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[Feretta] A Tale of Tails: Chapter 2 [Ongoing]

Posted:2015-01-18 19:11
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File Size:48.80 MB
Length:64 pages
Favorited:1169 times
Average: 4.62

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[Feretta] A Tale of Tails: Chapter 2, added 2015-08-18 22:31

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Posted on 08 January 2014, 01:36 UTC by:   finagle07    PM
Score +142
Posted on 08 January 2014, 16:03 UTC by:   Girustrike    PM
Score +58
She has dick, man
Posted on 08 July 2014, 05:00 UTC by:   GenuineFeretta    PM
Score +335
I love seeing how far this spreads. I would like it if my name was spelled right though, so it's easy to find me. Source wouldn't hurt either, but that's why I started adding it to the footer. :)

Thanks for the love, y'all keep enjoyin'!

@RobDollar: Fenfen is a fennec, Vix is a silver fox. The latter is perhaps harder to tell, but for Fen, her big ears are pretty characteristic of the fennec type :) And I don't hate it at all.

@zhs: Admittedly, I did maybe rush ahead a little bit too fast, it's mostly because of my slow output speed. Feeling the need to have a certain amount of the plot happen within a certain amount of time. I'll reconsider the balance though, see if I can squeeze the pacing a little better.

08.07.14: Y'all confused the hell outta me just now, since the latest page is 36, and then it's actually page 37 because I put a .5 page in there.. I went through the whole chapter wondering where I screwed up the numbering :p
Posted on 11 April 2014, 23:59 UTC by:   redwing48    PM
Score +45
Sorry I missed spelled your name Feretta I have corrected it. And I love your work. I got this comic from . Page 52 and on is an extra part of chapter 2. Page 63 and on are bonus pages.
Last edited on 18 January 2015, 19:12 UTC.
Posted on 07 July 2014, 20:01 UTC by:   Shinryu-Rex    PM
Score +36
Pg 8: Sup?

Like the short comments on the bottom. "All hail the pepperoni sea!"


Pg 25: Well that escalat-HOLYSHIT A DRAGON!!!

Pg 32: Did she? Did she just punch a dragon?.....

Pg 35: What a twist!

Pg 37: She got hotter, what else could it have been?

Pg 46: God I love this comic
Last edited on 08 September 2014, 07:41 UTC.
Posted on 26 January 2014, 23:40 UTC by:   WoHShadow    PM
Score +21
nice drawing, just like it.
Posted on 26 January 2014, 23:52 UTC by:   Perfesser Bear    PM
Score +25
Love the incredible art, the characters and the story-so-far!
Posted on 16 February 2014, 20:15 UTC by:   Jafarion    PM
Score +27
Good lord, this is good. I love this style - how author draw their figures, like last panel on 8th page, or 3rd panel on 9th page. 'tis is a good work.
Posted on 23 February 2014, 14:17 UTC by:   Jampmee    PM
Score +20
That bird at the end is like O.O and i was like o.O O.o
Posted on 05 May 2014, 06:11 UTC by:   zhs2    PM
Score +29
Feretta knows how to draw incredibly expressive characters in a cute manner that never fails to make my dick rock solid.

On a slightly less important note, I realize now why I don't really appreciate the feel the plot is going for: Fen's made love to Vix once, sure, but that was an awfully quick turnaround time for a "oh my god, I love this person stupidly much and thus must rescue her from the elements on demand!" Granted, this is chapter two and I've no idea of earlier developments, but from someone who likes to think he knows something about plot development: either filler or a more noticeable time-lapse would explain that away quite easily! (I did look back to see the "Hours later..." but I think it could be expanded a bit for even the slowest readers to catch onto. Also, I'm a dirty pervert for demanding more filler. :P)

This is also to say nothing about the fact that the artist obviously put a lot of time and effort into drawing the artwork... a picture's worth a thousand words! Can't wait for the full thing!
Posted on 07 July 2014, 19:56 UTC by:   RobDollar    PM
Score +17
I know how artists hate this question, but I have to ask... What ARE these girls? Are they a couple of exotic, more obscure animals, or are they entirely original creatures? I'm not a biology major here, I'm just asking.

EDIT: Truly the mark of quality when a comic goes beyond simply being a piece of fap material. GO GET HER, FENFEN!!!

#35 - Say it with me, folks; DAFUQ??? O_O

#37 - Ruh-roh...
Posted on 22 April 2014, 01:43 UTC by:   DrQuint    PM
Score +24
I don't usually look at anything furry, but I'm paying attention to this. Is that enough of a compliment?

... watch out for that wall?
Posted on 24 March 2014, 02:56 UTC by:   POOT    PM
Score +14
The mayor sure does have a weird way of talking
Posted on 02 April 2014, 01:59 UTC by:   trex3000    PM
Score +21
The expressions are done incredibly well. I love this storyline so far and I have to give props to you, Feretta, because you bring this to life. The exiled futa that finds acceptance in a new place and a virgin exploring the world in many ways. I love seeing great works and this is definitely that.
Posted on 02 April 2014, 03:47 UTC by:   antisock    PM
Score +13
welp...she's dead now
Posted on 02 April 2014, 04:24 UTC by:   Alagarazu    PM
Score +27
... Really? The "I will kill a char to make people talk about it and to show how gritty this thing is"? I swear to fucking god that if the artist kill the fox in the next pages, I will quit.

My opinion really matters!


I'm so lonely...
Posted on 12 April 2014, 05:23 UTC by:   C h a n    PM
Score +13
A lot better than I thought, I like some of the expressions (but not others, i.e. the bottom right panel on page #11) and the landscapes are great. Artists, don't sell yourself short with "funny" joke titles like "a tail of tales," or whatever.
Posted on 21 April 2014, 01:02 UTC by:   PerkJock    PM
Score +17
I like it. Looking forward to more.
Posted on 21 April 2014, 04:24 UTC by:   slappadap2    PM
Score +20
this story is pretty interesting!
Posted on 28 April 2014, 03:52 UTC by:   Neo kitsune    PM
Score +17
One of my favorite ones here! Keep up the good work!
Posted on 05 May 2014, 20:26 UTC by:   LanceDark    PM
Score +17
This is really awesome
Posted on 02 June 2014, 08:48 UTC by:   Dragongolden    PM
Score +20
Come for the smut, stay for the story, loving it
Posted on 09 June 2014, 20:52 UTC by:   A Modest Espeon    PM
Score +21
Did, did she just do a Falcon Punch?
Posted on 02 July 2014, 22:52 UTC by:   72landowner    PM
Score +21
who knew that wolf ladies with human body parts can be ragingly hot?
legendary furry game below
Posted on 03 July 2014, 00:19 UTC by:   ZimZamster    PM
Score +18
I really stopped reading this for a fap. I love to giggle at the small notes the author added to reach page. The story has me interested too, I guess.
Posted on 07 July 2014, 21:09 UTC by:   cgiAlexis    PM
Score +13
It's got tits and sex BUT YOU GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE CHARACTERS... this strip is made of win. Great work author/artist, great work! Where do I send my money?
Posted on 08 July 2014, 04:34 UTC by:   Pedrobeartimon    PM
Score +15
Smooth McGroove down on last panel, pg. 37!
Posted on 08 July 2014, 18:08 UTC by:   Murgen27    PM
Score +19
page 37 = hilarious

i love it

Posted on 21 July 2014, 04:18 UTC by:   Warrior dmx    PM
Score +15
I find it funny it took her becoming a dragon to open her eyes x3
Posted on 28 July 2014, 22:47 UTC by:   navesto    PM
Score +23
Hey look story progression!
But first, a sex scene.

Gosh i love upu feretta... ~<3
Posted on 04 August 2014, 16:06 UTC by:   Mikkanibal    PM
Score +12
I'm loving this as it goes on, but please don't make this sex scene anything other than a chore they need to do.

EDIT: Sorry, but I'm out.
Last edited on 18 August 2014, 13:43 UTC.
Posted on 18 August 2014, 04:23 UTC by:   BadguyEX    PM
Score +14
Well- this escalated quickly.
Posted on 18 August 2014, 15:47 UTC by:   GenuineFeretta    PM
Score +32
I'm sorry to hear that, Mikkanibal, but I fully understand, it's not for everyone. If you wanna skip the scene and jump back in after, there's not gonna be any story involved until the white transition page. :)
Posted on 17 September 2014, 02:33 UTC by:   Apple logic 65    PM
Score +14
Posted on 29 September 2014, 05:32 UTC by:   EbolaOnion    PM
Score +27

4 stars for a very interesting story. Now if only it had more females with penises.
Posted on 27 October 2014, 02:26 UTC by:   darkwolf999    PM
Score +20
great story. can't wait to see what happens next :)
Posted on 04 November 2014, 03:26 UTC by:   schneiderdark    PM
Score +12
Wait, isn't this on Chapter 3 now?
Title change/new gallery time?
Posted on 05 November 2014, 06:20 UTC by:   GenuineFeretta    PM
Score +25
It's the epilogue for chapter 2. Technically could be made its own gallery, yes, but it won't be that many pages anyway, it's just a wrap-up section :)
Posted on 16 November 2014, 23:12 UTC by:   Kenabrx    PM
Score +17
double dick dragon yea that seems legit
Posted on 16 December 2014, 03:38 UTC by:   kattz    PM
Score +19
Out of curiosity, are sex scenes a recurring thing? I'm following either way, but recurring sex scenes would be a welcome bonus on top of the fun story.
Posted on 16 December 2014, 05:11 UTC by:   SSSdriver    PM
Score +12
I'm liking those 2 new characters already >:3c
Posted on 18 December 2014, 22:55 UTC by:   GenuineFeretta    PM
Score +26
Yes, there'll be more hot sexings, don't worry :)
Posted on 23 December 2014, 08:50 UTC by:   StarshineSummers    PM
Score +16
That dragon sex scene was way to amazing. One of my all time favorite sex scene's cause it was so unique and hot. 5/5
Posted on 25 December 2014, 17:33 UTC by:   redwing48    PM
Score +24
End of Chapter 2. Chapter 3 starts in a few weeks.
Posted on 27 December 2014, 00:21 UTC by:   electricatom    PM
Score +13
dragon sex scene was really amazing, i enjoyed it, more of those pls
Posted on 15 January 2015, 04:08 UTC by:   sanicg2gfast    PM
Score +18
Love the art feretta kepp it up :3
Posted on 19 January 2015, 04:43 UTC by:   project_501D13R    PM
Score +6
panel 64, apply cold water to the burned area!
Posted on 19 January 2015, 09:02 UTC by:   Slytherin    PM
Score +7
Bonus Page 2 is going somewhere that I pictured it would go
Posted on 20 January 2015, 06:36 UTC by:   Neo kitsune    PM
Score +4
God I love the way you did this comic Feretta! At this point the sex is just a bonus to this story.
64 - turnabout is fair play? ^n.n^
Posted on 06 April 2015, 17:28 UTC by:   yourdatabasesucks    PM
Score +4
Really now? Fenfen... as a name for a Fennec? ...
Posted on 20 July 2015, 18:28 UTC by:   nelson cruz    PM
Score +2
is super cool a 10 more please more
Posted on 28 November 2016, 22:59 UTC by:   sogeth    PM
Score +11
What a great post! Sexy, funny, great story, GREAT art. Thanks again!

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