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[Yuzuki N Dash] Another World [English] [desudesu, Sei-Jin]

[柚木N'] アナザー♡ワールド [英訳]

x3n0  PM
Posted:2012-12-22 05:42
Language:English  TR
File Size:96.12 MB
Length:221 pages
Favorited:2203 times
Average: 4.81

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Posted on 22 December 2012, 05:42 UTC by:   x3n0    PM
Uploader Comment
Translator: Desudesu, Sei-Jin
Chapter 2.5 and Love between 10 stations is spanish to eng
Posted on 22 December 2012, 06:05 UTC by:   DrKakashi    PM
Score +71
...feels like the chapters are way out of order

also wow this is the biggest lack of ending ever

unless it ends somewhere in the middle and i missed it
Posted on 24 December 2012, 04:09 UTC by:   x3n0    PM
Score +141
Anyone can vote down that lolicon tag -_- it doesn't make sense, I don't read any lolicon here
Posted on 22 December 2012, 07:18 UTC by:   Sushilicious    PM
Score +321
I'm always drawn to Yuzuki's art for some reason. It's probably her unique style.
Posted on 22 December 2012, 09:19 UTC by:   Flammz    PM
Score +30
@Sushilicious, it's probably because she draws some of the hottest manga around.
Posted on 22 December 2012, 12:25 UTC by:   Pzk    PM
Score +339
What the fuck? That doesn't even qualify as a cliffhanger ending. That's more just "stopping" in the middle. Does the little pussy go on dating a girl who's blatantly cheating on him? Does the girl stay in the relationship with the pussy out of guilt? Does the guy who's fucking her ever get over his emotional issues and sister complex? Come on, this is a shit way to end the story.
Posted on 22 December 2012, 15:20 UTC by:   ibuju    PM
Score +10
isnt it already out like a years ago ?
@pzk search dreamlike days to know your answer
Posted on 22 December 2012, 18:20 UTC by:   Sacriven    PM
Score +7
Anyone have the DDL?
Posted on 22 December 2012, 20:59 UTC by:   2Hip    PM
Score +70
translated by: Desudesu, Sei-Jin, Tommy the Cat, Hariwald
Posted on 23 December 2012, 04:59 UTC by:   Railander    PM
Score +266
cant believe she didnt end up with asakura-kun... ryuuta-kun is a fag -_-
Posted on 23 December 2012, 06:09 UTC by:   Rah    PM
Score +56
Did Yuzuki leave any notable comments about the main story in the afterword on page 186?
Posted on 23 December 2012, 09:02 UTC by:   kurehayagami    PM
Score +21
fuck, it's too confusing for a simple NTR...

let me get this straight : so the delinquent actually has a good reason for being an ass and all, since it all stems from his sister, the girl is torn between two men without any reason, and the MC actually isn't as dull as we think.

although we can't rule out the fact that this is NTR, it's actually an unfinished one, since the delinquent actually give up on the girl, since he know that he can't win her heart, but the girl can't get the pleasure out of her mind (unless she started to ask her boyfriend), and it's hinted that the boy know about his girl cheating on him, but ended up still loving her and all.

good job YnD, you just subverting one of the (in)famous genre....
Posted on 28 January 2013, 21:12 UTC by:   Zarx    PM
Score +37
I´ve never, really NEVER seen a H-Manga who had such a Like/Dislike Comment War raging on.
Posted on 10 April 2013, 03:49 UTC by:   Vanz/452    PM
Score -7
More than netorare I see some netori here D:
Posted on 29 April 2013, 00:23 UTC by:   mumei-chan    PM
Score +230
I read the story just now slowly, and I gotta say, actually, it's not bad.

Asakura kind of loves Rei, and Rei, unconsciously, loves Asakura too. She's the perfect kind of girl: Perfect grades, class rep, perfect school record, even a perfect boyfriend. But, perfect can also be boring sometimes, so she is attracted to Asakura. I mean, why does she care about him that much even before it all started? In anime language, when a class rep complains about a guy, she's interested in him.

About why she actually did agree to the anal sex thing with Asakura, is a mix of that plus what she said, that she didn't wanted to hurt Ryuuta's feelings again and wanted it to be perfect this time (yeah, people tend to make stupid decisions, see RL, so what would you expect?).

Asakura on the other side, after that incident with his sister, doesn' care for anything. But there is this class rep, who always complains and lectures him. Basically, she's also the only one who cares/interacts with him. So, not a big surprise he falls in love with him. His demands to her to become her boyfriend are also half-seriously meant suggestions, I believe. Also, in the end, he doesn't seem any glad when she decides to choose her boyfriend in the end. But well, he's not weak, so he just bites the bullet, because he can.
Also, his anal obsession was perfectly explained in the Hand chapter: He wants that hole, which nobody used. Also in Rei's case.

So, for Rei, basically the whole thing was like a teen trying out drugs and finding out about it's pleasure, but also it's guilt and finally, going back to the normal life-style (though remaining a bit unsatisfied).

For Asakura, it was just another case of a relationship which didn't work out the way he would have subconsciously preferred it.

About the ending, well, isn't it an "Imagine your preferred ending" ending? (i.e., an open ending)
She made the decision which her mind would do, i.e. choosing Ryuuta, but her body (or rather, basically the side of humans which long for the guilty pleasure) still thinks different. So what shall she choose finally? Rationality or pleasure? I think this might also be meant as a question to the readers.

In the end, it's a sad story, but not a bad one. Though, I personally, prefer happier stories.
Posted on 16 September 2013, 07:28 UTC by:   MrJoker    PM
Score +18
Don't relate this story to reality ! It only hurt your brain !
Fapping material is fapping material .
Don't tend to understand it's logic just fap !
Posted on 04 November 2013, 10:02 UTC by:   perfectbloodx    PM
Score +8
the good: storys been updated and we now have a clear ending and reason behind some of the characters explained. the bad: main character becomes even more of a wuss and now i feel really sorry for asakura who needs to go back home and clean up some "unfinished buisness" with his whole sister ntr thing.
Posted on 30 March 2014, 16:35 UTC by:   Bigre2bougre    PM
Score +39
This version is censored.
There is a japanese uncensored version available: /g/577472/771b20605d/
Can we hope having an uncensored & english version, someday ? Thanks :)
Posted on 26 June 2015, 05:57 UTC by:   Kaisigmu    PM
Score +48
I don't actually think Ryuuta know's about Rei and Asakura's anal shenanigans. Ryuuta probably thought he imagined Rei's voice in that bathroom scene, as punishment for asking her about anal sex.

If this is everything there is to the story then I'll just imagine that Rei finally tells Ryuuta that she's been practicing for anal sex and wants to have it and that Asakura just accepts that he can't win her over. I feel for the guy and all, what with not having any parents and a sister who is a bitch to him but that doesn't mean he can fuck up another person's relationship.

Rei doesn't love Asakura but loves anal sex. That's all there is to it. A simple "I started practicing for anal sex Ryuuta-kun." is all Rei needs to do for this to be a semi happy ending.
Posted on 22 August 2015, 10:34 UTC by:   kennyguy    PM
Score -2
Hmm here is what I think... Although it is a little flawed I feel.....
There is the girl, Ryuta her boyfriend, and Asakura the anal trainer I guess?

The way it seems. It doesn't look like this concluded with Ryuta officially finding out, but it didn't end with the girl intending on stopping.

There are some key points I want to point out.
-The girl was asked if she wanted to try anal by Ryuta. The girl loves him and decides maybe it's a good idea to get this trainer with Asakura. This logic makes me laugh but w/e. This is the motive.
-During the entirety of their time together having anal sex 1 thing always remained. The girl always tried to remain vigilant to Ryuta. She never explicitly told Asakura that she likes it. So she resisted it.
-Skip a lot of sex content. This builds into her slow realization that she is liking it and getting attached.
-Now skip more, and we have Ryuta having a dream. This dream is big. The dream is basically his girl having sex happily with someone else. He sees the whole thing and is incapable of stopping it, all he knows is that the person is pleasuring her more than he can. This comes into play when he walks into the restroom that Asakura and his girl are in having more sex. This is where Ryuta found out (maybe) that his girlfriend is cheating on him. This is not implicitly told, but his thoughts afterward in a way prove that if he did find out, his actions would have been the same. He said to himself, could that have been her? No way (denial, but he heard the sounds she makes) Ultimately, he shrugs it off and decides, I MUST do something, It doesn't matter AS LONG AS I DON'T LOSE HER.
-Now this is the biggest portion of it that solidifies everything. Ryuta and his girl were walking alone and the girl was FINALLY going to bring up anal sex. Most likely, this would be her saying she is ready for him. However Ryuta feeling that everything to blame was him bringing up anal, that and having been decided that he MUST do something to save his relationship, brings up the lie that he doesn't want to do anal. It was just a thought, nothing more. Then the panel ends with her trying to hide her bum that was already ready to have sex. (she is addicted to anal)

That is a lot to chew. But basically if we analyze THIS, we end up with only 1 conclusion with the girls final words, "It's not as bad after what I told you yesterday".
The girl had a motive to have anal sex. She resisted liking it with asakura because she has ryuta. The pleasure builds and she becomes addicted, although her resilience always stayed, even if it was slight. She was rejected anal by Ryuta when she was going to bring it up and showed signs of being addicted. The craving had to be filled and there was only 1 possible place to get her fill, Asakura. And then the final statement of hers... This could mean that since she knows Ryuta was a 'no go' for anal, she felt less bad about doing it with asakura since Ryuta wont be able to satisfy her. In other words, it isn't as bad letting him have anal play with her since Ryuta wont anymore.

If we look at it like this it ... it makes sense...
I kinda skipped lots of details. But looking at these I would probably say that this story's true ending is not shown. As it ended, it is still entirely possible with her to end up with Ryuta or Asakura. She basically just chose both, Ryuta because she loves him, and Asakura because only he can truly please her now.
Posted on 09 August 2016, 14:49 UTC by:   Alexandrine Library    PM
Score +12
This must be the best work on anal sex off all times. The story is great, and Yuzuki should have created some additional chapters showing Asakura buggering Rei and making her happy. The fact is: she was born to take his cock up the arsehole!
Come on, Yuzuki! It is still time!
Posted on 05 September 2016, 07:29 UTC by:   climacus    PM
Score -4
The Rei-Chan loved Ryuuta-kun and so had remorse for having betrayed him and never did and the remorse is an emotion that can be strong and win of the pleasure.
Words of the Rei-Chan: “Ryuuta-kun’s such a kind person…
He really loves and cares about me.”
Why Rei-Chan had remorse? Because she realized that it was wrong to deceive and betray the only guy who really loved her and take care of her regardless of everything.
When a person feels she did something I should not faezr, she feels guilty.
The appeal of guilt is interesting in manga.
In anime Death parade, the Machiko betrayed her husband Takashi and had remorse that is why
Posted on 06 November 2016, 18:10 UTC by:   dobuch    PM
Score +6
Holy shit, I just want to fap to some incredible well made stuff, now I'm sitting here with my zipper unzipped reading a synopsis of the story and a discussion about the deeper meaning behind it.
Posted on 27 December 2016, 06:55 UTC by:   DekomoriDesu    PM
Score +17
One Of The Best NTR Hentai So Far, Oh my fucking god
Posted on 10 February 2017, 03:10 UTC by:   pieman11    PM
Score +8
Oh man, this really brings me back! This was some of the first netorare I ever read, back before I even knew what the term meant. I can't believe it's already been 6 years... Anyway, interesting to see that more chapters were eventually made. When I read it back then, it ended with the first scene where he tells her what he said was just a spur of the moment thought. Not the second one from his perspective.
Posted on 17 June 2017, 07:44 UTC by:   definitionofinsanity    PM
Score +3
Okay, I'm rather confused here. From what I understand, this and "Hand" (Another Another World is kinda a spin-off sort of thing with different characters) are pretty much it for this story. Comments, however, are hinting at other shit that continues the story. "ibuju" said something about "dreamlike days" answering what happens... only no results are found for that, and another even resembling that title shows up, let alone for Yuzuki n dash.

I'm also wondering what the hell Wilfriback is talking about when he mentioned Asakura "taking advantage of a mentally challenged girl and putting her through humiliating situations that left her scarred for life." If that's a jab at Nagayama and her naivety, I'm not seeing it. He also seemed to suggest that other series were "left quite open compared to Another World." Well, either I'm missing a shitload of story and exposition because I was supposed to read something and missed the boat, or her other works are just THAT bad.

Either way, I'd like clarification on if there is any more dealing with Asakura/Nagayama/Ryuuta's story. I know that might seem like a stupid question, but the comments here are hinting at exposition that I never encountered, so... if there is anymore please point it out.
Posted on 11 February 2018, 14:25 UTC by:   longjohn1123    PM
Score -4
this ntr was decent... the conclusion basically tells you this... she started liking having anal, she never even once thought> now that i've done it once that should be enough instead she did more and more until the hotel scene ending with her finally understanding the thought (doing it for my boyfriend) was idiotic and she shouldn't have done it to begin with while feeling guilt (pretty pointless at this point though.) So, she decides to keep it completely as a secret from her boyfriend (never once thinking "i've exposed myself to someone else this easily"). The ending was annoying but honestly she should feel lucky about this because she never once thought (won't he think i've got experience in this and lead to the thought that i've cheated on him now that i've got this much experience?)... seriously her insecurity and mental instability was the entire reason to this!
(If the boyfriend-kun and rei had done anal in the end, the cheating will probably be discovered unless he's an idiot or just ignorant because she's new to it but all of a sudden she's showing she's got experience... finding it out should be easy and can lead to their break up and remember she's unstable mentally so who knows what can happen to her afterwards...) It all could have been taken cared of if she would've just thought of it a bit and spoken to the boyfriend-kun how to handle it and what to do... they could've done it normally until she starts loving it (compared to the painful first time) then while they're getting really into it go with anal... slowly of course and then so on and so on...
well the ending as said was annoying and it felt unconcluded but reconsidering (her and him keeping it a secret, deciding to completely block her anal itch and only think about him from then onwards and block the though of her having exposed herself to someone else the conclusion should be three ways - staying with boyfriend-kun and stop anal things unless he does bring it up but can then lead to him finding out, stay with the boyfriend and continue anal cheating and she might continue it even after her and the boyfriend start doing anal afterwards even though the risk of finding out is there or that she dumps the boyfriend and goes to the other guy to be with him...)

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