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[Zenia] Tina's Story [canceled]

Posted:2018-10-08 05:43
File Size:201.9 MB
Length:625 pages
Favorited:113 times
Average: 1.44

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Posted on 08 October 2018, 05:43 UTC by:   centarion    PM
Uploader Comment
i will not continue this gallery if graymuzzle keeps up the censorship
Posted on 15 July 2018, 23:02 UTC by:   big breasted whore    PM
Score +30
I feel like this is already uploaded somewhere already.
Posted on 16 July 2018, 08:30 UTC by:   Nintyfresh    PM
Score +8
Fixes? How on earth would you know?
Posted on 18 July 2018, 21:15 UTC by:   SciFiMisc    PM
Score +61
The quality of art is still absolute dogshit
Posted on 23 July 2018, 01:19 UTC by:   The Chronicler    PM
Score +121
I don't draw. I want that knowledge out there first. What I can't understand is how does someone make a comic for six hundred pages and not show any change in style or evidence of artistic improvement? This comic has been running for years.
Posted on 23 July 2018, 06:03 UTC by:   Nintyfresh    PM
Score +21
There's a lot of lore behind this comic. First, the artist isn't the writer, they were commissioned (several hundred dollars a page) for this by a guy known as Gray Muzzle who, by the way, was a councilperson in Connecticut somewhere. To the best of my knowledge money wasn't laundered on this but some people say that. I will say money was wasted on it but hey go Zenia, good on ya making a living
Posted on 23 July 2018, 06:34 UTC by:   Arkoniusx    PM
Score +25
Is you want to know more about what you write:
Posted on 26 July 2018, 00:03 UTC by:   Cumbustableanus    PM
Score +14
re-upload a turd it's still a turd
Posted on 29 July 2018, 18:09 UTC by:   samaran123    PM
Score +36



Posted on 30 July 2018, 05:19 UTC by:   Nintyfresh    PM
Score +25
because this isn't the Gray Muzzle website, and we can comment on whatever we damn well want 500wordsofdeath
Posted on 02 August 2018, 15:36 UTC by:   TheBirdyman    PM
Score +1
So u are just here to rant . Man and i thought i was a low life for being a furry
Posted on 05 August 2018, 20:29 UTC by:   Majorfoxy1990    PM
Score +12
The story is ok and all ... but the art... after all this time... HOW did it not improve?
Posted on 06 August 2018, 22:10 UTC by:   pokebreeder25    PM
Score +8
oh no. don't do it bro!
Posted on 07 August 2018, 06:45 UTC by:   Nintyfresh    PM
Score +15
No, I'm specifically all about tearing this particular comic a new one, because it's spectacularly bad. This isn't someone with no talent making something bad. It's someone with marginal talent making something consistently bad, and the writing, oh my god, it's like he doesn't read.

Oh thank god she waited until her friend got inside, instead of leaving and having something very interesting happen that might cause compelling character development.
Last edited on 09 August 2018, 07:20 UTC.
Posted on 09 August 2018, 10:56 UTC by:   Havel The Rock    PM
Score +24
Is this a sonichu spiritual successor or what?
Posted on 13 August 2018, 04:41 UTC by:   Nintyfresh    PM
Score +20
She jilled in the car for one scene, and then nothing happened.
Posted on 16 August 2018, 07:22 UTC by:   Arkoniusx    PM
Score +7
The next page is the definition of hypocresy, in all the word.

I also wait for her to say: Oh yes?!, after that i wiild masturbate, because i think making sex in public spaces is very erotic..
Posted on 18 August 2018, 00:21 UTC by:   Cumbustableanus    PM
Score +9
OH NO a random sex obsessed character had random sex with another random sex obsessed character how do i tell my random sex obsessed friend who has sex with him and another random sex obsessed character!? THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!
Posted on 19 August 2018, 23:08 UTC by:   134e    PM
Score +8
@The Chronicler
that remind me the original one punch man
Posted on 23 August 2018, 06:17 UTC by:   Nintyfresh    PM
Score +20
Ray, I'm emotional and really need to think hard about something that's making me feel out of sorts, let's have a two panel sex scene because the ratio of dumb pedantic bullshit to weird sex stuff is out of whack right now. Tune in tomorrow for some dumb DMV shit or whatever.
Posted on 23 August 2018, 17:00 UTC by:   Pononimous    PM
Score +11
Up next: confessions of infidelity followed by mad anal!
Posted on 25 August 2018, 10:14 UTC by:   Cumbustableanus    PM
Score +22
It's not a car crash of a comic then we'd be marginally entertained with how bad it is and not just come here for the comments which are hilarious. This is more like a sinking ship of a comic, sure you can watch and be mildly entertained but it's just something succumbing to its failure and being swallowed up for it.
Posted on 26 August 2018, 22:19 UTC by:   Arkoniusx    PM
Score +7
Ok, abortion... REALLY?!, so... Only doing whitout protection is very good, LET'S DO IT!!!, (So what about the contraconceptives, don't exist in this world?) well this only gets worse every damm second.
Last edited on 03 September 2018, 07:21 UTC.
Posted on 03 September 2018, 09:06 UTC by:   Nintyfresh    PM
Score +8
Incest, but don't look now, there are a bunch of Christians protesting the abortion clinic. I bet this will be a nuanced discussion about the delicate and sensitive and personal nature of abortion
Posted on 05 September 2018, 22:38 UTC by:   Cumbustableanus    PM
Score +9
Of course it'll be an open discussion. Free from bigotry, cultural bias, opinions, negative comments, criticism on the artist's work, an over protective bunch of fans who dont like change progress or working out flaws... wait... no thats what's in the comment sections of all the sites OTHER than here... oh well
Posted on 09 September 2018, 22:29 UTC by:   samaran123    PM
Score +12
i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it
Posted on 10 September 2018, 05:40 UTC by:   Nintyfresh    PM
Score +14
I hate felicia's stupid face pattern. It makes sense on a cat but she's really just a human with a bit too much bodyhair and weird ears.
Posted on 23 September 2018, 16:05 UTC by:   Master Marius    PM
Score +8
missing pics? "600_1530731890.mx5madness_603.jpg" after tis's ok?
Posted on 24 September 2018, 08:33 UTC by:   Nintyfresh    PM
Score +8
Hey, Pononimous, you massive dumbass, Zenia is getting paid hundreds of dollars per page for this shit. Of course she keeps at it. If a rich politician wanted me to draw his stupid ass fanfiction I'd put all that money in a kiddie pool and swim around like fucking Scrooge McDuck, too
Posted on 27 September 2018, 11:12 UTC by:   Bhaal29    PM
Score +13
Seriously Pononimous, did you ever look at the politician twitter account? That guy is a class A creep with a political background. I'm just happy he's ONLY a furry....I shudder to think what he would do if he had some fetish like Vore....or worse.

Try to imagine...a guy with his reach....into Vore. Its getting close, REAL close, to something like Hannibal Lecter but without the intellect.

and if you don't think that's creepy enough think of this for one second. This guy had a SOLID political career and the only thing that DAMPENED his ambition was the fact he was exposed as a potential sexual deviant thanks to his "Furry" obsession.

Jeebus fucking christ this is horrifying...Some of you might find him sweet or something but that guy give me the level 9 creepster alert.

And now he's paying good money for a make believe story of a hypersexualised judgemental Poodle and his jewish lover. We're just lucky he doesn't spend more on something else or we would be living a bad episode of Criminal Mind.

Am I the only one who's creeped by this?
Posted on 01 October 2018, 04:58 UTC by:   Nintyfresh    PM
Score +14

Glad you enjoyed it. Hard to imagine you having an eye for quality when you defend this comic, but I guess that's the way it is.

By the way guys, the coward/alt Imsolo's going around giving everyone a -6 because he's a pussy too. At least Pononimous had the balls to say why he liked this shit so he couldn't vote no more
Posted on 03 October 2018, 15:09 UTC by:   Cumbustableanus    PM
Score +3
There are horrible comments in the comment section! You'd better delete the entire gallery and then re upload to get rid of the tags and comments again.
Posted on 04 October 2018, 22:12 UTC by:   Starflight    PM
Score +8
Well, folks. I guess it's gonna be the end of the line for this comic as far as free porn is concerned. All adult pages from here on out will be released, but heavily censored. Uncensored copies are being paywalled on Patreon.

Honestly, I just don't get it. Regardless of how much you may love a comic or how much time and money you've invested in it, if it's not getting the support it needs to continue, maybe it's time to move on to something else for once. I mean, if you've got to force paywalling on your fanbase because you can't make ends meet, then maybe it's time to call it quits on the thing. I'm honestly not surprised this comic isn't getting much support when the quality hasn't changed much after all these years. Zenia's art is just garbage. Her style only slightly improved after the first few chapters, but since then its gotten boring, repetitive and stagnant.

I guess we'll just have to cross our fingers for leaks from now on.
Posted on 05 October 2018, 06:11 UTC by:   Bhaal29    PM
Score +1
Ah! Rejoice then, less heresy.
Posted on 05 October 2018, 23:07 UTC by:   Cumbustableanus    PM
Score +4
less updates. Obnoxious "fans" losing money to see new pages. Literal Win Win boys and girls.
Posted on 08 October 2018, 07:06 UTC by:   UnknownVariableA    PM
Score +5
The art is poor and now it's being censored unless people pay?

I'd say that's the worst form of a business plan. Safe to say I won't be checking this for updates any more.
Posted on 08 October 2018, 07:14 UTC by:   Arkoniusx    PM
Score +14
Well, that's a good ending for me.
Posted on 08 October 2018, 12:54 UTC by:   SSSdriver    PM
Score +26
Posted on 08 October 2018, 14:09 UTC by:   ReDoXX    PM
Score +1
Posted on 08 October 2018, 17:54 UTC by:   StealThisName    PM
Score +29
Cancelled? Fucking finally. I'm getting real tired of constantly seeing this bullshit get bumped to the top of my search results.
Posted on 08 October 2018, 23:13 UTC by:   pokebreeder25    PM
Score +2
what ?! NOOOOOOO!!!

i likes the comic, sure the style wasn't the best but was a good story to read.
Posted on 09 October 2018, 00:34 UTC by:   Master Proton    PM
Score +12
Okay why is the last page censored da heck
Posted on 06 November 2018, 14:55 UTC by:   Pononimous    PM
Score -1
Here's what's happening: Zenia and Greymuzzle got into a serious argument over creative differences. Greymuzzle wants Zenia to tone down the sex scenes, Zenia basically said "fuck you, don't cramp my style" to Greymuzzle so, now, Zenia's self editing (blurring out) the tits and genitals themselves and blaming it on Greymuzzle in an attempt to try to get Greymuzzle to back off and let Zenia do what they want with the pictures, again. This will not be resolve. This is the end of this thing.
Posted on 21 November 2018, 20:56 UTC by:   Starflight    PM
Score +19

Got some screencaps to back that up? If not, then you're just stirring the pot.
Posted on 28 November 2018, 15:30 UTC by:   Pononimous    PM
Score -7

Stirs the pot while accusing me of stirring the pot. Nice try, wanna-be troll but 0/10. Fail troll is fail.
Posted on 02 December 2018, 12:10 UTC by:   centarion    PM
Score +22
as far as i know Greymuzzle is just paywalling
on the patreon evrything is sensor free .

i find that sad only because this had so many easier ways to do this .

i myself hate sensors in everything. art music writings
and wen they just sensor to make more profit. well i stop following that person/group
even if i like the story like this one
Posted on 25 December 2018, 22:03 UTC by:   Pononimous    PM
Score -1

That seems plausible and if true then that makes Greymuzzle a huge, greedy asshole who's proving they don't give a damn about their fans. I was thinking of trying to find the comic elsewhere on some other (non-patreon) site but I'm just not going to bother and, at this point, actually feel a little embarrassed I ever stood up for them. Still, I did the right thing, even if it was for the wrong person so I'm okay with it and, no, I won't bother with this comic or this artist again.
Posted on 11 April 2019, 01:47 UTC by:   OriginalTinMan    PM
Score +7
"i will not continue this gallery if graymuzzle keeps up the censorship"

Seeing how weird this whole thing is I found myself wondering just exactly what was wrong with all of it and it didn't take me long to find out that you, "Zenia" really ARE Greymuzzle publishing under another name!

Nice try trying to con and hustle us all but NO CIGAR.
Posted on 05 June 2019, 20:39 UTC by:   winderdream    PM
Score +12
Ah, it's a shame to see that this thing got ruined by the censorship.
Wasn't a "patreon get x weeks early-access" model profitable enough?

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