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Dragon Quest: Fuckable Monsters AKA Return of the Why Boner.

Image Set
Posted:2013-12-31 00:22
File Size:52.62 MB
Length:242 pages
Favorited:134 times
Average: 4.57

Showing 241 - 242 of 242 images

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Posted on 31 December 2013, 00:22 UTC by:   Luke78    PM
Uploader Comment
Oh yeah, prepare yourselves for the most confusing fap's of your life.

Gotobeido stuff in front, everything else after that.
Posted on 31 December 2013, 01:30 UTC by:   MR MAN    PM
Score +30
I have the most appropriate boner right now.
Posted on 31 December 2013, 01:46 UTC by:   nabusco    PM
Score +9
73-79 156 181 182 192 207 224 231 240

k that is some serious drugs to being able to draw that
Posted on 31 December 2013, 02:45 UTC by:   Light_Dragon    PM
Score +78
"Ah, the return of the 'Why" boner. With a Vengeance!"
Posted on 31 December 2013, 04:25 UTC by:   DarKDragonite    PM
Score +0
Who's the artist at image #60-72?
Posted on 01 January 2014, 22:21 UTC by:   hatrix42    PM
Score +45
There should be no such thing as a "why" boner.
If it makes you hard, fap. Asking questions only gets you into moral trouble.
Life is too short for such things. Ain't nobody got time for that.

@fngzprn No, I get the joke, I just don't believe it ought to be a joke in the first place.
If one can fap to monster girls, why not girl monsters?
Posted on 31 December 2013, 20:17 UTC by:   krim1    PM
Score +11
How are these why boners? More like about fucking time boners; I mean I love Dragon Quest women as much as the next guy but some actual monster women x human male hentai from it wouldn't hurt the series any lees.
Posted on 01 January 2014, 16:35 UTC by:   fngzprn    PM
Score +0
@hatrix42: You missed the joke, man. Like,....TOTALLY missed the joke.
Posted on 10 January 2014, 01:38 UTC by:   Aspada    PM
Score +6
...I never questioned why...I just went with it..
Posted on 23 March 2015, 02:14 UTC by:   texasallstar    PM
Score +6
Dude a quest where you get to fuck defeated monsters. Sign me up. Virtual reality needs this <3
Posted on 23 April 2016, 17:35 UTC by:   Darlumina    PM
Score +7
When I first started looking at this gallery I had a I'd hit that boner, but after getting almost half way through I started see images that I didn't recognize as monsters from dragon quest and well I'm not aroused. I like feminized DQ monsters and that's pretty much what I expected from this gallery so something that doesn't look even remotely like one has thrown my mojo out of whack. The gallery is good but for those who don't look slight like they could be DQ monster this gets 3.5 maybe 4 stars.

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