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[Lune] Kyonyuu Princess Saimin "Gesen na Anata no Mono o... Nchu, Njurururu... Rero, Shabuttari Suru Mono desu ka!" [Part 1/2]

[ルネ] 巨乳プリンセス催眠「下賤な貴方のモノを……んちゅっ、んじゅるるる……れろっ、しゃぶったりするものですか!」 [Part 1/2]

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Posted:2017-12-23 13:54
File Size:1.84 GB
Length:1960 pages
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Average: 4.65

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Posted on 23 December 2017, 13:54 UTC by:   milannews    PM
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Part 2: /g/1158568/ea504d8bba/
Posted on 23 December 2017, 15:17 UTC by:   darklord1235    PM
Score +13
Love me some Huracan and some delicious choco, looking great!
Posted on 23 December 2017, 15:21 UTC by:   pocky00    PM
Score +60
Been waiting on this game
Posted on 23 December 2017, 15:25 UTC by:   Final Master Spark    PM
Score +10
Posted on 23 December 2017, 15:39 UTC by:   Seyser Koze    PM
Score +5
Is 1361-1390 a dude?
Posted on 23 December 2017, 16:09 UTC by:   MaliceFox    PM
Score +1
thnx for the upload
can u upload the char + bg also
Posted on 23 December 2017, 17:45 UTC by:   onewa    PM
Score +6
how did u merge ev images
Posted on 23 December 2017, 18:47 UTC by:   Goukenimaru    PM
Score +1357
The story starts with our protagonist King Falan (name can be changed) sitting on his throne, surrounded by women in a feast of pleasure; two women are servicing him, Princess Safina (Blue Hair) and Queen Tamanna (Brunette) fellates Falan with vacant expressions but seem to be enjoying it greatly, Falan though seems bored, he them commands Safina to service him on her own, she does so, Safina is trying her best but Falan isn’t satisfied with her fellatio skills, he then commands Tamanna to show her daughter how a true sow services a man, Tamanna sucks Falan with pure glee, a true slut with skills to match, Falan is satisfied with Tamanna’s work but Tamanna keeps droning on about her acquired skills that pleased many men and King Falan is her best so far, Falan doesn’t like Tamanna’s boasting and says she must be punished, she asks for forgiveness.

Safina worries for her mother, Falan then proposes for Safina to appease to his good will, to impress him or her mother will punished, Falan demands for a fellatio from Safina that equals that of her mother’s skills, Safina complies to save Tamanna; Falan sees that Safina is trying her best and has gotten somewhat better than a few minutes ago, but not quite good enough for his tastes so Falan gives Safina a little push by grabbing her head and using Safina as a vacuum, Falan climaxes, he is satisfied remarking that Safina didn’t equal to Tamanna but her determination to make up for her mother’s mistake moved his heart so they are forgiven.

Falan is done with the feast, he moves from his throne wanting to rest, but then someone intrudes in the throne chamber blocking his path, it’s a blonde beauty clad in (sexy) armor with her guard in ready, 1st Crown Princess Falasha is back to the castle after coming back from an expedition, upon hearing some that there was some commotion back home she wanted answers; after witnessing the feast of naked women with her young sister Princess Safina and her stepmother Queen Tamanna drenched in semen Falasha is taken aback, she wants to know what is happening right now, King Falan however is quite calm, Falasha demands to know what is he, a stranger, doing in the Palace’s holy grounds wearing royal garbs and acting as if he was Majesty, a title her father has, to him; Falan then rebukes Falasha by saying what is she doing daring to talk this way to her King, Falan’s words stops Falasha on her tracks, his voice somehow made her stiff, completely subdued to his will.

Falasha now has a vacant expression on her face as well, she apologizes to her King, prostrating herself before him asking for forgiveness, accepting whatever punishment King Falan has in order to forgive her, Falan then says her dirty mouth must pay, Falasha licks his boot to clean off its dirt, Falan compliments Falasha’s determination and says that for her to be truly forgiven Falasha must give away her “purity” to the her King, Falasha then bares her behind to Falan to give herself away to him, he does so taking Falasha’s virginity, while in a bit pain Falasha seems in complete ecstasy to be pleasing her King, but then Falan climaxes and Falasha somehow comes back to her senses, she screams in anger and shame wanting to what the hell is happening, she was ready engage against the stranger just a moment ago but now she is servicing him; Falan doesn’t mind that Falasha came back to her senses, he is quite happy, he wants to have his way with Falasha as she really is, while still numb Falasha can’t fight back as Falan has his way with her on the throne, Falan then commands Safina and Tamanna to come and witness their love making, Falasha doesn’t understand why her little sister and stepmother just obeys Falan, she screams for help but no one comes to her aid as if the spectacle in the Throne Room is something completely normal.

Falasha focuses her strength in trying to get answers out of Falan as he violates her, who was he, what does he want, Falan just says he is the King, the legitimate heir to the throne and technically her older brother, Falasha takes his words a nonsense, there was no male heir to the throne, King Burkan only has her Falasha as the 1st Crown Princess, Tamanna as his Queen and Safina as the Second Princess, Falan then says King Burkan had his share of secrets and that he isn’t such of a good natured King as history and the masses paint him as; Falan has his way with Falasha many times in the throne till he is satisfied, he then mockingly asks if Falasha had a good time as well, she scoffs at him, saying there was no way that felt good, Falan doesn’t think so, she will learn to like it soon enough.

Story cuts back to quite some time prior the events above.

In the Qursh Kingdom now there is a parade, a march towards battle, at the center stands Princess Falasha as she readies her soldiers to war, the people all proudly cheer for her, Falasha’s beauty and services to her kingdom are loved by all, in the crowd stands a plebeian just watching the spectacle unfold, Falan just looks at how glorious royalty is and how he is nothing like them, a mere pleb living in the slums who can only watch the giants marching above people like him; close to Falan two plebs gossip about some rumors, they talk about how the Palace doesn’t seem so perfect like the masses see it, apparently there is some nasty fight for succession happening on the backstage, the plebs talk about how King Burkan seemly hasn’t appeared on public for a while, all pronouncements are done by Queen Tamanna for some reason, Tamanna herself was just a mere concubine Burkan took a liking to and suddenly not much after her acquisition Burkan’s wife, the Queen, passed away and Tamanna was made the following Queen not much after, some say the previous Queen was swiftly poisoned; in the backstage there seems to be quite the attrition between Queen Tamanna and Princess Falasha, since Tamanna’s daughter is only the second princess, it is Falasha that holds a possible succession in her hands if she marries off to a prince from another country, rumors says Tamanna will do something to prevent Falasha from taking over.

Falan hears the plebs gossip but dismisses it as something that doesn’t concern him, whatever happens among the royalty it is their business, not something someone who lives in the slums should care about, then a fight between the plebs surge in the crowd, Falan just sees as normal behavior in the slums, someone disagrees with the other and a fight breaks out, normal stuff in the slums, but then the fight is taken to Falan, he wants none of it but is pushed in, and then pulled out against his will, Falan is dropped in the streets where the Princess Falasha’s march is taking place, everyone is surprised at the pleb who intruded on her way, the guards shout thinking it’s an assassination attempt against the princess, Falan tries to excuse himself, it is was a mistake, he was just shoved in because a fight broke out, but the guards weren’t convinced by his explanation, Falasha however didn’t seem to believe Falan was an assassin and asked the guards to just escort him away from the parade, Falan was thankful for the princess’ understanding as she marched away, but as soon as Falasha was far away it seemed the guards weren’t as kind, Falan was taken to prison anyway.

Out cold in prison Falan reminisces about his mother’s last words to him on her deathbed, Falan’s (unnamed) mom told her son to be strong, that he had a great future ahead of him; he was actually the rightful heir to Qursh Kingdom, that he should make things right to their family, Falan was their last hope he had to take the throne by all means, and so Falan’s mother died; Falan wakes up chained after having this dream about the past, he says his mother’s last words to him never made much sense, she swore he was King Burkan’s son and he was a prince, yet everyone in the slums deemed her as a crazy woman with delusions of grandeur, still while not fully believing it himself Falan never took his mother as a bad person or a liar, a moment later a guard shows up to Falan’s cell accompanied by a pretty looking man, seemly a noble, saying the noble paid for Falan’s freedom, Falan can’t believe his luck and so he is freed.

The noble escorts Falan away, saying he knew of Falan’s innocence and was saddened he was even arrested in the first place, it was clear to everyone he was no assassin yet he was arrested as one, the noble tries to apologize in the name of royalty but Falan doesn’t seem to be holding a grudge, Falan says he is used to bad luck coming his way, he thanks the noble and asks for his name, the noble seems a little shaky and just says his name is “Sa…” then firmly saying Samak, Falan thanks his benefactor but then can’t help but to think this pretty man seems quite feminine, almost like an actual girl [the art doesn’t even hide it well, there are clearly bumps on “his” chest], Falan stats seeing Samak looks quite similar to Princess Safina, when Samak realizes his cover seems about to be blown he just hurries away, telling Falan to take care of himself and apologizing once again for him being falsely accused; Falan just let it be, taking Samak / Safina’s good will to heart and going back home in the slums.

Back to the alleyway on the slums, on his way home Falan is thinking to himself what kind of “prince” he is supposed to be if he is always facing misfortune, but then Falan is taken by surprisde by a cloaked thief, Falan is shaken a bit, he tries to tell the thief he may have gotten the wrong person, that Falan is just a pleb living in the slums he surely doesn’t have anything in possession that could attract thiefs gunning for his neck, but the thief is having none of it, he says he is an assassin and that Falan is exactly the person he was looking for, he wasn’t going to rob him, he was going to kill him; Falan breaks on a run, in disbelief on how could this even be happening, he screams to the assassin trying to know why this was happening, the assassin just says it is was order passed onto him and that there was no need for Falan to know anything else, more assassins appear on the alleys cornering Falan, he thinks that’s it for him, that’s how his shitty life ends, but not quite, a mysterious figure drops by and saves Falan.

After removing the cloak Falan sees a beautiful (delicious) brown masked woman fighting off the assassins who came for his head, the woman saves Falan, removes her mask and then introduces herself as Kuzaha, an assassin herself hired to protect the future King; Falan is taken aback by Kuzaha’s words, she too is going about the same talk his mother had about Falan being royalty, now he is truly interested in his supposed real background, Falan asks Kuzaha about who really is, she says the current Qursh Kingdom was actually built over the remains of another kingdom, the Avarato Kingdom, King Burkan came and razed the lands to the ground, killing all men and violating many women in his way, Burkan erased the Avarato Kingdom from history and built his Qursh Kingdom on top of it, the remainder of the Avarato people were scattered to live in miser, Falan’s mother was one of them but King Burkan had his way with her before discarding as she was very beautiful to be laid to waste, Falan was born from that union; after knowing the truth about his past Falan seems to now believe what his mother always told him, that she wanted her son to reclaim what her people lost.

With the explanations done with Kuzaha then delievers an item said to be another birthright for Falan, it was a relic called the Masuir Egg, she asks Falan if he had ever heard about said item, Falan says yes he heard about it, but as a mere fairy tale, an odd shapped egg with an mouth on it which is said to grant any wish, something so powerful surely could never exist, yet there it was being handed out to Falan, Kuzaha says that item Is supposed to help him reclaim what is his by right, the Qursh Throne; Falan accepts the egg but can’t imagine what he can possibly wish in a way that could actually work, could that thing even work he thought, but then as Kuzaha and Falan kept staying still talking to each other, they wasted time and more assassins came to them, in more numbers even Kuzaha was being pushed back, now cornered once more Falan thought this really was his time to die, he gripped the Masuir Egg as hard as he could, in the depth of his consciousness Falan said “I’M THE CROWN PRINCE… MY COMMAND… IS THE KING’S COMMAND”, with that he unwillingly told the assassins the King commanded them to stop this instant, and to so Falan and Kuzaha’s surprise the assassins stopped on the spot, staying still, stiff as rocks.

Falan couldn’t believe in what just happened, his words were like god’s law having full authority over anyone he directed his commands at, Falan then notices the Masuir Egg disappeared from his hand, Kuzaha then explains that he truly is the remainder of Avarato’s Kingdom, the egg rightfuly fulfilled Falan’s wish, giving the powers to command others through his voice, Kuzaha says he truly can bring the Avarato Kingdom back, taking the Qursh Throne and bringing the rebirth of his people, and so Falan is determined to follow through, making the selfish Qursh royalty pay for being immersed in their own pety fight for succession while being blind to their surroudings.

Falan proudly marches to the Palace, using his powers on anyone he comes across with, implanting on their minds that the rightful King has come back to his palace, Falan and Kuzaha slowly uncovers the trails of deception surrounding the aristocrats backing Tamanna from the shadows for her succeed in keeping her plans as the Queen, getting to known King Burkan has been bed ridden for years, he is an elderly man who looked like a corpse, just a shadow of his former self, on a vegetative state where couldn’t rule anything and couldn’t give Tamanna a male heir after Safina was born; Falan crawls his way to become the real King and having his way Tamanna, Safina and Falasha, Kuzaha too comes with the package.

Back to the timeline in the events unveiled in the beginning.

Falan orders Tamanna to make an assembly and the a announcement that he will be crowned King officially, she complies, at the last minute Falasha and Safina try to confront Falan, impeding him from being crowned, they broke out of his control, he commends them for breaking out so soon, just in time for him place them under his spell again as he is made King, Falan brings Falasha and Safina to the balcony as Tamanna pronounces the crowning ceremony, Falan delivers a speech to his people, typical sovereign talk for better times to come, the scene is contrasted with Falan having sex in public with Falasha and Safina right there on the balcony as he proclaims both princess will give him children, ensuring an ongoing lineage.

Like most Eroges nowadays the game offers very direct choices, you can make Falan pick whoever he fancies by spending time with the girl of choice, Falan plays smart by using his powers only to make the girls more willing, but he tries to make them flock to him without hypnosis as well, slowly making them wish to be with him without any mind control.

---> Falasha: She is a bit of tsundere sometimes, she chose the path of the warrior to try impressing her father King Burkan as he had no male heirs (officially), Falan uses Falasha’s pride to humiliate her a lot through maledom, one particular key even has Falan arranging a meeting with the neighboring Prince Falansha was supposed to have an arranged marriage with, Falan called the prince over and hypnotized Falasha so she would be having sex with Falan in the (unnamed) Prince’s presence, this broke the prince’s heart and so marriage was called off, another key event is Falasha trying to rally the populace against Falan in a public speech but he turned up and hypnotized her to have sex with him then and there, the people of course just took as the royals having their kinks in public.

---> Safina: She is a kind princess who saved Falan from prison once, so Falan isn’t particularly too mean with her, he mostly uses hypnotism to make Safina be more slutty and open herself up to many kinks, such as taking advantage of the time Safina dressed a man, making her have sex In the open and then focing a double edged (?) dildo on her, hypnotizing her in a way that when she strokes the outer part of the dildo Safina feels actual pleasure as if she was a guy.

---> Tamanna: The easiest of the bunch, Falan broke no sweat in making the Queen into his plaything, to the point where Tamanna never actually breaks free from Falan’s spell, she is 90% of the game under his hypnosis, he piles up order upon orders on Tamanna’s behalf; at first Falan suspected Tamanna to be a mastermind behind the infight for succession but he learned she was a mere tool, while Tamanna does like the power she has now and wants to keep it, she is more of an unwilling tool of the unknown aristocrats, she had no part in King Burkan becoming a vegetable old man nor ordering Falan’s assassination.

---> Assorted women: Falan can also fuck around in his spare time looking for random women, he has his way with daughters of aristocrats, his maids, some townspeople, one army woman who looks very strong and mannish, and one particular quite evil event where he invokes an old (historically accurate) law where the King has the right for a bride’s first night, he has his way with a bride he lent favors to her groom.

---> Kuzaha: His trusted ally, basically uses almost no hypnosis on her, he just wants her to relax in between gathering intel for him.

After carousing with the girls for some time by picking them all as much as possible the game will advance to another act, one day Falan summons Falasha, Tamanna and Safina to the throne room, he wants to give them a present for their good service so far (that is having sex with him many times by now); Falan gives a set of extremely lewd clothing, Falasha and Safina of course reject at first but Falan of course puts them on spell to make them accept them as if they were great fashionable clothing for royalty, Tamanna didn’t protest because Tamanna never breaks free so everything Falan does and requests is alright in her opinion. Kuzaha didn’t get more lewd clothing because what she normally wears is lewd enough.

From that point on the game allows Falan to court the girls individually again, with their new clothes, now Falasha and Safina are much more welcoming of Falan, he doesn’t use hypnosis to make them on vacant zombies doing his bidding anymore, he just forces them to say specific things during sex, like openly scream they are cumming and the like.

That’s where the ending possibilities become available, meeting up with the girls some more Falan will reach point where he will ask them to be his Queen or perish the thought and keeping having fun with others some more, and during the route where Falan has made his choice another final choice will pop up about he will treat the woman he chose in the end.

[[[[[[Falasha Route:]]]]]] by this point on Falasha has been tamed, she is no longer under hypnosis in order to fufill Falan’s requests, he only uses it to make Falasha more slutty and relaxed during sex when she starts to get embarrassed by the action; Falan asks Falasha to be his rightful Queen, she accepts, she felt disgusted by his presence before but Falasha says Falan “liberated” her from all the pressure about keeping airs as a soldier to serve her kingdom, now she can serve it by producing heirs; Falan then takes Falasha to King Burkan’s room, he wants make a heir in front of the vegetable former king, Falan hypnotizes Falasha to make her comfortable in having raunchy sex right in front of her father.

### Plaything End: Falan impregnates Falasha, but he wants to treat her as a pet, Falasha is kept walking on all fours, as she is presented to other nations as a celebration for her pregnancy.

### Romance End: On a good morning a pregnant Falasha smothers Falan as he wakes up, she milks and he milks her.

[[[[[[Safina Route:]]]]]] Falan succeeds in making the once innocent Safina into a very lewd princess, she became addicted to her strap on coupled with the hypnosis where Falan augmented her pleasured as if the piece was her real penis, always having her way with her big sister Falasha; Falasha sees it that Safina is undoubtedly loyal to him so he asks her to become his Queen, Safina accepts with joy. Falan has Tamanna prepare Safina to have the “bridal ceremony” on the throne room, and so Falan has his way with Safina with a new strap on of his as well along with his own dick.

### Plaything End: Falan decides to keep Safina in the dungeon, the same gallery of cells he was once imprisioned in, he treats her as cow to be his milking toy.

### Romance End: During the bath a pregnant Safina pleases her King after a hard day of work.

[[[[[[Tamanna Route:]]]]]] Falan keeps having his fun witn the always hypnotized Tamanna, as he finds her incredibly slutty nature very pleasing, with that decides to ask her if she wants to be his Queen, Tamanna is taken aback by this question because he ambition was to establish her daughter Safina as the Queen, with Tamanna commanding her daughter, but Tamanna is filled with lust and so she accepts, she will bear new heirs herself; as the final move Falan takes Tamanna to King Burkan’s room to seal their relationship having sex in front of the veggie king, in one sadistic move Tamanna is released from her hypnosis for the first time; Tamanna breaks into fury demanding from being released right that instant as Falan never bothered to connect with her without hypnosis, Tamanna asks Burkan to save her but of course a vegetable won’t respond; it’s right there that Falan keeps dosing Tamanna with several hypnotic suggestions to make her truly his.

### Plaything End: Falan completely destroys Tamanna’s mind, he makes into a female pig, who sucks him off caged in a box.

### Romance End: Falan convinces Tamanna under a spell that everything will be alright, King Burkan will watch over then, that he gave the approval for their relationship, sometime later a pregnant Tamanna is there nursing her King Falan as if he was a baby.

[[[[[[Assorted Women Route:]]]]]] Falan is completely noncommittal about having a Queen here, he just wants to fool around with the women in his kingdom, with a neighbor country’s princess, with female prisoners, with a female merchant, with whoever he fancies. No choices after Falan decides he wants to frolic around with the townsfolk here, it just ends.

[[[[[[Kuzaha Route:]]]]]] One night Falan is woken up by Kuzaha riding his dick, he is surprised as she rarely takes the initiative to have sex with him, so far he was the one trying to make her relax, now Kuzaha is addicted to sex herself. Falan then ponders who Kuzaha might really be, she has been so supportive of him, Kuzaha says she is just under orders but Falan has never heard of this organization she speaks of, he is King now surely he could have caught a whiff of this group if it really existed; now Falan who never really used hypnosis to have sex with Kuzaha is using it to try get some answers out of her; in the supposed place Kuzaha would introduce Falan to her superiors he breaks Kuzaha under a spell, she just reveals everything to him, she too was from Avarato Kingdom, with a story similar to Falan, King Burkan violated her mother and so she was born, Kuzaha too is Falan’s sister, although her mother wasn’t so kind like Falan’s was to him, Kuzaha was mistreated constantly till the day her mother died and Kuzaha was left to fend for herself, the Masuir Egg was from her mother, Kuzaha tried to wish for revenge against Burkan for her life being so miserable, but apparently the Masuir Egg choses its master, the relic lead her to Falan which would be its rightful owner. Getting all the answers he wanted Falan frees Kuzaha from the spell, she mentally breaks down as her past became a repressed memory, she then tries to aim her frustration against Falan but he holds her and tries to calm her down, he offers his own life if it means freeing her from this anguish, Kuzaha breaks in tears saying that she can’t do it after all, she took a liking to Falan, their alliance became closer than she expected, Falan then kisses Kuzaha, confirming their love for each other, Falan’s last command is for Kuzaha to destroy the Masuir Egg, she does it unwillingly as she screams in despair, apparently she knew the relic was tied to Falan’s life now as he went out cold when she destroyed it, but sometime later Falan regains his senses, Kuzaha took him to a secluded cave where she nursed him back to health, she cries when he comes back and some they resume their love. Falan abandons the Qursh Kingdom, eloping with Kuzaha to live in peace; the now pregnant Kuzaha is pregnant and eagerly waits for their new life with a family of three. No choices here, Kuzaha is the most heartful route, it is romantic all the way.

[[[[[[Harem Route:]]]]]] Falan refuses to settle down in all routes, with that this one automatically unfolds, Falan is then seen having Falasha, Safina and Tamanna fellating him at the same time on the throne room, this time around Falan schemes to have King Burkan have one last moment where he is lucid again, Falan wants Burkan to burn the image of his family servicing a “stranger” on his feeble mind, Burkan can’t believe in what is happening right in front of him, he demands an explanation at once, but his yelling falls on deaf ears, Falan mockingly asks the girls fellating him if any of them recognize who’s the old man throwing a fit on the wheelchair, none of them recognize him, Falan completely wiped King Burkan from their memories, Falan is the only King now, and so King Burkan breaks again, he straight up comes back to being a vegetable; with that finished Kuzaha takes Burkan back to his quarters, she says her role there is done, Falan however is having second thoughts, he hypnotizes Kuzaha by saying her work there is not done, Falan has Falasha, Safina and Tamanna please Kuzaha, filling her with compliments, trying to make Kuzaha a slave to pleasure as well, Falan penetrates Kuzaha while at it, the full group orgy succeeds in having Kuzaha wanting to stick around and be one of Falan’s women for real.

### Plaything End: Falan decides to expand the Qursh Kingdom, but not like his father did through barbaric methods, he opts to go out making alliances with many kingdoms by marrying and impregnating many princesses.

### Romance End: Falan comes to realize that Falasha, Safina, Tamanna and Kuzaha all became very important women in his life, each of them contributed for him to get into the position he finds himself in now, and so he officially makes all four of them into his Queens, the four pregnant women have a feast, of the marriage ceremony kind.


Last edited on 24 December 2017, 04:13 UTC.
Posted on 23 December 2017, 18:52 UTC by:   amhz007    PM
Score +120
i've spent 75$ on this .gotta say best thing ever the voices make this game great
Posted on 23 December 2017, 20:22 UTC by:   Stephen9001    PM
Score +37
An english translation of this game would be incredible, sadly, it seems unlikely.
Posted on 23 December 2017, 23:09 UTC by:   到底成不成    PM
Score +11
Posted on 24 December 2017, 01:50 UTC by:   Thacker    PM
Score +51
"old (historically accurate) law" - Old supposed law, but every reference to droit du seigneur (in medieval or later Europe) refers to it existing several hundred years ago or more (or possibly somewhere else) but having long been abolished. Considering the kind of crazy stuff that there exists contemporaneous evidence for (say in Chaucer), it's generally agreed to be a kind of medieval or Renaissance urban legend.
Posted on 24 December 2017, 09:46 UTC by:   MmmMwasd    PM
Score +6
Posted on 24 December 2017, 17:42 UTC by:   guydis    PM
Score +8
Posted on 25 December 2017, 06:20 UTC by:   Vanndril    PM
Score +127
Just played the game today, myself...

@Seyser Koze - Nope. It's a girl.

@Goukenimaru - Thanks so much for this massive explanation! It was your summary that made me intrigued enough by the story to play the game. On the Kuzaha Route ending, I feel like you omitted a rather important detail, assuming I didn't misunderstand the ending entirely. The Masuir Egg is actually located in Falan's throat, thus the power his voice holds. When he commands Kuzaha to destroy it, he does so knowing she must slash his throat to obey. He ends up surviving because Kuzaha immediately stopped the bleeding and allowed him to breathe by holding pressure on his neck wound and carrying him to shelter. After Falan recovers, not only does his voice hold no power, but he can longer speak at all. The injury to his throat has rendered him mute. I feel that the loss of even his normal voice added something to this ending that made it even more touching. Though, I'll admit that I was trying to decipher a garbled machine translation, so I could be wrong about Falan losing his voice.
Posted on 31 December 2017, 03:00 UTC by:   aceisisme    PM
Score +40
Posted on 08 March 2018, 20:23 UTC by:   Lolimaster    PM
Score +11
Those udders.
Posted on 03 May 2018, 08:34 UTC by:   Gitami    PM
Score +18
They're in a DMM collaboration with Maiden Ritter
Posted on 09 May 2018, 05:14 UTC by:   U know that    PM
Score +6
百度翻譯 一下樓上那些評論 嗯
Posted on 12 May 2018, 16:44 UTC by:   MaliceFox    PM
Score +6
How do u get the images from the game
Posted on 21 November 2018, 05:34 UTC by:   Cclul    PM
Score +4
super good work
Posted on 06 April 2020, 19:35 UTC by:   eisenklad    PM
Score +9
and now its an hentai anime...hopefully more episodes comes along.
i really like himekishi hentai... the gap between dominating outwards and submissive in the bedroom... even without hypnosis or mindbreak, its still tickles my fancy
Posted on 08 April 2020, 08:44 UTC by:   B.Y.C    PM
Score +0
感谢楼上小哥的英语介绍,简单易懂,看下来剧情还是略有点老套,但黄油就不做太高要求了,毕竟是白嫖。总之根据那位老哥的描述来看,各项结局也都能接受,几乎囊括所有女角色乃至路人,所谓的BE也是“玩坏”,没有死亡或者ntr之类的,最后再来个隐藏式ハレム定番结局,标准黄油配置了。发这评论的时候里番已经出来了,雷火剑的Bunny Walker画风一直蛮还原,就是经费实在不够,一刻钟这么多角色根本不够冲的,略有些可惜。对了,最后yygq一下,那位英文老哥发的剧情介绍文85%都是高中英文,少量涉及专四专八和极少的gre词汇,且这些“超纲”(对某些人而言)词汇并不影响大致理解,这都需要吐槽或者翻译软件的建议自己反思下九年义务教育和大学必修英语课都学到了点什么,就算你连bachelor都不是也该理解才对。
Posted on 10 April 2020, 03:41 UTC by:   Samiya0214    PM
Score +3
Posted on 18 April 2020, 18:58 UTC by:   218145579@    PM
Score +6

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