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Sin Fighters X

Posted:2015-02-20 06:15
File Size:88.28 MB
Length:95 pages
Favorited:414 times
Average: 4.55

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Posted on 20 February 2015, 06:15 UTC by:   galford9    PM
Uploader Comment
It's a project by Dark Hypnotic, A Street Fighter X King Of Fighters X Mortal Kombat 'mix parody. Like usual, it's a free fan-work and not for sale.
Hope you enjoy it.
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Posted on 20 February 2015, 07:33 UTC by:   cg8    PM
Score +5
I sometimes think shao kahn has erectile dysfunction or something coz he doesnt have children. Kitana and Sindel are the previous kingdom and mileena was made in the flesh pits
Posted on 20 February 2015, 07:41 UTC by:   himcules    PM
Score +113
could've done without the smoking but gj anyways tho i enjoyed it otherwise
Posted on 20 February 2015, 14:32 UTC by:   danteeee    PM
Score +9
Oh this thing is fantastic ! Is this new series ?
I am really looking forward next renewal
Otherwise i suggest adding female characters from Tekken and DeadOrAlive...
Posted on 20 February 2015, 19:25 UTC by:   firefox87    PM
Score +10
As himucules aid, all good but the smoking. Hope to see more from this artist.
Posted on 20 February 2015, 20:02 UTC by:   Axl666    PM
Score +4
What is wrong with the smoking? Dude worked is ass to make smoking realistic enough...
Posted on 20 February 2015, 23:42 UTC by:   Elizar    PM
Score +24
@ Axl666: It's because the Surgeon General says smoking is evil. However teenagers counterclaim it's sexy. Therefore galford9 has given us a story that gives us both sides of the story. Evil & Sexy. In other words: Perfection!
Posted on 21 February 2015, 02:42 UTC by:   alumar    PM
Score +9
I know you tried to create something unique by adding the smoke as a mind control aspect, but like the others said, it doesnt feel quite good present all the time while the sex scenes happened, maybe you should have used it only at the start, you know, when Shao Kahn was trying to control them to make them his slaves, it is actually a boner killer in my opinion having to watch these two beautiful iconic girls as Mai and Chun, getting high, smoking while they're being fucked by Kahn. If you plan on continue these series I hope you consider that for future releases. Leaving that aside, the art is very good in my opinion, congratulations for this work!!
Posted on 21 February 2015, 04:32 UTC by:   galford9    PM
Score +37
@everyone, thank you for your comments! I really appreciate them.
This comic is made "specially" for my friend, so at first, it's not to be released here. But he wants to share the finished comic with you, so I uploaded it here.
That's why this comic is made to suit his "taste" that maybe not suitable for all readers.
Those smoking fetish was intentionally put there, that's how he wants. So I hope for your understanding.
And last but not least, smoking is bad for your health, that's for sure. ^_^
Posted on 21 February 2015, 09:12 UTC by:   LouisVui    PM
Score +6
Galford I hope you make another Street Fight comic. This is great
Posted on 21 February 2015, 13:19 UTC by:   clearly2000    PM
Score +5
great!I like it.
Posted on 21 February 2015, 16:54 UTC by:   sogo001    PM
Score +7
Posted on 22 February 2015, 02:21 UTC by:   galford9    PM
Score +14
@sogo001 : 这部漫画的故事其实很简单,可以了解一些英语就行了。
Posted on 22 February 2015, 05:54 UTC by:   asuka_lover    PM
Score +9
This was damn great, easily the hottest and sexiest Mai i've seen since Saigado's work, and the story was pretty erotic too, hopefully you will make a sequel with Sakura and Blue Mary, but really, this was an excellent work, even if i hate the smoking thinsg (one of my biggest turns offs) i still loved this story.
Posted on 22 February 2015, 14:00 UTC by:   jonhdoe1111    PM
Score +22
Honestly, i'm in the smoking fetish, ssssooooooo.... It's all good for me :) We should see more stuff like this!
Posted on 22 February 2015, 18:46 UTC by:   comsci    PM
Score +14
Superb! 5-Star Rated & Fav. Added
Although I not going into western 3D art style (realistic)
but I must say that I LUV it! Keep the good work!!
Posted on 23 February 2015, 03:24 UTC by:   jfragrettel    PM
Score +6
A very hot work in 3D
Posted on 26 February 2015, 14:40 UTC by:   Lord Dashwood    PM
Score +15
This is like the most fucked-up anti-smoking ad ever.

Still surprisingly good.
Posted on 27 February 2015, 07:44 UTC by:   mixttime    PM
Score +2
I for one was okay with the smoking. (In real life it would be a big turn off, but so would many of my big fantasy fetishes like mind control and corruption). For me it was the guy having half is face missing that got to me most, made me wish for shots with the mask or taken from the other side. But my eyes where normally elsewhere and, as always, I loved your work.
Posted on 20 March 2015, 07:10 UTC by:   RaidenSnake81    PM
Score +22
This comic was pretty good. The 3D models are really good, like PlayStation 2 quality. Also, the smoking in the comic made Chun-Li and Mai look even hotter to me.
Posted on 14 May 2015, 16:00 UTC by:   xsskjejrhrhejekw    PM
Score +1
Posted on 18 March 2016, 02:32 UTC by:   WonderGamer    PM
Score +9
I honestly don't care for the smoking, don't see anything erotic in it, maybe because I have to deal with that crap in my home from other units in the building daily where I already have respiratory issues. 4 stars; docked a star because the artist attempted to sexualize a filthy habit

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