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[WendyBell] Etsuraku no Tane

[WendyBell] 悦楽の胤

Game CG
Posted:2013-09-25 15:53
File Size:844.2 MB
Length:1617 pages
Favorited:657 times
Average: 4.72

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Posted on 25 September 2013, 15:58 UTC by:   requiem90    PM
Score +100
Thx for posting this, but you should have left the backgrounds at the back instead.
Posted on 25 September 2013, 16:28 UTC by:   ggggehent    PM
Score -7
Mind letting me know - how many animation is in this game?
I suppose they can't be 'gif-fed,' huh?
Thx for teh upload !!
Posted on 26 September 2013, 03:37 UTC by:   icylake    PM
Score +16
Any idea who the artist is on this one? The style reminds me a bit of Abunaya, but it's not quite a match.
Posted on 26 September 2013, 18:20 UTC by:   Soichiro12    PM
Score +30
It's by Shimara (嶋艮).
The same artist who has worked on Henshin Ganbou but was transcribed as Shima Ushitora (google translate, I guess?) for some reason.
Posted on 30 September 2013, 20:00 UTC by:   jagd84    PM
Score +0
Yuri, Tentacles and IT'S ALL ANIMATED?

*bows down before Tinklerball" I am not worthy.
Posted on 27 October 2014, 15:45 UTC by:   mindfaQ    PM
Score +30
probably my favourite tentacle themed game
Posted on 29 June 2016, 01:40 UTC by:   EvilMurder    PM
Score +17
I doubt this will ever be translated to english, and that makes me very sad.
Posted on 24 December 2017, 12:03 UTC by:   giftz    PM
Score +25
Etsuraku the Animation, based on this is also amazing.
Posted on 21 February 2018, 07:25 UTC by:   Seyser Koze    PM
Score +85
Summary of this because I'm bored. There's not really much story anyway.

Itsuki the heroine lost her parents in a car accident when she was little, and her rich relatives shuffle her through a series of private schools as a way of keeping her out of their hair. As a result she's pretty withdrawn and doesn't interact with other students (since she'll just end up transferring out sooner or later anyway.) As the game begins she's just transferred into another new school, and she's set to start her usual routine of sitting at her desk and reading while ignoring everybody else - except for one girl named Hiyori (twintails) who inexplicably keeps trying to make conversation with her.

One day Itsuki heads to Ye Olde Abandoned School Building to get away from the other students and get some peace and quiet. But when she's there, she's attacked and raped by some kind of parasitic tentacle creature. Initially she passes out and thinks it was a dream, but before too long she realizes that the parasite impregnated her, and now there's another one living in her uterus. It feeds off of her sexual fluids, so before long it starts activating her sex drive in order to ensure a steady supply of nutrients. Itsuki has no real control over when these episodes happen, so there are repeated instances of her being unable to sleep, being embarrassed in class, et cetera. She's so introverted that she can't talk about it to anyone (even if this were something she could talk to people about), so the stress takes a steady toll on her mind.

This continues until one day she has an attack during outdoor gym class; she sneaks into the equipment shed to try and get some privacy. However, this time Hiyori follows her to the shed and, when Itsuki tries to hide, calls out to her.

Hiyori Route
Itsuki responds, and rather than be disgusted (and ignoring Itsuki's attempt to tell her to leave), Hiyori insists on letting her share the burden, as she's wanted to be Itsuki's friend all along anyway. Itsuki has consensual tentacle sex with Hiyori, which leads to Hiyori getting impregnated with a parasite of her own. The two become lesbian tentacle lovers and live happily ever after (236-238).

Rena Route
Rather than talk to Hiyori, Itsuki bolts past her and out of the shed. Hiyori takes the hint and stops trying to befriend her. Itsuki's isolation continues, as does her mental degeneration until she can't take it anymore and decides she needs an outlet. She chooses a girl named Rena (hair clip) who's also a loner, although in her case it's more that she can't make any friends. Itsuki lures Rena off on her own and tentacle-rapes/impregnates her. Rena becomes more outgoing as the two of them become tentacle sex friends, but eventually they get the attention of Rui, one of the school's teachers (known as an ice queen by the students). Rui approaches Rena alone and suggests that she knows the two girls are in trouble.

Rena & Itsuki Ending
Rena breaks down and asks Rui to help them; Rui tells her to bring Itsuki to meet with them alone after school. When Rui tells Itsuki that she can cure them of the parasites, Itsuki likewise breaks down crying in relief. Rui does some kind of Shinto ritual or some shit to de-tentacle the two girls, and Itsuki and Rena gratefully return to normal-ish lives, but now they're best friends, just like they both secretly wanted all along. (500)

Rena 5P Ending
Rena tells Rui she doesn't know what she's talking about and runs off. Things continue, but Rena starts getting bored of having sex with Itsuki and sets her sights farther afield. She rapes and impregnates the class rep, and then they go on to rape a couple other girls in the class. Later Rena tells Itsuki that she has a surprise for her and the parasite-bearing girls all have a wild tentacle orgy together. (487-495)

Itsuki Route (after seeing the other two routes)
Instead of talking to Hiyori or running, Itsuki stays hidden until Hiyori gives up and leaves. Things continue as before, but Itsuki starts to realize that she can actually exert some control over the parasite (forcing it to behave itself when they're in public, for example). Eventually Rui confronts her, and it turns out - surprise - that she's actually a member of some secret government (?) organization to fight the paranormal, and that she was sent to the school specifically to wipe out the tentacle things. She attacks Itsuki, who realizes that she might not be able to hold on against Rui's magic.

Itsuki Surrender Ending
Itsuki gives in and lets Rui cleanse her of the parasite. With her work done, Rui lets Itsuki go, but the girl's heightened sex drive remains. She gets by by heading to a hot spring frequented by insatiable lesbians with a similar "affliction." (134-140)

Itsuki Escape Ending
Itsuki fights back and, with the help of the parasite, tentacle-rapes Rui into submission. Leaving Rui unconscious outside the school, she flees the area. Some time later, Itsuki has taken to frequenting dark alleys in the city, raping women she encounters to sate the parasite's hunger. (124-133)

The escape ending is the "canonical" one for the sequel, although it's retconned - before Itsuki can leave Rui and run, Rui asks her to join the organization with her and help fight paranormal baddies.

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