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- Artist - Fapplejackoff

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Posted:2013-04-29 01:57
File Size:8.17 MB
Length:9 pages
Favorited:82 times
Average: 4.60

Showing 1 - 9 of 9 images

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Posted on 29 April 2013, 01:57 UTC by:   taiko101    PM
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Posted on 29 April 2013, 02:07 UTC by:   verhaal93    PM
Score +3
don't get why people still use cencorring these days <.< it ruins everything i mean your an artist alright.
don't ya think it's ruind it like that?
Posted on 29 April 2013, 21:31 UTC by:   blakfayt    PM
Score +112
@verhaal93 Unless you live in Japan where censor laws say "Censor it, or go to jail." Then you censor it, everywhere all the time because the Japanese law system is incredibly strict and abusive.

@DeathProfessor Fine, they still do it though most likely because they're afraid of getting arrested. I know that I run all my questionable shit, including this site, through a whole mess of insane things just to be sure the US government doesn't fuck with me. So it's not far fetched to believe that a Japanese artist would put some minor censoring up just to make sure that no one messes with him. My whole point though is that even on mangas there are these idiots that clearly don't know that the law in Japan says "Censor your porn" and they throw these huge temper tantrum bitch fits about their FREE PORN. It's upsetting and it makes just about everyone that does it seem like a fuckin' baby.
Posted on 29 April 2013, 02:28 UTC by:   tri_dead_91489    PM
Score -27
@verhaal93 don't worry we have the technology that can uncensor the artwork so no matter what they censor, we'll uncensor it.
Posted on 29 April 2013, 05:56 UTC by:   Flameo    PM
Score -10

The censorship is supposed to be there by law, but it's seldom enforced. Especially for some random hobby artist drawing pony porn.
They would be immensely naive to think they can do anything about free material on the vast internet anyway.

Piracy laws for example are a real issue, yet the Japanese probably pirate just as much as the rest of us, with no worry of being caught. Doesn't exactly make a lot of sense, does it?
Posted on 29 April 2013, 06:48 UTC by:   DeathProfessor    PM
Score -4
@blackfayt I spent 3 years in Japan as a teen(on a naval base), and the only time anything is really censored is when you have a company to protect, which means mangaka publishing their stuff in stores(usually in megapacks like Jump). Hobbyists and internet artists don't usually censor stuff unless it's on a personal webpage, which can easily be tied back to them. The cops in Japan are pretty fucking dumb, though, so I doubt they'd even be able to fine a person if they published their address on site.

Seriously, they're inept, but the culture can be so stifling and oppressing that people just fall in line behind stupid laws. Last year they arrested like 4 different people on 4 different occasions for 1 hacking crime, but had to release them all when they found out none of them knew how to do that and one of them didn't even have internet. They still haven't caught the real guy.
Posted on 29 April 2013, 21:27 UTC by:   Jaken Jragin    PM
Score +18
Honestly, can't we think of it as an honour that our lovely applejack is now worthy of censored japanese porn?
Posted on 18 June 2013, 22:11 UTC by:   cakeyboy21    PM
Score +13
ah damn that first pic made me cum so hard just imaging how that feels

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