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[Yamahata Rian] Shihai no Gakusha Kouhen (Girls forM SAVAGE.01) [English] {Hennojin}

[山畑璃杏] 支配の学舎 後篇 (Girls forM SAVAGE.01) [英訳]

Posted:2019-04-13 14:38
Language:English  TR
File Size:99.68 MB
Length:47 pages
Favorited:1214 times
Average: 4.48

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Posted on 13 April 2019, 14:38 UTC by:   NekoHime27    PM
Uploader Comment
Commissioner: Agnyz
Translator: Herreis
Editor: Vilis
Proofreader: Vilis

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Posted on 13 April 2019, 15:56 UTC by:   truefire    PM
Score +13
Thanks for the translations as always, Hennojin. I will say one thing though. Isn't that some sort of crop once the harsher punishment starts? It would probably make more sense to say whipping or cropping than it would to say caning, right?
Posted on 13 April 2019, 17:07 UTC by:   Xerxis    PM
Score +279
I think author doesn't know that banning ejaculation for years most likely will result in erectile dysfunction and his inability to cum at all.

P.s> Doen't look like femdom to me more like torture.
Posted on 13 April 2019, 18:15 UTC by:   YuJay    PM
Score -17
My Chastity hasn't had an actual pad lock for over 5 years! All the new Chastity cages have barrel locks and designed so you can't even pull your pecker out of them anymore. Some more extreme that other's such as ones with a little hook in it for a prince albert piercing..

Anyway, anyone who has wore a chastity for a long time know's it's quite easy to cum! xD
If you haven't cum in a while you sometimes just ejaculate for no reason, it's not premature ejactulation, it's more like your body just getting rid of it.. and using a strapon/dildo on your prostate becomes surprisingly easy to cum over time.

Preping can a hassle though.. :S
I recommend low-fibre, low dairy and less fatty and greasy foods as possible! :3

Edit: Erectile dysfunction.. Kinda of, but I think of a mind set of which you prefer/enjoy over the other, as of inability to cum.. If I have penile stimulation (which is rare) I only cum about a pees worth, but if I have prostate stimulation, there's just loads of it.. So again I think you just get used to do it one way over the other..
Posted on 13 April 2019, 19:24 UTC by:   desiresanonymity    PM
Score +409
Once again, I hated this story.

I love femdom, I really do. I love sadistic characters beating on boys. But Risa isn't a sadistic character, she's Sadism sans character. Seriously, I still don't know what the fuck she really wants out of any of this or what her ultimate goal is. "Training" and "loyalty" are really ambiguous. It's like she just wants Kijima to sit around all day in a chastity belt while doing her household chores and gets really mad that he wants to cum. Ironically, underneath the intense punishments is a very bland relationship dynamic. These two just do not connect at all. It's so boring if you look past the visuals. Does Yamahata Rian not understand that the physical aspect of femdom exists in service to the underlying psychological and social dynamics of a mistress/slave relationship? That there is more at play here than just strapping someone to a piece of bondage furniture and hitting them with yet another implement? The underlying dynamics are almost completely lacking. Risa may talk a lot about loyalty, but the reality is that she and Kijima don't really have a real relationship with each other. We've had almost 70 pages with these two, and yet they've only talked to each other a handful of times, mostly just to provide exposition about what's about to happen next. Hey, Yamahata Rian, here's a writing tip: character dialogue can be used for more than just exposition; it can be used to provide insights into the characters such as how they think, what they like, what their aspirations are, etc. These character insights establish this little thing called "personality." The only character in this godforsaken dreck that had that was Rumika. And she's a side character that seems to only exist to show that Risa has at least one friend, or at least person who sort of likes her, in the whole world.

Oh, and can we just take a moment to appreciate how underwhelming Kijima's "brokenness" was? We hear that he is so much more subservient now, but I can't really see a difference between the end of this chapter and the end of the first chapter. Has Yamahata Rian not heard of the first rule of good writing: "show don't tell?" Don't tell me Kijima is totally broken now, fucking show it. Especially if you're a mangaka whose visual talents far surpass their writing and narrative talents. Almost all "storytelling" in this thing is done through exposition alone. "I'm having trouble showing this character in a particular emotional state, so I'll just tell the reader this is how they are feeling." There's a joke in online writing circles that involves a character just straight up saying "I am sad" because the writer has troubles showing it otherwise. This story uses the "I am sad" model way too much.

And speaking of narrative, I don't think this story really had one. Risa and Kijima's relationship hasn't really changed. Nothing really happened, except that Kijima's servitude was extended for life, but that didn't really seem to have an effect outside of some throw away exposition in Kijima's inner monologue. If a sequel gets made, who wants to bet that it will just be "Risa beats Kijima for little reason and doesn't let him cum" but now the two of them are 2nd years. And then in the sequel to that they're 3rd years. And in the sequel to that they're at some university. Onwards into the final chapter that takes place in an evil femdom hospice center for the elite sadistic grannies of the Japanese nation, Kijima's already dead but Risa is too senile to notice so she just beats on a spare pillow all day. Not that anyone would notice because Kijima has all the personality of a spare pillow that's been in chastity too long.

Just in general, Yamahata Rian seems to have replaced any attempt at storytelling with shoving as much intense action into the reader's face as possible. And it doesn't work. To use a metaphor: If the intensity of the femdom can be compared to spiciness in food, then where other femdom stories are meals of various degrees of pique, this story is the equivalent of chucking a bottle of hot sauce at my head and calling it haute cuisine. It's heavy handed and lacking in substance I am pissed that I waited a year and a half for this sorry ass excuse of a "continuation" of what was already a somewhat threadbare story that only seemed good at the time because it promised to deliver something in the next chapter.


[ ] Delivered
[X] Not Delivered

This was bad and the author should feel bad.
Last edited on 13 April 2019, 21:13 UTC.
Posted on 13 April 2019, 19:31 UTC by:   sunshineandlolipops    PM
Score +201
So North American students acquire hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt from student loans effectively turning them into slaves. European students get increasingly worthless diplomas in just one subject and after studying for 4 years they often end up unemployed or working minimum wage jobs effectively turning them into slaves. And these guys become literal sex slaves, aren't allowed to cum for 2 years and get their balls branded with hot iron. Gaining higher education ain't what it used to be.
Posted on 13 April 2019, 20:53 UTC by:   Trips    PM
Score +176
So mentioning contract in part 1 is totally void and suddenly prestigious schools are fine with slavery. Also that branding part really didn't make any sense because in the end nothing changes. Girls have exactly same "rights" as they had and it's their decision. So what is the point.

Ultimately for me biggest turnoff was that he never questioned her or asked why she is so mean to him, why she treats him worse than other girls treat their guys, why she wanted him to be her personal slave even if he behaved badly so many times. And why the fuck he just takes all that without much thought.

So in the end girl motive is just that she likes to torture which doesn't really requires slave and according to rules of this hentai she would be able to legally torture anyone. And guy has no character at all.

Also owning slave there looks like a hard work. Imagine those 2 poor adult girls ending their shift after whole night of fucking male asses just to sleep eat and go back to assfucking for next 8 to 12 hours.

Anyway thanks for translation.
Posted on 13 April 2019, 21:06 UTC by:   desiresanonymity    PM
Score +5
Preach it brother.
Posted on 13 April 2019, 23:52 UTC by:   Ilyia    PM
Score +28
I had other problems wit the story. Like, why didn't these guy try to escape? Were they masochist to begin with that actually wanted this kind of treatment or were they unfortunate men that had just been trampled on by these self-righteous rapist women? The problem with a story like this, much like the stories where the setting is that women become public toilets, ignoring and not explaining whether this is a thing only in Japan or a world-wide setting. Yes the problem here is that the story suggests that this school is actually illegal. Which means that these men being slaves are actually something hat they could escape if they simply started a riot. If there had been male jailers helping these women and keeping these men contained it would have been differently, but just with a bunch of girls the whole story falls flat. That is the first problem. The second problem is that all this story does, is make you want to see the school itself run over by some male rapists that take the school prison and starts raping the girls. Maybe all the parents and relatives of the poor enslaved men?
Posted on 14 April 2019, 00:05 UTC by:   desiresanonymity    PM
Score +126
The first chapter (which was published way back in late summer of 2017) establishes that this is actually legal because the powerful and wealthy families of Japan used their influence to grant the school ground "extraterritorial rights" (which makes no sense, I think the legal arrangement the author was talking about was "autonomous self governing zone" but didn't know enough about international law to get the right phrase) however it was implied that if the whole slavery thing went public then the resulting shit storm would take down a lot of powerful families. Also, the male students sign a contract to "enroll" at the school tuition free, and only learn the finer details of the arrangement after they've been handcuffed and thrown at the feet of their new mistresses. Granted, this chapter seems to have ignored half of that and barely bothers with the other half. They don't even bother mentioning the contract in this chapter and seem to just be making the rules up as they go and the practice of slavery is somewhat in the open. Yeah, Yamahata Rian isn't even following their own bullshit rules so it gets really confusing for any reader trying to keep up. The reason they don't try to escape is because they are all locked in cages at night and kept under heavy surveillance by the school security teams (those women in suits). Kijima gets caught by them while trying to take his chastity belt off in this chapter.

And yes, this story is so shit and the setting is so dreary and infuriating that even some hardcore femdom lovers wouldn't mind it if Girls for M allowed for a single exception to their "no reversal" rule. I usually hate it when that happens and the domme becomes a cum slave a few pages in. But this story would probably be my one single exception. Fuck these "characters."
Posted on 14 April 2019, 00:07 UTC by:   myoxy    PM
Score +43
Wow, judging from the other comments, am I the only one who found this sexy? Of course, I wouldn't want to actually experience it, but the idea of it is amazing. I actually loved the relationship between Risa and her slave (almost as much as the relationship between Rumika and her slave). When I see Risa's smile of satisfaction on the last page, I realize that she cares about his existence, albeit as her servant and not as a person. To me, that's a kind of love, of the femdom variety. I don't think it's purely physical femdom; I would say that the psychological component of the femdom is his fear of her and the steady formation of a cage in his mind. As for flaws in the description of this sexy matriarchy, I actually didn't pay much attention to that, because I don't expect consistent political science fiction from Yamahata Rian. I would say his strength lies in his superb and unapologetically dominant heroines and beautifully constructed scenes. Shihai no Gakusha does lack catharsis and full form character arcs like Mame's Double S Size, but I didn't expect that of it. Anyway, I enjoyed it, so it saddens me to hear people think it doesn't even qualify as "femdom". Thanks to Hennojin and the commissioner for the translation.
Posted on 14 April 2019, 00:12 UTC by:   desiresanonymity    PM
Score +100
No offense myoxy, but I think you're seeing affection and a sort of sadomasochistic love that just isn't there. I mean, if you interpret those two as having an actual relationship, then yes the story isn't so bad. But I just don't see it, and neither do most other people.
Posted on 14 April 2019, 11:25 UTC by:   Azengar    PM
Score +20

I cannot for the life of me, understand your hate for Yamahata Rian and I think you’re simply mistaking your personal tastes with bad writing. He is writing for a very specific audience with also specific fetishes in mind. You’re clearly not the target and there’s no need to get on your high horse and explain to everyone what is considered good writing on a hentai website.

Sure, the setting is stupid and would make no sense in real life, but it’s just an excuse. He wanted to write a story about schoolgirls having slaves and he just made up something, this story is not supposed to be realistic.

I come here and read hentai to explore possibilities that don’t exist / aren’t possible in real life, in this case I like femdom hentai but I have no interest for real life female domination, because the thing I enjoy is abuse and sadism and both things are not something you should do in real life.

Then you go on about character personalities and character development but again, that’s not why I’m reading hentai, if I wanted to enjoy a story with elaborate storytelling, I would read a book. You say that the MC and Risa don’t connect at all, but I think it’s the intent of the author that Risa is an abusive, cold-hearted bitch, she doesn’t really care about the MC, she tortures him because she can but it’s not like it has to be him or that she’s attached to him, they relationship doesn’t progress because she’s not trying to make it progress. The story is about her torturing him and it stays like this until the end, you might not like it but I do.

In conclusion, the story is not supposed to progress because it targets people that like to see unwilling men getting abused, if the dude would give up and accept it that would have ruined it all for me. And honestly there are a lot of stories that end like this already.

We could talk about this for a long time but I’m not sure if it’s worth the time, I just think it’s sad that you have to go out of your way to tell people what a good hentai is and that you’re getting so pissed off at the author just because his works aren’t meant for you.

Feels a bit like Marien, who is on a crusade to let everyone know what real femdom is.
Posted on 14 April 2019, 13:33 UTC by:   alizzer    PM
Score +14
Of course hentai doesn't have to be masterfully written, but at least some though put into the story helps it feel more satisfying than none. This could almost be a bunch of disjointed scenes you could put in an image gallery with no dialogue.
If he's not allowed to give his opinion on a piece in the comment, then what are the comments for? Also don't compare people to Marien. Marien complains about actually good femdom.
Posted on 14 April 2019, 17:50 UTC by:   Jinww1    PM
Score +26
Mindblowing amazing, real hard, i love it thank's for uploading and translation.
Posted on 14 April 2019, 19:47 UTC by:   desiresanonymity    PM
Score +70
I want to set one thing straight right now. I do not hate Yamahata Rian. I don't know them personally. And as an artist I actually think they have a lot of potential. I want you to know that I was very much looking forward to this sequel. It is from disappointment that my anger springs.

I hate this particular story. But if it helps any, I have developed a theory, that seems more and more plausible the more I think about it, that largely absolves the author. And that theory is this: the trainwreck that this story became is largely the fault of Yamahata Rian's editors.

To understand where I'm coming from, let's step back a bit and look at the context of the story. I don't mean the first chapter, I mean the publishing context. This story was basically supposed to be the headliner for the first edition of the new Savage spin-off label for Girls for M. If you go on the Girls for M twitter account and look at the announcements for Volumes 16 and 17 you will see a lot of people asking why Yamahata Rian wasn't on the author's list. This continuation was highly anticipated. And now it was basically going to break or make an entire spin-off magazine, a fairly sizable investment. A lot was riding on it. Which means the entire Editor's Office was riding Yamahata's ass. It had to be "perfect." Of course, nothing is more flawed than a story that is subject to constant revisions from five different people who aren't really communicating with each other. It's funny really, Yamahata Rian has no problem bringing "savagery" into their stories, perhaps more editorial control should have been directed at Marui Maru. Nothing against them, but they're not exactly what I'd call "savage." And whose bright idea was it to have Marui Maru draw the cover? I don't think the editors could have sabotaged their debut any harder if they had been trying to fail.

Now, maybe it's me, but doesn't the art seem a little rushed in a lot of places? The characters just seem a lot less expressive than they were in the first chapter. Furthermore, can we take a moment to reflect on just how big this chapter is? 46 pages. That is double what most pieces on Girls for M are. Now, I doubt that Yamahata Rian was so bold as to demand a double publishing slot. It was almost certainly an editorial mandate that was probably dumped on their lap at the last moment. Twice the work, half the time. That rarely ends well.

Also, the story seems strangely disjointed and prone to very sudden shifts in tone and activity. Say what you will about China Auction and the first chapter, but there was a certain consistency to them . This story has a lot of signs of editorial meddling.

If my theory holds true, then lets set the record straight: When I say Yamahata Rian in my critique, I actually mean their editors. If my theory is true, of course. I don't have an inside source at Akaneshinsha, so I can only speculate.

But if this is true, and only if this is true, I have a word for the Editors at Akaneshinsha who are responsible for this: Fuck You! This is your fuck up and you've left poor Yamahata Rian to get flayed alive in public while you hide behind your overpriced desks. You owe your poor, suffering artist a fuck huge apology, a raise, and a very generous Christmas bonus and don't you fucking forget it.
Posted on 14 April 2019, 22:24 UTC by:   Azengar    PM
Score +23

I'm not saying that he can't give his opinion, just the way he did it seemed condescending with things like "This was bad and the author should feel bad." and "No offense myoxy, but I think you're seeing affection and a sort of sadomasochistic love that just isn't there. I mean, if you interpret those two as having an actual relationship, then yes the story isn't so bad. But I just don't see it, and neither do most other people.".

And yes good writing helps, what I meant was that character development is not necessarily needed (I am fine with him being a slave and no real progression happening).


Maybe I misunderstood you then, if so I'm sorry. I just don't really appreciate it when people act as if there's only one valid opinion on things, such as: this story is bad, the author should feel bad and so should everyone who liked it. Some people might value things that you can't even understand, especially for hentai which is meant to turn you on, so it's better to write a critique as a personal opinion rather than a hard fact.
Last edited on 14 April 2019, 22:45 UTC.
Posted on 14 April 2019, 22:57 UTC by:   desiresanonymity    PM
Score +38
I'll admit that my comments tend towards a flair for the dramatic. I try to make good points, but I also try to be "entertaining" and sometimes entertaining means saying some ridiculous or incendiary things. My points are generally serious, though my presentation is usually an over the top joke that you shouldn't take too seriously. Sometimes I'm more straightforward. But not this time.
Posted on 14 April 2019, 22:59 UTC by:   Eisegesis    PM
Score +129
My biggest issue with a lot of femdom content posted here, more specifically the Japanese creations, is that it always seems to have female dominants who are unlike their real world counterparts (at least here in the States where I know and have met quite a few of them). I've always liked the idea of the Girls ForM series but a lot of it has entirely way too much pegging, for example. This content in particular also has multiple pages showing a male character fellating a dildo or being pegged by it. I understand the concept of it, making a dude suck on a phallic object could be humiliating for him but with how common it is in these femdom stories, these authors are creating "dominant" women who are all exactly the same with the methods they use to training their submissive(s). There's hardly any difference between Risa here and then all the other dominant chicks from previous stories. The writers seem to think that the best way for a woman to show her superiority over a male is to simply strap on a dildo or to slap her submissive's balls a few times. It's at least nice that it contained other elements like collars and leashes, though, and that it also isn't one of those lame reversal stories where the male submissive turns dominant and the female dominant is turned submissive.

The best pages in this chapter are the two that finally showed the male having to perform both anilingus and cunnilingus despite how the one girl who was sitting upon his face didn't look to really be enjoying it. After all that time of his captivity, it finally showed him having to service his female owners in some way. Did Risa herself really go that long without shoving his face between her thighs? Is she secretly also wearing a chastity belt underneath her clothing that would prevent him from eating her out or fingering her or something of the sort? I really doubt it, and I'd have liked to see her taking advantage of his helplessness to relieve herself as part of his daily duties, rather than just licking her feet while she reads a book or pouring her more tea. Shouldn't every male slave know how to expertly orally service his female superior(s) rather than spend more time learning how to suck on a dildo? I disagree with the idea that men need to have their erections and orgasms controlled while women are seemingly never horny or aroused, like what I feel these authors try to imply. I've heard so many women complaining that they actually have higher sex drives than their boyfriends do so why are the girls in hentai so sexually repressed? It's like the authors have never had any real interaction with any dominant women in their lives, they don't understand how a sadistic or domineering woman wouldn't find it arousing or sexy to have such power and control over a male. None of this is accurately reflected in Risa or her female peers' facial expressions, their speech, or even by showing how they become wet during the torture sessions. I knew a woman some years ago who could become aroused enough to wet herself just by whipping a dude. I'm not convinced that Risa and her peers weren't enjoying it what with mentioning how they were going to brand their slaves and keep them, etc. so where is that enjoyment? The femdom content here really needs less female characters who are just brick walls and more female characters who embrace their sexuality and the power they have. I want to see their juices dripping down their thighs because they just can't contain their excitement. A real sadistic, dominant woman wouldn't have a dry pussy if she was torturing a dude.

As for Risa's slave, he definitely needed some work as well. She gave him harsh punishments for an entire month, plus he had months of slave training prior to that, so it would have been hot to observe a transformation from initial resistance and confusion to eager subservience because of being mind broken or just too defeated and exhausted to care anymore once she decided to brand him in the end. So either this dude would make for a perfect government spy or her training and torture methods just suck. No more strap-on dildos, perhaps. Clearly, it doesn't work that well.

Regardless, I still say this was a pretty decent femdom themed manga. It wasn't a lame reversal story, it had plenty of femdom elements . . . the personalities and facial expressions just needed some work so maybe that'll have improved should there be any sort of sequels or future work from this artist.
Posted on 15 April 2019, 01:03 UTC by:   blue penguin    PM
Score +68
Last edited on 02 November 2019, 18:19 UTC.
Posted on 15 April 2019, 02:35 UTC by:   desiresanonymity    PM
Score +109
I don't agree with everything you said, and I think you underestimate this story's problems, however I think you might have brought up the single biggest issue. No one seems like they are having fun, or that they have active sex drives. Even Kijima only wants to cum because he's been locked in chastity for so long, not because he's surrounded by high school girls who all seem at least somewhat good looking. And that he's a high school boy in the middle of puberty. The guys aren't bad looking either, no pimply fat asses or anything; it's clear that poverty and vulnerability weren't the only things being screened for when the "free tuition" offers were mailed out. Or however that was supposed to work exactly.

Like, this is supposed to be a high school, right? And a boarding school at that. A bunch of high school teenagers, the natural thralls of puberty, and all good looking ones at that, and yet no one seems to want to get some ass. The boys just want the belts off so they can wank in the corner and the girls... I don't even know how to end this sentence that's how inexplicable the girls' behavior is.

I have an easier time accepting the premise that this school openly practices gender based slavery than I can accept the idea that this place isn't in some sort of permanent Bacchanalia outside of classes. There should be sex and drinking going on all over the place (because if you're going to use some questionable international law to practice slavery then who gives a crap about some underage drinking). This chapter really should have opened with the four named characters waking up at noon, with massive hangovers, the boys' chastity belts somehow attached to their noses, and no one remembering what happened last night except something about a party.

Instead, we get something that makes femdom look unsexy and very dull. It's the kind of thing they might have shown at the churches I grew up at. Well, if the religious crowd knew what the fuck femdom is, but humor me here. "Kijima thought that femdom was sexy and fun. He watched all sorts of porn, and fantasized about getting spanked by a dominatrix. But, when he went to a femdom school he learned the awful truth. Femdom is mostly just doing chores and sitting around all day in a chastity belt. No sex or fun allowed. OOOOHHH! Scary!"

Even if there is some rule about no vaginal sex, there are still plenty of other ways to express one's sexuality. Neck biting, lip licking, salivating, ass grabbing, running their nails down their slave's backs, and all of the other things horny girls do are nowhere to be found. No working up a sweat, or panting, or moaning. Every punishment is treated as super serious. None of it is treated as play. No spanking or lightly flogging the hot guy because he's a hot guy and you're horny. If you're going to feature so much pegging, why not make it the default "sex" in this place? Boys getting pegged to anal orgasm several times a day. Except for Kijima because of Risa's stupid "no orgasm period" rule. Why not have large parties where the guys orally please the girls? You know, most teenage guys would be all to happy participate in something like that. Guys take a sort of pride in their ability to give orgasms, it's the exact sort of pride thing that this sort of place should be encouraging. I have to ask, did we see any of the girls actually orgasm in this story? We saw that one guy orgasm in the shower area, but even that was somewhat restrained. The guys never enter subspace. The girls don't seem to enter top space. In fact, it's all treated as a chore. No one seems to actually enjoy themselves or get really into it. So why bother giving every girl a sex slave if no one has sex, ever?
Posted on 15 April 2019, 16:03 UTC by:   soups    PM
Score +69
The indepth critique in the comments is the best part about this comic. Shine on you magnificent bastards.
Posted on 15 April 2019, 22:58 UTC by:   islandking3000    PM
Score +30
From my understanding, Risa pictures herself as a torturer to the boy and gains most pleasure from the pure torture rather than trying to find sex drives from him, she may or is already having an ordinary sex life with some rich boys equal to her social status.
Posted on 16 April 2019, 01:39 UTC by:   desiresanonymity    PM
Score +76
I'm sure that Risa is probably in/going to be in an arranged marriage given what we know of her background. However, you can't really have a physical relationship with someone who isn't physically there. And besides, this character hasn't even been hinted at existing.

The idea that she is just a sadist could work. But not the way it's currently presented. We don't see her seem to enjoy herself that much when she's torturing poor Kijima, and when she had those security ladies take turns on his ass while Risa herself fucked off and, I don't know, watched television or something, it made it seem like beating her slave was a chore rather that a pastime for her.

Now, I've been somewhat loathe to try and "fix" this story in some capacity, because it would take forever and there are so many different ways you can approach it. But if we're going with "Risa is just a Sexual Sadist" then I'd keep the story as is for the first two pages, but rather then take him to the Girl's Dormitory, have her take him to a new, previously unknown punishment chamber. Maybe somewhere in the basement. Some place dark, quiet, and private. Someplace where it can just be those two. Have him in the middle of the room, with his hands bound above or at head level to a chain coming down from the ceiling. Have Risa there, holding a whip or cane or what have you but not wearing a whole lot and explaining that sweat ruins her uniform. Kijima asks what he's done wrong and Risa tells him nothing, she just likes likes whipping good looking boys and a surprised Kijima asks if she actually thinks he's good looking. Risa responds by pointing out that Kijima has largely taken care of himself, though he could put on a little muscle and like all boys he'd look so much better sporting some nice scars; while discussing how wonderful boys with scars are she should be running her nails down his back in a suggestive manner. Have her elaborate about how scars are so wonderfully rugged and masculine, and how there's nothing better than a heavily scarred, muscular boy, crying in pain from a fresh whipping and in chains at her feet, worshiping and devoting himself to her. Have Kijima get somewhat aroused at this description, blushing, getting warm, and having his penis strain at its cage while briefly envisioning in his mind how that would look. Risa notices and teasingly wonders if he would like that idea before jokingly blaming it on the prolonged chastity. Have her do this while right next to Kijima, like, her mouth is right next to his ear and she could totally bite his ear lobe if she wanted. Maybe have her do just that if you want. Then have her whip the shit out of him for several pages while Kijima starts to lose himself in the sensations and unexpectedly positive response he had to the idea of being Risa's loyal slave. Even finding himself more concerned about that then the fact his back is in flaming hot pain. How the story proceeds form there is another story.

But do you see what I was trying to do there? I'm trying to "frame" the whipping within the context of the characters and give it some deeper meaning. So that there is more going on than just some girl we don't care about is hitting some boy we don't care about because he was ineffectively fiddling with his chastity cage in the middle of the night. Have Risa sort of project her will onto Kijima with a bit of suggestion. Give an idea of just what it is that she wants. Have the seeds of Submission start to take root in the back of Kijima's mind. He's not quite "broken" but he's taken the first step to becoming a willing participant in his enslavement. He's discovered a side of him he never knew existed and is now in a state of inner conflict.

If Risa's a sadist, write her as a sadist. But also try to write her as interesting. Giver her some personality and charisma. And if her whole motivation is basically instilling "loyalty" into Kijima, then elaborate on what that means. Give the audience an idea of what Risa's "win conditions" are. And this is Girls for M, right? This is made for, and supposed to be a celebration, or at least exploration, of male submission and masochism to female dominance and sadism. Have Kijima start to discover that side of him. Have him start to view himself as Risa's slave, not from resignation at not being able to escape, but because he's found himself starting to enjoy his servitude to her. Have the characters connect with each other and learn things about each other. And more importantly, try and give a sexually charged atmosphere to the proceedings. This is porn for God's sake. It should be erotically charged and almost shamelessly sex positive.

All in all, the biggest thing is this. It's not about the intensity OF the beating, it's about the intensity BEHIND the beating.

That's why this story failed. For all the furor that was visited on Kijima, at the end of the day the characters weren't developed and didn't connect with each other and there was no meaningful substance behind what happened. Goals went unexplained and the cause seemed divorced from the effect. That kept people from caring, and in many cases actively disliking what happened.
Posted on 16 April 2019, 04:20 UTC by:   Plz    PM
Score +6
Do you know Japanese? U should try contacting/emailing the author himself on your impassioned thoughts of his works, i think he would appreciate the feedback which may improve his stories in the future
Posted on 16 April 2019, 05:06 UTC by:   desiresanonymity    PM
Score +45
Unfortunately, I do not know Japanese, and from what I can tell Yamahata Rian doesn't know English. It would probably get eaten by his spam filter anyway. And that's before we consider my earlier suspicion above that most of the problem was from the editors trying to ensure that the debut of the Savage label was "perfect" and forcing a bunch of bad mandates on this story that have backfired horribly. This does not seem to have been all that well received. Honestly, I'd probably ask what the editorial situation was like when this was being created before giving him grief. If it's not actually his fault, he'll take offense and won't listen and he'd have every right to respond in such a way to an arrogant foreigner. This person is already really shy and tends to avoid direct contact with other people online. At least in his professional persona. You have to be very careful and tactful in situations like this.

Besides, there isn't much I could tell him that you can't find in a basic guide to writing fiction. Develop the characters. Have them interact with each other in a way that gives them a relationship of some sort. Show don't tell. If you're writing porn, develop, explore, and showcase the characters' sexuality. Don't rely too much on clumsy exposition. Establish the important characters' motives. Don't overdo a good thing. Have the sub AND domme get into whatever is happening.

The problem is that the mistakes made were very basic. I'm not pedantically critiquing some obscure rule of grammar (which would have been Hennojin's fault anyway), I'm pointing out that the characters have no personality, the plot is almost non-existent, and everyone is some weird sexless brick in what is supposed to be pornography.
Posted on 17 April 2019, 02:53 UTC by:   GloomyB    PM
Score +2
I think the problem here not in various flaws that you claim to see but in your lack of understanding of the meaning behind all "action". As much as I can see, it lies in the sphere of perfection, sphere of ideals. Small example: if you'd liked justice what'd you do? Become white paladin or try to destroy the world because no one really just? It seems the author chooses second option in handling femdom. He describes it like pure hate and despise from one to another. Do you despise anyone truly? Can someone like that make you excited (or provide with any other positive feeling)? If your answer is yes then you are not despising them. You complain here that story didn't provide you with any pleasure and suggest an option where Kijima gets something exciting done to him. "Amai!" (You are too naive!) - need to be shouted in some anime voice. You see: the point of hate perfection is for you, The Reader, to not get pleasure at all. Why's that? Because girls here not femdoming protagonist, they're femdoming YOU directly, providing reader with chastity belt of their own "not doing anything exciting" because that's exactly how it's supposed to be using terms of ideal chosen by artist.
Posted on 17 April 2019, 03:11 UTC by:   desiresanonymity    PM
Score +67
Wait, are you saying this was made bad and non-titillating on purpose as some sort of 4D Meta-Chastity on the Reader?

"Some eromangaka don't want anything reasonable, like an arousing story. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some eromangaka just want to watch the world burn."
-GloomyB, probably
Last edited on 17 April 2019, 03:34 UTC.
Posted on 17 April 2019, 23:18 UTC by:   daymson    PM
Score +29
Imagine taking hentai seriously.
Posted on 18 April 2019, 04:24 UTC by:   GloomyB    PM
Score +0
Well, you certainly can read but try to think while doing it too. I explain it in more words: you saw my example about whiteknighting but for some reason took it literally ("world burn") without doing simplest superposition (I'll say it in your words - "getting connection" with my thesis). In this case you need to think why justicelover might want to destroy the world - no one really just (so his ideal got so high that he can't anymore accept anything else than nonexistent perfection).

How it all connects to femdom? Through sphere of ideals. Unreachable Perfection in this case - pure unclouded emotion of "unacceptance" (or despise, or hate) that artist trying to pose as ultimate domination. Domination over whom? Nearly dead as a character protag? For him its irrelevant. For the reader though - not.

You again claiming that eromangaka exist for arousing story, that's why I'm explaining - to be arousing in terms of this ideal is not to be arousing. And here goes my question about truly despising anyone: emotion as blunt as this simply can't conveniently and sneakingly deliver pleasurable or at least acceptable position to the bottom.
Maybe you are not only being naive but averting your eyes? Are you scared to accept the truth?
Posted on 18 April 2019, 09:11 UTC by:   nuggistrike    PM
Score +4
i dont get it ! how is the boys even getting in ? and dont they not have a familey that ahem want to see them ? and that college pays for the boys food for 3 years ! but they littlery dont learn shit ! so what this rick girls really did is to beat them up and then littlerey pay for there food for rest of there life ! for what ? that they becom there slave husband later on ?
Posted on 18 April 2019, 16:09 UTC by:   islandking3000    PM
Score +19
Well, there're some girls who don't show their emotions openly, they hide them well in heart, which is the beauty of having mistresses with different characteristics and also the trill of Rian's not indicating such hint directly. Besides, Rise does smile when she says "You'll get to wear chastity belt even more amazing than this one" it's clear she's enjoying this, and knowing this, when we read the scene later when Risa stimulates the boy with a vibrator showing no facial expression, we can tell that's how Risa is.
Posted on 19 April 2019, 03:47 UTC by:   desiresanonymity    PM
Score +58
That line about "watching the world burn" was a (slightly edited) line from the Dark Knight. You know, the second movie in the Batman Trilogy directed by Christopher Nolan. The one with Heath Ledger as the Joker. It was the hottest thing in the US when it came out *checks calendar* eleven years ago. Fuck! I am getting old. After that movie came out everyone and their grandma was acting like they were a psychotic clown-person who wanted to "watch the world burn." Your comment reminded me of that.

Alright, so this is basically supposed to be Risa dominating the reader using Kijama as a proxy, is that your theory? Also, you say that her domination is about showing scorn or hatred, or what have you, the point is negative feelings towards the reader/sub. If that's the case, shouldn't she outright insult Kijima (and by proxy, the reader) more? She makes a couple of (surprisingly funny, btw) comments about the lower classes in the first chapter. But here, she mostly just beats on him, tells him he will never get to cum, and sticks things up his penis and butt. Not exactly nice, but not all that verbally abusive. And the biggest thing that blows a hole in your interpretation is that at the end she decides to accept him inter her service as her forever slave. That is a pretty big sign of "I like you, as a slave anyway." That's not hatred. It's not really love either, but is a type of approval.

So, you're wrong, she doesn't show the emotions of disgust and disapproval in their purest forms. Because she gives him a (literal) brand of approval at the end. You don't keep something you are disgusted with around for the rest of your life. Maybe she just likes him as an object to torture. But that means she still likes him, in however perverse of a way. So, if disgust was the goal, this story failed.

And maybe disgust from a woman is what you like about femdom. But not everyone does.

Some people just like pain. Or rather, subspace and all the other interesting things that happen to the human mind when subjected to intense sensations.
Some people like servicing others. They like to be useful and to make others happy.
And other's still just like strong and capable women, they don't want someone weak and passive, they want someone strong and able to take charge. They want to be the "woman" in the traditional sense, and let the woman be the "man" in the traditional sense. They often consider their devotion and submission to be a "gift" they can give to the woman they love. And make no mistake, they want to be loved back, just in a harsher way. They just want the gender roles reversed, even if society won't let them do it all the way.
Some of them like being in chastity. Some chastity slaves just really like anal orgasms and bottoming. Some chastity slaves just like providing oral service while kept horny all the time. Some chastity slaves hate their penises and have crushing body dysphoria and should probably get therapy.

Which brings me to the biggest problem. I have no idea which group of malesub this story is supposed to appeal to. It seems like it was somewhat trying to appeal to all of them, but didn't really focus on any particular avenue of appeal. The problem is that what appeals to one group often turns off the other groups. So, you have to choose a focus.

I also have no idea with domme archetype Risa is supposed to belong to. She's just somewhat generically dominant and sadistic (and rich) but doesn't seem to have a particular area of specialization. I suppose that's to be expected from someone her age, though. Wouldn't it be great if this was set in, like, a school for dominant young women, with male slaves and a lot of good equipment that she could experiment with until she finds out what she likes? She seems to have something of a preference for cock and ball torture, and strap-ons. And despite making such a big deal about it, she seems rather ambivalent to chastity. She enjoyed using that second chastity cage as a sounding device more than as a chastity cage and looked so bored while teasing Kijima later. Sounds like she's a natural "gender role reversal" domme. Punishing the symbol of male power one moment, and being the "man" in the next. She just has to get over her stupid "no anal orgasms" rule and ride that slave all night long instead of having other people do it instead. I mean, if she puts the dildo harness on right it should stimulate the clitoris, so she should be getting orgasms as well. It would be a great bonding experience for the two of them. Remember to set aside a bunch of snacks, especially sports drinks and fruit juices. Hard, sweaty boy-fucking makes both participants thirsty.

Yes, a lot of people are somewhat outwardly cold and don't emote much. Such people are a bitch to write for as a result. Still, you'd think Risa would relax and open up a bit in private. The idea that she would smile (I think that was a smile anyway) in a semi-public area but not on her private bed seems odd.

And she's still not that well developed. She's not the main character, so we don't get her thoughts about things like we do with Kijima's little captivity narrative. She's doesn't emote much, so trying to gleam information throughout is difficult. And she never had a scene where she and Kijima just talked and socially engaged with each other. Scenes like that can be crucial for writing characters like Risa. Also, Kijima, who is also poorly developed. Mame did that perfectly in Double S Size. Just set five or so pages aside and have the characters learn about each other, establish a very basic backstory (came from a lonely upbringing as the only child of a very wealthy couple) (came from a somewhat poor family and also had a somewhat lonely background), give them some motivations and goals. Find out what they want from life and the current school year. What hopes and dreams did Kijima have when he first got the acceptance letter but hadn't yet learned the horrible truth? What does Risa actually plan to do with her life? I get that she's going to inherit a Zaibatsu, but is she really all that interested in business dealings? Or will she mostly use her inherited wealth for something else? If so, what? Where does her slave fit into all this? Will she take him to work? Is that allowed in this setting? Or will he have to stay in her house all day?

Give these two an actual relationship and some actual characterization. Have these two bond a bit in some manner. Then get kinky.
Posted on 20 April 2019, 04:52 UTC by:   GloomyB    PM
Score +8
(Yes, thanks for explaining this citation - I'm not an English-speaker so I watched the movie but in dub. But you did used this words with meaning that mangaka doing something unnatural to him intentionally being misleaded from his purpose. And all my words about perfection and ideals trying to convey to you that it's not like this so I was right here.)

To make last thing first, I'll make a conclusion: you indeed stubbornly refusing to accept the truth. Maybe because not understanding what it means.

"shouldn't she outright insult...more?" Not really. Like I said sneakingly receive pleasure from verbal abuse, what you demands, is out of the question, as any other form of pleasuring yourself that she could be aware of.
"And the biggest thing that blows a hole in your interpretation is that at the end she decides to accept him inter her service as her forever slave". Why it blows a hole? Would you be willing to not being able to cum forever? Is it desirable way of "acceptance" for you? Well then, Nazis "accepted' Jews in Dahau, forcing them to work and gasing them afterwards for reward.
"That is a pretty big sign of "I like you, as a slave anyway." That's not hatred. It's not really love either, but is a type of approval". You see, being together is not always means approval. The last line here - laws of the state that wouldn't allow take a slave's life, but though this is impossible for her she has opportunity to make his whole existence as miserable as she can and not some seconds of pain in case of killing but long long years of torture and chastity and suffering and whatever she can invent.
"So, you're wrong, she doesn't show the emotions of disgust and disapproval in their purest forms...You don't keep something you are disgusted with around for the rest of your life". No, I'm right, it's just your imagination somewhat lacking maybe?
"And maybe disgust from a woman is what you like about femdom". No, no, make no mistake about my position either. I never said that I approve any event in the story or wish for outcome like this (and who would dare to?). What I do here - trying to reveal your misunderstanding.

Further from "Some people" to "get therapy" I wouldn't say better myself. You don’t need to explain things so obvious that even elementary schooler would know. Yes, it's definitely going that way. And thus we reach "the biggest problem". It's your stubborn refusal to accept. What exactly? The truth about disturbing feelings that you felt from reading (to know about them enough just to look how much you wrote in the first comment). Butthurt – exactly right result that was intentionally put for readers to feel. Why’s that? Because all things about various ways of femdom that you described, things that even I agree with – is just a point on a line. And for those who can exceed this point thus proceeding on the way to perfection – all this things can’t be viewed other than half-assedness. Only half-assed person could demand events described by you – when there is only_bottom_win-situation. Perfection unreachable because not many would dare to go the way where there’s no hidden aces for you and honest disgust can give birth to lose-win or, even better, lose-lose outcome (if no other man would give her orgasm in place of our poor little protag).
Posted on 20 April 2019, 05:53 UTC by:   desiresanonymity    PM
Score +35
Okay, first off, what in the hell goes on in your country's elementary schools that their students would know so much about a small sexual fetish. Where do you live exactly? I get that you're using a figure of speech, but still.

Second, you're not the author, "Yamahata Rian" are you?

Third, yes, I hated the story. What is the first sentence I typed on this comment thread? "Once again, I hated this story." I even made it its own paragraph. Me, Mr. Large Block of Words. Yes, I was "butthurt" about his chapter. Was that what I was supposed to feel? If so, congratulations, Yamahata Rian, you know how to make someone hate a story. Now what? I've pretty much lost my emotional investment in this story. If a sequel gets made I might read it out of curiosity to see if things somehow got better. But if it's not, I probably won't bother giving it a second glance.

Fourth, taking things to the extreme isn't necessarily "perfection" it's just taking things to the extreme. "I'll have him pegged by two women at the same time, for 24 hours," "I'll have him in chastity, FOREVER!!!," "I'll cane his ass and balls, and then get two other people to join in," "I'll replace his old chastity device with this stupid looking bank vault." As I said in my first comment, it's like giving someone who likes spicy foods a bottle of hot sauce and calling it perfection. Yes, just drinking hot sauce out of the bottle would be spicier. But it wouldn't be the perfect meal.

Fifth, what do you mean "only_bottom_win-situation?" I explicitly pointed out she should be able to orgasm from using her strap-on if she puts it on right. Most of them have bases that rub up against the clitoris when secured properly. A lot of women actually prefer those kind of orgasms. And in Risa's case, it would be the first orgasm she seemed to get from her slave. And you seem to think that Risa not being able to cum herself, and also being miserable, would make things "better." I don't get it. I thought this was supposed to be an erotic story, not "anti-erotica."

Sixth, please God tell me you're not Yamahata Rian.

I don't think this was some Mad Genius attempting to create a visceral work of Sexual Horror. I think this was just a piece of femdom erotica that tried to appeal to masochistic males who are attracted to sadistic women but ended up being poorly written, disjointed, and tried to do too many things at once while overly relying on sheer physical intensity to make up for its shortcomings. It needed to reduce the intensity, add more focus to a smaller number of events and scenes, and develop the characters, especially in regards to their sexuality.
Posted on 23 April 2019, 08:12 UTC by:   GloomyB    PM
Score -6
There we go: so typically blaming the author. Of course, who else could argue with Your Excellency than he himself because of catching butthurt from Excellency's astonishing criticism?
Rest assured, I'm not Yamahata Rian and my country much closer to Europe than Japan (though it's a bit infamous right now, so I won't name it). I'm just a slouch who have no better things to do except blabbering about enigmatic and complicated or petty and unimportant concepts (every person decides that difference for themselves). I happen to see clearly simple, not-so-simple and not-simple-at-all things and if I don't see them I'm used to crack them like they riddles supposed to be handled. I'm not just whining about some non-existent "bad writing" like fellow who refuse to think out of his cramped box.
I take it you are out of new arguments to support your claims and only repeating same shallow ones that I already debunked in previous posts? How it should be called if not being illogical and stubborn without any ground?

"just drinking hot sauce out of the bottle would be spicier. But it wouldn't be the perfect meal"
That you are calling extreme? Phe... Naive! Truly hard-boiled guys don't drink it from the bottle but rather sticking bottle up their assholes and enjoying sensation every Tuesday. You would settle with few drops of ketchup on macaroni? THAT'S WHY YOU ARE HALF-ASSED.

"taking things to the extreme isn't necessarily "perfection" it's just taking things to the extreme"
Look for the meaning once, not just for new word so you can hide behind it. More examples: let's say one likes hockey. How he can realize his admiration? Level 1: watching it on TV. Level 2: going to tournament live. Level 3: buy equipment and play home. Level 4: going to some school club for 2 hours every day. Level 5: aiming to become a pro and doing training so much that no free time left. Now what the difference between levels? It's amount of sacrifices. Firstly just some time, then money and lots of time and in the end some serious work, time, money, exhaustion, risks and stresses. All for exceeding points on the line towards realization of your preference.

"I explicitly pointed out she should be able to orgasm from using her strap-on if she puts it on right"
Ahaha, I can't contain my laughter. So typically for male - being unfair and even staying oblivious about it. More examples: a pornstar going to some studio where a lot of males already arranged stage and equipment for her, getting it on with just one of them who have biggest member, receiving for that pleasure sweet sum of bucks and then whining how repressed by society and stressed she is. Who are you in this example? You are the pornstar. Wishing to enroll in school for young women (maybe founded by older women who you would like to meet too?), meet there a stunning beauty (maybe even rich?) who would do for you all necessary development or just skip it strait to your fetishes because oh so conveniently dream about giving you just right (in your opinion) amount of pain. Your Excellency in the meantime would take a pose and let her gratificate you oh so mercifully allowing her to somehow cum FROM A DAMN TOY not lifting a finger himself. And all for what price? For calling that one-sided rite of worshipping his ass "punishment", because Excellency himself like it that way more! You said that you fantasizing about becoming a woman - what lazy and capricious woman would you make!
Now let's "connect" all that with a previous paragraph: you see, to achieve orgasm for both partners - it's just basics of intercourse, if not to be clouded by male selfishness much. And what is femdom? Gender equality is for pussies. Truly hard-boiled guys chooses gender superiority. What gender exactly? Do I have to specify?
Now what points on the line to perfection admirer of femdom should exceed and what is this perfection? Line here - establishing, developing and prolonging into various spheres her superiority over male. First rule - right to choose, decision-making is exclusively her prerogative. Points in line - doing more and more sacrifices to OBEY her in every aspect thus pleasuring in different ways. Male pleasure in this case - unnecessary negligible factor, can appear ONLY as collaterial. In the end sacrifices can reach absolute - like a knight giving life for his lord or Batman trying to blast himself for his city in the third movie of trilogy you mentioned.

"And you seem to think that Risa not being able to cum herself, and also being miserable, would make things "better." I don't get it"
Oh, it's a bit on a romantic side. Remember First Rule from above? Seeing how Risa despises our protag he, also it pains his heart, sacrifices his ultimate desire to please her erotically to her will thus not usurping her exclusive right to choose. Of course, it leads (now both of them) to inevitable death from suffering through life (because having an orgasm obviously better) but his ideals and his sacrifice that way turning her "unlove" inside out making her his partner exclusively (in suffering though). In the end his sacrifice will be equal to the one of a goddamn Jesus in the same time becoming one of the selfishest bastards in the universe. I find amusing paradoxes like that. And you should at least play chess sometime - maybe you can learn to see next steps a bit further.
Posted on 26 April 2019, 15:29 UTC by:   soups    PM
Score +7

Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter
Posted on 30 April 2019, 17:06 UTC by:   Lyssa    PM
Score +9
How is this a controversial manga? Go read oyster if you want to see some actual fucked up shit.
Posted on 01 May 2019, 15:06 UTC by:   johnqwerty34    PM
Score +17
That new chastity belt is nightmare fuel. I like the art though.
Posted on 02 May 2019, 16:36 UTC by:   NewUser3    PM
Score -4
I would willingly submit myself to this just for a chance to be punished and tortured by the 2 adult, black suit-wearing dominatrixes .. my goddess, they are divinely beautiful and sadistic

femdom forever !
Posted on 03 May 2019, 10:27 UTC by:   nemomaneo    PM
Score +14
I spend more time enjoying this comment section than the chapter itself, you have to love the internet.
Posted on 18 July 2019, 10:50 UTC by:   Jenkitsune    PM
Score +2
I typically write my comments in an effort to communicate to and inform the next readers about what they are about to read, as well as share my personal thoughts and experiences with the story or art. Seeing such overwhelming blocks of text in the comments gives me mixed feelings, but I can firmly say that the rudeness towards the author was uncalled for.

As to the story, I think that it was a wonderful continuation. As mentioned in the comments there isn't a lot of character development but in the end this story is a fictional fantasy based around specific fetishes. It is made to move from one sex/torture scene to the other by design. The character's attitudes, the femdoms especially, are made in a way to cater to specific fetishes. The helpless and grim situation that the main character is placed in and the dispassionate and cruel girl he is given to is a specific fantasy that is no doubt the target audience's ideal.

So for those that will enjoy, I am glad, I enjoyed it to, we should extend our thanks to those that made reading this work possible. To those who do not enjoy it, it was not meant for you, please do not comment on your frustration or incomprehension.

P.S. Since it was referenced many times but no one bothered to direct subsequent readers to the first part, here is the link.

Art 6. Plot 7. Sexiness 9. Translation 6. All out of 10.
Posted on 09 August 2019, 19:14 UTC by:   ralix2    PM
Score -8
This is what feminism looks like!
Posted on 12 August 2019, 01:01 UTC by:   Ruckkus    PM
Score +1
This author needs to be educated on male biology.
Posted on 25 September 2019, 21:35 UTC by:   Ice Hizzari    PM
Score +18
rofl why does this specific manga get all these long essay replies?
Sure this is maybe even a little too "SAVAGE" but then you have Marui Maru's work
which isn't "SAVAGE" at all... so maybe there's a happy medium somewhere...

@Gloomyb I hope you do realise that Dachau was actually a 'work camp' and NOT an 'extermination camp'... in other words, NO ONE was 'gassed' there.
Whatever you believe about the Holocaust, this is actually the official story, and it is now what all mainstream scholars admit.
The fact that the Americans, who liberated the camp, came up with different stories initially which turned out to have no basis in reality is no reason for ignorance.
In fact, ALL of the 'death camps' were in Soviet-occupied territory (not Germany proper), and were not actually visited or inspected by anyone from outside the Soviet union for over a decade.
What conclusions one draws from this is up to them...
p.s.: I bet I would wreck you at chess ha ha
Posted on 03 November 2019, 03:59 UTC by:   plam412    PM
Score +13
The artist did not draw female nipples in this one nor the previous chapter
Posted on 24 February 2020, 23:19 UTC by:   LunaticKingdom    PM
Score +6
This comment section just goes on and on, the heck?
I guess reading this comment section just confirmed something on my mind: Too much hype makes you enjoy things less. I started reading this doujin on a whim and enjoyed it to a decent degree.

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