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(C95) [Unstoppable+ (Takamin, Apaman)] Mogitate! Sunshine!! (Love Live! Sunshine!!)

(C95) [Unstoppable+ (たかみん、あぱまん)] もぎたて!サンシャイン!! (ラブライブ! サンシャイン!!)

Posted:2019-01-20 14:35
File Size:57.10 MB
Length:15 pages
Favorited:685 times
Average: 4.54

Showing 1 - 15 of 15 images

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Posted on 20 January 2019, 14:35 UTC by:   2cooked4you    PM
Uploader Comment
I just barely missed C95, but managed to find this one at a doujin store in Akihabara, and atleast this time I had the decency to SCAN it unlike a certain other person on this website...

Unfortunately though, the images take up two pages each so there will always be a grey line in the middle of the page where the staples are, sorry.

First time scanning a doujin, so I hope everythings up to standard.
Posted on 20 January 2019, 15:32 UTC by:   saito orang    PM
Score +18
Posted on 20 January 2019, 16:08 UTC by:   TheOldDeus    PM
Score +68
Thanks for this mate, hopefully you can also manage to find his other works.
Posted on 20 January 2019, 16:10 UTC by:   nc1mw1    PM
Score +24
Posted on 20 January 2019, 20:31 UTC by:   matsui91    PM
Score +73
thank you very much for this upload
to be honest , it always annoys me when they dont do a digital version because the quality is in the most case better than scanning and its easier to get even when theyre sold out
but im still always happy if some heroes scan it and upload it

thanks again and keep up the good work my hero
Posted on 21 January 2019, 01:23 UTC by:   2cooked4you    PM
Score +9
@matsui91 I agree with you there brother. I feel as though when they do this, no one loses more than the artist themselves as they completely miss out on potential sales. Furthermore, I'm pretty sure melonbook's digital download site is rangeblocked everywhere except Japan. I don't know why, but again, missed out potential sales.

This unfortunately leads to people like me ripping off their hard work, but if they're not going to put any effort into making that work accessible, they've only got themselves to blame. Or maybe they do have a good reason for this, we'll never know...
Posted on 21 January 2019, 01:34 UTC by:   Miles Edgeworth    PM
Score +62
Posted on 22 March 2019, 20:52 UTC by:   Kami Panda    PM
Score +6

So I went and checked my go-to secondhand shop and it LOOKS likes they sell Unstoppable +'s stuff. Downside: this is on a user basis. Because it's second-hand, it'll only be available when someone sells it back to them.

It's international friendly and takes Paypal, so I recommend making an account and setting the ones you want on Alert watch and set e-mail alerts. It's unlikely, but when it does become available, you'll receive an e-mail, so you should jump at that whenever you have the opportunity. It's not ideal, but I hope this helps you to getting that other one.

Edit: Also, if everything ends up being in Japanese, just click the language option in the top selection.

Edit 2: Also I found this, but I......don't know how this one works.
Last edited on 23 March 2019, 02:58 UTC.
Posted on 08 April 2019, 10:36 UTC by:   200hentai    PM
Score +6
It is illegally uploaded and the author is crying.
Posted on 04 November 2019, 10:31 UTC by:   Belldandy100    PM
Score +14
@200hentai - can't really blame people if there is no legal way to buy it. The only legal way is basically buy it as soon as it's put on toranoana before it goes out of print a few weeks after that. There are 2nd hand stores like Mandarake but the artist gets no money from that. While this is still available to buy on toranoana, "girigiri out", the previous work is not so now fans get paranoid and afraid if someone doesn't upload it then we'll be cut off from it. This REALLY sucks for people that discover the artist in the distant future. The majority of sales will be in the first year anyway. Personally, I bought my own copy for potential decensoring in the future, but I like to wait at least a year, even better if it's out of print, before posting it online.

Furthermore, adult material can be difficult to get if you live outside of Japan. It's possible but you need to know where to look and often will need to use a 3rd party forwarding service that will tolerate adult goods, of which there are not many. Even if one did this most of their money goes to shipping. Which is why it's so important that artist have digital releases. Make the legal way as convenient as possible and guess what more people will buy it. Artists just have to get the word out. There's so much material that it can be easy to miss something.

Of course there may be fans like myself that are hardcore and spend thousands of dollars each year buying from toranoana to support the artists, but I'm more dedicated than most and have a decent paying job in a relatively cheap area of the country so I don't really have to worry about cash. These artist would be MUCH better off if they partnered with someone like FAKKU and released their material digitally and uncensored. It would largely eliminate pirating. No one would buy and scan his stuff if we could get it uncensored for just a few bucks. Lord knows a lot of people spend way too much on that site, myself included ^_^;; Lol.
Posted on 11 November 2019, 16:58 UTC by:   Kinomoto_sei    PM
Score +6

If its Ok with you, I would like to offer to edit off grey line in the doujin. While I am fairly an amateur, but I am quite confident in my skill to edit off the grey line to make it more presentable

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