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(C81) [EROQUIS! (Various)] Hamecomi!! The Ahengers (Various)

(C81) [EROQUIS! (よろず)] Hamecomi!! The Ahengers (よろず)

Posted:2012-03-15 20:15
File Size:171.3 MB
Length:48 pages
Favorited:556 times
Average: 4.91

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Posted on 15 March 2012, 20:15 UTC by:   rinsako    PM
Uploader Comment

There is a poll for the next doujin to scan! Come Visit the blog. Taking requests and the such.

Vote for the new shipment of doujins to be scanned!

Artist Website:

THIS one is already translated. QC just being done, but for all intensive purposes its ready.

Characters (Courtesy of LWB)

armor (x-men)
blue rose
emma frost
madame hydra
madame mirage
ms. marvel
power girl
rogue (x-men)
shuma gorath
storm (x-men)
wonder woman

Since my comments are being downvoted:

As always, Support the artist (this one usually sells through Toroana and Yahoo Auction). Eroquis is an awesome artist, but since he is done selling this doujin, this is the only way to get it now.

Also... He has some tentacle compilation artbook (seemingly not h despite the cover) that I ordered. Should be interesting.

@ Supershanko

Well be surprised then. You see that Celluloid Acme part at the end. He has a full superhero doujn as well with guest art by Eroquis. That one is ETA 2 Weeks.

Also, this one is translated. You should be seeing it tomorrow-ish.

@ Maximum Joe.

You figured, being this is the only doujin with art of She-Hulk, Wasp, etc. that they should be tagged. But whatever you want. BTW Captain America is the protag of the Celluloid Acme part so I have no idea why that one tag is surpressed.

Emma Frost and Hisao show up for 4 panels so they should be tagged as well. All the other heroines have 2+ images cover and the sections dedicated to them + the bio info. They aren't just extras in a larger scene so I don't think that policy would apply.
Power Girl has 5+ images/pages associated with her, so I don't think that policy applies

@ Maximum Joe.

And how many are by Japanese artists.

Also why is storm being surpressed? It's the easiest name she is known by.

@ Goatass

He only sold through Yahooauction and only very limited run of doujins. It was actually quite difficult to get a hold of one (I have two). This was before I even knew there was consignments that could help you bid on auctions. So for the longest time I was just trying to find a way to buy from YahooJapan Auctions.

@ Maximum Joe

Like I said, It's not like I can change the voting for the tags, it just seems rather superfluous in this case that if people wanted to, let's say, have a Japanese artist rendition of she-hulk/Wasp/Psylocke/ and others, if they were to use the search system with the tags, they would not find any as this doujin would be having its tags surpressed. It's not like their art is insignificant, its a full colour full page shot of them with Shuma Gorath (The tentacle monster who is also being supressed). If people wanted a doujin with Shuma Gorath now, this would not show up.

So, I disagree with how the voting on tags is handled in this case, but it's up to you as you appear to have more e-clout in this situation.

It's really just a minor point of contention however.

Take this for example: /g/471984/a53941b050/

Without the psylocke tag, I would not find this doujin. She only shows up for one picture but its a glorious picture and a full size one. These ones are even nicer and a full colour.

@ Maximum Joe

Shuma is not a male, he's a tentacle monster. A fairly significant one in thet marvel comics lore. If there is more doujins with Shuma in it, I want to see those tags.

@ Saittamiccus.

It's an illusion. The english translations are very close, so you'll understand the story better then

@ Shadow Weaver
I have no idea why you can't just post a comment here asking me to take down the tags/comments that you find reprehensible. I will do so if the community here feels that they are unnecessary.

@ Maximum Joe
I'm posting this content pro bono. My site has no ads. I have no idea why the tagging issue is such a large problem that you can not just keep it to the comments rather than threatening me through PMs (not you). If the higher ups here have such an issue with these tags I will just manually remove them then.

@ Saittamiccus.

It's a common theme in Eroquis doujins. It's an illusion that she was okay. I think Mastermind is essentially mindfucking her to turn her into a slave essentially.

@ Shadow Weaver

And I quote:

"I see you added the bad tags again. This whole thing is because you refuse to follow the rules and you are encouraging others to do the same. You are threatening to stop scanning and uploading. You say you love the community but you are threatening to punish the community because you do like being told about the possible consequences because you broke the rules. Of course the proper course of action is to make everyone else pay when the one in the wrong is you. rolleyes.gif Tell me how you love the community again. If you appreciate the help people give, I am trying to help you follow the rules set out by the community the you claim to love. Asking you to remove your comments I am trying to get you to help others to follow the rules of the community you claim to love.

So if you love the community, why are your actions and threats all things that harm the community? "

I refuse to follow the rules? I have not "threatened" to stop scanning. I have not broken any rules. If tags are bad they can be surpressed. Why don't you stop threatening me and instead have a proper discussion in a public forum?
Posted on 16 March 2012, 21:56 UTC by:   rinsako    PM
Score +195

As always, Support the artist (this one usually sells through Toroana and Yahoo Auction). Eroquis is an awesome artist, but since he is done selling this doujin, this is the only way to get it now.

Also... He has some tentacle compilation artbook (seemingly not h despite the cover) that I ordered. Should be interesting.

@ Supershanko

Well be surprised then. You see that Celluloid Acme part at the end. He has a full superhero doujn as well with guest art by Eroquis. That one is ETA 2 Weeks.

Also, this one is translated. You should be seeing it tomorrow-ish.

@ Maximum Joe.

You figured, being this is the only doujin with art of She-Hulk, Wasp, etc. that they should be tagged. But whatever you want. BTW Captain America is the protag of the Celluloid Acme part so I have no idea why that one tag is surpressed.

Emma Frost and Hisao show up for 4 panels so they should be tagged as well. All the other heroines have 2+ images cover and the sections dedicated to them + the bio info. They aren't just extras in a larger scene so I don't think that policy would apply.
Power Girl has 5+ images/pages associated with her, so I don't think that policy applies

@ Maximum Joe.

And how many are by Japanese artists.

Also why is storm being surpressed? It's the easiest name she is known by.

@ Goatass

He only sold through Yahooauction and only very limited run of doujins. It was actually quite difficult to get a hold of one (I have two). This was before I even knew there was consignments that could help you bid on auctions. So for the longest time I was just trying to find a way to buy from YahooJapan Auctions.

@ Maximum Joe

Like I said, It's not like I can change the voting for the tags, it just seems rather superfluous in this case that if people wanted to, let's say, have a Japanese artist rendition of she-hulk/Wasp/Psylocke/ and others, if they were to use the search system with the tags, they would not find any as this doujin would be having its tags surpressed. It's not like their art is insignificant, its a full colour full page shot of them with Shuma Gorath (The tentacle monster who is also being supressed). If people wanted a doujin with Shuma Gorath now, this would not show up.

So, I disagree with how the voting on tags is handled in this case, but it's up to you as you appear to have more e-clout in this situation.

It's really just a minor point of contention however.

Take this for example: /g/471984/a53941b050/

Without the psylocke tag, I would not find this doujin. She only shows up for one picture but its a glorious picture and a full size one. These ones are even nicer and a full colour.

@ Maximum Joe

Shuma is not a male, he's a tentacle monster. A fairly significant one in thet marvel comics lore. If there is more doujins with Shuma in it, I want to see those tags.

@ Saittamiccus.

It's an illusion. The english translations are very close, so you'll understand the story better then

@ Shadow Weaver
I have no idea why you can't just post a comment here asking me to take down the tags/comments that you find reprehensible. I will do so if the community here feels that they are unnecessary.

@ Maximum Joe
I'm posting this content pro bono. My site has no ads. I have no idea why the tagging issue is such a large problem that you can not just keep it to the comments rather than threatening me through PMs (not you). If the higher ups here have such an issue with these tags I will just manually remove them then.

@ Saittamiccus.

It's a common theme in Eroquis doujins. It's an illusion that she was okay. I think Mastermind is essentially mindfucking her to turn her into a slave essentially.

@ Shadow Weaver

And I quote:

"I see you added the bad tags again. This whole thing is because you refuse to follow the rules and you are encouraging others to do the same. You are threatening to stop scanning and uploading. You say you love the community but you are threatening to punish the community because you do like being told about the possible consequences because you broke the rules. Of course the proper course of action is to make everyone else pay when the one in the wrong is you. rolleyes.gif Tell me how you love the community again. If you appreciate the help people give, I am trying to help you follow the rules set out by the community the you claim to love. Asking you to remove your comments I am trying to get you to help others to follow the rules of the community you claim to love.

So if you love the community, why are your actions and threats all things that harm the community? "

I refuse to follow the rules? I have not "threatened" to stop scanning. I have not broken any rules. If tags are bad they can be surpressed. Why don't you stop threatening me and instead have a proper discussion in a public forum?

I am also harming the community by uploading unscanned rare doujins?


Like Seriously?


Translations Incoming Nowish.

I will not be making comments on any future posts in this thread. If you wish to ask future questions please post in the soon to be uploaded ENGLISH version of this doujin courtesy of the fine individuals over at LWB.
Posted on 15 March 2012, 20:35 UTC by:   Goatass    PM
Score +67
My body is not ready....

I suppose trying to buy this one was really hard. Did it take long to get a copy?
Posted on 15 March 2012, 21:53 UTC by:   christmas    PM
Score +138
Thanks, was looking forward to this.
Also can check Melonbooks for doujinshi sales.

Posted on 15 March 2012, 20:27 UTC by:   psion300    PM
Score +141
now this looks very interesting. hoping eroquis does more for all these chicks...especially she hulk
Posted on 15 March 2012, 20:30 UTC by:   Xedamier    PM
Score +147
My penis is grateful for this.
Posted on 15 March 2012, 20:30 UTC by:   Shemmy    PM
Score +57
Took long enough for this one, saw the cover on Gelbooru a while back and I knew it would be here eventually! Thanks a ton!
Posted on 15 March 2012, 20:31 UTC by:   BluMeino    PM
Score +129
I agree with Nash, that Storm ain't brown enough.
Posted on 16 March 2012, 13:49 UTC by:   Crystallion    PM
Score +96
I came. Multiple times. No words can describe the awesomeness that is Eroquis. Also, a superhero art compilation like that was overdue. Thank you so much for this +^__^+ SHUT UP AND TAKE MY FIVE STARS AND +FAV!

EDIT: Wow, there was a LOT of down voting today, just about for everyone o.O

EDIT 2: Wow, wintermute's comment got a lot of plus-votes, but got downvoted -60. So now it's a hidden comment. I can smell and hear the butthurt from all around here.

But I would think that both parties are kind of behaving like silly children and should just stop. Also, the discussion in the forums is anything but helpful in any way. I think that tag abuse is bad, to some extent anyway, for example if it's just 2 pages in a 50-page doujinshi, nobody is going to search for their favorite if it's just that small of a quantity (have fun doing this in a soushuuhen-like doujin with over 200 pages, and this is not counting in the people that make false tags just for the lulz...).
BUT I think that tags like futanari/scat/furry or other fetishes that a lot of people don't like are being tagged so that these people steer away from the gallery or are at least warned as to what to expect (if they are going to complain anyway, well, sucks to be them)

I guess for this gallery, it's a bit pointless. But IMO, it's wrong to go all "police" on his ass, especially since your arguments seem to be stuck in a circle. Just let it go and clean up the comment section.
I for one am very glad this got scanned, and I'd like to thank the scanner/uploader. That is all.
Posted on 15 March 2012, 20:34 UTC by:   Super Shanko    PM
Score +126
Ahh~ Super Smexy heroines by a J-artist? You shouldn't have! +_+
Posted on 24 October 2012, 17:21 UTC by:   Maximum_Joe    PM
Score +643
A reminder: Please do not tag things that appear for only a few images, thank you.

The females in #5-18 (Storm) and in #40-44 (Ms. Marvel) are fine for tagging. The rest do not have enough presence.

The issue of tagging based on a single image has been brought up countless times and has been swiftly shut down each time. We DO NOT tag based on single images because it causes searches to become useless. There are sites like Danbooru for such purposes.

Please follow the guidelines that I have linked above. Those who do not may be banned from tagging.

Please note that those who are voting down this comment aren't helping the uploader in any way. Those who wish to discuss the tagging guidelines may do so here:
Posted on 15 March 2012, 20:48 UTC by:   ninjaman87    PM
Score +42
finally took a long time to get here, eroquis is still the great
Posted on 15 March 2012, 22:54 UTC by:   SaittaMicus    PM
Score +129
It was hard to see that it really was Storm in the first story!
But im a little confused (yeah okey its not in english so that dosnt help)
But first it seems like it was all an dream... but then its not?

But overall... I always love Eroquis stuff, and this is no exception!

@ rinsako
So its an illusion that they are getting raped?

@ rinsako
Aww... damn it... now that makes me sad...
Posted on 15 March 2012, 21:25 UTC by:   Rider123    PM
Score +153
Oh God, it's finally here!
Posted on 15 March 2012, 22:29 UTC by:   in777    PM
Score +51
Wow way for people with high voting powers to abuse the comment system. I mean I know people are picky about rules but geez you downvote the comments of the one that uploaded the doujin.
Posted on 15 March 2012, 22:41 UTC by:   Supermutant    PM
Score +73
This looks absolutely awesome. I don't know how many items of this quality can be found for superheroes.
Posted on 15 March 2012, 22:46 UTC by:   hellian_1992    PM
Score +53
@ rinsako, this is already translated?...AWESOME....and i love is FANTASTIC
Posted on 15 March 2012, 22:49 UTC by:   spermsmurf    PM
Score +73
rinsako, thank you so much.
Posted on 16 March 2012, 00:16 UTC by:   Handsome Phil    PM
Score +82
I love you rinsako.
Posted on 16 March 2012, 01:14 UTC by:   Dullahan    PM
Score +41
No negative comments, this is brilliant! A true thank you to the person who scanned this and to the person who put this on e-hentai.

I would pay to see a sequel of this done, literally.
Posted on 16 March 2012, 01:35 UTC by:   wintermute    PM
Score +47
@Maximum Joe

The purpose of tagging is to enable people to find content they are interested in. To the extent that your devotion to arcane tagging rules hinders this, you are defeating the purpose of tags. I have seen you come into comment sections on other dojins and attempt to be the "tag police", and I have always found your comments unhelpful. The galleries are an organic enterprise, the result of the contributions of many people; please do not overestimate your importance.

Also, I fail to see why you are apparently going out of your way to antagonize someone who is contributing a lot of good and hard-to-find content to the system.

Finally, I find it kind of funny that the only down votes to rinsako's comments are from a small group of people who frequent the forums a lot. Cliquishness, anyone?
Posted on 16 March 2012, 09:22 UTC by:   Vooxoo    PM
Score +65
Is finally here....after 4 months I can see it, and is in colors.
The friction will be terrible today....
Posted on 16 March 2012, 12:03 UTC by:   newyeark    PM
Score +41
very very nice!
Posted on 16 March 2012, 14:11 UTC by:   sarofa    PM
Score +51
i have waited so long for it , thanks you sir!!!!
Posted on 16 March 2012, 18:18 UTC by:   transfixia    PM
Score +52
I know this isn't a proper place to tell you about this, but before that, thanks SO much for this, this is like the holy grail to me, thanks Rinksako!

Anyways, it seems that your blog was shut down, are you going to have another location to place all your goodies? o.O
Posted on 16 March 2012, 23:03 UTC by:   Danny_Dark    PM
Score +39
That's Amazing!!!
Posted on 18 March 2012, 02:33 UTC by:   RaidenSnake81    PM
Score +37
Wonderful, wonderful doujin! Everything about this hentai doujinshi is excellent. Fuck, I don't even LIKE futanari, and the futa pic of Power Girl in this doujin is really good! Eroquis is one artist I hope has plans of drawing more hentai of American comic book superheroines in the near future. I cannot wait to see the English-translated version of this doujin.
Posted on 06 July 2012, 04:17 UTC by:   Bossmanman    PM
Score +36
Yea I always thought storm was a little darker then that. Well at least she is in the Marvel comics I got....still nice work.
Posted on 17 November 2012, 22:13 UTC by:   bitcruncher    PM
Score -46
In regards to the ambiguity contest between rinsako and Maximum_Joe, a tag called "marvel heroines" should be created that will group together 'common' women from Marvel comics. Same should go for "DC heorines".

Alas, the freedom and public Right to vote for real change. It seems all but too impractical when living within a police state.

Hate to see good logic go to waste.

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