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"Bitch" Suits

Image Set
Posted:2013-06-02 06:12
File Size:20.85 MB
Length:45 pages
Favorited:317 times
Average: 3.52

Showing 41 - 45 of 45 images

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40 rows
Posted on 02 June 2013, 06:12 UTC by:   malvos    PM
Uploader Comment
This is a gallery of images of a particular kind of bondage position or pet play suit with the arms and legs in a folded position. As far as I know, the concept was popularized by artists like The Veterinarian, and Sebastian

Images are hand picked from multiple sources.

Small update on 4/20/2012

Another small update on 11/23/2012

Update on 6/2/2013
Posted on 29 April 2011, 21:02 UTC by:   dunduk2000    PM
Score +23
Source of 12?
Posted on 30 April 2011, 23:56 UTC by:   mrepicbread    PM
Score -45
epic gallery. Moar plz!
Posted on 06 June 2011, 11:49 UTC by:   ggrroohh    PM
Score +8
Does anyone knows the artist for #20?
Posted on 21 June 2011, 08:15 UTC by:   metalzaki    PM
Score +0
who the artist of 05, 06 & 21?
Posted on 20 November 2011, 08:28 UTC by:   freakdudebob    PM
Score +7
source of 24 @_@ anyone have it??
Posted on 20 April 2012, 22:15 UTC by:   wanna    PM
Score +106
If you like this type of bondage then you should read the last few chapters of Nana to Kaoru!
From this page onwards:
Posted on 21 April 2012, 17:49 UTC by:   imiriden    PM
Score +17
For pixiv users: Search using ヒトイヌ to find bitchsuits
Posted on 21 April 2012, 18:17 UTC by:   OsoroshiiShoujo    PM
Score +23
Thanks for the search tip, got some nice results there!!! I don't want to bitch here, but this gallery contains 100% redundancy concerning already posted pictures, sorry.
Posted on 21 April 2012, 21:43 UTC by:   Juuuuuu    PM
Score +5
pic 27 Y_Y ?
Posted on 22 April 2012, 06:19 UTC by:   malvos    PM
Score +42
@dunduk2000 I can't actually be positive, since I've never seen the book it's from, but the art looks a LOT like Wingbird's work. You should find a bunch of comics by him on here, or by just googling his name, it's all been around a while, so it's easy to find.

@ggroohh and @metalzaki Unfortunately, I don't know the artist for these, they all came from various chan threads.

@Wanna That comic is fucking awesome, especially for being more ero-ish than hentai. thanks for pointing it out.
Posted on 12 May 2012, 04:21 UTC by:   cdragron    PM
Score +51
That image (12) is from an artist called Minnarm, from the circle Depth Probe, but I haven't seen that specific image before; his comics are hard to find online.

The artist is called N65. He posted on gurochan for a while, but I haven't seen him around lately.
Homepage (hasn't been updated since March 2011):
Posted on 14 December 2012, 20:19 UTC by:   junior sawada    PM
Score +12
que lindo *-*
Posted on 31 December 2013, 17:10 UTC by:   firekami    PM
Score +13
some kind of M.Night shamalan twist there
Posted on 18 November 2015, 17:05 UTC by:   Vercinger    PM
Score -8
WTF is wrong with people? Why is this rated so low?!

Thank you so much for that!
Posted on 27 May 2017, 14:06 UTC by:   theoneinsideme    PM
Score +2
source of 27?
I think it's from group'spt',but I hadn't seen it before..

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