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[Dan Shive] Parable (Ongoing)

Posted:2020-06-20 11:20
Visible:No (Replaced)
File Size:54.06 MB
Length:127 pages
Favorited:409 times
Average: 4.07

There are newer versions of this gallery available:

[Dan Shive] Parable (Ongoing), added 2020-06-27 09:12
[Dan Shive] Parable (Ongoing), added 2020-07-03 15:30

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Posted on 20 June 2020, 11:20 UTC by:   Pokom    PM
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Posted on 07 March 2020, 01:39 UTC by:   pej92    PM
Score +38
Is this Fable ? give me fable vibes
gotta eat your crunchy chicks
Posted on 13 March 2020, 06:44 UTC by:   iopiop123    PM
Score +19
It is absolutely fable, specifically 2
Posted on 13 March 2020, 18:48 UTC by:   Conan_Edogawa    PM
Score +45
I'll be honest, I never expected to see EGS on here. particularly as this isn't porn, and you can already read it all for free on
Posted on 14 March 2020, 01:14 UTC by:   Zerozero204    PM
Score +34
A complete package of something you like will always be better then playing 52 card pickup with it and hoping that you got them all.
Posted on 14 March 2020, 09:43 UTC by:   funkwolf    PM
Score +116
My biggest gripe with Dan is that he never allows anything to play out. It's like watching a roulette of fetishes only for the ball to never stop rolling. Passing by all the fun options available.
Posted on 17 March 2020, 03:53 UTC by:   Jak871    PM
Score +161
No, it's *not* porn. It's a lot closer to an ecchi slice of life, which is just damn fine, because it's not supposed to be porn. It's supposed to be an omake about a silly, insightful, and funny online comic about magic, transformation, and finding new ways to be true to yourself. It is, in fact, as SFW as a comic can be, while still including fetishy transformations.

I repeat, IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE PORN! Complaining because it's not sexy is as silly as complaining that a steak isn't sweet. Being sexy isn't the damn point, because first and foremost it's a comedy.
Posted on 27 March 2020, 17:40 UTC by:   onipuck    PM
Score +51
The sad thing is, that back in the day this would have been interesting, but between the almost surgically sterile state of it, the extremely dated references, and the utter lack of focus, this is just trash.
It's amazing that EGS is still going, especially since it started as a bland genderhopping version of the stock "Hip and with it" webcomic of the late 90s and early 2000s that was already tired when it was created.

It's not a matter of it not being sexy, or even titillating, it's just dull as fuck.
Posted on 27 March 2020, 22:51 UTC by:   funkwolf    PM
Score +86

Not too surprising really. The comic itself peaked back in 2005 during the genderswap birthday party. During that story arc, the characters were emotionally challenged by the event and emotions, that had been bottled up, poured out and everyone had to work their way through their own, and other people's, built-up angst. Since then, Dan won't let his own characters have any emotional catharsis. If it ever seems like one of the characters will start to cry, another character will hug them and then they'll just not be upset anymore. It makes me think that Dan doesn't want to see other people sad just because that would make him feel sad. Which is a massive problem for a slice of life/drama comic.

I stand by my first comment though. Even with how I feel about Dan's writing, El Goonish Shive would still be a guilty pleasure of mine if Dan didn't flick between fetishes like someone flicking between channels.
Posted on 28 March 2020, 22:16 UTC by:   PregnantWhoreFucker    PM
Score +42
Most recent ark I liked was the card game tournament, when Tedd figures out he's genderfluid. Which prior to looking it up I thought was only two or three years ago, but was actually way back in '14. I guess it just feels recent 'cause very little has happened since then besides the gradual introduction of Ashley and Diane into the main cast. Also wasn't there supposed to be a villain somewhere?
Posted on 03 April 2020, 15:23 UTC by:   Tess Verres    PM
Score +6
@Pregnant: Blah blah blah, magic change, blah blah blah, Voltaire, blah blah blah, We're the real gods, and that's about all we have at this moment.
Posted on 04 April 2020, 02:37 UTC by:   mukamasa    PM
Score +19
When dd this even came out? I know the comic is old but what about this spinoff? Because the last Fables was like 10 years ago. So if this is new its beating a the soil that a long time ago had a dead horse on it.
Posted on 04 April 2020, 16:27 UTC by:   yachiyo123    PM
Score +13
where's genderbender?
Posted on 21 April 2020, 16:44 UTC by:   narpas-sword    PM
Score +6
it's a between-panel 'poof'
Posted on 23 April 2020, 00:41 UTC by:   MISA-MISA-    PM
Score +6
Posted on 10 May 2020, 10:02 UTC by:   RigenZ    PM
Score +18
So that's why she wasn't super THICC.
She took curves reduction potions...
I wonder how she will look at hign lvl, without the potions ;3
Posted on 27 May 2020, 20:57 UTC by:   Sylvrwolflol    PM
Score +8
This hairstylist is surprisingly self-aware...
Hit another vein of genre-savviness, have we?
Posted on 05 June 2020, 05:11 UTC by:   somercet    PM
Score +60
@funkwolf: Good points, but I don't think that EGS died because it's just a flipbook of fetishes; it started out that way. Tedd was the willing, Elliot the unwilling, TG standi-in for Shive.

Shive always had a mania for stopping the comic and explaining things. But when trans went mainstream, suddenly Shive had to over-explain one half of his entire comic: innocently pervy thoughts about shrink sodas and surprise genderswaps. He was actually coming up with new situations and difficulties (the, God help me, Magic the Gathering parody was actually looking interesting), but I think he's been intimidated from doing things like examining Susan's feminism critically. If he did the same to trans characters (who aren't real life TGs, but try explaining that to SJWs), he'd be burned alive.

Which is to say, once you got rid of pervs with ethics, critiques of feminism, and flaws in characters, EGS was reduced to nothing but flipping through empty fetishes. And, of course, over-explaining all the jokes.

@onipuck: You must be mad: EGS was never "with it", it was by and for nerdy loners all the way. But it had some real emotional depth in between the cheesy action and fetish scenes.
Posted on 27 June 2020, 18:22 UTC by:   Hardlizard    PM
Score +14
Kicking that dogs wouldn’t have been evil. It would have been monstrous.
Posted on 04 July 2020, 09:22 UTC by:   Tess Verres    PM
Score +6
You know, looking back, I completely forget a lot of times that my username here is Tess Verres, completely ripped from EGS in it's entirety. I feel very comparable to both the canon Tedd Verres and the non-canon EGSNP Tess Verres so I took it for many things back in the day. I go by a new handle now, but for here it's always been this since early 2014 I believe, if not WAY earlier.

Back on topic, I was re-reading some of the comments and realized the irony of my username and posting a comment about this comic on here. Like Conan_Edogawa (which is another character I 100% adore and would have made my username back then) said, I'd never though I'd see EGS on here. I've seen like fan porn of it, but nothing of ACTUAL EGS content posting ever crossed my mind.

It looks like we're starting to steal mechanics from other games, based on the notes he posted under the EGSNP. The story will still be Fable 2, just with stolen mechanics from other games.

Today has been a day for me.

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