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[Ratcha] Rick & Rina (Ongoing)

Posted:2020-07-09 18:34
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File Size:505.0 MB
Length:165 pages
Favorited:681 times
Average: 4.81

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[Ratcha] Rick & Rina (Ongoing), added 2020-07-10 12:13

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Posted on 09 July 2020, 18:34 UTC by:   Buster D.    PM
Uploader Comment
A multi-work incest comic series by Ratcha featuring his characters Rick and Rina.

Artist Links:
Posted on 03 June 2020, 00:15 UTC by:   NinoM4ster    PM
Score +25
well, that was kinda rude of you for reuploading the stuff that was already uploaded...
Posted on 03 June 2020, 00:37 UTC by:   RobDollar    PM
Score +44
162 - Wait, what's this? Did the comic give up and start over?

165 - God damn it... That's too precious...
Last edited on 09 July 2020, 22:06 UTC.
Posted on 03 June 2020, 01:09 UTC by:   Cosack    PM
Score -8
Whoa, way to go comparing LGBT+ marriage to incest o__O
Posted on 03 June 2020, 04:43 UTC by:   VizioMan    PM
Score -24
this shit is all over the place, feels like it was written in 2011
Posted on 03 June 2020, 04:55 UTC by:   ninteynineknives    PM
Score +64
Man, seeing the old stuff makes me really miss the color. Quantity over quality these days.

@Cosack they’re not much different. Love is love no? Why should legality dictate morality. Let people marry and fuck whoever they want. Consent and age of course being determined.
Posted on 03 June 2020, 10:02 UTC by:   loyal viewer    PM
Score +6
162 looks like the last page for chapter 6
163 looks like a time skip and start of chapter 7
Posted on 04 June 2020, 17:00 UTC by:   NotDisclosed    PM
Score +6
Indeed, it's very likely they're referring to their kids.
Posted on 05 June 2020, 09:44 UTC by:   qwertz789    PM
Score +35
@Cosack is an example of how tolerant the "LGBT community" really is. People only support it because media and schools tell them to, and not doing so always means a threat of losing social status. God forbid someone compares real, actual discrimination like that of related couples to the sacred LGBT cow. You're not "tolerant", not "open-minded", you are only obedient towards power.
Posted on 11 June 2020, 00:07 UTC by:   master_x_2k    PM
Score +27
@qwertz789 implying LGBT people aren't discriminated?

I agree that someday incest will be more accepted than today, specially as our knowledge about genes improve and we may be able to treat any genetic problems that could arise from inbreeding. It's a stupid argument to use against incest, but people are stupid. Love is love, I don't care who you are or what your genetic makeup is, as long as they're two consenting adults or teens of similar age it's their business. the key word being consent. Plenty of relationships are screwed up but we as a society don't forbid them or make them illegal
Posted on 09 July 2020, 20:36 UTC by:   Crociere    PM
Score +33
So, how long untill she gets knocked up agen?
Posted on 09 July 2020, 21:18 UTC by:   neo48126    PM
Score +19
kid looks cute. what is that symbol above his head? also is rick taking his kid to his naked mother?
Posted on 09 July 2020, 22:31 UTC by:   paywall    PM
Score +34
the symbol is in the darkest dungeon where hero start to lose their mind
Posted on 10 July 2020, 02:05 UTC by:   Blake81    PM
Score +38
Page 165: "Reeling, gasping, taken over the edge into madness!"
Posted on 10 July 2020, 06:44 UTC by:   JoHal    PM
Score +13
Page 42 is out of order.

Now Fixed. :)

Also you should include chapter 2.5
Last edited on 10 July 2020, 17:43 UTC.
Posted on 10 July 2020, 12:15 UTC by:   Buster D.    PM
Score +15

Fixed now. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Posted on 10 July 2020, 13:20 UTC by:   Varovsky    PM
Score +31
Posted on 10 July 2020, 14:10 UTC by:   qwertz789    PM
Score +39
I wonder where the comic is going, I kinda expected a quick ending by now.

>Plenty of relationships are screwed up but we as a society don't forbid them or make them illegal
Yeah, no, same-sex relationships are legal almost everywhere, there's no penalty for that. Meanwhile same-blood relationships are in the opposite situation, you can be send to prison if you're discovered. Stop pretending discrimination between the two is even close.
Posted on 10 July 2020, 19:31 UTC by:   Anieu    PM
Score +12
My morality is challenged and my day is ruined
Posted on 10 July 2020, 21:56 UTC by:   Neterros    PM
Score +36
The issue with incestuous relationships, as I understand it, has a moral component only concerning the prospects of grooming. If the floodgates were opened and it was normalized, we would need to make sure there were better services available to help prevent or mitigate the damage that would result as kids were raised to be comfortable with fucking their relatives, so that when they turn 18 they're not just sex toys raised since birth for one single purpose.
Posted on 11 July 2020, 01:00 UTC by:   neo48126    PM
Score +0
the reason incest isnt legal is because of the genetic mishaps that comes with inbreeding. metal and physical issues that could ruin a persons life and societies as well
Posted on 16 July 2020, 10:26 UTC by:   Orion-Guardian    PM
Score +16
Genetic mishaps are only prevalent with incest over multiple generations and/or very close relatives.

The first generation is generally "safe" even with siblings. Cousins even more. But if that goes on for generations and the ancestral line does not get wider the real problems begin.

The main issue is societies "morality" - The birth defects thing is an argument that is brought up but not the reason.

If your parents were siblings and you'd have a child with your sister the chances of miscarriages and birth defects get higher.
Posted on 17 July 2020, 19:25 UTC by:   qwertz789    PM
Score +6
@Neterros - That's what I agree with wholeheartedly. Which is why I support sibling and cousin relationships (which used to be very common, if not predominant in our tribal past). We need to separate parent-child and other relationships with a wide age gap, from consensual bonds between similar-age relatives. Consequences of both are different, they deserve separate names than an umbrella-term of "incest:". Change needs to be cultural, all "services" would do is branding everything as abuse and perversion, even if just to look busy.
Posted on 22 July 2020, 15:01 UTC by:   funkwolf    PM
Score +7
Listen, regardless of what you believe, I think we can all agree it would have been better if Ratcha didn't make the comparison. Maybe in his own time sure, just not in the comic.
Posted on 24 July 2020, 03:29 UTC by:   AhumanRS    PM
Score +16
Kid doesn't have downs. Immersion lost.
Posted on 26 July 2020, 22:18 UTC by:   PregnantWhoreFucker    PM
Score +0
Quick solution is to cut benifits for tard babies. Folks might think twice about shitting out their little chromosome hogger if they knew they'd have to pay for it.
Posted on 10 August 2020, 03:35 UTC by:   IronHide77777    PM
Score +6
"Posted on 16 July 2020, 10:26 UTC by: Orion-Guardian PM
Genetic mishaps are only prevalent with incest over multiple generations and/or very close relatives.
The first generation is generally "safe" even with siblings. Cousins even more. But if that goes on for generations and the ancestral line does not get wider the real problems begin.
The main issue is societies "morality" - The birth defects thing is an argument that is brought up but not the reason.
If your parents were siblings and you'd have a child with your sister the chances of miscarriages and birth defects get higher."

As I understand from my own research, between the first and third successive inbreeding generation the chances of birth defects is relatively low, however the chance of birth defects begins to escalate to somewhat risky percentages by the fourth and fifth generation with each additional successive generation showing rapid and very noticeable increases in various problems that were prevalent in the original breeding stock.
By generation ten through twelve you are reaching the point where the genetic degeneration is or has gotten to the point that if outside breeding stock is not introduced you run a serious risk of stillborn birth becoming common, anemia, prominently visible... quirks/defects, dementia, insanity, schizophrenia, retardation and worse.
By somewhere between the sixteenth and twentieth generation...After this point many inbred family's will either adapt and survive with noticeable defects or die of from said defects at a rate that begins to exceed there ability to have kids or outside stock is introduced, but at this point the negative traits have become so dominant that breeding them out will require extreme selective breeding to overcome such defects.
Realistically after the twelfth generation you have destroyed your future generations health and general well being.

Inbreeding can be useful to cultivate good genetic traits, but overdoing it has negative consequences.
Ask any professional animal breeder.
Generation 1-3 Ok, might even have all the good things of yourself and your sister in one kid.
Generation 4-5 Still mostly Ok but why risk it?
Generation 6-12 Stuck on a desert isle or desolate region of the world unable to get in contact with society? I guess you have no other choice and you can get by for a while certainly with or without some problems mileage may vary.
Generation 13-20 Might want to off yourself... You might be mentally unstable enough at this point that if you are not the Texas chain saw massacre you will probably have enough self essteam problems that you might seriously consider suicide or homicide as fun... cutting peoples faces and skin off and wearing them as clothing might be perfectly normal in your mind if they are not family.
Generation 21+ Some people might not recognize your family as ... Human anymore.

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