning point for the immorality, Kyouko had so much built up loneliness and Masaki appeared now as a young adult who was so eager to make her house lively again, Kyouko wears a sexy lingerie and advances on her own nephew, she drank herself to tears to gather courage to go on with this immoral act, Masaki tries to refuse the best he but he too had been building some strong sexual desires towards his own aunt, and so they do the deed.

From that point on Masaki still tries to find out what is really going with Jouji, he tries to keep himself from touching Kyouko again for quite while thus asserting his character as a good person who just wants to fix things, Kyouko too holds herself, but their desire is too strong and they keep falling to immorality later on and more easily each time, it reaches the point where Masaki and Kyouko have truly fallen in love with each other, with that Masaki resolves to find the truth about his uncle Jouji once and for all before really making it official with Kyouko.

That’s where the game is about to disappoint me.

One day Masaki decides to trail Jouji, to see if he really is working so much as he says, till now Masaki started to believe Jouji was having an affair with some woman if he can neglect such a beautiful wife and daughters for 5 years straight as Masaki came to know the time where Jouji started to become so distant. Masaki follows Jouji around, his uncle goes to work as always, that is true but when he leaves the office it is way earlier than the time Jouji actually goes home, that’s when Masaki thinks he is about to strike the gold, he could be about to see Jouji running off to some other woman, but no something unbelievable happens instead.

Jouji actually goes to the hospital, one specialized in mental health, Masaki just waited outside completely dumbfounded in where Jouji went in, hours passes when it’s way late at night close the time Jouji usually came back home Masaki waited there at the hospital entrance, Jouji finally gets out and sees Masaki there at the parking lot, Masaki recomposes himself and tries be calm while trying to make his uncle tell him the truth, Jouji finally is understanding of the situation and starts telling him the truth.

Jouji reveals he is clinically depressed, he has been diagnosed as such 5 years ago, the once caring man just had his workload destroy him mentally and physically, Jouji tried to face his illness alone, Masaki inquires many times on why Jouji is leaving his family out of this tough situation, Jouji just keeps his wry smile saying that Kyouko, Mizuho and Kotomi shouldn’t be troubled by this, saying that if a person so dedicated as Kyouko actually feeling sad for him would make him even more depressed, Jouji would rather play the uncaring workaholic husband card; as the conversation goes Masaki feels the world falling on his shoulders, he thought his uncle was cheating on his family with some other woman while in truth the man was facing some dark times all by himself, Masaki was the one cheating on his uncle all along, but still Masaki can’t accept Jouji hiding that from his family and urges Jouji to finally open up with his wife and daughters.

At home Jouji tells his family everything, everyone cries, Kyouko or course asks why Jouji didn’t want to share the burden with his own wife, with his family, Jouji once again feels it is not in his place to trouble wonderful people like the caring Kyouko and his cute daughters Mizuho and Kotomi, and before Kyouko has any time to say she will now take care of Jouji the man drops another bomb, Jouji says he is seeking treatment far away from home, everyone who hears cannot believe it in what they are hearing (me neither), Jouji insists he caused too much trouble already and is basically sugar coating the fact he is about to divorce his wife.

The game proceeds to disappoint me even more with this insane route.

The very same night the family the talk with Jouji everyone goes to their rooms to finish the day, Masaki goes to his own and tries to organize his thoughts, how could this family be facing such a hurdle and how he could not save Jouji and Kyouko’s marriage (sleeping with her sure didn’t help), while pondering Kyouko yet again completely emotionally vulnerable seeks confort in her nephew, they have sex mere hours after getting to know Jouji is clinically depressed.

From that point on Jouji just moves away with a tearful goodbye, Jouji just tells Masaki to please take care of Kyouko, Mizuho and Kotomi, the house sure got more lively after he came back so Jouji thanks his nephew, they just can’t bring themselves to make Jouji change his mind, he sees so determined while looking so fragile at the same time; and so the game proceeds with Masaki and Kyouko basically rebuilding the destroyed family in the usual comfy boot UP storytelling, they truly become a couple, they eventually open up about the relationship with Mizuho and Kotomi, both daughters accept it, happy that their home became so lively again.

The epilogue is Kyouko and Masaki visiting Jouji’s place of treatment he choose, some hotel resort, to see how he is doing and finally open up to him about their relationship; Jouji seems a bit more lively, somehow a treatment for depression away from one’s family works in this universe, Masaki and Kyouko tell Jouji the truth, waiting for his reaction, and the good uncle just smiles and says he is happy for them, passing the baton to Masaki hoping he will make Kyouko happy in way he never could, Kyouko cries and apologizes to Jouji and thank him at the same time for accepting them.

Masaki and Kyouko fuck like rabbits, anytime, anywhere, she gets pregnant with Masaki’s child and so their happy lives goes on, THE END.


Holy shit boot UP, holy fucking shit, I’ve read so many netorare and plain cheating works but they don’t faze me anymore, because I know what to expect when reading these works, they are geared towards that, the sweet taste of an immoral fetish, but what boot UP did here is more fucked up in my opinion, the usual comfy and vanilla storytelling is the same as always yet here we have a blatant cheating route written like it is the sweetest thing ever despite being more fucked in retrospect due using a damn broken man with clinical depression as a mean to further a cheating plotline.

In Mamahaha I didn’t even care for the cheating route because the husband wasn’t even a character and all seemed so dumb but acceptable, but in this game we see the husband, he is an actual character, he is partially at fault sure for not telling his family but the guy needed fucking help yet he is written in a way in that he himself thinks he is the trouble, somehow a depressed man thinks he must be alone to solve everything and his family doesn’t even try to convince him by any means to stop this foolishness and face this together, they just cry once and let the man leave.

Fuck me sideways, I miss the time boot UP didn’t need a cheating plotline to have the protagonist score with a milf; playing with a clinical depression plotline is no joke man, no joke, that thing is serious and people die from it, I know it well since my family suffered with a relative with it. I have never seen this shit till now, not even in the most bizarre netorare out there.

At any case the game is good, just everything but Kyouko’s route.


I like many things @Bahamut_Zero, and I’m well aware of what Netorare, Netori, Netorase and Netoru are and I can enjoy those given the developers of my preference are taking a shot on those themes, heck, many of my walls of text in this website are on netorare and netori games; my actual gripe with the story is how boot UP became so over reliant on cheating scenarios when they weren’t known for it just a few years ago, their stories used to be so comfy and pure, now out of nowhere they have a scenario where a clinically depressed man is set as a stepping stone so the protagonist can score.

Sometimes when a company wants to take a shot on different themes they make sister brands so anyone knows what they will be playing beforehand, like Norn / Cybele / Miel, people know a Norn game will be sugar flavored while a Miel game is sure to contain some deviant thing. I believe boot UP should follow suit in making sister brands if they want to expand their writing skills.
Last edited on 01 October 2017, 19:27 UTC.
Posted on 01 October 2017, 18:11 UTC by:   SiegLord    PM
Score +137
Any chance for a version where all the girls have faces?
Posted on 22 October 2017, 05:13 UTC by:   arkane16    PM
Score +44
Can someone upload the chara cg from the torrent?
Posted on 22 January 2019, 17:08 UTC by:   ballcock    PM
Score +7

Holy shit! I like both Netorare and Netori, but this is fucked up! A man has to draw the line somewhere.
Posted on 21 February 2020, 23:32 UTC by:   Cursed-frogurt    PM
Score +6
Do they really not have faces in-game?

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