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[TheKite] How My Gardevoir Became A Porn Star! (Pokémon) [Ongoing]

Posted:2020-07-31 10:30
File Size:165.5 MB
Length:186 pages
Favorited:3737 times
Average: 4.76

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Posted on 31 July 2020, 10:30 UTC by:   saltcutlet    PM
Uploader Comment
Posted on 22 April 2019, 12:40 UTC by:   someguywatch1ngporn    PM
Score +166
oh damn the drama is getting good! also who would guess Pokemon could speak so fancy & elegant? damn
Posted on 22 April 2019, 23:54 UTC by:   furrylicker    PM
Score +253
expected porn.... got A tier Drama... nicu~
Posted on 24 April 2019, 03:59 UTC by:   amyshapes    PM
Score +120
I no longer read this for porn. I read it cause it's fucking adorable
Posted on 24 April 2019, 22:42 UTC by:   TheGrog    PM
Score +93
I'm just waiting for the Hex Maniac to show up again.
Posted on 25 April 2019, 06:17 UTC by:   dragontamer8740    PM
Score +86
Hm, i initially passed this by, but judging by the comments and current rating maybe I shouldn't have.

Edit: Yep, worth reading. Glad I waited so long though, so there's more of it!
Last edited on 07 April 2020, 14:36 UTC.
Posted on 29 April 2019, 12:08 UTC by:   Tess Verres    PM
Score +218
Searched for female:posssession, found this tagged under the Spanish translation (as this doesn't have the tag). Looked interesting in the first couple pages and found this. Ready to fap and such gave it a read. Put vibrator away and sat up to enjoy reading the story more. 10/10
Posted on 29 April 2019, 21:17 UTC by:   The-Kite    PM
Score +97
I don't remember any other artists working on this with me...
Posted on 29 April 2019, 23:37 UTC by:   majob    PM
Score +71
Came for the porn. Stayed for the plot
Posted on 03 May 2019, 21:15 UTC by:   masakatsu    PM
Score +90
That was just the Prologue? Ohhhh, this is gonna be good.
Posted on 04 May 2019, 01:35 UTC by:   V1nc3nt    PM
Score +101
Fucking PROLOGUE end? All of this was a PROLOGUE? You better not be blueballing me on this, I swear to god.
Posted on 04 May 2019, 01:57 UTC by:   Sira Dragon    PM
Score +44
Wait what, that was the prologue? holy heck!
Posted on 04 May 2019, 07:12 UTC by:   GenaroG    PM
Score +62
We in for a long one folks, strap in!
Posted on 28 May 2019, 04:29 UTC by:   ancientpower    PM
Score +80
Really nice to see Pokemon smut with this much worldbuilding about the adult elements. Hope this isn't the kind of thing the artist burns out on because I'm dying to see more.
Posted on 05 June 2019, 16:58 UTC by:   ssj782    PM
Score +71
There are an awful lot of 'people' speaking pokemon, aren't there? And yet the incredibly intelligent Mawile can't?
Posted on 05 June 2019, 21:05 UTC by:   The-Kite    PM
Score +89
There is only one of them:
Lena, Pixie, Eerie, Homura, Reika all speaks Pokémon language exclusively.
Aya can understand Pokémon speech, which allows her to universally communicate with Pokémon.
Lou can "understand" Eerie due to their long standing bond, and has said that she more or less is deducing what is being said.
Lou can't understand Pixie's skree-ing, but Pixie is able to write human language, which she uses to communicate with Lou (as long as another method they worked out as the writing method limits communication).

Literally only Elsa speaks human language. :p
Posted on 11 June 2019, 03:24 UTC by:   baadar    PM
Score +49
@ssj782 Read their pokedex entries xD
Posted on 13 June 2019, 08:43 UTC by:   thr0w0w0y    PM
Score +101
Wow, that is a LOT of dead children. Seems like the perfect place for a porn shoot!
Posted on 22 June 2019, 02:41 UTC by:   ssj782    PM
Score +45
Its official. Even the dead pokemon are perverts, lol.
Posted on 05 July 2019, 12:25 UTC by:   newtype711    PM
Score +59

The mythos of the trainer classes that was added in the last few page is, AMAZING!

Like the original Gundam, Pokemon opens up a great world when worked around in the minds of the fans.
The girls are cute, that helps.
Posted on 08 July 2019, 01:14 UTC by:   Witchfinder    PM
Score +69
“I once tried to become a Beauty, but the Trainer Registration Service laughed me out of the building.”

Posted on 08 July 2019, 15:57 UTC by:   Triforce777    PM
Score +51
Oof, seeing depressed and almost suicidal Lou hits close to home
Posted on 08 July 2019, 23:31 UTC by:   theglueman    PM
Score +171
"what will happen to my pokemon if i kill myself"
o no
Posted on 12 July 2019, 14:32 UTC by:   truefire    PM
Score +66
@Rexic There are no double pages. Two of the three "doubles" are alternate art pages, and the third is the same scene from Gardevoir's perspective.
Posted on 22 July 2019, 16:20 UTC by:   ShoggothOfStone    PM
Score +47
Why does a story about a gardevoir becoming a pornstar so fucking good?
Posted on 22 July 2019, 18:37 UTC by:   EvilScotsman12    PM
Score +44
Oh, so she's thinking of having a bit of Hex Maniac fun in her production? I'm 100% behind that as they are thicc as all hell.

Also, loving how a comic that's meant to be about porn has some really good world building and story telling in it..
Posted on 02 August 2019, 12:08 UTC by:   ssj782    PM
Score +66
I'm liking this mc better without her head shoved so far up her own ass she can't see anyone else.
Side note: In the world of pokemon, where animals you find in the woods can literally cause the weather and landscape to change at whim, why the heck is she surprised about snow out of season? Some pokemon change the weather by existing...
Posted on 08 August 2019, 16:00 UTC by:   BigStudBen    PM
Score +90
I want to see more Yuri Porn Action. <3
Posted on 10 August 2019, 00:53 UTC by:   thatguy26    PM
Score +92
Show 👏Me👏Them👏Hex👏Maniac👏TIDDIES👏
Posted on 06 September 2019, 16:51 UTC by:   Ragner Angel    PM
Score +67
Just gonna be another one of them "came for the porn, stayed for the plot" peops in this loooong comment thread XD

Not to mention the "OH SNAP" (i actually yelled that out loud) when Lopunny mega-evolved on the spot
Posted on 13 September 2019, 09:42 UTC by:   Simple_2    PM
Score +78
I CAME HERE FOR PORN, WHY I'M STAYING FOR DRAMA? 10/10 would be sucked in again !
Posted on 17 September 2019, 12:06 UTC by:   FarkyMac    PM
Score +43
I feel like adding an extra pokemon after you've registered with only 3 for a battle is cheating.
Posted on 07 October 2019, 18:52 UTC by:   dx8771    PM
Score +42
All I can say is the mother must certainly love the taste of crow she has to eat now. Ultimately it’s lose lose for her because she was a total bitch in the past
Posted on 15 November 2019, 11:29 UTC by:   The-Kite    PM
Score +105
@swifty995: Well it has to do with the way I wanted to unravel the story; rather than a "linear" story", I thought it'd be fun to try and tell the story in reverse, starting with situations that already happened and giving info as to why it happened and the context it happened in progressively in a breadcrumb way

So that may indeed leave with confusing situations and missing contexts until you get the info xD

The fact that I didn't want to do an Alfie-long comic (bless you Incase, but I have no idea how you ever had the patience for 900 pages) and set a definite set of pages for the entire story may have forced me to adapt a pace that may not allow me to properly set the context; I kinda had to "rewrite" part of this chapter to extend it because it would have been too fast and too confusing NOT to have deeper context ><

Anyway, please do tell me if you have suggestions it; readers' impressions are important to how I can improve the comic going forward. :3

Please be polite and constructive about it tho lol

@everyone else I don't always reply to: Sorry if I don't always reply, but I do appreciate your comments, support, and feedback!
Posted on 23 November 2019, 15:36 UTC by:   Freezer445    PM
Score +56
This is quite possibly one of the very few moments where you came for the porn, but stayed for the plot.
Posted on 17 December 2019, 12:35 UTC by:   AlexDKZ    PM
Score +49
I just wonder if the rest of the stadium can hear what they are saying. I mean, they are quite apart from each other, so either they are yelling or the mics are on.
Posted on 10 January 2020, 20:47 UTC by:   Ragner Angel    PM
Score +45
ohhhhhh snapppp these plot twists get me more eager than all my other drama series and anime combined. The need to know what happens next is soooooo stroooong.

Addendum: I actually needed to see Calida in regular form to guess that was a mega blaziken lmao.
Posted on 11 January 2020, 23:19 UTC by:   Witchfinder    PM
Score +82
For a second, I totally forgot this started as anthro Pokemon porn.
Posted on 15 January 2020, 18:58 UTC by:   The-Kite    PM
Score +49
@Lexander: I'm not really going to dignify this with an answer to the "critique", because there's nothing there except a random who thinks that because they don't like the story it's automatically badly written, and that presumes that my uploading rhythm is something they are allowed to complain about when they're reading this for free, on a site I don't update my comics on and generally don't owe you anything. You haven't provided a single morsel of argumentation to your ad personam spiel despite me citing in this very comment thread that I was open to any criticism or suggestion so long as they were constructive or at least polite. In short, you're not forced to read this, fuck you, you're a minority with that mindset and your opinion is not one I plan on caring about. You can fuck off, go read something else, and show us how great YOU are at scripts. I'm sure you'll find a willing artist with that attitude. Or perhaps you are a liberal arts major. With that way of "critiquing", it would'n't surprise me.

@WatsonJohn: It's my fault with the early comic AND the new Shorts. When I did part 49, I wanted to imply that they had a relationship that was physical indeed, but that it wasn't a serious one, and Lou thought that Aya pretended to be serious so they could have another physical relationship again. I've got a proofreader that also script-doctors it since the beginning of chapter 1, because while Lexander likes the smell of their own farts, they're somewhat correct in the fact that being both an artist and writing the script is hard, as you're generally better at either one of these skills and rarely skilled at both. I'm trying to improve in both, but there may be incoherence I miss here and there as I try to build on what I wrote prior to the post prologue reread and expansion of some aspects of the story. :3

Which is why proper reader feedback is great and useful!

@Meta-Snake: We're reaching the crescendo in a few pages, both in the past, the present and the "future" and regarless of the outcome, I hope it'll at least be a satisfying one, whether I end up going with the outcome you didn't prefer or not. :3

Edit: BTW for everyone else and for the ones who are wondering where the porn is and when it comes back: Soon(ish)! You have a few more pages of drama to tolerate (or timeskip :P) but we're reaching the end of this chapter, which is heavily slanted on backstory.
Last edited on 15 January 2020, 21:51 UTC.
Posted on 18 January 2020, 18:50 UTC by:   Lexander    PM
Score +71
@ The-Kite Sigh, I think you really missed the whole point of the schedule thing. The problem isn't the periodicity of your release schedule, it's the writing. You're not in comics, you're in webcomics. You're not releasing one manga chapter, or issue, or album at a time. You're releasing one page at a time. And you're not actually writing this with that idea in mind.

When you write a comic you divide the script into pages - at least I hope you do - then the pages into panels. What you have to do in webcomic that you don't have to do in more traditional avenues is ask yourself how each individual page reads without all the pages that follow in your script. Each page has to be entertaining on it's own, it has to further the story thus far, but it must not depend on pages yet to come.

Don't get me wrong, this is not just a you problem, and not just a webcomic problem. I have a hardcover Metabarons omnibus behind me and reading that all at once sucks because it was written to be released as a series of albums over several years. Each album starts with a recap of the previous one and the story thus far. Great if you read it when it came out originally, really annoying if you're trying to read the entire story at once and have to read periodic recaps of stuff you just finished reading.

You don't seem to have written this as a webcomic but as a traditional comic that you are releasing one page at a time - which makes it a badly written webcomic.

I hope this was clearer.
Posted on 28 January 2020, 05:06 UTC by:   baadar    PM
Score +48
Ok...that part with team Rocket and everything was a bit too convoluted...
Posted on 10 February 2020, 15:03 UTC by:   MetaSnake    PM
Score +56
Called it. Froslass is the dead lover.
Posted on 14 February 2020, 22:04 UTC by:   Magaso    PM
Score +44
I actually would love to know how weird it got.
Posted on 20 March 2020, 12:05 UTC by:   ShoggothOfStone    PM
Score +45
I find the concept of unique variation like the various Gardevoir into Gardevoice or Gheishtevoir to be a really cool idea.
Last edited on 23 March 2020, 12:48 UTC.
Posted on 02 April 2020, 03:35 UTC by:   KitchenReno    PM
Score +57
If everyone hassling the author could just shut the fuck up forever, that would be great. None of us are *paying* them for this, it's something they are doing because they *want* to.
Posted on 20 May 2020, 08:26 UTC by:   Xenbar    PM
Score +46
@Nightmare Shifter - There's a little note on the latest page that says the author is going into hiatus whilst they prepare everything for the next chapter.
Posted on 16 June 2020, 01:48 UTC by:   orezz    PM
Score +49
The Kite says trans rights. :D
Posted on 21 July 2020, 23:28 UTC by:   Xenbar    PM
Score +6
@Jack Woods - Indeed. It would be fitting; how very like her mother. I can't wait to see what happens regardless!
Posted on 24 July 2020, 12:22 UTC by:   AlexDKZ    PM
Score -6
Whatching movies on the phone? I already dislike this new Eerie.
Posted on 24 July 2020, 15:06 UTC by:   Omniflaw    PM
Score +27
She's playing something like Battlefield on the TV; read, damn it.
Posted on 26 July 2020, 11:07 UTC by:   omggyc!    PM
Score +6
Posted on 27 July 2020, 13:23 UTC by:   ssj782    PM
Score +6
I feel like that soda can would be a great way to hide a pokeball to catch a pokemon that doesn't want to be caught...
Posted on 31 July 2020, 11:56 UTC by:   RaizelX    PM
Score +13
@ssj782 yea great way for them to break out and murder the shit out of you, especially seeing as most Pokémon seem to now have human level or higher intelligence
Last edited on 31 July 2020, 16:13 UTC.

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