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(C92) [TIES (Takei Ooki)] Watashi no, Onii-chan 4.5 Bangaihen [English] =White Symphony=

(C92) [TIES (タケイオーキ)] 私の、お兄ちゃん4.5 番外編

Posted:2018-01-22 19:40
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(C92) [TIES (Takei Ooki)] Watashi no, Onii-chan 4.5 Bangaihen [English] =White Symphony=, added 2018-01-22 19:57

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Posted on 22 January 2018, 19:40 UTC by:   lolimar    PM
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Posted on 22 January 2018, 20:14 UTC by:   Larequirem    PM
Score +354
tfw you get cheated and netorared by your lover's little sister so hard you support their relationship

Posted on 22 January 2018, 21:06 UTC by:   dosukinuta03    PM
Score +609
This is cuckery, advanced so far that it is transcending all other cuckery. Breaking down your brother’s sense of reason? Fine. But mind breaking his wife to be to such an extent that she is fine and happy with the cuckolding? Fuckin priceless. Truly, this imouto is a genius
Posted on 22 January 2018, 23:02 UTC by:   Loki The Flameshield    PM
Score +130
My head hurts...
Posted on 22 January 2018, 23:17 UTC by:   CDub7888    PM
Score +110
So, he's just spineless from beginning to end. And the same question of why should I care about these characters crops up again.

At least this work of NTR focused more on the psychological aspects rather than just insertion, then, "I can't live without your unmatchable sexual prowess!" So I'll give that credit where it's due.
Posted on 22 January 2018, 23:31 UTC by:   StratoSquir    PM
Score +283
Holy-shit, Kokoro-chan mind-games are still strong as ever
But by "power", i didn't mean as in "magical" or "supernatural" powers

Kokoro showed many times how intelligent she truly is
She use manipulation and force her onii-chan to keep having this kind of relationship with her.

It start as her using audio-intel she got on him and his gf as a way to blackmail-him into have sexual intercourse with her because he's scared of damaging his gf-life if the recordings are discovered
Then she use actuals recording of him and her having incestual sex as a way to blackmail him as he dosn't want his gf to know he cheated on her, and damage her life if thoses are discovered
Then she use repetition and habit as a way to break his mind and make him unable to have any form of sexual relationship with anyone else than her
And finally she use her own-pregnancy as a way to force-him to settle-down with her as if he dosn't he will lose the kid, his sister, and even the woman he actually love

Basically, he was fucked the second he took the first-bait and accepted to have sex with her

As for how she "convinced" the gf
Considering she really love onii-chan, she probably got into a really similar situation as he was-in

Kokoro suddenly let-her-on on the relationship she shared with her brother
She made her look at the video where he got "raped" and "mind-breaked" by his own-sister
So i'm pretty sure she understood how fucked-up it was for him, and that he kept doing it because Kokoro left-him no other choices
I'm also pretty sure Kokoro threatened to let the tapes of her and onii-chan having sex out if the gf wasn't okay with it
So she was already between a rock and a hard place
And then Kokoro told her she was already pregnant, so even if the gf and onii-chan were to refute the recordings, the blood-test with the baby would show he is indeed the father

Either she tried to do anything against kokoro, and she would destroy both of their life
Either she accepted and simply gave-up, and she at least could stay with onii-chan, even as a third-wheel

And of course
I'm pretty sure that's how Kokoro also "convinced" her own parents
She probably forced them into a situation where:
Either everyone end-up losing
Either Kokoro is the winner but the others are at least making it

I guess she "convinced" them like that:
Kokoro did say about onii-chan's and gf's parents that they were friends and neighbors
Or at least close enough to ask no questions when their daughter ask to live with the son of their neighbors
She also said they only cared for them because they could uses-them

So i'm pretty sure she simply showed the videos of her raping onii-chan, and then told them she was pregnant
Then she probably told them the gf was already being taken cares-of, and there was nothing that could be done to help any of them

So they were left in this situation:
Either they try to stop Kokoro, and then she destroy onii-chan and gf lives, making a diplomatic incident as they're probably friends with gf's parents
Either they closed-their-eyes on Kokoro "mischief" and at least the situation wouldn't get worse

Kokoro is a genius master-mind, she "convince" anyone standing in her way by making mutual-destruction situations where the only other possibility is her getting what she want
"Already realized it, havent you? That you only have one option... I finally Caught you...!"
-Kokoro, smartest yandere either writen
Posted on 23 January 2018, 02:52 UTC by:   Reinso609    PM
Score +168
Jesus christ, the girlfriend is so utterly cucked that she actually HELPED the sister marry her boyfriend. How did Kokoro manage to mind break her that badly? Like even the brother still has doubts and he's been forced through this shit for a while.
Posted on 23 January 2018, 03:38 UTC by:   saddasads    PM
Score +279
Truly the thinking woman's fetish
Posted on 24 January 2018, 00:18 UTC by:   westabooweaabo    PM
Score +37
This series would be perfect if not for the MC's annoying attitude. Don't get me wrong, his indecisive and melancholic behavior was okay at the beginning because she was still on the process of breaking him, but after so many volumes it started to become irritating and stale. it would be very nice to see him giving completely in to pleasure instead, and declaring his love, devotion and lust for Kokoro in a passionate way, as opposed to this dead fish personality of his that he displays 24/7 since the very first volume.

Also, the women getting mind broken and crazy with lust is almost a tradition in normal NTR, so why can't we have some of that happening to the men?
Posted on 24 January 2018, 10:17 UTC by:   ShikiN7    PM
Score +191
This series is the very reason why reverse NTR far outclasses regular ntr, why? They actually show the psychological aspect of truly mind breaking the guy and his lover, rather than the usual boring ntr of getting a girl cucked by a penis bigger than her lover. As you can see here, Tomoka is clearly the better choice as she not only understands him as they were childhood friends turned lovers, but she has bigger boobs and far sexier than Kokoro but his sister still manages to ntr him away from Tomoka.

@westabooweaabo: IMO that would just make it a boring typical ntr work where the girl gets mind broken easily by a big penis and that would make it less interesting. So the brother resisting and still forced to be ntr despite Kokoro having the lower prospects, actually shows reverse ntr to be far better than normal boring one. I mean come on, on normal ntr, just a big penis is needed to ntr the girl and her lover is not even needed to be mind broken as they are almost all useless and would just let it happen. In this case, Kokoro clearly did not just mind break Takumi, but also his lover Tomoka and even their parents to allow them to live together like that.

@StratoSquir: Great way to put it as Kokoro clearly is not your typical yandere that goes out to kill her rival or lover, but mind broke her to accept the relationship while even using her as a cover to keep her relationship with her brother in the future, while not allowing her to have a child with him and making her brother slowly accept and surrender to it all. This series alone shows how reverse ntr is far superior to normal ntr where a girl gets cucked by the bigger penis as you can see here that Tomoka has the bigger breasts and more sexier but still Kokoro managed to cucked her lover.
Posted on 02 February 2018, 21:38 UTC by:   gunsn1per    PM
Score +93
My husband's daughter
Posted on 06 February 2018, 03:26 UTC by:   AnimeNekoMimiUser    PM
Score +14
This is quite warped and conflicts me alot. I guess thats a testament to the creators vision. On one hand the designs and scenes are so illustrious I cant help but partake in it but it leaves me feeling sad afterwards. This cant end well, in the end the main character will snap or be doomed to live as his sisters play thing. This makes me really feel bad for the main character, while maybe he was never innocent you gotta feel bad for him
Posted on 14 February 2018, 13:32 UTC by:   Okenido    PM
Score +56
Onii-chan is a manslut.
Posted on 24 February 2018, 10:09 UTC by:   the phantom limb    PM
Score +21
I would have enjoyed this series much more if Kokoro hadn't brainwashed Tomoka into being their adoring cover story/nanny/slave/pet. If she'd let Tomoka be an actual equal partner in the relationship it would have made her much less cruel and much more relatable.
Posted on 28 February 2018, 19:32 UTC by:   elfagian    PM
Score +25
I love the little bit where their father is shown to have abandoned them, it subtly explains to you how the two siblings had to grow up and what might have led kokoro to go completely nuts for her brother and be scared shitless he would abandon her just like their father did, it's amazing character building that comes right before the very end so in a way you can understand the deviancy developed by kokoro that began as innocent longing but twisted itself into an uncontrollable manipulative monster. Very nice indeed.
Posted on 13 March 2018, 03:43 UTC by:   Seph9    PM
Score +26
Never thought I'd live to be somewhat outraged by reverse NTR, but here we are. Very nice.
Posted on 08 June 2018, 09:46 UTC by:   Pretty anon    PM
Score -4
Now this is the cuckery that I like, the kind where the sister wins.
Posted on 17 April 2019, 17:59 UTC by:   justinx931    PM
Score +17
i'll never understand the mental gymnastics needed to have made the ntr'd girl to accept this willingly without any qualms.
i agree on the above post that if she was treated like a equal and not some mindslaved glorified furniture i'd have felt a bit lighter on taking in the story.
but i guess it doesn't tick me off as much as the mc being the absolute of wimps not one slap to take the sis to reality or some other thing but i guess im expecting too much from this.
i think i'll lose sleep overthinking the absolute fuckery that i just read in 5 chapters.. im going back to simplistic vanilla junk where i don't have to feel like this.

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