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Impmon infection series

Posted:2016-06-19 02:19
File Size:3.43 MB
Length:8 pages
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Average: 0.95

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Posted on 19 June 2016, 02:19 UTC by:   BeReasonable    PM
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Story text:
Page 1
Just a few moments ago, you were running. A typical tale in the wasteland that used to be a grand city -- the beasts had taken over every corner, every inch of land. They were disgusting, they were unstoppable. You had heard the tales of what these monsters would do to you if they caught you. Hell, you had seen it firsthand. But you also knew there was no escape once they had you.

So, as one landed on you from above, grabbing your body up like nothing and pushing it to the ground... you knew what was going to happen. Your body crumbled underneath the weight of this monster. He was 'sitting' ontop of your chest, hands on either side of you, your face close to his. He cackled as your friends ran away, not bothering to say a thing to them or give chase -- after all, he already had what he wanted. And they wouldn't get far.

"Mmmf... that'sss right, pal~ You already know what's gonna happen, donch'ya?~" he taunted, his bad breath heating your face up. Every breath brought you closer into his grasp. "j-just get it over with..." you mutter in response, a dead look in your eyes. You DO know what happens next. You've prepared for it. It wouldn't be too bad, at least. Eternal life and all that. Never have to worry about running any more. The impmon cackles. "Pffft?! Wow, that's a first for me..." he grinned. "Seems like you do know what's going to happen ta' ya... well, I'd hate to burst yer bubble, but things are gonna go a... little... differently~"

The imp grabbed you up as it stood, holding you as if you were a large rectangular box, or a rifle. He then brought your face to his asshole, and began pushing your entire body into his groin, as if to use you as a towel. He was snickering as he did it, and soon, you found out why: his 'skin' began to bubble and 'stick' to you, and soon your body began pushing into his.

"W-wha?!? WHAT IS THIS?!" you cry out. The process did not hurt, but you could slowly feel your body becoming warmer and 'tainted', flesh melting into the imps and turning purple. Soon your mouth started to twist and turn, and your screams turned into gurgling nonsense. Your legs melded with the beast's massive dick, sliding into it like mud, and sticking to it like gum. You screamed -- or, attempted to, but it was very hard to when your mouth was slowly becoming an asshole. The imp just laughed and laughed, idly stroking himself off.

"M-mmf... yeah... you fit -REAL- well there, pal... Can you feel your legs becomin' my dick?~ Thatttt's right..."


Soon you couldn't even move any part of your body. Your face was all that you could "feel". Your mind was slowly losing a grip on who you once were. In fact, it was hard to think about anything other than being an imp's asshole -- farting, eating, doing the things that they do.

"Mmf... No savin ya' now, huh, twerp?~ Nope... you're RIGHT where you belong... but don't worry... I'll be getting your friends to join you VERY soon...~"
Page 2
The man barely had any understanding left within a few minutes. His eyes dulled over, his tongue becoming lazier, shorter...

And the imp became hungier. It was rare that impmon became so infatuated with taking bodies into their own (what with the desire to turn the whole world into a better, purple world), and yet this poor group found themselves prey to it.

One-by-one, each friend became part of him.

So far, he had found two.

The first one was grabbed from behind as the group split up, his mouth covered by a thick gloved hand as he was brought into the forest, unseen by anyone else. He whimpered as the imp gleefully snickered. "Too bad for you...~ But don't worry... you belong with me anyhow, fag~" it muttered, before lifting the guy up and slowwwly sliding him into his thick foreskin, being careful to keep his mouth shut. It doesn't take a vivid imagination to know how he ended up.

The second one eventually figured out that something might have been wrong. After all, where had Frank gone? He was there when the group split up, surely? The man turned a corner before bumping headfirst into what remained of Frank's head. He was too terrified to scream, and the imp cackled.

"Don't worry... I'll find a spot for you too~"
Page 3
Each person fell, one by one. Added to each armpit, added to his stomach's smile symbol and to his chest... added to each thigh, his testicles, his feet. It didn't stop with the group, all of which had fallen fast. He swallowed every person he encountered into some part of him, letting the tainted flesh take them all.

The imp loved watching them squirm in his body, adding to the mass of nasty purple flesh. He preferred to leave their faces there for longer, insisting that if they were good and tended to his body, they might be freed. This was a lie, of course... but their addled minds simply went along with it.

The imp finished attaching a human to his feet, pointing down at them as he basked in his own essence.

"Heh... Purple suits ya', chump."
Page 4
It had been weeks since the infection started. A human sat alone in his apartment, cowering. He was sure he'd be safe as long as he simply hid himself here, at the top floor of an apartment complex. Occasionally he'd hear dull, large footsteps, a snicker here or there, someone screams turning into moans (and then, inevitably... cackling). These things suited him just fine: he was in a bad neighborhood anyway, and was used to sitting all day in his apartment, relying on government money and doing nothing with his life. Still, something troubled him...

Mark, his friend, had visited the day the infection spread out. When all hell broke loose, the duo decided it was best to stay put, and then survived the next two weeks smoking pot, eating junk food, and occasionally playing videogames. However, just yesterday, Mark had promised to go out carefully to find some more supplies (they had run out of junk to eat), and promised to be back in an hour at most.

Well, an hour came and went. And then a day. And the human was oh, oh so worried.

Suddenly, a loud knock hit the door. The human flinched in fear, not knowing what to say. Suddenly, before he could react, a voice from the other side of the door whispered urgently: "Ey... Open da door, would ya? It's me and your pal... uh... Mark, was it? Yeah! I found him outside, open up quick!" A mix of relief and unease struck the human, who decided to open the door.

Of course, he had made a huge mistake in doing so.

"Mmf... See? Found your friend." The purple beast smirked as the door opened, idly stroking his thick, stinking mass of flesh, lifting the "lips" of its dick to the human's quivering mouth. "Or... what's left of 'em anyway...~"

Before the human could close the door, the beast shambled in, its smell pushing through the room aggressively, overpowering the week-long old smell of weed and body odor like it was nothing. The human backed away and could barely speak.

"D'awww, cmonnn... don't be shy... You're being rude to yer pal there! Give'm a kiss... Yknow you want to, anyway, chump~"

Page 5

... Look, I'm sorry. I tried! Really, I did. But it's hard to write when you're stuck in some monster's armpit. Golly, it smells really good in here. He just picked me up and pushed my head into his pit, and before I knew it my tongue was starting to get stuck.

Why was my tongue out?

... D-don't worry about it.
Page 6
Imps make for TERRIBLE people, y'know? One second they swear they know exactly where your friends are, the next you're face deep in tainted imp skin. And that shit is STICKY, let me tell 'ya. Before you know it, all you are is a nose and a waggling tongue on their body, doomed to taste slick imp skin and snort imp musk until the day whatever is left of you fizzles out into more body mass.

Terrible, terrible people.
Posted on 19 June 2016, 04:51 UTC by:   dsloaner    PM
Score +47
Ok... but why?
Posted on 19 June 2016, 05:51 UTC by:   FarkyMac    PM
Score +32
Okay, maybe you don't realize this, but this is a site for hosting hentai IMAGES. Not chintzy essays.
Posted on 19 June 2016, 08:22 UTC by:   dfjhgdi    PM
Score -16
I... uh.. But.. no, just no
Posted on 21 June 2016, 23:05 UTC by:   redberries    PM
Score +2
tfw this is my fetish :(
Posted on 23 June 2016, 00:28 UTC by:   lordofaces    PM
Score +27
Worse than the stuff that demonman drags up from hell
Posted on 17 August 2016, 09:19 UTC by:   dingqicai    PM
Score +1

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