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[Toufuya (kaname)] Marunomi-banashi -San- ~Daija ni Maru Nomareru~ [Digital]

[燈風屋 (kaname)] 丸呑話-参- ~大蛇に丸呑まれる~ [DL版]

Posted:2016-02-25 07:59
File Size:42.66 MB
Length:33 pages
Favorited:100 times
Average: 4.52

Showing 1 - 33 of 33 images

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Posted on 25 February 2016, 07:59 UTC by:   Seelenmord    PM
Uploader Comment

If someone is interested to translate this, in the torrent are the original image and pdf files included.
Posted on 25 February 2016, 17:34 UTC by:   Element Master    PM
Score +18
snake eating...
Posted on 25 February 2016, 23:06 UTC by:   SputnikDX    PM
Score +33
EDIT: OP, please put the link to the ENGLISH DL site in your uploader comment. Thank you.

I spoke with Kaname about this comic, and I was the one who convinced him to put it on the English DL site in the first place.
He told me he didn't want to make it available to English people because they would upload it somewhere else. He said he tried it before, and that this comic was his second and LAST attempt to sell to English speakers.
Now I need to tell him about this before he finds out some other way in order to save my own face, and we probably won't get any more Kaname available in the west. Not only that, but this sets a precedent of someone who had a change of heart, distributed to the west, and still got fucked over, so any artists that work with Kaname that he's in touch will can see this and say "Look, we tried before and it didn't work. We won't distribute to the west anymore."
Last edited on 26 February 2016, 01:24 UTC.
Posted on 25 February 2016, 23:21 UTC by:   FarkyMac    PM
Score -19
@SputnikDX I dunno, maybe he tries not being a whiny bitch? Yeah, people are going to pirate it. That's what happens. But there are still people who will pay for it. That's the majority, not the pirates. And doesn't he have a market at home?
Posted on 25 February 2016, 23:32 UTC by:   Nanashi Genmu    PM
Score +46
@ SputnikDX
If you and him really believed it wouldn't be pirated you have too much faith in humanity. Although people could have waited a little more of time before uploading this, for example.
Posted on 25 February 2016, 23:33 UTC by:   SputnikDX    PM
Score +11
Well seeing as this already has 33 favorites in a single day but only 47 purchases over a whole month, I'm going to call you wrong.
Posted on 26 February 2016, 00:07 UTC by:   Inverness    PM
Score +36
@SputnikDX First of all, deciding not to sell it on the English site doesn't make sense. You're not going to get MORE sales by withholding it from the English market. You'll only get less as you remove the ability to buy from those that are willing to.

Secondly, how exactly is someone supposed to find out that they could buy the work in the first place? Most people looking for doujinshi come here because it's piss easy and has plenty of material easily searched by a plethora of tags. That ease of access is important. If you make it easy to buy and get the word out, people will buy. Yes, some people will buy the material and promptly upload it on sites like these, but that's just a part of the Internet you're going to have to deal with. The only way to avoid it is to be unknown and obscure enough that you don't get much interest or sales in the first place. Why would anyone want this? If Kaname wants to both make money and reach a wider audience he'll have to deal with people pirating his work.

Finally, I bought Kaname's previous work. I suppose I'll buy this one too despite being told that Kaname no longer wants my money or appreciation. I hope you didn't actually try to convince him that piracy wouldn't happen either. That would be utter foolishness. What you should be telling him is that yes, piracy will happen, but so too will you get more and more buyers are your audience and notoriety grows. Being so negative about piracy has never led to success. Don't be like all of those dumb companies that punish their buyers because they can't punish the pirates.
Posted on 26 February 2016, 01:35 UTC by:   SputnikDX    PM
Score +17
Form what I understand, (and I don't know the guy, I just had a few brief emails with him through a translator) it's not all about money. There's a culture thing that's hard to understand, and I can't find my translation to read again, but they just really hate it when you pirate their work. It's just seen as disrespectful, and the mindset is that if we can't respect the wishes of the artist, there should be no reason the artist should respect the wishes of us who disrespects him.

The artist has a website, a pixiv account, other non-paid works on this site, as well as many other places like gelbooru. Yes I understand piracy can sometimes help sales, but the only link the OP provided is to a website that won't even take payment that is outside of Japan. Kaname was happy to hear that people liked his work enough to get in contact with him and ask him about it, so he's not into the obscurity thing, but he is fully aware that piracy is a reality he has to deal with, but to call him a whiny bitch because he's trying to avoid it is even MORE disrespectful than simply pirating it quietly, and sending him a payment.

Kaname does want your appreciation, but by pirating his work or supporting piracy of his work is not appreciation. I told him I was anxious that piracy was bound to happen anyway, but I had hoped it would have taken longer than this.

Please understand: Kaname and other Japanese artists won't disrespect you just because you're not Japanese, but they will if you disrespect them, and piracy and support of piracy is disrespect.

But now that it's come to this, all we can do going forward if we don't want to lose access to another great artist is to support him. If you like this comic, buy it. Send him a thank you email for allowing us access to this.

PS: I have a translation of the comic available if anyone wants it, but Kaname requested not to have his work changed through typesetting. If you want the translation, send me a PM on ehentai and I'll try to give it to you, but you can't use it for typesetting, or altering the original work for redistribution.
Posted on 26 February 2016, 02:15 UTC by:   Inverness    PM
Score +50
@SputnikDX I cannot accept the logic behind this explanation about disrespect. The people buying his work with respect are not the same people disrespecting it by pirating it. Trying to cast each category of people as the same "English people" is entirely unreasonable.

The rest of your comments suggest that this is how they think on the subject.

What Kaname and others are ultimately doing here is choosing to disenfranchise those who respect them and buy their work due to the actions of those who do not. This doesn't help anyone.

I did go ahead and buy shortly after my previous post, so feel free to pass both my thanks and my opinion on the subject to Kaname.
Posted on 26 February 2016, 06:13 UTC by:   Guiliant    PM
Score +16
I'm English and have zero trouble purchasing from the Japanese dlsite. I don't think I've ever used the English site, actually, considering the availability of items is more plentiful on the Japanese site...

Not selling on the English dlsite is not going to change piracy. The only way to truly make an attempt to stave off piracy is by not selling digital at all - and hardcore fans will still buy it to scan and share with everyone.
Posted on 26 February 2016, 06:17 UTC by:   rext11    PM
Score +26
Honestly wasn't expecting there to be a user in contact with Kaname (or at least not here of all places which says what I know about the community). Didn't know there was a lot at stake.
Posted on 26 February 2016, 11:25 UTC by:   Zotan    PM
Score +21
To Lament that people will pirate your work would be like whining that the sun rises in the east, you can't do jack about it.
Posted on 27 February 2016, 23:14 UTC by:   FarkyMac    PM
Score +40
@SputnikDX 33 favorites vs. 47 sales? Hmmmmm...that seems like there are MORE people buying it than not. Nearly 1.5 times more, in fact. If Kaname wants my respect/appreciation, then he needs to pull his head out of his ass and get with the times.
Posted on 01 March 2016, 16:42 UTC by:   触手控的猫    PM
Score +17
Posted on 01 March 2016, 18:18 UTC by:   under18thenitsloli    PM
Score +20
>Now I need to tell him about this before he finds out some other way in order to save my own face, and we probably won't get any more Kaname available in the west. Not only that, but this sets a precedent of someone who had a change of heart, distributed to the west, and still got fucked over, so any artists that work with Kaname that he's in touch will can see this and say "Look, we tried before and it didn't work. We won't distribute to the west anymore."

Kaname is a fucking idiot then. cutting out a whole market because you are afraid of piracy, especially when you are a doujin circle, is the perfect way to behave like a game developer. Never the fucking less we see tons of people in aryion and other places paying out their assholes for content. You almost can't ever give someone the option to buy something without giving them the option to steal it, and japanese people do it too. they just have less need to when they feel like paying because the content is accessible.

>I'm English and have zero trouble purchasing from the Japanese dlsite. I don't think I've ever used the English site, actually, considering the availability of items is more plentiful on the Japanese site...

>Not selling on the English dlsite is not going to change piracy. The only way to truly make an attempt to stave off piracy is by not selling digital at all - and hardcore fans will still buy it to scan and share with everyone.

This comment is something I want info on, how do you manage to do that?
Posted on 01 March 2016, 18:26 UTC by:   Fishtaco    PM
Score +40
Could we get translated text on this? I thought someone said they had a text file on a /d/ thread a few weeks back.

I'll edit, typeset and upload this motherfucker myself if I can get my hands on that translation.
Posted on 02 March 2016, 10:14 UTC by:   ninjastuff    PM
Score +21
I bought it, you guys should support him, i really worry he won't upload the next one, tell him to upload his other works, I would buy them too because they were awesome!
Posted on 09 March 2016, 13:16 UTC by:   Fishtaco    PM
Score +29
Yeah, I bought it too, so let's move on from what's been done. Where the FUCK IS THAT TRANSLATION TEXT?!
Posted on 14 March 2016, 22:53 UTC by:   HiRider    PM
Score +12
It appears to have been removed from the English DL site. Good thing I bought it already.
Posted on 05 April 2016, 06:36 UTC by:   CrayZayJay    PM
Score +30
It doesn't matter if it's on the English dlsite or Japanese one, either way if it's online it's going to be pirated at some point, hell even physical only copies get pirated thanks to scanners. Kaname is a very sensitive person (I've had run-ins with him before when I translated his other works), it's not only the fact that people pirate it but also that people translate it into English that he doesn't like for some reason, and he thinks by posting it here or on our blogs in English that we get all the credit for the work (which isn't true).

Anyway, if nobody else does, I'll get round to translating this one too.

Edit: English translation done: /g/953408/e1a842ed07/
Last edited on 09 July 2016, 17:10 UTC.
Posted on 06 April 2016, 03:32 UTC by:   ohiomeister    PM
Score +21
Translation of this would be great
Posted on 23 April 2016, 18:46 UTC by:   Alesandros    PM
Score +6
Was looking for a site to buy this... but to no avail. I'm a big fan of both Kaname and Arniro111... It's a shame Kaname isn't more liberal in his product distribution methods.

Look forward to an English translation... a coloring would be awesome (if not a lot of work).

For a few "follow-on" pics from Kaname's devianart page:
Last edited on 25 April 2016, 14:00 UTC.
Posted on 28 August 2016, 13:41 UTC by:   butterfly KCW    PM
Score +0

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