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Meg Turney - Velma Dinkley

Posted:2019-11-15 14:07
File Size:169.1 MB
Length:37 pages
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Average: 2.76

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Posted on 15 November 2019, 14:07 UTC by:   sadikus    PM
Uploader Comment
Posted on 15 November 2019, 18:02 UTC by:   arkot    PM
Score -28
Hmmm very nice, and ofc low ratings as usual for anything not Japanese on this site lmao
Posted on 16 November 2019, 00:27 UTC by:   llsyo    PM
Score -13
The other girl in first 2 pics would be better
Posted on 16 November 2019, 02:27 UTC by:   demonfou    PM
Score +109
@arkot This is my own opinion and cannot speak for everyone on this site, but between someone putting on a wig and glasses and putting on ANYTHING else than what the character originally wore, wearing pasties, undies and such just for the sake of some patreon money is what people are more ticked off by imo. Pretty sure if many asian women were doing the same fake stuff as these patreon uh, ladies (trying to be polite here) there would receive a fair amount of the same treatment. Are all cosplays the same ? Of course not. The lazy ass "cosplays" as shown here I find pretty pathetic, again, my opinion. I'd rather see a well made cosplay with some tease poses even being non nude than seeing this kind of gallery any time of the day. And that applies to both Asian and non Asian women. Tho I cannot refute that some might indeed be doing what you said tho, this is why, unlike you in what I previously said, I didn't generalize that EVERYONE here do what I suggest, just that some might. Also, that is just a pet peeve of mine but it could also be as simple as people who clicked here expecting to see a lot more pictures like the first thumbnail and seeing only 2 pictures of actual cosplay and the rest of being a patreon (youknowhat) that they disliked out of spite.
Posted on 16 November 2019, 09:02 UTC by:   arkot    PM
Score -38
My dear friend, good arguments overall but how about we discuss this particular example?
As you can see here, she only dresses up as the character she portrays towards the very end. Before that, it was just as you said "someone putting on a wig and glasses and putting on ANYTHING else than what the character originally wore". How is this different? Unless the order is altered by the uploader then I still stand my case because >90% of the pics are for research purpose, not that focused on the aspect of cosplaying.
Now to your 2nd issue with Patreon thots, even though the japanese ones don't do patreon to milk money out of virgin pockets they still do milk it, albeit in a different way, by putting out those cosplay albums/videos for sales, just because the leechers here are not buying those albums doesn't change the fact that those girls also used their bodies and the pretense of cosplay to make money. The platform is different but the method is the same.
As for the EVERYONE outrage that you seem to take issue with, I don't see where I imply that in what I wrote, I said it was a usual occurence, does it mean that EVERYONE gave low ratings? No, it simply means that it's a common pattern well observed and tried. If you don't believe me, you can roll back to any cosplay gallery posted here by anyone non-japanese and you'll see a very common trend of ratings bombing done to the "gaijin", again not ALWAYS but it's the majority of cases and that suggests some form of bias ongoing here.
Again, thanks for sharing your opinion and hopefully this will clear up some misunderstandings you might have had
Posted on 16 November 2019, 09:32 UTC by:   demonfou    PM
Score +76
@arkot You omitted the core part of my argument for your own convenience it seems. Remember those 2 sentences I wrote "I'd rather see a well made cosplay with some tease poses even being non nude than seeing this kind of gallery any time of the day. And that applies to both Asian and non Asian women." Which in turns makes this argument of yours moot because I already said I don't like it whatever the ethnicity. But just to humor you, the gallery you selected, I checked it out. And I would almost agree with you but for one point. This is exactly why I prefer the way that type of cosplayer do their cosplay sets because there is a shit ton of pictures. Yes there is a lot of repetition, positions vary slightly but still, where you are complaining about the original outfit, there is still 43 pictures in the set of said original cosplay. 43, compared to 2 in here. Yeah sure you could also say that if we were to go by percentage average and what not it might come close to being the same quantity wise, but i'd rather have 43 than 2. Do explain why galleries like Usatame or Helly Von Valentine have HUGE positive ratings ? Last I recall those were 2 white ladies. I know you said not all but most, but if you want I can check and I would be quite sure that more than 50% of white cosplayers are well received on this site when they are not, uh how you put it again ? Oh Patreon Thots. You brought race into the conversation, I didn't.

Also you forgot another point, again I guess cause it wasn't convenient for you, The simplest and most probable explanation, people expect to see a lot of pictures that the thumbnail represent and are instead deceived. Happens daily on here but people instead of bitching about it in comments, just rate it low out of spite. Take it or leave it. Oh before I forget : "Hmmm very nice, and ofc low ratings as usual for anything not Japanese on this site lmao" you are telling me this isn't a generalization of everyone on this website even tho I just gave you 2 examples on the top of my head of 2 white women being overly praised ? I'd drop my keyboard as a mic drop but I like it too much and that could be seen as rude of me lol. I guess we will not see eye to eye on this but to each his own, like everyone else does on here.
Posted on 16 November 2019, 19:59 UTC by:   arkot    PM
Score -38
I read it but I admit that I'm too lazy to dissect your rather lengthy comment sentence by sentence, this is not a professional project that needs that level of effort from me but since it seems to bother you, I guess I'll try to put more effort into responding to this comment then....
"I'd rather see a well made cosplay with some tease poses even being non nude than seeing this kind of gallery any time of the day. And that applies to both Asian and non Asian women." - I respect your opinion on this, some people like me prefer to see racy pics while some like you prefer to see well made cosplay and the fact that you don't discriminate.... well, good for you? I don't remember specifically calling you out anywhere on what I wrote lol all I did was present an example that I feel is relevant to what I initially wrote about how many folks here have bias against non-japanese cosplayers, that's all. If you don't belong to that category then it's cool, no need to keep justifying your nonjudgmental stance unless...

"i'd rather have 43 than 2" - Again cool, that's your preference to go through more inane pictures to ogle at proportionally more cosplay pics and again that's ok, you're not biased. What I don't understand is why you keep trying to defend yourself for no reason instead of defending the biased folks that I initially brought forth my argument against? I don't know the percentage or how many there are because there's no way to conduct survey but I'm certain that they exist; thus why I brought up that example to showcase the difference in ratings despite similar contents and ratio of racy pics vs actual cosplay pics. If you're not part of that biased group then agree and move on, why becoming their spokesperson? Or did you take personal offence to this simple sentence "Hmmm very nice, and ofc low ratings as usual for anything not Japanese on this site lmao" and feel the need to engage me in verbose confrontation to vent your frustration? This is all conjecture from my part so feel free to clarify if you think what I said is incorrect

"but if you want I can check and I would be quite sure that more than 50% of white cosplayers are well received on this site when they are not, uh how you put it again ? Oh Patreon Thots. You brought race into the conversation, I didn't." - sure, I'm quite interested to learn about the actual percentage if you're willing to put in the work and compile a list of non-Japanese cosplayers who are well-received vs those who are not. Thanks for the hard work, man, appreciate your offer! As for the Patreon thots it seems to me that you somehow link that with race and if it is, then no it's what coplayers using Patreon are called, it has nothing to do with race and whatnot. Google it to understand its meaning is all I can say, not sure why that term bothers you so much....

"Do explain why galleries like Usatame or Helly Von Valentine have HUGE positive ratings ?" - Don't know about the 2nd one but the 1st one started out genuine, sharing her cosplay because she enjoys cosplaying then later turned into Patreon thot for that sweet $$$. Fanbase already established and the fact she possessed enormous mammaries also helps with high ratings, similar to Jessica Nigiri, another sellout who had established fanbase from her days of genuine cosplaying.

"Also you forgot another point, again I guess cause it wasn't convenient for you" - actually no, I do know there are people doing just that, I did it too. But I don't bring it up because it has nothing to do with my argument so I left it out. And once again, back to my example, assuming that "people expect to see a lot of pictures that the thumbnail represent and are instead deceived. Happens daily on here but people instead of bitching about it in comments, just rate it low out of spite" then why is there a discrepancy in ratings between this gallery and the one I posted? You admitted they are the same, save for the amount of pictures, has the same ratio of actual cosplays pics vs racy pics. Even if it's not the same people voting for both galleries, like I said it has been a rather common trend ongoing so at one point one has to question if there's not an underlying bias here because after all, the notion that gaijin cosplayers <<<< nihonjin cosplayers is a rather well-known bias that many weebs seem to possess, aka the "grass is always greener on the other side" syndrome.

"you are telling me this isn't a generalization of everyone on this website even tho I just gave you 2 examples on the top of my head of 2 white women being overly praised ?" - Once again, please read what I wrote previously, trend =/= EVERYONE.

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