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[Transmorpher D.D.S.] Banana Shortcake 3 - Ample Semen Futanari Asagi

Posted:2016-04-29 04:09
File Size:5.34 MB
Length:6 pages
Favorited:220 times
Average: 4.14

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Posted on 29 April 2016, 04:09 UTC by:   Transmorpher D.D.S.    PM
Uploader Comment
I'm actually really terrible at coming up with names for things... that's why in my main series the werecat character is literally named "Kat". I had a friend help me come up with the name for this... for those unfamiliar with the original series "Taimanin Asagi" roughly translates to "Anti-demon Ninja Asagi"... it took some back and forth to get to the word-salad title that more or less accurately describes this series but also works as a pun on the original title.

This was actually a really interesting challenge to draw... Taimanin Asagi is already a series that's well-known in hentai mostly for its art quality. I had considered trying to capture the look of the anime as closely as possible, but I realized that any errors I made in copying the art style would just make everything look more wrong than just borrowing key elements and sticking mostly to my own style. It's mostly in the faces for this one... especially noses. I've never been totally comfortable drawing anime-style triangle noses, but I tried to get that look for this short story.

I hope you all enjoy this story, and if you're interested in seeing more fan comics like this sooner consider supporting us on our Patreon page. Fans of all type can offer suggestions for future short stories, but only Patrons are able to vote for them, or see the comics as they complete. Right now we're working on a fan comic based on Star Wars: The Clone Wars, with Ahsoka falling to the Dark Side and impregnating Padme.
Posted on 29 April 2016, 04:33 UTC by:   Quantequila    PM
Score +22
I'm glad you understand the shortcomings in this work, and I know I'm not some big artost, but... shouldn't you spruce up on your skills before tackling something like Taimanin Asagi?

It's such a popular hentai that any mistakes made are going to get you flack for them.

It doesn't help that you keep bolding any words with accentuation, which starts to bleed into the rest of the words, making it slightly harder to read. Neither does it help when the cum seems to have the consistency of rice pudding, nor steaming.

And I know this is your comic and all, but you reaaaally need to learn how to draw your faces in more than 5 angles. There's not very much variation.
Posted on 29 April 2016, 05:05 UTC by:   Volaverunt    PM
Score +32
That cum looks like glue.
Anyway, don't give up and keep improving.
Posted on 29 April 2016, 06:25 UTC by:   Transmorpher D.D.S.    PM
Score -32
To be honest, if it were entirely up to me I probably wouldn't have taken on a series like Taimanin Asagi without getting at least another year of practice. But I allowed this to be an option in the poll for my Patreon supporters, and it's what won. I didn't actually think it was going to win... I figured since the original series was already porn, people wouldn't be too interested in seeing even more porn of it lol but I guess I guess I was wrong about that. But yeah, trying to get the cum to look like it does in the hentai does kind of getting it look more like glue... it's just so thick and globby... lol in my art style it looks a lot like glue, and in a lot of shots in the anime it kinda looks more like yogurt.
Posted on 29 April 2016, 06:33 UTC by:   dokushokai    PM
Score +6
i think you should stick to your own style it dosn't matter if it looks like the original so much. overall i say it was a really nice try and you sure have improved the coloring work and the linework looks better also remember being a good artist is something only time and practice will say. so keep calm and keep drawing.
Posted on 29 April 2016, 06:41 UTC by:   Transmorpher D.D.S.    PM
Score -6
I think what's really helped the linework is that I've switched to doing my linework digitally. I still do the pencils physically, since I have trouble working on that kind of thing digitally, but the digital inks let me do more corrections and gives me a cleaner look, especially on fine details like eyes and fingers. I'm glad to see all this helpful criticism lol most people just say something like "this sucks, it looks like crap" lol at least that's what I've seen in the comments for BCC.
Posted on 29 April 2016, 07:23 UTC by:   Quantequila    PM
Score +36
In al seriousness, it's partly that the art style premature too harsh of a word? Unrefined? Some parts, like the almost greasy-looking glossiness of the hair and the eyes just poke my OCDs.

Whatever it is, it's partly that, and the fact that the uploader spams B.C.C to the point that it seems like he's in an upload war against someone.
Posted on 29 April 2016, 07:46 UTC by:   Merser24    PM
Score +19
I know the rule of thumb with art is to not deliver criticism unless asked, but man you need to polish your drawings up. The girls scare the shit out of me. Its blatantly obvious you havent done enough studies. Also you upload way too much. Whats the point? Its not going to get tou anything except harsher comments.
Posted on 29 April 2016, 08:20 UTC by:   Transmorpher D.D.S.    PM
Score +13
I guess the thing is that harsh comments don't really bother me. I update my comics frequently is because that's honestly my work's greatest value. Very few people are able to update a colored comic daily, so for me, being able to post so frequently rewards me more than uploading higher-quality work less frequently would. There are definitely some sacrifices in quality in order to accommodate this schedule, but for me the daily schedule is actually more important. I know some of the more vocal readers on this site are down on my series because of that, but the people who actually support me largely support me because of the frequency of my updates, and I've actually lost support in the past by failing to uphold my strict schedule. In a perfect world I would be able to take a few years honing my craft until every page I draw is perfect, but for now I have to do what actually makes me enough money to survive lol. If it's any consolation I'm technically making minimum wage with my work.
Posted on 29 April 2016, 09:40 UTC by:   pengyi    PM
Score +1
Posted on 08 May 2016, 09:57 UTC by:   lemons007    PM
Score +92
Sorry but this looks awful
Posted on 30 May 2016, 20:37 UTC by:   Slutchenko    PM
Score -28
Quantequila : ...the cum seems to have the consistency of rice pudding...


Somehow, that is hot.

I very much like the style of semen which is pictured. Transmorpher D.D.S. , I wish you the good imagination to continue!)
Posted on 17 April 2017, 23:02 UTC by:   digitgate    PM
Score -4
thanks for the update.
I look forward to new updates.
Posted on 12 July 2017, 22:45 UTC by:   macBad    PM
Score +3
Transmorpher D.D.S. you S.O.B, you made it after one of the well known hentai in the game (Ingrid and Asagi). Definitively seeing improvement here. Faces and facial expressions could be better. Looks a little cartoonist for my taste. Then again I cant draw worth a damn unless its car parts. The shots do look really thick but that's a matter of preference. SO IMHO 4/5 versus the Side Dishes comic that end up getting 3.5/5. 4/5 You're there, just fine tune yourself. Other than that I guess people want to see more straight stuff from you but that's totally up to you. I'm not a big fan of futanari but its okay in my books.

People please don't bash an artist without giving any tips, tricks, suggestions and etc. for improvement. It makes the community look bad and doesn't help the artist improve.

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