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[] LitGear X (CG + Animated Scenes, Stands)

リットギア (H画像+アニメ画像+立ち絵)

Game CG
Posted:2019-10-20 08:03
File Size:1.38 GB
Length:651 pages
Favorited:530 times
Average: 4.33

Showing 1 - 40 of 651 images

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Posted on 20 October 2019, 08:03 UTC by:   illumini9    PM
Uploader Comment
LitGear ended service on September 30, 2019.

Much thanks to Giza for his initial upload to /g/1434605/77c8a7b58e/, his explanation of how to grab the scenes, his explanation in the School Servants! gallery on how he converted his pics to GIFs, and his file URL list without which I could not have completed LitGear's scenes gallery.

MEGA stash:!rgE1XSID!y4d6WmEmFBn6QciSHHgV6w

Updated units compared to last gallery:

Pages 2-509 are the scene images, sorted in unit ID order without regard to mixing up GIFs and PNGs. A few (School Servants! collab) units had mostly PNG images with one GIF at the ~~climax~~ piston scene; in those cases, I took the liberty of inserting the climax images in what I thought were the right places, attempting to reference the scene's script file, though I'm a bit less sure on whether I was right than I'd like.

Had to really downgrade the GIFs to fit e-hentai's 10MB limit though, if you want to see the animated scenes in their best quality check the .webm files in the MEGA stash.

Pages 510-651 are the character standing images. Where there was both an _m version and an _l version, I tended to leave out the _m version since they were mostly identical but shrunk-and-cropped versions. The only exceptions were unit 1250010 (Inittio) and unit 9999999 (Fumina), who had special _m versions. _cut versions were included on the basis that their images were slightly larger than its base and sometimes featured alternate expressions.

In the MEGA stash's out/scenes/ folder, I included all the units' scene script files I got. Some of them are just dialogue-only scenes with no CG/voices. Unfortunately I ran out of time while grabbing them, so if any unit with an ID starting with 15 (except 1550030) had dialogue scenes, I missed them. As mentioned before, it's only thanks to Giza's file URL list that I got their h-scene assets at all.

Units with dialogue-only scenes that I know of:

(This also means I failed to give myself the time to test out whether there were any to-be-released content hidden in the skipped-over unit IDs. I'm sorry to say my work ethic still hasn't improved overall...but then again, if these games weren't ending service all the time I wouldn't even feel the need to grab their assets.)
Posted on 20 October 2019, 09:57 UTC by:   Meorrow    PM
Score +3
nice works
thanks a lot
Posted on 20 October 2019, 11:18 UTC by:   tomato86    PM
Score +62
you can get higher quality of the GIFs while staying in the 10MB limit by using deterministic dithering, or better still, use gifsicle ( with --lossy while starting with highest quality gif you can

check out few of my recent galleries to see what you can achieve with it
Posted on 20 October 2019, 13:43 UTC by:   shipwreck1215    PM
Score -6
Posted on 20 October 2019, 15:34 UTC by:   illumini9    PM
Score +11
@tomato86 - I *was* using Gifsicle. In my initial tests, converting .m2v to GIFs directly resulted in files (usually the 4th in the sequence, the "climax" scenes) that were as large as 40MBs, and even with gifsicle's --optimize=3 I had to use lossy values of >300 to even approach the 10MB limit.

I just decided in the end to use Giza's method of converting to webms with bitrates limited to 2Mb/s, then converting to GIFs, then using gifsicles (at a lossy value of 150).

I guess it was an option to use the aggressive downgrading on only the largest files, but between that and consistent image quality between the GIFs, I chose consistent image quality.
Posted on 20 October 2019, 17:34 UTC by:   DarkOOO    PM
Score +6
Nice works, you even have a script, bgm and other stuff too. I would like to help you, or try rip cg myself if only I can understand Giza tips (I don't fully understand how it work). My knowledge in this area is still too low.
Posted on 20 October 2019, 23:19 UTC by:   illumini9    PM
Score +27
@DarkOOO - the basic logic of datamining is that for the right assets to be sent to your computer, your computer has to know what assets to ask for. The way that information is learned by your computer varies by the game system's design. Sometimes, a file or package containing the URLs or filepaths to all the assets a game will use is sent as soon as the game starts. Other times, the game system only sends you what URL/filepath to try on a need-to-know basis.

With LitGear, there was a bit of both. If you monitored what connections your browser/app made when starting up the game, with a program like Fiddler or the Network tab in an internet brower's Dev Tools (F12 key on Chrome or Firefox), you'll see that the game sent several packages via the URL, one of which was the initial file list that contained all the assets of the game not related to the characters' scenes. (Though, LitGear also preloaded all 300MB worth of it once you started the game, so you didn't really need the initial file list to download it all. On the other hand, most DMM games that run on Unity appears to send a file called "WebGL", which if you opened with a program like AssetStudio, will give you a manifest that lists the majority if not all of the assets that that games uses but doesn't preload. Those games tend to be the easiest to grab - unless the WebGL file was encrypted somehow. Or if the game makes a connection to your brower/game app that's somehow obscured from Fiddler/network monitoring...)

Litgear also only sent the URLs to assets for character scenes on a need-to-know basis - which is to say, if you have that character and already unlocked their scenes. Then they'll show up in your scenes library, where you can view them again. The attack vector Giza outlined exploited this. Each time you visited the scenes library, the game (again, through the URL tells you what units' scenes you've already unlocked; e.g., I unlocked the scenes for unit 1120040, so the server sends me a response saying "You've unlocked scenes for unit 1120040". Judging by the message sent, the game generates a clickable icon that, when pressed, says back to the server "I'd like to see unit 1120040's scene", and the server sends back the URLs I need.

But if you intercept the first message and change it so it says "You've unlocked scenes for unit 1250010", even if I haven't unlocked them or even have the unit at all, the game still generates a clickable icon for unit 1250010 that when pressed, sends the message to the server "I'd like to see unit 1250010's scene", and the server sends you the right URLs for unit 1250010's scene's assets. Giza used a program called CharlesProxy for this; I just used Fiddler, though the latter needed a bit of programming intuition and write a script for it while Charles seems to have a more streamlined process for editing server responses.

Then after that it was just searching for programs to decrypt/convert the assets into a viewable format. Mainly VGMToolbox+ffmpeg for .usm files and VGMToolbx+VGAudioCli for .acb/.awb files.

You know, I really want to write down all the experiences I've had in ripping assets in some central location so other people can try their hand. Just not sure where'd be a good place. I would've preferred some kind of wiki, rather than a forum, so others can pitch in without me having to curate everything and add them to my own post. But at a certain point, I probably should just suck it up and go with e-hentai's forums.
Posted on 09 February 2020, 05:42 UTC by:   xpsliver    PM
Score +5

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