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la venganza de moe (en progreso)

Posted:2020-03-26 21:00
File Size:1.47 MB
Length:3 pages
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Average: 1.27

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Posted on 26 March 2020, 21:00 UTC by:   shadowx64    PM
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me presento mi nombre es roxasx (nombre artistico :v) y estoy pidiendo ayuda de una forma un tanto discreta y estúpida lo se, pero fue la mejor idea que mi pobre mente tenia por toda la problemática actualmente me despidieron de mi trabajo por tener antecedentes respiratorios y la empresa no quería estar en peligro por lo del coronavirus, y pos como estamos en cuarentena no puedo salir a buscar trabajo y lo mas probable es que no me contraten por mis antecedentes medicos por mis problemas respiratorios, si ustedes creen que esta es una forma baja y demigrante de pedir dinero si lo es y me da igual porque tengo un hermano un padre y una madre a la cual debo mantener porque el gobierno de mi pais es una mierda esas 3 paginas las hice solo con mouse (ya que no poseo una tableta digitalizadora) y con un programa llamado clip studio paint si crees que con todo esto quiero que te apiades de mi pos es como tu lo veas para mi es una forma de que me conoscas y si crees que vale la pena se que son solo dos 3 paginas horribles pero quirero ver si deberia seguir
dona si quieres :´v

english with google translate:
I present my name is roxasx (stage name: v) and I am asking for help in a somewhat discreet and stupid way, I know, but it was the best idea that my poor mind had for all the problems currently I was fired from my job for having a background respiratory and the company did not want to be in danger due to the coronavirus, and since we are in quarantine I can not go out to look for work and most likely they will not hire me because of my medical history for my respiratory problems, if you think that this is A low and demigrant way to ask for money if it is and I do not care because I have a brother, a father and a mother whom I must support because the government of my country is shit, those 3 pages I did only with mouse (since I do not I have a digitizing tablet) and with a program called clip studio paint if you think that with all this I want you to take pity on my post is how you see it for me it is a way of getting to know me and if you think it is worth it which are only two 3 horrible pages but I want to see if I should continue
donate if you want: ´v
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