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[bootUP!] Mitsu Ane [1/2]

[bootUP!] みつあね [1/2]

Game CG
Posted:2019-12-21 08:43
File Size:1.16 GB
Length:1556 pages
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Average: 4.27

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Posted on 21 December 2019, 08:43 UTC by:   HCG-KING    PM
Uploader Comment
(18禁ゲームCG) [191025] [bootUP!] みつあね
Posted on 21 December 2019, 12:21 UTC by:   ffviicc    PM
Score +34
Armpit sex on p.1424-1441
Posted on 21 December 2019, 15:46 UTC by:   zero1018101    PM
Score +54

CG part 2
Posted on 21 December 2019, 20:53 UTC by:   Goukenimaru    PM
Score +119
The story follows Hayate Suzutani, a good spirited youth who starts his day having a weird dream, where a fragmented event takes place, Hayate seemly is desperately screaming towards someone why can’t he be with a certain group of people, the scene is all over the place and Hayate can’t quite understand his dream, all he knows it seems to be about him potentially losing something. At any case Hayate wakes up in shock as his big sister (1 year older) Natsuki Suzutani went to his room to wake him up, she was calling him up but she notices Hayate has tears in his eyes, with that Natsuki stops being angry for a second for wasting her time waking up him to being worried for him, Hayate tells Natsuki he is fine, she shouldn’t worry, it’s just that one dream again, apparently it is a recurring dream, Hayate then says he can see Natsuki’s panties from this angle, Natsuki drops her worries for him and goes back to scolding him for not waking up in time.

Down the stairs to the kitchen Hayate and Natsuki meet their eldest sister (3 years older) Haruka Suzutani, she is making their breakfast, Haruka is quite the sweet eldest sister, she passes a big motherly aura around the house and now that their parents are travelling Haruka has basically became the home’s resident mother so to speak, seeing the two get down the stairs Haruka greets her younger siblings with a bright smile, Hayate apologizes for not getting down on time, Haruka doesn’t mind and nicely asks Hayate to call the one sibling that’s still up there, Fuyuka Suzutani is on the bathroom, Hayate goes there to wash his face and tell his older sister to go down, Fuyuka is the cool minded (2 years older) older sister, very mature looking to the point others have mistaken Fuyuka as the eldest sister, not Haruka who has quite a baby face.

Everyone is then at the kitchen starting their day by eating breakfast, but first Hayate now can’t help but notice how little Haruka’s home clothing covers, it shows so much skin, Haruka notices Hayate looking at her and smiles telling him not to look that much, Hayate quickly excuses himself as Natsuki gives him the mean eye, all four siblings comment on how life it is with just them around the house, their parents were lucky to earn a cruiser trip on a lottery, a three months stay vacation, this fact makes every single sibling say how seemly lucky every one of them are, one has won a prize before, another has found a ticket with a winners gift on it, etc.

Hayate, Natsurki and Fuyuka make their way to school (Haruka is a college student so her schedule is different), the three go to a private school with quite the lavish name in Japan, Eclair; Hayate is a 1st grader, Natsuki is a 2nd grader, Fuyuka is a 3rd grader, the girls have their lives in sports clubs, Natsuki is a sprinter and Fuyuka plays volleyball, both are quite notable in their respective clubs, Hayate on the other hand doesn’t participate in any extra activities, he has his own reasons after quitting the soccer team after just one week, that is Hayate being somewhat afraid of his own luck, at first he thought he was just guessing right the results of some events and games his friends participated but then it dawned on him that he actually has a 100% success in telling their fates, Hayate knows his sister Fuyuka will win the volleyball interhigh this year, he is content with just knowing that, he feels that it isn’t fair winning through his apparent gift so he just observes instead of being part of club himself.

Since Hayate is the first one to leave after school hours he makes his way back through a path where he stop by a shrine chiefed by an old acquaintance of Hayate’s parents, a kind elder named Souji Tatsuta, there he sees Towa Hatsuse, a beautiful older women that works at the shrine as a maiden, Hayate knows her quite well since he was a little kid as Towa is well acquainted with his parents, and since the tragedy that befell Towa years ago he has been visiting her regularly; Towa lost her husband and son in a tragic accident, Hayate’s parents feared for Towa losing herself and maybe give in to suicide back then so they sent Hayate to regularly make Towa some company as she liked watching over him. Towa is quite the popular maiden due her looks and unique silver hair, earning a reputation out of it as: Silver Shrine Maiden, the neighbors see Towa’s hair as a sign of divine blessing; Hayate makes some small talk with Towa, that quickly segues into Hayate losing himself by looking at her chest, Towa of course notices and gets embarrassed, telling him not to look so much, Hayate snaps back to reality and excuses himself, in thoughts Hayate says Towa was his first crush, but of course that seemed like an impossible passion since Towa had a family back then, now being a full 19 years older than him at 35, although he is quick to remark how much of a beauty Towa is at her age.

Another day Hayate is back at his room, having the same fragmented dream where he seems to be losing the opportunity of being with someone, once again Natsuki was there trying to wake him up, but this time Hayate in his shock tried to pin Natsuki down as if she was the one being taken from him in that dream, Hayate comes back to his senses and notices he was pinning Natsuki down on top of his bed, he immediately apologizes but Natsuki isn’t mad, she knows Hayate was having a bad dream, with that Natsuki unexpectedly kisses Hayate, he doesn’t know what to say for a second but then he snaps and tries to break away, saying siblings shouldn’t do that, Natsuki though excuses herself with saying that was just a “magic trick” to make Hayate’s uneasiness from the dream to go away.

After the kiss things get awkward between Hayate and Natsuki, they are unable to face each other for a while, Natsuki tries to damage control her own doing, telling Hayate to forget that kiss ever happened, he says he will try; at night Hayate thinks to himself at his room about how increasingly hard is getting to live alone with his big sisters, he is starting to see them as women and that’s where the game makes the reveal that Hayate actually isn’t related by blood to his three sisters, he is in fact their cousin, Hayate’s real parents died when he was little, his aunt took him as she was his mother’s sister, welcoming him with open arms, this makes Hayate ponder for a second that pursuing a relationship with any of the sisters isn’t technically wrong, however as quick as he has that thought Hayate perishes the thought, preferring to see them as sisters, for now.

Downstairs the three sisters have a talk on the living room, Haruka and Fuyuka have noticed Hayate was acting weird for a while and they suspect Natsuki had something to do with it, cornered by her sisters Natuski spills out she kissed Hayate earlier, Haruka and Fuyuka hear this but don’t seem all that surprised, just a bit mad Natsuki broke their “treaty”, it is then revealed the three sister actually have loved Hayate as a moon for a long time but they made a deal amongst themselves that they wouldn’t try to win Hayate’s heart till he became a man, that in their understanding is until he finishes high school; the conversation takes a funny turn in which the sisters talk to each other as if they were country spokespeople making deals at the United Nations, with treaties to be taken and how Natsuki just broke one by forcing herself on Hayate just now; the sisters vow again to only try their chance with Hayate after he finishes high school, that of course will not last, the sexual tension between all parties are like a dam about to break and flood everything in its path.
The routes for all three sisters are not much different from each other, the girls have their distinct personalities but the love story plays out quite similarly, the given sister and Hayate won’t be able to hold their feelings and pent up desire anymore so they will get close at certain point, at first in secret but later they open themselves up to the other sisters, they end accepting this development, breaking off the “treaty” of competing for Hayate’s love only after he graduated; from there on Hayate and the given sister follow through their relationship till the pregnancy happens, their love is solidified and so they live happily ever after.

However, there’s this hanging plot thread about Hayate’s dream that never gets resolved in any of the sisters’ routes as he just stops having the dream once he is far locked into their routes, that’s where the game takes quite the unusual fantasy turn, for a boot UP title that is.

The thing is that Towa’s route is quite odd, it starts with a simple romance of a young guy going after a widow, and simple enough their love blooms quite fast but as soon as they have sex the game actually pulls an abrupt ending out of nowhere, Hayate faints and some cryptic dialogue with Towa apologizing and voice telling it all must revert cuts the event to a scene of Towa performing a dance ritual, and the route abruptly ends there, no credits, straight back to the title screen, and that’s the obvious sign there’s more to Towa than meets the eye.

Turns out Towa’s route depends on completing all other sisters’ routes first for then a choice to be unlocked at the point where Towa is forced to “revert” everything back, here Hayate finds some unknown force to break through Towa’s ritual, with that Hayate finds himself at the shrine Towa works at and old man Souji is there as well, Hayate soon notices that the place is familiar but he can feel he is in another realm, apparently one of convergence and dreams, Souji speaks that whatever Hayate did to stop Towa’s dance shouldn’t happen and that he will force Hayate back himself, but Hayate is having none of it, he won’t leave, he wants to be with Towa now realizing time somehow has been on loop for him, that’s what his dreams where, all the times he “lost” Towa.

Seeing Hayate’s determination and Towa’s tears of reluctance Souji decides to explain why Hayate should go back, he explains that Towa had once fallen in love with a human before, that relationship bore a child, a special demi-child, Souji reveals that Towa is a in fact a goddess of the land (in line with Shinto beliefs) and the he, Souji, is a greater god who must ensure Towa does her job properly, Towa’s past venture with a man was against all of her intended nature, the child she gave birth to, briefly named Tsubasa, couldn’t sustain its dual nature so Souji in a moment of pity took the child’s essence and Towa’s lover body to make the child live in a cycle of possibilities as a human reborn, yes the child and Towa’s lover became one person through reincarnation, Hayate was his own son / his own father and Towa his mother / lover all along, both his and Towa’s backstory of lost families are one and the same, with the memories of them being different families being completely fabricated through reality warping, but if Hayate tries to start something with Towa her memories will come back first due her nature as a goddess; at first Hayate doesn’t to believe this but then realizes why he has these fortune telling powers and why the family that brought him in has tremendous good luck, also Souji makes Hayate recall that Towa never really changed over the years, for as long as Hayate can remember Towa always looked the same, she hasn’t aged a day.

Towa was not allowed to abandon her duties a goddess lest the land itself suffer from her absence so Souji made sure her son / lover would live throughout different lives, where he chooses to be with someone else, his new sisters for example, but there’s always a chance Hayate ended up falling for Towa herself since her duties can’t just make her leave the land in order to prevent them possibly meeting each other in one timeline, so her memory was partially erased for that end.

After hearing all of that Hayate starts seeing how much Towa is important to the land itself, thinking his love for her shouldn’t cost the foundations of reality (in that area) itself, soon he begins to accept Souji’s order for him to just go back while Towa resumes her goddess duties, however, that’s where the meaning of completing the sisters routes come to place, the realm of dreams Hayate finds himself in now actually converges all possible timelines, with that a miracle happens, Haruka, Fuyuka and Natsuki spirt themselves into this realm with all the memories they have from the timelines Hayate choose to be with one of them, acquiring a form of knowledge where the girls immediately are aware of everything that is happening right now, the three decide it is now time to give Hayate and Towa some happiness; Souji first said the reason why Towa can’t live a normal lovers life with Hayate was due her duties as a goddess but that’s where the sisters come in, they want to sacrifice themselves to create a vessel through them so their existence become akin to goddess themselves who can take Towa’s place as the land’s protector.

Hayate hears all of this, the sisters thank them for being their special one in each of their timelines and now they wish to thank Hayate so in this timeline he can with Towa for real, Hayate gets his spunk back as he definitely does not want anyone to sacrifice their existence for him, when the sisters are about to conjure the power to trade places with Towa he performs some sort of miraculous interference, Hayate’s own divine nature interrupts the ritual in a way he, the sisters and Towa broke the god of the land’s position amongst themselves in 5 parts, each of them stuck on a limbo of dreams; Souji appears, he still vouches for preserving the land through a god but witnessing the miracle that divided the divine essence between five people he proposes a method, one where Hayate and all the women there must promise to birth 5 children so their divine essence can passed on, creating a system where the energy itself will preside over the land, while Hayate and everyone go on to live normal lives as humans who entrust the future to their children.

That decided Towa’s route finally moves forward, with Hayate and Towa being eternal lovers but one that can live normal lives as they will one day grow old like any human being, just a normal couple with a mission, and that brings the three sisters with them, Towa’s route is mixed with a harem due the fact all girls now must birth children for the land’s very existence. The game ends with “Love for Eternity” as Towa’s double meaning ending title (Towa’s name is written as “Eternity”).

boot UP really tried to change their pace with this one, they pulled a double stunt here, at first glance the game seems a throwback to their early sister love titles, but in truth they made a fantasy story as a twist; here they dropped the home wrecking scenarios of their recent past games, no marriages being destroyed in real-time so the MC can score a lover.
Posted on 22 December 2019, 00:10 UTC by:   michiteddy    PM
Score +6
@HCG-KING TQ for uploading the BMP files!!!
Posted on 24 December 2019, 14:56 UTC by:   zxero2010    PM
Score +6
Torrent is wrong
Posted on 26 December 2019, 03:42 UTC by:   Comrade Claus    PM
Score +2
wow, that is complicated

so, the goddess' son and her lover fused into one human+human-god soul, then was born to another human woman

that woman died in a car crash, so he's adopted by her sister, then he fucks his cousins?

if they are his "aunt's" blood related daughters, and she is his "mother's" blood related sister, then his cousins should be blood related

thank's for the explanation, i'll add a short cast list for clarity

"35 yr" "Towa Hatsuse"

19 yr Haruka Suzutani

18 yr Fuyuka

17 yr Natsuki

16 yr Hayate/Tsubasa

And his Aunt never appears?

p. 26 & 28 who are those 2 girls?
Posted on 28 December 2019, 16:00 UTC by:   泉水小夜    PM
Score +41
@HCG-KING your torrent is wrong
Posted on 07 January 2020, 03:42 UTC by:   HCG-KING    PM
Score +11
my torrent is correct, perfect

bmp.7z only 180mb

I dont know what you say?

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