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[Totempole] The Cummoner [Ongoing]

Posted:2020-05-12 01:29
Visible:No (Replaced)
File Size:356.0 MB
Length:625 pages
Favorited:4038 times
Average: 4.75

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[Totempole] The Cummoner [Ongoing], added 2020-05-15 04:01

Showing 481 - 520 of 625 images

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Posted on 12 May 2020, 01:29 UTC by:   tobeunforgiven2    PM
Uploader Comment
Author/Artist: Totem Pole
Published: 2013-2020
Related Galleries: The Black Book, Morning Wood Spirits, The Negotiations

Part 1: First Time For Everything.............................................................[p.001-025]
Part 2: Witch Morwena..............................................................................[p.026-044]
Part 3: Bondage.........................................................................................[p.045-067]
Part 4: Hard Lesson..................................................................................[p.068-095]
Part 5: Tuck's Night Out............................................................................[p.096-121]
Part 6: The Lefts and Rites......................................................................[p.122-157]
Part 7: Burn the Witch!..............................................................................[p.158-187]
Part 8: Fair's Fairy......................................................................................[p.188-216]
Part 9: Swallowing Dark...........................................................................[p.217-248]
Part 10: Wishing Hour...............................................................................[p.249-267]
Part 11: Wetwork........................................................................................[p.268-309]
Part 12: Flover.............................................................................................[p.310-324]
Part 13: The Apprentice............................................................................[p.325-358]
Part 14: The Pervertgeist..........................................................................[p.359-386]
Part 15: The Beholders.............................................................................[p.387-424]
Part 16: A Gift Whore's Mouth...................................................................[p.425-459]
Part 17: The Fairydust Hangover.............................................................[p.460-491]
Part 18: Lab Brats.......................................................................................[p.492-537]
Part 19: The Second Cumming...............................................................[p.539-585]
Part 20: Cat’s Away.....................................................................................[p.586-622]
Part 21: Sleeping Beauty...........................................................................[p.623-???

Bonus Content:
Ask Vilga #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8
Inbetweenchapter fun
Concept Art and Suchlike
Posted on 25 May 2019, 20:21 UTC by:   Pyr00tje    PM
Score +99
So someone picked it up again. Great! :)

Love the latest chapter too! So many naughty experiments! Kids sure are lewd these days!
Posted on 28 May 2019, 09:52 UTC by:   Lerianis    PM
Score +33
I'd be going "Uh oh!" in 531 when I saw half-transformed girl coming towards me... looks like she put a few too many transformation spheres in the witch girl.
Posted on 28 May 2019, 11:11 UTC by:   bobomb1    PM
Score +34
Great. I thought the comic was on hiatus. Great to see it again.
Posted on 28 May 2019, 22:01 UTC by:   OrinMidwinter    PM
Score +27
@FurryScribe Different uploaders.
Posted on 29 May 2019, 04:59 UTC by:   ensane    PM
Score +71
Just so everyone knows, the comic can also be found here at the author's site:
Posted on 31 May 2019, 20:52 UTC by:   John Tank    PM
Score +53
I used to update the old gallery, but some time ago I stopped because... I don't really have an excuse, I just didn't feel like doing it. But I always just encouraged people to go directly to the source, like @Penxiel says, that way the actual artist at least gets some ad revenue or extra patreon supporters. And most fans of the series seem to have done that.

Kudos to @tobeunforgiven2, though, doing a good job with the proper chapter links and such.
Posted on 04 June 2019, 22:49 UTC by:   OrinMidwinter    PM
Score +27
@John Tank
I agree with going to the source. Although thank you for your previous efforts to keep it updated.
Posted on 05 June 2019, 01:24 UTC by:   Penxiel    PM
Score +26
I'm sorry mister uploader if you thought I was insulting you, that downvote got me in my feelings.

My small brain just realized too late that almost everyone here isn't the Original artist so that's why there are so many repetitive galleries.
Thank you for uploading this none-the-less.

@John Tank and yes, I'm gonna whitelist TotemPole's website to help out as much I can, maybe even check out his patreon. This is one of my favorite comics, I knew of this back in high school back when he only had like 3 chapters. This is still amazing!
Posted on 09 June 2019, 19:50 UTC by:   Edd085    PM
Score +50
Yeah, good job !!

I translate the comic into French.

I'll be posting chapter 17 in a few days...

Good luck to the author ;)
Posted on 13 July 2019, 03:54 UTC by:   Jarvis_42    PM
Score +51
That banter, Tuck and Vilga make a great couple!
Posted on 20 July 2019, 13:23 UTC by:   FarkyMac    PM
Score +46
pg. 543
Why'd you put on clothes BEFORE your bath, then?
Posted on 21 July 2019, 08:11 UTC by:   Jarvis_42    PM
Score +28
Also, why keep the feathers if she hated being a bird so much?
Posted on 27 July 2019, 14:34 UTC by:   PoorWhiteTrash    PM
Score +24
Maybe she's out looking for a good plucking?
Posted on 31 July 2019, 16:33 UTC by:   Jarvis_42    PM
Score +39
OK, now she's just teasing him. But secretly wants to be Tuckered out.
Then again he is probably wondering what he will get turned into this time.
Also wondering if the feathers will end up in a tickling scene the next time Morwena has them tied up.
Posted on 07 August 2019, 03:15 UTC by:   Lerianis    PM
Score +39
Uh oh... summoning the wrong Demon is never a good thing. They usually have mutually exclusive binding/safety rituals.
Posted on 10 August 2019, 13:32 UTC by:   Noyoki    PM
Score +23
"The Unsatiated," eh? Vilga is ruining plans with out even meaning to.
Posted on 15 August 2019, 01:27 UTC by:   innocentpanda    PM
Score +38
Oooh man, he's gonna get fucked in more ways than one
Posted on 21 August 2019, 20:25 UTC by:   tchubert    PM
Score +33
Lucy Fair

You may groan now.
Posted on 21 August 2019, 22:32 UTC by:   innocentpanda    PM
Score +34
Yes! Finally!
Posted on 31 August 2019, 11:59 UTC by:   Pyr00tje    PM
Score +28
Bring back Meva!!!! <3

Though... Gotta love Vilga. She's the best!
Posted on 10 September 2019, 22:54 UTC by:   innocentpanda    PM
Score +47
Bets on Lucy just playing along to get his dick wet and a low-key bondage fetish?
Posted on 22 September 2019, 22:36 UTC by:   dope    PM
Score +33
No Morwena. You are not a bird.

You might be a rabbit though...
Posted on 24 September 2019, 00:17 UTC by:   Jarvis_42    PM
Score +34
looks like she is gonna get that worm anyway
Posted on 12 October 2019, 15:53 UTC by:   innocentpanda    PM
Score +21
Posted on 12 October 2019, 16:32 UTC by:   FarkyMac    PM
Score +34
Posted on 16 October 2019, 23:11 UTC by:   Jarvis_42    PM
Score +47
Honestly, I'm hoping for some straight up, simple Tuck/Vilga without any interruptions or additions
Posted on 21 October 2019, 08:00 UTC by:   innocentpanda    PM
Score +40
He's still got the sword tho!
Posted on 22 October 2019, 23:05 UTC by:   innocentpanda    PM
Score +30

we're on the best timeline boys
Last edited on 29 October 2019, 22:31 UTC.
Posted on 29 November 2019, 06:30 UTC by:   Jarvis_42    PM
Score +35
So the land itself is growing wood at their antics.
Posted on 06 December 2019, 05:35 UTC by:   Laughingmann    PM
Score +37
So I guess she decided to participate in Team Trees
Posted on 23 December 2019, 02:31 UTC by:   Reboot    PM
Score +33
Oh, please. Don't tell me it's over. After all these six years...
Posted on 25 December 2019, 09:49 UTC by:   Jarvis_42    PM
Score +42
The return of the interns! There IS a Santa Claus!
Posted on 28 December 2019, 00:38 UTC by:   innocentpanda    PM
Score +33
Flowey, is that you?
Posted on 07 January 2020, 23:24 UTC by:   Jarvis_42    PM
Score +35
590: Does Emma not have any internal organs?
Posted on 10 January 2020, 17:27 UTC by:   Hardlizard    PM
Score +32
Wow, looking back, the art has really improved
Posted on 22 January 2020, 14:16 UTC by:   Laughingmann    PM
Score +64
I like how she doesn't care about the cloak, almost like that's part of whatever other handy powers it has
Posted on 07 February 2020, 23:50 UTC by:   Toffu    PM
Score +33
I'm assuming the mouse is some kind of giant demon that got vilga'd?
Posted on 19 February 2020, 19:47 UTC by:   stabbybelkar    PM
Score +40
Am I the only one that hears the "CHOCOLATE!" fish's voice from Spongebob for the demon on page 602?
Posted on 21 February 2020, 05:28 UTC by:   BIGhappyG33    PM
Score +26
Oh wow... this is still a thing
Posted on 24 February 2020, 11:44 UTC by:   Laughingmann    PM
Score +32
I was hoping for all kinds of weird transformations or effects to happen in that cabin to them. As it stands, what I want to see happen now is that heavy handed cloak also has fighting powers and beats the demon in a fist fight!
Posted on 25 February 2020, 05:22 UTC by:   SkyDould470    PM
Score +50
This comic exist when I joined Ehentai years ago.And it's still a thing.Nice to know.
Posted on 11 March 2020, 18:40 UTC by:   Jarvis_42    PM
Score +19
Emma, did you just backhand cthulhu?
Posted on 18 March 2020, 18:00 UTC by:   Chnams    PM
Score +38
Was that a Tenacious D reference?
How is totempole so based
Posted on 01 April 2020, 06:32 UTC by:   Jarvis_42    PM
Score +8
Gods need an offering? So Judith is about to make a virginity sacrifice?
Posted on 11 April 2020, 16:57 UTC by:   抽风啦啦阿伟    PM
Score +24
Posted on 13 April 2020, 21:02 UTC by:   gary102    PM
Score +6
Man I wish my dick was long enough to to this to two women. sure looks like fun
Posted on 17 April 2020, 17:08 UTC by:   hemorage39r    PM
Score +37
Huh. That big red demon was the most (only) demon-like character yet. He's not even trying to sex anyone. Wierd!
Posted on 29 April 2020, 19:59 UTC by:   chiwojb    PM
Score +6
Posted on 09 May 2020, 07:55 UTC by:   Pyr00tje    PM
Score +29
My favorite new trio is back! God yes!

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