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[581] Cool Bishoujo Remodeling Ch1-18 [English]

[581] クール美少女改造【1】-【18】[英訳]

Posted:2021-11-02 19:43
Visible:No (Replaced)
Language:English  TR
File Size:168.2 MiB
Length:127 pages
Favorited:2813 times
Average: 4.39
This gallery has been replaced; tags can no longer be added on this version.

There are newer versions of this gallery available:

[581] Cool Bishoujo Remodeling Ch1-19 [English], added 2022-03-15 07:41
[581] Cool Bishoujo Remodeling Ch1-22 [English], added 2022-05-23 06:25
[581] Cool Bishoujo Remodeling Ch1-23 [English], added 2022-11-06 09:56
[581] Cool Bishoujo Remodeling Ch1-29 [English], added 2023-09-21 10:43
[581] Cool Bishoujo Remodeling Ch1-30 [English], added 2024-04-30 10:13

Showing 121 - 127 of 127 images

Posted on 02 November 2021, 19:43 by:   VermillionFox162    PM
Uploader Comment
The artist's pixiv:
The artist's skeb:

【1】Cool Bishoujo Remodeling:
【2】Cool Bishoujo Remodeling・Older Sister Edition:
【3】Cool Bishoujo Remodeling・Coworkers ■ Classmates Edition:
【4】Cool Bishoujo Remodeling・Coworkers ■ Classmates Remodeling Edition:
【5】Cool Bishoujo Remodeling・Master Service Edition:
【6】Cool Bishoujo Remodeling・Coworkers ■ Classmates Remodeling Edition (Another Ver):
【7】Cool Bishoujo Remodeling・Younger Sister Edition:
【8】Cool Bishoujo Remodeling・"Fujisaka Kikyo" Instruction Manual:
【9】Cool Bishoujo Remodeling・Younger Sister Washing Edition:
【10】Cool Bishoujo Remodeling・Senpai Kohai Edition:
【11】Cool Bishoujo Remodeling・Toilet Edition:
【12】Cool Bishoujo Remodeling・Program Bug Edition:
【13】Cool Bishoujo Remodeling・Program Correction Edition:
【14】Cool Bishoujo Remodeling・Kousaka Sonia Edition:
【15】Cool Bishoujo Remodeling・Kousaka Sonia Personality Reboot Edition:
【16】Cool Bishoujo Remodeling・Matsuyuki Erika Edition:
【17】Cool Bishoujo Remodeling・Fujisaka Sisters Edition:
【18】Cool Bishoujo Remodeling・Tajima Yuri Edition:

Please support the artist (581(ごはい)) if you can. These are also requested by けー. Please support him too.

けー also written something that takes place within this story. Please read it if you can:

I made sure to check every word's definition in several dictionary sites and made sure it's coherent to the original work. but if there's anything I need to change, please feel free to tell me and I'll verify and change it.


2021-08-01: I changed "device" to "machine body" for consistency in page 9.
2021-10-15: I merged the the whole thing to one gallery and added chapter 16. I also changed several 機 from "unit" to "device". I changed it because unit would use ユニット
2021-10-26: Added chapter 17, and title cards for each chapter. changed 予定 to program
2021-11-02: Added chapter 18

The following are notes I made for each chapter in reverse order.
This one also seems to not be requested by けー.
なさりのしょう closest I can get is なさります which says it's a polite/respectful form of to do and しょう: "let's" didn't seem to fit so I used it as "a suggestion to one or more people which doesn’t include oneself." "If you would kindly" seemed close to that. I added amount after abundant because without it, it seemed awkward to say.
あなた様 you-sama felt very awkward. I think "you sir" is good for this sentence.

使い具合 use condition. usability seemed best fit
お気に済む > 気が済む to be satisfied

長引いただけ to prolong but it felt clunky so I changed it to something similar
私は大丈夫だよ I'm fine by context, I added "with it" because it seems like she's talking about going with her sister for the errand
解除 to release. in context, the program mimicry mode has been suspended/stopped so I went with that.

ついてっちゃお > 付いてる to be lucky or to come with
恐れ concern/fear
I removed the second "device" after younger sister. It felt overused in the sentence plus it fit chapter 2
装着 installing/mounting I used mounting because インストール would usually be used for install and mounting fit context

This one seemed to be requested by someone other than the original requester (けー) of the series. Because of that, I don't know if this is canon to the other works.
The following are his tweets I found regarding the subject if you want to know what he thinks.

どなたが依頼を出されたのかは分からないけど、香坂ソニアちゃんの新作があがってる…! @skeb_jpより




The top left seemed like onomatopoea
勝手に translated to arbitrarily; of its own accord as it pleases. "Moving on its own" seemed more natural "doing what it wants" was my second choice

from what the artist said:
"She speaks in a standard Japanese way.
She is half Japanese.
When she was human, she had a sharp tongue.
The modified version of her talks and acts like a child.
When she pretends to be a human after being modified, she is broken and speaks and acts incoherently."
後をつけて follow behind
扉 door/opening I used door
資料 documents/materials
機体 I keep seeing this in a lot of the works but the kanji would translate to aircraft/fuselage. That made no sense so I used the kanji separately (machine body)
Kikyo would say this machine body's base body but that seemed redundant so I removed the second body.
なんて冗談じゃないよ would literally mean "this isn't a joke!" but someone also said it's implication is "You got to be kidding!"
The last two sentences were difficult to translate. 581さん said by this time, Sonia's speech turned into like a child's. I looked up what it probably meant and arranged it so that it fit the author's intentions. I asked the author and he okay'd it. I was contemplating on changing the r's to w's but I thought that was too much.
だいじょうぶ is daijoubu-> okey dokey
the last one was I made it sound like she was asking/begging for something like a child asks stuff from their parents. I also substituted impossible (ムリ)with crazy. I thought impossible was too big of a word.
same as above. おひさま would translate to the sun but as "children's language". Mr. Sun seemed the best.
空間 space
注意事項 translates to important points/precautions/warnings/notes etc

p2 音声 was voice,audio or sound.
p3 みんあ今日もよるしくね I used an idolmaster song lyric to translate this. if there's anything better, I'll change it.

p6 機体 would translate as aircraft/fuselage but that made no sense. separately, they would be "machine body" but I had it as device on chapter 2.
p7 処理 had processing/treatment/dealing with. treatment was already used for a different word "処置".
2021-08-01 Edit: I changed "device" to "machine body" for consistency in page 6.

局部ユニット translated as local unit but it also had the meaning of genital unit so by context, I used the latter.

On page 3, the left middle bubble said は. I'm assuming that it's going to say はい.Page 4 said ぼーっと which translated to dazed so I just put *dazed*.

2021-08-01 Edit: In page 6, I changed "complete" to "completed" for consistency with other pages.

I changed company's existing products to existing products because I thought that was too long for the box.

2021-08-01 Edit: In page 4 and 5, I changed "complete" to "completed" and in page 6 and 8 I changed "complete" to "finished" for consistency with other pages.

雰囲気 would translate to atmosphere so I left it to that.

A lot of the later bubbles were hard to translate because they were getting cut off due to the characters losing battery. I did by best with those.

素体 translated as base body/ original body. 機 would translate to machines/units/devices. For page 14, the top middle box's kanji was different (体型 vs 体格) so I used "Physique" instead of "body type". this is also the case in later chapters. For small っorッ these were gutteral stops so I used - because I felt that it had a similar meaning in english.


For the older separated galleries

Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Posted on 08 June 2021, 11:08 by:   Ficfactor    PM
Score +114
You're a hero for arranging all of these.
Posted on 08 June 2021, 11:30 by:   王♂哲学    PM
Score +22
Posted on 08 June 2021, 12:59 by:   Ez-Burning    PM
Score +81
Wow, this is so evil if you think about it for a sec.
Posted on 08 June 2021, 14:55 by:   Ghalen    PM
Score +73
Wonder how many missing person report the police get?
Posted on 08 June 2021, 15:29 by:   John Abbany    PM
Score +47
I mean according to 7 & 12 it seems like the robot forms can mimic their past human forms so... I'm guessing there's nothing noticeable and they'd just be activated as sex robots like sleeper agents or something.
Posted on 08 June 2021, 17:11 by:   H0R0    PM
Score +18
at first i thought something weird with the translation, the older sis reg the younger sis as "i'm your younger sis = you're my older sis" while the younger sis reg the older sis as "you're my younger sis = i'm your older sis", checked the raw, thought author had brain fart lol
but after looked at the tag on pixiv, the author was intentional reversed their role.

the story is older sis found younger sister captured but younger sis is already remodel so younger sis captured older sis, because younger sis was remodel first she is now reg as "older sister" while older sis was captured then remodel later she is now reg as "younger sis"
Posted on 08 June 2021, 18:14 by:   VermillionFox162    PM
Score +25

That's what I thought too until I translated the description. Translated in deepl, it says: "The older sister comes to rescue the trapped younger sister, but the younger sister, who has already been remodeled, restrains the older sister and is remodeled into a sexaroid like the younger sister. The younger sister, who was modified first, is recognized and registered as the "older sister" and the older sister, who was modified later, as the "younger sister"."
Posted on 08 June 2021, 20:42 by:   Loki The Flameshield    PM
Score +22
I guess Shouko was eligible after all...
Posted on 09 June 2021, 05:06 by:   kanzato    PM
Score +6
You are a true hero!
Posted on 10 September 2021, 12:38 by:   Frogmonster    PM
Score -4
What's more evil is the idiot poster didn't just combine them into a single gallery, but insisted on spamming the site with a bunch of 3-10 image galleries.
Posted on 27 October 2021, 03:02 by:   sectorunit888    PM
Score +13
Thanks for another based translation.
Posted on 27 October 2021, 05:18 by:   VermillionFox162    PM
Score +13

Thanks. I didn't want to do a redraw of the words in the title cards so I did the next best thing.
Posted on 02 November 2021, 21:20 by:   sectorunit888    PM
Score +7
Will you also translate the TSF Sexaroid one as well?
Posted on 02 November 2021, 22:27 by:   VermillionFox162    PM
Score +11

Sure! Although I'm a bit worried about these two recent ones. I hope it's fine to post it. 581-san didn't put a certain tag in his pixiv gallery so I'm assuming it's fine.
Posted on 02 November 2021, 23:36 by:   sectorunit888    PM
Score +7
What certain tags?
Posted on 03 November 2021, 00:49 by:   VermillionFox162    PM
Score +11
in ch18, the male looks young, so i'm a bit worried about it. I'll just assume he's as old as Ayame because the chapter's pixiv doesn't tag him as "too young" or the like.
Last edited on 03 November 2021, 12:05.
Posted on 03 November 2021, 02:07 by:   sectorunit888    PM
Score +7

I see, so it's THAT tag, huh? Well, rest assured on the TSF Sexaroid since it's most likely a teenager so, that tag doesn't apply. Also the friend who turned him into one can also be seen as around the same age.
Posted on 04 November 2021, 02:59 by:   VermillionFox162    PM
Score +11

I just hope there's no problems. I was hesitant on posting/translating the recent chapter for various reasons. I only did that one for completion's sake. I also hope that that didn't sound too crass or rude or anything. I'm just very worried.
Last edited on 04 November 2021, 07:29.
Posted on 14 January 2022, 02:47 by:   Bfreedle    PM
Score +5
Man I just learned of this series and hope it has some kind of happy end but your translating and putting it together is great and so much appreciated. Thank you for the great effort and work!
Posted on 15 January 2022, 09:14 by:   d1puck1t    PM
Score +6
I hope more of 581's work gets translated.

Thanks very much.
Posted on 27 January 2022, 09:45 by:   VermillionFox162    PM
Score +14
@Bfreedle @d1puck1t

Thanks for the comment. It means quite a lot. I'm trying to find time for working on them but I suddenly got very busy. I'm very sorry I can't post as fast as I had before but I'm getting as much done as I can with the amount of time I can scrounge up. With chapter 13.5 and 19, I have a partial translation done which I need to clean up and make sure it's right. I also have the text removed so I can put the text in afterwards. I also have the extra pic that the 581 put on his twitter translated. I might post it here if it's a good idea. Again, I apologize for not having this done quick enough.
Posted on 31 January 2022, 09:55 by:   d1puck1t    PM
Score +13
Your hard work is extremely appreciated.
Posted on 15 March 2022, 08:43 by:   sectorunit888    PM
Score +14
The man and the legend is back baby! Also a discord group for my fellow robotization/mechanization fetishist:
Posted on 15 March 2022, 09:35 by:   VermillionFox162    PM
Score +24

I don't know if i'm "back" honestly (I don't really know if I actually left at all). All I did was post Stem Cell's translations to this gallery. I started working on mine a while ago but due to real life obligations, I couldn't complete it as fast as before. I'm still planning on finishing my translation of 13.5 and 19. 13.5 was as done as I could get it and for 19, I just needed to typeset and proofread. I feel, though, that it's rude to Stem Cell if I posted them, so unless he says otherwise, I'll leave it like this. His translations for 581-san's work are quite similar to how I would do it (with some variations) so I'm very grateful. I still plan on doing future Cool Bishoujo chapters, but I have no time to do any others. If this sounded rude in anyway to anybody, It wasn't meant to be. @Stem Cell if you read this, I hope you do continue translating. I personally think they're great. I wouldn't have translated the sound effects like you did in that one zombie doujin. That one was a good read.
Last edited on 16 March 2022, 09:38.
Posted on 23 May 2022, 06:30 by:   sectorunit888    PM
Score +14
Welcome back and thanks for the translation man!
Posted on 23 May 2022, 06:34 by:   VermillionFox162    PM
Score +13
Thanks! I can get this one done if you want:
Posted on 27 May 2022, 00:31 by:   Muhladin    PM
Score +6
Not bad, thanks
Posted on 29 May 2022, 03:52 by:   Rin Tohsaka    PM
Score +11
Minor suggestion for the changelog that you include in your first comment - maybe include a mention of which page number the new update begins at?
Posted on 30 May 2022, 07:29 by:   VermillionFox162    PM
Score +12
@Rin Tohsaka

I didn't think about that! Ok, will do it in the future!

edit: I'll still put the page numbers in the update section but I just remembered I linked the chapters in the gallery discription. Just click the bold words to go to the desired chapter. :)
Last edited on 01 June 2022, 07:04.
Posted on 02 June 2022, 17:02 by:   Arcalive-Alive    PM
Score +12
I'm a Korean translator. Do you have a non-text image? I'm asking because the background of the place where the sentence is located is neat. My photoshop skills are so low that it is hard to translate...
Posted on 03 June 2022, 09:26 by:   VermillionFox162    PM
Score +15
I posted them here: hopefully 581-san doesn't mind.
Posted on 03 June 2022, 14:58 by:   Arcalive-Alive    PM
Score +4
@VermillionFox162 I checked. Thank you.
Posted on 13 July 2022, 01:32 by:   Ravonies    PM
Score +26
Is this ongoing?
Posted on 24 July 2022, 10:21 by:   VermillionFox162    PM
Score +21
It seems that as long as K-san commissions it and if 581-san accepts them, there'll be more.
Posted on 29 July 2022, 16:04 by:   幻空尊者    PM
Score +5
Last edited on 15 January 2023, 19:01.
Posted on 06 November 2022, 23:36 by:   auron7777    PM
Score +6
The amount of work you put into these translations is insane. Good job!
Posted on 07 November 2022, 10:02 by:   VermillionFox162    PM
Score +8
Thanks! I get a lot of help from the guys at and 581-san.
Posted on 12 January 2023, 00:17 by:   snakecomic    PM
Score +6
Mediafire mirror for the original [581] Cool Bishoujo Remodeling Ch1-23 [English] file:
Posted on 22 April 2023, 16:33 by:   flannan    PM
Score +38
With the level of technology involved, and rebuilding their bodies into robots... was there any point to kidnapping them in the first place?
Looks like it would be easier to just scan the originals and make copies.
Posted on 21 September 2023, 14:26 by:   kitkaty01    PM
Score +15
Matsuyuki on pg. 45 got done dirty
Posted on 21 September 2023, 14:37 by:   Red 255    PM
Score +7
considering how much gets replaced, no. theres not much remodeling done. all the internals are replaced with synthetic, not even sure they keep much of the skin.

there is SOME connection between the organic brain and the body even if the brain is in storage. so I guess its like for people who want to have sex with a robot, but need to sacrifice a person's soul for their fetish. because the brain is still connected thru its soul. but yeah pretty sure nearly 100% synthetic.
Posted on 22 September 2023, 01:08 by:   Ninjack108    PM
Score +42
@kitkaty01 I think that’s her at 206 so relatively speaking she might have gotten the best deal out of this
Posted on 11 January 2024, 06:03 by:   Devilot109    PM
Score +7
{Rei} This is veries goals. Rei wants to be made into a cutes robo-girl, tooo! *Nodnods, mewwwws!*
Posted on 14 February 2024, 06:25 by:   ChronicLogic    PM
Score +42
Some of these conversions are so extreme like 99% cybernetics and only 1% organic tissue. Hell some of them have an actual AI personality installed that completely overrides the actual human consciousness. Might as well just build sexbots.
That girl that got her brain put in storage was absolutely ridiculously, the bad guys literally built a mechanical sexbot and there's literally no parts of the original girl in that sexbot, not even her conscious. They just mutilated a girl for no reason.
Posted on 30 April 2024, 11:15 by:   AhKai    PM
Score +31
Erika happy ending QwQ
Posted on 01 May 2024, 00:03 by:   Reize1    PM
Score +27
I love the artwork and am grateful for the translation but I really do not understand the universe. How much of their original body is even left after the conversion? If their brain is a computer at this point then when their original personality is activated it's not really them at all but just a simulation. What happened to their real brain? Why is there a need to sacrifice a girl if they can recreate a human mind on a machine so easily? In my opinion they should either keep the organic brain and add cybernetics to it or just create a new artificial girl using brain scans. This way seems wasteful. Unless they are building multiple copies of the same girl using the original brain in storage as a template? That would make slightly more sense but it still seems like they could accomplish the same thing with brain scans. I am way too invested in this. Going to touch grass now.
Posted on 01 May 2024, 01:03 by:   Rann    PM
Score +21
Bros in here reviewing this stuff like they thought it was an Asimov story and they were just really shocked to discover that it's actually about someone's fetish pft
Posted on 01 May 2024, 03:05 by:   Reize1    PM
Score +27
That reminds me in Forward the Foundation Asimov gave his main character self insert a robot waifu. Man was ahead of his time.
Posted on 22 June 2024, 20:58 by:   Fylas    PM
Score -1
now draw them breaking the conditioning and this whole thing becoming a giant scandal where everyone involved is hunted down by a special task force resulting in a showdown in Argentina where the people responsible get put in front of the court of human rights and the heinousness of their crimes cause the sentence to have their brains hooked up in storage and have to live trough all their victim had to endure for a 40 years per victim at 4444 times the normal speed after which they get put in front of a hearing to see if they regret what they did.

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