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[Transmorpher DDS] Banana Cream Cake [Ongoing]

Posted:2020-02-01 14:27
Visible:No (Replaced)
File Size:722.0 MiB
Length:962 pages
Favorited:2853 times
Average: 1.79

There are newer versions of this gallery available:

[Transmorpher DDS] Banana Cream Cake [Ongoing], added 2020-02-21 15:39
[Transmorpher DDS] Banana Cream Cake Ch. 1-31 [Ongoing], added 2020-03-26 18:59
[Transmorpher DDS] Banana Cream Cake Ch. 1-31 [Ongoing], added 2020-04-11 16:37
[Transmorpher DDS] Banana Cream Cake Ch. 1-31 [Ongoing], added 2020-05-17 18:50
[Transmorpher DDS] Banana Cream Cake Ch. 1-31 [Ongoing], added 2020-05-27 20:55

Showing 441 - 480 of 962 images

Posted on 01 February 2020, 14:27 by:   Maximum_Joe    PM
Uploader Comment
Posted on 24 February 2015, 08:21 by:   Transmorpher D.D.S.    PM
Score +217
@ GreenDiablo
Hi, I'm the artist for this series. I'm actually really happy for your comment! Part of the focus has been on making a comic that can cater to some specific fetishes now and then, but doesn't focus on any one "out there" fetish (aside from futa) enough to ruin it for people who aren't into those specific fetishes.
Posted on 24 February 2015, 21:40 by:   Aegnor Alkarin    PM
Score +1614
Isn't this already uploaded?

EDIT: Your negative ratings aren't changing the fact that these uploads were up first:


And some of them by the actual artist!
Last edited on 29 March 2015, 09:45.
Posted on 27 February 2015, 05:12 by:   Paizurikin    PM
Score +327

@ blastorman, after coming back to this comic and taking a thorough look at it I am more inclined to agree with you. The stories and fetishes are great but the artwork is a friggin' mess.
Last edited on 20 April 2015, 07:21.
Posted on 12 July 2015, 06:04 by:   Monkbeast    PM
Score +3889
Would also like to be able to hide this gallery as well as all other [ongoing] galleries. It's such a cheap way for western artists to constantly advertise and basically spam their work. At the very least there should be a rule that updates have to be substantial rather than one page every single day.

Also as an actual baker I find this shit extra offensive.
Last edited on 29 August 2015, 17:44.
Posted on 24 July 2015, 05:01 by:   applesauce_extra    PM
Score +2301
i too am utterly sick of seeing this crap as NEW every single day....annoying and horrible art and content anyway.
Posted on 24 July 2015, 15:55 by:   y23y    PM
Score +1214
It is getting kind of old with it being new every day. It is alright to hold some pictures back, instead of posting a new one everyday
Posted on 26 August 2015, 21:29 by:   Demonius    PM
Score +1251
oh look, it's this gallery again
Posted on 28 August 2015, 10:16 by:   googler11    PM
Score +2381
Seriously, is there any way that I don't have to see this shit every goddamn day?
Posted on 11 September 2015, 10:13 by:   EnvyD    PM
Score +740
You don't need to keep it updated everyday, reconsider to do so every week. Everyone is getting annoyed and angry about seeing this everyday.
I don't think that the star rating is the real one for this gallery, everyone annoyed by it is voting in the lowest possible score.
Posted on 14 September 2015, 06:13 by:   Zeikfried    PM
Score +1131
If you didn't complain when you were reading his other galleries for free, you shouldn't-

Well fuck it. Vote a man down for defending your uploading practices, Joe? Enjoy a dickhead Mario instead.

Last edited on 16 September 2015, 08:30.
Posted on 17 September 2015, 08:31 by:   kryori    PM
Score +925
Really wish this would either end entirely or stop being pushed to the top of the list whenever it's updated. The poor art makes it impossible for me to enjoy the content of the comic, but I still find myself paging past it over and over when I search for certain tags. It's starting to make a strong case for a feature allowing one to persistently ignore certain tags, including artist tags, to avoid this sort of situation.
Posted on 18 September 2015, 04:21 by:   narv    PM
Score +918
This shit being on the front page every fucking day is insanely annoying. At least wait a week before uploading new pages jesus christ.
Posted on 21 September 2015, 08:23 by:   Moonlight Rambler    PM
Score +586
I'm glad to see that this is STILL new. Every fucking day.

I actually think the story is alright, but when I'm looking for new things I really wish that this would only be updated weekly. For the love of god, it's been up on top for WEEKS and I've not said a word until now.

(oh look, maximum_joe downvoted my other comment to bring it 18 points below 0 [down by 40]!)
Last edited on 02 October 2015, 08:54.
Posted on 22 September 2015, 08:49 by:   Zeikfried    PM
Score +784
"The artist has expressed no qualms about my gallery other than I keep it up to date." ~ Joe

I see. So to stop this gallery, you shouldn't be bitching here in the comment section; you need to somehow convince dds that what's happening here is bullshit.
On one hand it vastly increases the noticeability of his comic and congruently increases his fame.
On the other, that fame is tainted by the stigma of undue repeated apprising to the point that potential fans may be sick of it.

However, even if this particular comic is tainted, the artist isn't the actual poster and any actual anger is directed at Joe, who most people don't even know, since they don't visit the forums.
Furthermore, Joe is practically an unstoppable force here. If the entire sum of the viewers here, both positive and negative, turned against him, I doubt Tenboro would even give him a slap on the wrist. After all, who are we, the lowly users (most of which aren't even donators) to question the practices of a Mod. It's a boon for the artist, since he doesn't have to work and it's free consistent advertising and for Joe who gets more points.

And the people who complain will inevitably be told:
"Are you really being inconvenienced so much just by being forced to see a subjectively unpleasant cover every couple of days?"
"You're just being a spiteful prick."
"Go and make your own website if you hate it so much you ungrateful fucktards." or
"I already optimize the site everyday for you users, so why should I have to listen to what you think is less than optimal?"

And of course, "You don't like my comic, so you want me to damage myself just to make it 'less annoying' while you browse porn!?"
Posted on 24 September 2015, 01:24 by:   cryptik1    PM
Score +975
Am I the only person who thinks that the bread-like stuff on the hideous cover we have to see every single day looks like a colossal pile of poop?
Posted on 30 September 2015, 03:56 by:   thehan    PM
Score +596
I am begging you. Please at least change the thumbnail to something neutral and easy on the eyes. I can't look at this anymore, and it's really rude to the community to keep forcing it on everyone.
Posted on 06 October 2015, 13:12 by:   killerdud110    PM
Score +219
This comic started off alright. Enjoyable in fact.
Half way through, it started to become super weird.
Now on this chapter, it's complete unfappable.

The frequency of the update is absurd.
This comic should not be a daily update.

Personally, I hope that this gets expunged/removed if this keeps up.
Posted on 18 October 2015, 03:56 by:   cryptik1    PM
Score +336
@Zotan: "I honestly can't see why this is rated so low, the art is decent..." No, the art is not "decent." When I look at something by Ishikei or Cle Masahiro, I see excellent artistry, and then this thing exists and is nothing of the sort. There is pornographic line art out there that is better than this. The fact that the entire first cover background looks like a massive pile of chunky feces and the title looks like it was done in MS WordArt should set the tone for the whole train wreck. Sure, the artist has skill, but it's in sore need of years worth of education and refinement. I've seen a GIF of bridges fucking that was more aesthetically interesting than this.

This qualifies as art, but "decent" would only be a valid assessment if the artist was 12 years old. I doubt that this is the case.
Posted on 23 October 2015, 06:33 by:   Tatchy    PM
Score +465
Jesus fucking christ, I don't usually post, but god fucking damn, stop spamming this shit.
I've seen 12 year olds with better fucking art than this. Holy shit, if you absolutely MUST have your shitty comic on this site, at least have the goddamn common courtesy to update once a week or something. Seeing this tagged as *new* every fucking day for 8 goddamn months is getting real old real fucking fast.
Last edited on 11 November 2015, 00:52.
Posted on 25 October 2015, 03:57 by:   viledog    PM
Score +553
Posted on 25 October 2015, 21:27 by:   googler11    PM
Score +524
Please let this comic end
Posted on 29 October 2015, 13:43 by:   Kuukunen    PM
Score +259
Yes I know you can do -ongoing, that's what I was referring to with the "ability to easily filter out those. (The latter is already partly true.)"
However, currently the galleries have different names, like "ongoing", "WIP", "work in progress", "in progress" and might not have anything at all.
Also especially since it's not a required tag, it might be a bit of a hidden feature for people... and they might not even want to type the thing every single time. That's why it's "partly" there.

As for why specifically *this* comic, I already mentioned some reasons:
* There's almost no other ongoing comic that comes even *close* to how frequent the updates are, so it's the one "always there"
* The art style seems to be considered ugly by many (not everyone, of course), so people get annoyed by that. Of course the thumnail too, since that what they have to see almost every day, but also the comic itself, since they've probably checked the comic at some point and now feel it doesn't "deserve" to be there so often.

Of course the creators shouldn't be punished. People just don't want to see it (and some others) there every single time. So in the absence of system from above, they want stuff like "update only once a week" or something. ...Which would of course suck for people who actually want to see it every day. But then on the other hand, they seem to be a minority and they could just follow the actual website instead. (This is close to the "well, don't use email!" argument from before, but at least everyone would get weekly updates, so it's more of a compromise.)
Posted on 29 October 2015, 15:21 by:   Mrsuperhappy    PM
Score +196
An issue that would likely come up if people were only allowed to update 'ongoing' works once a week or whatever, is that someone else would be able to upload it themselves as the original uploader has to wait a week, so in this case, Joe would have uploaded to page 340 or whatever but then has to wait a week, the very next day because Joe is prevented from updating it, someone else uploads page 341, then they have to wait a week, someone else uploads up to 342, adding a limit to how often someone can upload something wouldn't stop a comic updating. Unless you are suggesting that a comic shouldn;t be updated regardless of uploader, but then you have people missing out on updates for whatever arbitrary amount of time you say it should not be allowed to be updated for.

People should not have to go without updates simply because some people are incapable of ignoring a comic they don't like, it's one thumbnail per day maximum, it should be very, very easy to ignore it and for most people it is just that. I don;t like this genre or the style of this comic either, but I am capable of moving my mouse over the thumbnail in a fraction of a second, I can also read the name if I feel like it and know not to click into it.
Posted on 03 November 2015, 01:54 by:   キラ・ヤマト    PM
Score +405
ugly shit ugly shit

it hurts my eyes
Posted on 03 November 2015, 18:51 by:   The Dark Dragon    PM
Score +435
Posted on 08 November 2015, 04:39 by:   gweh    PM
Score +473
This gallery has been uploaded every day for 8 months now.

Every. Day.

...Well ok not every day, but you hit 21 of October's 31 days, and that's more than a little egregious.


Can we...can we meet in the middle here and ask that you cap your streak come 23 February 2016? Go to a once-a-week thing, maybe? I mean, I don't think I'm being unreasonable in asking this, and you can have your one-year record or whatever you're shooting for.
Posted on 15 November 2015, 13:29 by:   Indel    PM
Score +659
Every single fucking day, this piece of fucking trash is on top. Fuck off already.
Posted on 17 November 2015, 06:26 by:   cubey    PM
Score +298
Maybe I'm too late to ride the hate train, well
I've decided to close the whole 'western' tag in my setting just to get this gallery away from front page.

I don't understand why the uploader is being so persistent. Is it that hard to just being nice to a community and upload once every week?
This thing just getting ridiculous.
Posted on 18 November 2015, 03:01 by:   heavy01    PM
Score +420
What about our right to not have our eyeballs melt by shit art?
Posted on 11 December 2015, 07:47 by:   detectivefaget    PM
Score +544
So I keep reading all these kind comments about how much better this dudes getting.
So I'm like, "yeah okay, I'll give this guy a chance, let's check his most recent pages".
And somehow, this guy got fucking worse, what the fuck man.
Posted on 30 December 2015, 03:41 by:   andnothingmore    PM
Score +235
The artist doesn't post these updates. He's stated that he has no association with Maximum_Joe, nor does he have control over the frequency of Maximum_Joe's posting habits
Posted on 14 February 2016, 20:33 by:   Mrsuperhappy    PM
Score +252
@X-Terminator12, Just a reminder, 'ongoing' works are not subject to that rule and can be updated as often as you like and may not be denounced in the expunge section, even if you manage to club together enough votesto get it expunged the vote would simply be reverted and the gallery put back.
Posted on 24 February 2016, 02:10 by:   gweh    PM
Score +1075
"Can we...can we meet in the middle here and ask that you cap your streak come 23 February 2016? Go to a once-a-week thing, maybe? I mean, I don't think I'm being unreasonable in asking this, and you can have your one-year record or whatever you're shooting for."

Welp, it's been exactly a year of this, Joe. That's a non-insignificant part of our lives to be moderately inconvenienced for. I can understand doing this for a while, it's not a huge deal by itself, but this is something that's been ongoing, making thousands of people's lives ever-so-slightly less enjoyable, almost every day, for 365 days straight.

In that time, this gallery has never once, NOT ONCE, dropped off the front pages for:

-Dick growth
-Futanari (E; this one mayyybe a few times to the tip of the second if not also filtering to english)
-Big clit
-Nipple fuck

and those are just the ones I've personally checked.

It is a cancer, one that has invaded every single god damned tag put on it, and so many people have hated this garbage for such a significant period of time that we've now gotten to the point that most negative comments are moderately downvoted, as opposed to the huge support seen further down, BECAUSE THE 200 OTHER PEOPLE VOCAL ENOUGH TO VOTE OR COMMENT HAVE ALREADY DONE SO AND CAN NO LONGER VOTE.

Joe, please, have a heart. Curtail the updates. I swear to Christ, I'll vote with you to expunge any other people's galleries that come up trying to snipe an update from you if that's what you're afraid of, I have no beef with you providing content. I just don't want to have to see that godforsaken thumbnail, every day, every fap, every YEAR I spend wanking my life away on this wondrous debauched site of ours.

Thank you.

E: 10/10/18 - jesus this is cringily written
gallery still sux tho
Last edited on 10 October 2018, 15:01.
Posted on 19 May 2016, 15:48 by:   Mrsuperhappy    PM
Score +251
@senor happypants, At what point can this garbage gets scrapped? A couple of ways. As soon as it meets the criteria listed under (which it hasn't yet nor is it likely to ever) or if the copyright owner one day files a takedown request.
Posted on 26 May 2016, 19:02 by:   AnonimousFan    PM
Score +389
I wonder if the Artist is aware that it is bad publicity, I mean he probably knows that this is updated frequently but is he aware that its also becoming one of the most hated galleries. Something you can't expunge and shows up in every of your favorite fetishes tags (Some of them are wrongly tagged on top of it) is bound to make people hate the artist too eventually...
Posted on 31 May 2016, 02:47 by:   alezamber    PM
Score +370
this guy has no fucking idea how to draw. coloring isn't too bad, but the line work is some of the worst I've ever seen. and to top it all off it's ever on the front page.
Posted on 03 June 2016, 16:57 by:   Moonlight Rambler    PM
Score +384
@cosmicmoonshine "How long before this is complete?"

...never. The universe will end in heat death before this gallery goes the fuck away.
Posted on 12 July 2016, 07:07 by:   CM1T    PM
Score +436
three years of suffer
Last edited on 16 September 2019, 14:43.
Posted on 12 July 2016, 16:36 by:   Kyleben    PM
Score +785
The apex of disgust and hilarity is reached, when the comments are more entertaining than the gallery.
Posted on 19 November 2016, 07:28 by:   Supershitlicker5000    PM
Score +694
Last edited on 01 January 2019, 23:33.
Posted on 01 January 2017, 11:51 by:   Mrsuperhappy    PM
Score +424
@h4rm0n1c. You're an idiot. If you are going to try and quote rules, try to know them first.
Exceptions: Any valid additions to artist-specific galleries, ongoing comics, or ongoing translation projects.
Posted on 12 January 2017, 19:02 by:   Hakuna_MaTatas    PM
Score +441
The artstyle is certainly not everyone's cup of tea. Personally, I don't really like or dislike it in particular, but there's definitely lots of room for improvement.
The update frequency is a joke, seriously. Once a week or something, not everyday ffs.

The only upside is that it caters to alot of my fetishes.
It seems to lack direction though. Many fetishes are just thrown it for heck of it, like someone's ticking off a checklist of all possible fetishes or something.
What's even worse, there are THREE ongoing comics by this artist. Why not have the decency to at least finish one before starting another?

Yeah, just my 2 cents.
Posted on 10 March 2017, 10:50 by:   Manmonkee    PM
Score +1026
Who else looks at this gallery every time just to read the latest comments :)
Posted on 15 June 2017, 01:32 by:   sbrd95    PM
Score +852
This comic inspired me to sign up just so I could give it half a star.
Posted on 26 June 2017, 18:36 by:   Moonlight Rambler    PM
Score +389
I made a user script (should work in Firefox and Chrome, as well as any other decent browsers like Opera, Vivaldi, SeaMonkey) that automatically adds the filter for transmorpher DDS's works to the search field.
In Firefox, I tested it in Greasemonkey, and it should work in ViolentMonkey and TamperMonkey as well.
It should also work fine in Chrome with whatever userscript managers chrome users have. Apparently ViolentMonkey is available, as is TamperMonkey.
If you want to see his shit on a one-time basis you can manually remove it from the search field and hit 'apply filter.' The text will appear in the search field on the result page, but ignore it because the gallery is in fact there until you hit 'apply filter' again.

@Atomic Skull:
I already made the heat death reference, you thief!! (but seriously, it's fine. Because that's probably what it's gonna take.)
Last edited on 26 February 2018, 08:16.
Posted on 01 December 2020, 05:15 by:   sdpfsj    PM
Score +309
Big F. Never thought I'd live to see a day where I miss this being updated. RIP Joe.
Posted on 14 August 2021, 01:15 by:   Seth_Kresnik    PM
Score +135
We complained, and we fought at times. But in the end... We all miss Banana Cream Cake.
Thanks Joe.
Posted on 07 September 2021, 22:05 by:   kitsune222    PM
Score +6
i read to 735
Posted on 07 June 2022, 06:40 by:   morineko    PM
Score +65
The reason why I excluded Maximum_Joe's uploads.
Posted on 31 July 2023, 02:16 by:   Torquemada84    PM
Score +6
Worst comics on this site
Posted on 07 February 2024, 08:43 by:   hornyforgirldong6969    PM
Score +6
this really just needs to be separated into volumes by now like what the hell is even going on.
too many tags that are not even cared about.

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